Unofficial Portkey Archive

All or Nothing by cakeandmilk

All or Nothing


Author's Note:

I am so sorry. I know I should have posted last December another chapter of this fic. And then there's the December one-shot I promised you guys. I'm seriously embarrassed admitting this but, I have writer's block. I'm stuck to this scene in my head and I don't have any idea how to play it out. It just goes to show how I'm so not ready with longer fics. How dismal.

I wasn't supposed to upload an Author's Note because, personally, I think that would be giving your readers a false alert about chapter uploads. I mean, here you are waiting for stories to be read and then I'd go and upload a rant an author's note and crush your expectations. I'm sorry. I'm trying, really.

With Midterms coming, RL, and other duties (both here in PK and RL), I'm going to be pretty occupied for the next few weeks or so. And did I mention I have writer's block?

So, now I'm writing this praying, expecting, hoping, you guys wouldn't give up on me.

So, there. Again, sorry. I'll make it up to you, guys. I'm going to wrap this story up then upload another fanfic entitled "The Portkey" as soon as my time allows me to. I already have the rough draft of it.


PS. I'm feeling quite melodramatic as I write this. I came to a realization that with all the HP Books completed and the HP Movies soon to be completed, the HP fandom will, no doubt, die down. I don't want that to happen. HP and Portkey gave me so much. Oh man. I'm such a cry-baby.
