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Taste by KateJ.




by: Kate J


Rating: R - Shagging O'Plenty

Ship: H/Hr, of course. Is there another ship?

Summary: All good things...

Spoilers: None

Author's notes:

1. Add. Note for chapter 6- "...kill small woodland creatures." I meant to mention it in that chapter, but while writing this, it sounded familiar. I have no idea if I read it in a book or a fanfic, or if maybe it was my own. I can't tell. I certainly don't want anyone to think I stole it, so if you recognize it as well or know where it's from, let me know so I can give proper credit!

2. I am a sinner. I admit I will not be one of the 177 thousand saved when Jesus comes back. I've accepted this. So please don't flame me if the story is too graphic for your (insert religious preference and/or ignorant self-righteousness here) sensibilities. I will simply talk bad about you to everyone I know. It's freakin Harry Potter fic, man. It's all in good, naughty, fun. This is smut-fic, so be warned. You all know the disclaimer song- nope, not mine... JK... Scholastic... no money being made, etc. You don't have to review, but thank you muchly if you do. :)


Skin and Soup


My fingers splayed across her belly.

My hand on her leg.

My mouth between her breasts.

Her hand on my ribs.

Her hair on the floor.

Her lips on my back.

Her arm above her.

And we were quiet again. Why have deep conversation when you could have this?


-10 minutes earlier-

"It's not a question. I'm not asking you to marry me," I told her, leaning against the window, just looking at her possessively. "I don't have to ask. I know that," I said, staring at her. "I know you."

And like everything else about us, it was simple. Of course it was. She wouldn't have had it any other way.


That was it. Like someone had just asked her to read a book... for as long as we both shall live.

I clapped my hands lightly, signaling her to come over to me and I smiled. She ran and jumped onto me, her legs going around my waist as she kissed me hard. I held her behind and twirled her around.

'Air!' my lungs screamed.

Shut up.

We fell to the floor. I crawled over to the ring, bringing it back over to her. I grabbed her wrist and opened the clasp on her bracelet, sliding the ring on and re-clasping it around her wrist. Not on her finger. It would be too obvious to everyone around us, and it was no one's business but our own. It seemed more natural to dangle there than anywhere else.

I pulled my t-shirt up over my head and held her hands to the floor. I looked at her, laying on the floor below me, looking up at me with those eyes and that grin.

All mine.


-2 months later-

We sat in the library, looking completely normal in our little world, completely focused on our very important studying. But there lived yet another world... a world under the table.

She could never do this to me. I would be caught in a second. Guys can't hide their orgasms the way woman can. I could sit here, driving her crazy with my fingers as she had her little explosions, over and over, and she'd barely flinch. Every once in a while she stops writing and closes her eyes. I could keep giving her orgasm after orgasm, right here in front of half the school, and no one would know. And I love it. The balance of power has shifted momentarily. Ha, ha! Take that you evil woman you!

Depraved, isn't it?

Of course, she got me back. She got me back against the library wall, in a little nook hidden by books people hadn't read in years. Except for maybe Hermione. She pushed me against the wall hard and I grabbed her, pushing her against the bookcase. Books fell from the shelves with our clumsiness. She laughed and covered her mouth as to not alert anyone to our dirty little rendezvous. I was so hard. I was so ready.

We were so interrupted. I was so pissed.

She had just started sucking on my neck in that way I like, in that way that told me I was making her happy, when I heard Neville and Dean walking toward us. What the hell did they want all the way back here? They'd never even seen this part of the library, so why did they have to decided that now was a good time to go exploring? Bastards.

I moved us around the bookshelf to a corner in the library where I found my salvation: there was a tiny, old window leading out to the roof of the library. She smiled at me. The Gods are good. The Gods are merciful.

It was pouring. We felt the rain against our faces the second we stepped out onto the pebbled roof. It was a strange looking afternoon. The sky had gotten a deep shade of pale grey-blue, almost purple. The lightening storm was just hitting full swing. Long strips of lightening grazed the skyline in strange shapes and patterns. It was a cold February rain. But I didn't care.

