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The End and the Beginning by muggledad

The End and the Beginning


From Chapter 5

"How'd we do what?" Hermione asked, attempting to be offhand.

"Time travel."

Chapter 6


"You know, you keep saying that, but I have no idea what it means," George casually commented.

"It keeps her," he pointed to The Smartest Witch of the Age at his side, "From pummelling me on a regular occasion for saying 'fuck' all the time." When she smacked him on the arm, Harry merely raised his eyebrows as if to say, "See?"

"That makes sense. So now that we've had the obligatory attempt to dodge the question, let's return to the point at hand, shall we?"

"Indeed brother. Valiant attempt, though Harry," Fred consoled.

"You do realize what you're asking is ridiculous, don't you?" Hermione asked.

"This is what we meant by the discussion's length being up to you," George sighed. "Look, you're completely different than you were on the train. Your mannerisms, your speech, everything. This 'fong' thing is a perfect example. You say it as if you've been using it for years."

You," Fred pointed to Harry, "Are not only done with your homework, you're what? Finished through the end of term?"

"But…after the Chamber…" Harry stumbled through 'The Explanation'.

"Oh, put a sock in it, Potter," George chimed.

"You," Fred pointed to Hermione, "Haven't slept in your bed for months."

"Not that we care at all, it's just part of the pattern," George explained.

"You're both doing silent spellcasting most of the time when you think people aren't paying attention."

"You both know Occlumency."

"You captured Scabbers, or Pettigrew I suppose."

"Quite nasty, that revelation."


"Back on topic, brother."

"Yes. You knew about The Map."

"And that we had it."

"And the Room of Requirement."

"You've dropped our brother like a hot potato. Not like he didn't deserve it."

"You hang out with Lupin and McGonagall all the time."

"You got Snape arrested."

Holding his hands up to interrupt the litany of evidence, Harry deflected, "That wasn't me. Sirius did that."

"Whatever. You did it and you know it."


"Shut it, Harry. We're proving we're right. Now, where were we?"


"Yeah, you got him put away."

"You know way too much magic for ickle thirdsters. That rune apparition, while a work of art, was way beyond any but the professors."

"But that was Moony!"

"Shut it Harry, we're working here."

"Let's not forget about your little exchange with Malfoy in the library," George added as he turned to Hermione. "Memory charms? Bone Knitting charm? For a thirdster? And what's all this 'Ferret' business?"

"There's more, but that's what comes to mind."

If they hadn't been so tired Harry and Hermione would most likely have come up with a suitable dive for the Twins. Or maybe not. Fred and George were obviously very perceptive, so maybe no matter what they had come up with the Twins might not have been thrown off track.

It didn't matter, though. The previous four weeks culminating in the emotionally exhausting day just past left the Potters' defences down.

In a flash, Harry had drawn his wand and was beginning the movement for the Memory charm when Hermione caught his arm. Her eyes red with fatigue, she slowly shook her head. "Not on our friends."

Deflating a bit, Harry nodded his agreement before holstering his wand. Looking back to the Twins, he saw their wide eyes tinged with a hint of fear on their faces. Cringing, he muttered, "Sorry."

"Add 'almighty fucking fast with the Memory charm' to the list," George breathed.

Hermione closed her eyes, trying to think of a solution that didn't involve mind raping their friends. They'd actually become quite close to Fred and George in this new incarnation, so she had no desire to hurt the fifth year wizards.

"You start Occlumency training tomorrow," Harry sighed, making the decision for both of them. When the Twins made to celebrate, Harry interrupted them. "But, you need to agree to a Memory charm of this conversation."

Hermione frowned. She understood what he was getting at, but didn't like how he was going about it. Interjecting into the discussion, she told the Twins, "Dumbledore uses Legilimancy on students without scruple. Snape was worse, but thank heavens we don't have to deal with him any longer." Turning to Harry, she laid a gentle hand on his shoulder, "I think I have a better solution."

Returning her attention to the Twins, she told them, "No pranks until I tell you that you can defend your minds."

While Fred's face fell, George had an evaluating expression on his face. "We're right then?"

"I don't want you to even dream about this conversation. If Dumbledore got wind of this discussion, there would be hell to pay. People would die."

This brought the Twins up short. "Really?" Fred asked. When a stone faced Harry nodded, they both breathed, "Bloody fuck." For once, they didn't consult each other, but both came to the same conclusion. "Alright."

Turning to Harry, Fred offered, "If it would be better, I'd agree to a Memory charm that you promise to reverse once we're good enough at Occlumency."

