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To Protect You by Caroline Delacour

To Protect You

Caroline Delacour

Chapter 7: New Sensations

A/N: I know, you guys want to kill me! I deserve it. I suffered a teeny bit of writer's block, I started graduate school and I finished my novel's writing course, so suffice to say I've been focusing on other things. But as promised, I will finish this fic. There are a couple of chapters left and as always, I would appreciate your feedback. I hope you are enjoying summer!


The green eyed wizard looked beyond the now opened portrait to see Ginny sitting in front of the fire, her eyes fixed on his.

He really didn't want to be rude to her. He knew he had hurt her, after all. He knew that with time, he would perhaps learn to love her, but never as he loved Hermione. He felt wretched for having led her on.

Today however, had been a really long day. And he wouldn't get to cuddle with Hermione tonight. So to say he was not really in the mood for a late night talk was an understatement.

"Good night Ginny." He tried to brush past her.

"Harry, I'm sorry. How is she?" Ginny sounded genuinely sorry. Harry didn't know if to feel relieved or more wretched.

"She will be fine…after tonight. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get up early tomorrow."

"Will you tell her I didn't mean it? Really, I was just angry that-"

"She knows. But you can tell her yourself. I'm sure she would welcome a visit from you."

"Maybe. When she's out." Harry could hear the tension in Ginny's voice. He couldn't blame her and wouldn't press her. He didn't want to hurt her more than he already had.

"Okay," he acknowledged her statement, trying to brush past her once more. His attempt was just as unsuccessful as the last one.

"I really am sorry. I just wish…wish things were different. Maybe I always knew…knew that your heart wasn't in this."

"I'm sorry Ginny. I didn't mean to hurt you," Harry said, looking into her eyes. Would she believe him?

Ginny nodded.

"I know Harry."

Harry let out a relief sigh he didn't know he was holding. Maybe…with time, the friendship would mend.


"Mr. Potter, don't you ever sleep?"

Hermione's eyes squinted at the morning light as she heard Madam Pomfrey's voice. She immediately spotted her green eyed boyfriend by her bedside.

"Hey you," he whispered, taking her hand in his. "I'm here bright and early, as promised."

"You didn't have to and you know it."Hermione tried to admonish him, but couldn't help the smile that escaped her lips as he started caressing her knuckles.

"I know. But I'd do anything if it means you're the first thing I see in the morning."

Hermione chuckled at the sheepish grin he was giving her. She extended her hand to remove his unruly hair from his face. She loved that unruly hair, especially when her hands were on it and he…

Hermione's mental image came to a halt when she noticed the bags under his eyes.

"Did you have another nightmare Harry?" she couldn't help the concern that escaped her.

"What, now you expect me to sleep without you?"

Hermione chuckled once again, her hand caressing his cheek as she felt her own heat up. Their night together hadn't been spent sleeping after all.

"Well, you won't have to tonight," she whispered.

Harry took her hand from his face and began giving butterfly kisses to her palm.

"My, aren't we amorous today," she said as he put her hand on his cheek again. "Quite a change from the morning we spent together."

"I'm sorry `Mione, but I can't help but worry about you. I thought it would be easier if I didn't have you. And in a way it was, because now that I do, I don't want to ever let go," he kissed her palm once more, "But I also realized how easy it would be to lose you…again, and I think I would not be able to get over it this time."

"Harry-" Hermione wanted desperately to comfort him, to let him know that he would never lose her, that she would always be there for him. But he wouldn't have it.
"I don't want to waste another moment arguing with you," he admitted.

"Oh Harry."

"Although you do look very hot when you're angry."

"Harry-" Hermione couldn't help but blush once again.

"I love you Hermione."

His admission surprised her. She couldn't remember the last time she was rendered speechless. He had said it before and she knew he meant it. But there was something about today…it made her love him even more, if that was even possible. The last two days have been something that she had told herself over and over that she would only see in a dream. Over the years, she had resigned herself to the fact that Harry would never see her as more than his bushy haired best friend. Now that she knew she was more, such an admission, what was hopefully to become an everyday statement that would never lose its meaning, brought tears to her eyes.

"Oh Harry I-"

"How are you feeling today Miss Granger?"

Hermione gasped as Harry let go of her hand, putting some distance between them. Leave it to Madam Pomfrey to ruin one of those perfect moments. Hermione had momentarily forgotten that they were in the hospital wing. She knew that the Healer meant well however and her parents had taught her to always be polite.

"Good morning Madam Pomfrey. I'm feeling fine, thanks. Can I go today?"

"Well, I suppose, if everything is in order. But for now, let's just run a quick check. Excuse us Mr. Potter."


Hermione got out of the hospital wing to find Harry dutifully waiting outside the door. Another one of those perfect moments…

"Hey, you all right?" His concerned face broke her heart. But she had good news, the greatest she had heard health-wise since she had first woken up from the Department of Mysteries.

"Yes. Madam Pomfrey even says that my wound site has improved," she couldn't the smile that followed her statement.

"What does that mean?" Harry looked genuinely puzzled.

"She says that the site looks better than the last time she saw me. I'm supposed to check with her in a few days to make sure. But so far, so good."

"Let's hope so. In the meantime, let's not get you upset again."

Harry surprised her by putting his arm around her. She must have looked the part, because Harry strengthened his grip.

"What? You're mine now. Why keep it a secret? Dear old Voldie will find out one way or another. Not that I intend to let anything happen to you."

Hermione sighed. It seemed like he had taken the words right out of her mouth. Now that Harry was hers, she wanted to shout it to the whole world. Yet, she had wanted to wait until he was as comfortable as she was, given the little time they had been together like this. It seemed however, that he wanted the same thing she did. And she had no complaints whatsoever.

She sighed. If this is what it took for Harry to respond to her like that, she would take a hundred more of Dolohov's spells.

"I love you Harry," she whispered, putting her head on his shoulder. If it was possible, her grip strengthened, his hand grasping hers. "Stay with me tonight?" She looked up from his shoulder.

"You can bet on it, now that you are as responsible for my lack of sleep as Voldemort is."

"Under much more pleasant circumstances I hope." Hermione raised her eyebrow. Harry glanced at her.

"Most definitely."

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