It was hard going back to sneaking around after being together over Christmas. I felt like a junkie trying to go cold turkey. I was in desperate need of a fix. A nice, all day, lay in the common room, sleep in the tub, early morning wake-up, fix. Why the hell didn't prefects get their own rooms? How nice and convenient that would be. It's just not fair. I was having trouble sleeping without her.

We were already soaked. She wiped my hair back from my forehead, and I took off my glasses, placing them in the inner pocket of my robe. I wrapped my arms under her arms tightly, grabbing a fistful of her robe, and kissed her hard, my tongue mixing with hers and the rain and her skin.

She wrapped her arms around my neck. She grabbed my hair, kissing me back, more urgently.

'Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow...' I mouthed. Her bracelet got caught in my hair again. Hermione had a wonderful habit of running her fingers through it whenever we were together. The ring, which looked like a small crown of entwined leaves and vines, kept getting snagged everytime. At this rate, I would be bald by the time I was 30.

I'd added a few charms to the bracelet over the past few weeks, a broom, a cake, a toothbrush. She played with the ring a lot. I'd catch her smiling at it in the middle of class sometimes.

I pushed her up against the stone wall and stood back for a minute undoing my belt. She just stared at me, water falling down her face, her hair soaked. She just leaned against the wall looking at me. She pulled me forward to her by the waist of my pants, wanting to do it herself. I just took hold of her hips and sighed. I loved her hips.

I ran my hands over the front of her skirt, pulling up a bit. I wrapped my hand behind her knee, bringing it up over my hip as I entered her. I leaned her against the wall and grabbed her other knee. The wall held her up a bit, and I pushed he knees back, entering her harder and further.

I'm going to have to add a tie charm to the bracelet. Considering how she's rocking herself on me by pulling on my tie and letting gravity do the rest, it seems only fitting. I'll never call these things useless again.

I wasn't even pushing that much. We were just sort of rocking back and forth together, staring at each other through the rain. She reached up with her free hand and held my cheek for a moment, traveling lower to my neck. She traced the line over my Adam's apple and down my chest, where she just rubbed for a lazy minute. Then she moved lower and touched me right where I joined her, feeling how hard I was inside.

See, this is why I could never get away with her touching me the way I'd touched her. I couldn't do it. There's no way. Just feeling her fingers, and looking down to see it, had me jerking up.

Feel what you do to me?

I wasn't sure if it was the electrical charge in the air around us or if it was the freezing rain, but there was this rush of goosebumps that covered my entire body. They ran along my arms and down my back and through my legs. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing up. I held her hand in mine against the wall as I pushed. I heard her whimper. Was that a whimper? She was about to let go. I could feel her. So I rotated my hips and pushed. And we let go.

We just stayed like that, crushed up against each other, up against the wall, for a few minutes. Just staring at each other with our foreheads touching. I could almost hear her.

Finally we went back inside, sneaking our way through the window, soaking wet. I reached into my pocket for my glasses.

"Oh no," I said quietly, looking at the shattered glass in one eye. Hermione just smiled at me and took out her wand.

"Occulous Repairo," She said, whispering, waving her wand at my eyes.

For a moment, I saw her as that smart, little, 11-year-old girl on the train again, fixing my glasses for me as I looked at her, scared to death. Now she's going to be my wife.

How far we've come.


-Valentine's Day-

Reason I hate Valentine's Day #4,327: Nothing ever goes according to plan.

Not to mention the fact that everyone around me today has been sucking on little balls of chocolate covered...whatevers... wrapped in their delightfully tacky, candy-red, cellophane boxes. Which normally wouldn't bother me, but now I'm thinking of a certain little brunette doing it. And seeing Hermione sucking on anything is usually- scratch that- always a good thing. But that's just not the thing I need to be thinking about right now.

While everyone else was in Hogsmeade on this lovey-dovey, red-tinged Saturday, listening to oh-so-nice romantic music, I was, instead, sitting outside Hermione's bathroom door listening to the oh-so-lovely sounds of her throwing up.