Shaking his head, he told them, "Nah, Hermione's right. Dumbledore doesn't have time to ransack everyone's mind for no good reason." His eyes narrowed, "Except maybe mine." Shaking off the foul thought, he continued, "Stay away from pranks for the rest of the year so he'll have no reason to notice you and we'll be fine."

"The rest of the year?" George asked.

Nodding Harry shrugged, "Give or take. Look lads, I'm knackered and so is she," he squeezed his wife who'd lain her head on Harry's shoulder.

"Right." Fred stood and after another complicated tapping of the backside of Glinda, she floated aside again.

Before they left, Hermione asked, "How did you know where I've been sleeping?"

Fred smirked, "Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies."


"I can't believe that Remus laughed!" Hermione exclaimed.

Harry chuckled under his breath. Taking her hand in his as they made their way to the Black Lake, he held his tongue. Despite being mentally twenty seven, every so often the fourteen year old girl slipped through. When they'd told Minerva and Remus about the Twins newfound knowledge, Minerva had made all the right noises of concern and began speculating about Fred and George's maturity levels, Occlumency potential and so on.

After a five minute discussion between the two witches, Remus couldn't hold back any longer before he let loose a loud guffaw.

Harry had been confused, but waited patiently for Remus to get control of himself. Finally, his giggles subsided so he could squeak, "They remind me so much of us. It's just like when Prongs and Padfoot confronted me about being a werewolf." Wiping his eyes, he muttered, "God, I loved those boys. Still do."

Remus' reminiscences didn't sooth the ire of either witch, but in the end the foursome concluded that Hermione's plan was sound. Without Snape to interact with the Twins on a regular basis, they seriously doubted they'd ever interact with Dumbledore lacking a prank related reason.

Tonight, however, was a milestone night.

Tonight, Harry and Hermione were to take their animagus potion and attempt to transform for the first time.

Minerva, Remus and Sirius were waiting for the couple on the far side of the lake. As the Potters left the castle, their nerves overtook them and they fell silent.

The gibbous moon shone brightly down, while the crisp autumn air pleasantly chilled them. Squeezing her hand more for his reassurance than hers, Harry gave Hermione a jaunty smile while he told her, "It'll be fine. If Wormtail can do this, so can we."

She nodded silently as the three older members of the family came into view. Remus was tending a small fire over which two small cauldrons were simmering. Sirius and Minerva were chatting a few feet from him. Sirius saw them first.

"You two ready?" he asked.

"Never readier," Harry shrugged in reply.

Rolling her eyes at her husband's mangling of the Queen's English, Hermione stuck her hand out. Harry reached inside his robes to withdraw his token bag. Handing it to Hermione, he moved to his godfather's side. As Hermione handed Harry's tokens to Remus for immersion in the potion, she withdrew her own bag from a pocket in her robes.

Remus began to slowly add each of Harry's tokens to the potion, while Hermione added her own to the other cauldron. When he finished, Remus flicked his wand, starting a magical timer for five minutes.

"Did they get the Crouches?" Harry asked the group. He and Hermione had missed breakfast the previous few days after the Twins 'revelation'. Harry had sat with both boys until midnight force feeding the basic principles of Occlumency down their throats. The brothers were very willing and surprisingly serious, but they had a long way to go.

Minerva nodded absently. "Yes," Sirius replied as he grinned at Remus. "Tonksie came by to tell us in person that they found Barty the elder holding Barty the younger under the Imperius curse of all things." He paused dramatically, "Unbelievable!" Padfoot mock exclaimed.

Grinning, Harry muttered, "Shocking."

Adopting the tone of a gossiping matron, Sirius added, "I'll tell you what's shocking. Remus and Little Nymphadora disappeared behind closed doors for an hour without a chaperone!"

Hermione giggled at the combination of Remus' expression and Sirius' tone. Harry smiled at Minerva's expression. She was wistful of times long past and persons long dead.

A light tinkling chime announced to all that the five minute timer had expired and therefore, the potions were ready. Harry was surprised that the time had passed so quickly, but then remembered that Sirius was much smarter than he acted. He'd put his godson and his goddaughter-in-law at ease with his usual silliness.

"Which of you shall be first?" Minerva asked.

"I'll go," Harry volunteered.

After a steadying breath, Harry stepped forward to take the vial Remus offered. Without pausing, he shotgunned the disgusting brew down his throat. Shivering with disgust, he muttered, "Yuck."

Sirius snorted and smiled as he, Minerva and Remus backed away from Harry. None knew what his form would be, so it was only prudence to give him a bit of space. "It's pretty revolting as I remember. Five day old cabbage with a hint of yak shit."

Hermione muttered, "How do you know what 'five day old cabbage with a hint of yak shit' tastes like? Wait," she immediately interrupted, her eyes never leaving Harry, "I don't want to know."

All the while the interchange ranged back and forth, Harry was feeling…odd. It started deep in the pit of his stomach. It wasn't painful, but neither was it comfortable. It was a watery feeling that was slowly radiating outwards towards his limbs and head. Within seconds, his entire torso was moving and reshaping. By the time Harry noticed what was happening to his chest, the feeling had engulfed his entire body. Falling to all fours, he shivered, instinctively resisting the feeling.

"Embrace the Change! Embrace it Harry!" Minerva commanded in her no-nonsense Professor's Voice.

With a deep breath, Harry surrendered the fight, letting the Change wash over him like a wave. Groaning as he felt himself transform under the control of the magic, he shut his eyes. He groaned again, but this time it sounded raspy in his ears. Like turning on a light in a dark room, he could suddenly hear everything. Snapping his head up, he looked about, finding he could see everything, as well.

The Change began to recede. Regaining normal feeling in his body, he paused. Looking up, he saw Minerva beaming in pride, Sirius grinning delightedly, Remus shaking his head in amazement and Hermione excitedly bouncing in place. "You did it!" she squealed.

Urges to run, hunt and kill overwhelmed him. Seeing Hermione directly in front of him, his new mind immediately classified her as his mate; someone to protect, defend and for whom he would kill without a moment's regret.

His raspy growl reminded him that he couldn't speak. Looking down at the ground, he saw his hands were now large black paws. Returning his gaze to Minerva, he saw she was already in action. A heartbeat later, a large mirror was across from him. Staring back from the reflective glass was Panthera onca, commonly called the Black Panther but in reality the Black Jaguar.

Bright green eyes looked back at him with a shock of white on the Panther's forehead where a lightning bolt shaped scar resided on Harry Potters' brow. Extremely pleased, he looked this way and then that, observing himself in the mirror.

"Stop admiring your reflection like a teenaged girl," Sirius rebuked. "Ow!" he exclaimed as Hermione smacked his shoulder. "Wench," he muttered. "Anyway, come on Pronglet, change back."

Intimately aware of the feeling of the Change, Harry willed the magic to life within himself. Just like before, the liquid feeling was born in his belly. Quickly, it spread. Before Harry drew three breaths, he was on his hands and knees, panting from the exertion.

"That," he announced, "Was brilliant."

Before he could stand, Hermione tackled him to the ground in her embrace. The five magicals laughed as she delightedly squeezed Harry. He finally gave her a quick kiss before he told her, "Your turn."

"Right," she agreed as she stood. Smoothing her robes, she took her vial from Remus. Imitating Harry, she immediately drank it off. Pulling a face, she tried to blink away the taste. Harry watched her expression. He could tell when the Change started for her brow furrowed and her eyes began to dart back and forth as she were trying to identify that which she couldn't see.

Seconds later, she was on her hands and knees. Her groans turned raspy as Harry's had.

"I don't believe it," Sirius mused.

"What?" Harry asked, looking away from Hermione for a quick second.

Sirius merely pointed to Hermione's hands. Harry looked and saw large tan paws in lieu of Hermione's normally delicate, small hands.

As if her body was melting, Hermione's figure began to reform and recolor. Her black robes became a tawny brown while her bushy hair crept down back and around her neck. Ten seconds later, a lioness stood in front of them, growling softly.

Harry couldn't supress a wide smile. Looking up, he saw a smiling Minerva conjure another mirror for Hermione.

Grrawr! Hermione the lioness exclaimed when she saw her reflection.

"Transform back now, Hermione," Minerva commanded.

Moments passed, but Hermione changed much faster than her original. She too, was panting on all fours, a broad grin on her face.

"Names! You two need names!" Sirius exclaimed.

Waving his godfather off, Harry moved to help his wife to her feet. "Later, Pads, we need some sleep."

"Among other things," Remus muttered as the group headed to the castle. The teens unabashedly wrapped an arm about the other as they excitedly discussed the activities for the next full moon with Padfoot and Moony.



She nodded, straightening her robes. They were standing in the Three Broomsticks with the Twins while waiting to use the public Floo. Harry flicked a stray bit of fluff off Hermione's cloak before she shooed him toward the Fireplace.

"Ministry of Magic!" he called. First George, then Fred followed by Hermione and finally Harry twirled away in the green flames. Fred was helping Hermione to clean the soot off her fine blue robes while George waited for Harry to - as usual - tumble out of the fireplace.

Braced for the impact, George caught The Boy-Who-Lived before he cartwheeled across the atrium of the Ministry.