Wizard flu's were much harsher than normal muggle flu's. Most wizards have a natural immunity to most common illnesses and have superior immune systems; we don't get sick often. But Hermione is part muggle, and because of that, this flu is really hitting her hard.

She was in the hospital for almost 2 days, just sleeping. She went down right in the middle of her presentation in Flitwick's class. She hadn't been right all week. I thought maybe it was her time of the month, seeing as she wasn't really 'in the mood'. Ron thought she was pregnant. But, no, I knew something was wrong. She just didn't look right. Then she passed straight out. I was so scared when I saw her hit the floor. My whole brain just went into lockdown. I leapt out of my chair at the top of the room and flew down, 5 steps at a time, to the floor where Flitwick was trying to wake her up.

You can't really make sense of anything when you're worried about someone. There wasn't any, 'Hermione, my darling love, what's wrong? Answer me, heart-of-hearts!' crap going on in my mindlike you see on the telley. There were no finished sentences. All I could think was, 'Please. Hey. What? Hermione? No, no. Wha.. Oh, oh, oh. God. Please, please, please, please, please.' That was about it. Real panic just isn't eloquent.

Flitwick got her straight to the hospital wing, and Ron and I insisted on going along. So many things were going through my mind. Scary things. I didn't realize I had been panting until Ron pulled me aside outside the hospital door and told me to calm down.

She was going to be fine, Pomfrey informed us. It was like a clenching fist let go of my heart. Thank God. Thank Madame Pomfrey. Thank whomever.

She had a serious case of wizard flu. It was a good thing she was in school when it happened because muggle doctors wouldn't know how to deal with it. She could've died. I could've lost her. I could barely stand the thought of it.

She was going to be fine, I kept having to reassure myself. Just dehydrated and exhausted. She needed some good sleep.

Believe it or not, I'm told this throwing up thing is actually good. It means she's starting to feel better. She's just tired and hot and freezing and sweaty. It will be gone by tomorrow, thanks to Pomfrey's wizard meds.

So I'm sitting here in her room, the first opportunity to be alone together like this since Christmas break, and I'm listening to her brush her teeth instead of watching her suck on chocolate covered... whatevers.

I grinned and looked down toward my zipper. 'You are no help whatsoever.'

Poor her. Poor me.

She gave me this look when she came out from the bathroom. A look that said I didn't have to stay with her. That I was relieved of duty. But I didn't want to go. I stood up and hugged her. I have this overwhelming need to take care of her. To really take care of her. I hated knowing she was sick and there was nothing I could do. So I did the only thing I could do- I brought her some soup from Dobby.

It was all I could think of. It sat getting cold on the nightstand and, when she saw it, she giggled despite her yucky mood. She was shivering from the chills. I walked her over to the bed and tucked her in. I'd gotten her a card and a daisy and they sat together on her trunk at the foot of her bed. Roses were traditional, but she liked daisies.

I went onto the other side of the bed and just laid there, feeling the bed shaking from her trembling. With her back to me, I rubbed her arm back and forth trying to warm her. It wasn't working, but I needed to feel useful. She patted my hand, silently thanking me. And finally... inevitably....

"I love you, Harry."


"I know."

"Sorry Valentine's was ruined."

"I don't care," I said, suddenly realizing it was true. I really didn't care about all that crap I'd just been bitching about. Not really. I was with her. As nasty and yucky as she felt and, unfortunately, looked, it was still better than being anywhere else. I brushed her forehead with my fingers over and over, kissing her temple.

"Sleep Hermione." And after a few minuted of brushing her forehead, she did.

And that's how we spent Valentine's Day.


Thank You - Tori Amos. Making love in the rain. God damn I love Tori Amos. This is a Led Zepplin cover, and the piano solo in the middle of the song, along with her vocals toward the end, are just so ridiculously gorgeous. Any Tori song would fit here. 1000 Oceans would work, too. Butterfly, Cooling... they'd all be perfect here as well. Pick your own.

Case of You - Joni Mitchell. Valentine's Day.

Makambo - Red Shoe Diaries movie soundtrack. Just because I said so. I don't understand a word of it, but it's so freaking sexy. Inspired the beginning of the story.