"Bloody buggering…"


Sighing, he mumbled, "Yes dear."

George smiled as he flicked the bits of soot off Harry's shoulder and back. All settled, the foursome saw Professor McGonagall striding across the atrium to collect them.

"Professor," Hermione greeted.

"Miss Granger, Misters Weasley and Mister Potter, the hearing is in courtroom four and will commence in thirty minutes." Turning to a red robed Auror, she motioned, "This is Auror Shanahan, he'll be escorting you to the witness waiting rooms from which you'll be summoned."

"Can I wait with Mr Potter?" Hermione asked in a hopeful tone.

"Your relation, Miss?" Shanahan asked in a genial manner.

"I'm his…" she trailed off before she replied 'wife', and filled in "Girlfriend."

Shaking his head, Shanahan nixed the idea, "Sorry, Miss. Only the witness in the waiting room or their spouse and that's only if the spouse is not a witness."

"Come, Miss Granger, I have Mr Weasley saving the both of us seats in the gallery." Nodding to her remaining three Lions, she wished them, "Good luck. Tell the truth and you've nothing to fear."

The lads followed Shanahan while Minerva and Hermione split off at the lifts. "She doesn't change much," Shanahan muttered.

"Which house?" George asked.

"Gryffindor, '87"

"Go Lions," Fred added.

They turned down a nondescript hallway littered with plain wooden doors, each bearing a brass number. "Right, Mr Potter, you'll be in room one, Mr George Weasley, you're in three and Mr Fred Weasley, you're in two. I'll be up there," he gestured to a desk at the head of the hallway. "If you need to use the toilet, stick your head out. If you need a drink or small snack, call for 'Joey' and our house elf will attend you. Questions?"

When none were asked, the three teens opened the door to their respective rooms and entered. Each hoped that the wait wouldn't be too long.


Hermione and Minerva settled into seats between Sirius on Hermione's left and Arthur Weasley on Minerva's right. Molly was on Arthur's right, fretting to beat the band.

The redheaded matron was very far from Hermione's attention at the moment. This was the first time she'd seen Arthur since he'd died almost ten years in the future. Amazing the wear and tear the war and the loss of his family inflicted on him. She reflected that the day he'd died, Arthur was almost completely bald, his normally trim frame had been gaunt, his eyes jaundiced and he had a noticeable shake in his hands.

Sitting between Minerva and his wife, the present day Arthur was visibly concerned about his twin sons testifying in what had become a capital case, yet he was still in the bloom of life. Granted his hair was still thinning, but his skin was pink and healthy and his eyes bright.

He unexpectedly turned to her. "Hermione! Good to see you girl. How's things?"

"I'm well, Mr Weasley. Yourself and Mrs Weasley?"

"Grand," he replied. Waving his hand toward the dais upon which three judges were settling, he added, "Wish Harry, Fred and George didn't have to go through all this. But…" His unspoken It has to be done was well understood.

Hermione nodded grimly but didn't reply as the sergeant at arms called for quiet. To her surprise, Albus Dumbledore preceded Snape from the prisoner's entrance. For a fleeting moment, she thought that Dumbledore was being tried as an accessory to some of Snape's more recent crimes. Banishing the thought as ridiculous, she waited.

The Potion Master appeared to be in good shape. He was clean shaven and dressed in well fitted robes. Snape mounted the steps to the questioners chair and sat. After a brief spot of glowing, the chains wrapped themselves about Snape's arms and legs, binding him to the chair.

Dumbledore strode to the defendant's table, sitting next to the bewigged barrister. The centre judge of the triumvirate, Lord Dundas, frowned. "Chief Warlock, state your business with this court."

Rising, Dumbledore replied, "My Lords, I shall be assisting the Honourable Mr Harvey in his defence of Potion Master Snape."

The frowns on the judges' faces deepened, but they were bound. One didn't need a license to assist a barrister during a trial.

Turning to the Crown's representative, Mr Finch, the displeased Lord Dundas made a 'get going whippersnapper' motion.

Mr Finch was a very experienced barrister. Usually, he represented the defence, but he'd been specially recruited by Amelia Bones to prosecute this case. To anyone even remotely acquainted with the British Magical courts, Atticus Finch was known as a man of unimpeachable integrity. Even his most entrenched enemies respected the man and trusted his word.

Director Bones had divined that Dumbledore would make a play to help exonerate his friend and associate. Playing to his dramatic nature, she figured Dumbledore would do exactly as he had; attempt to initially sway the court with his presence, followed by various statements of his 'unswerving support' of Snape.

Hence, Atticus Finch.

If any barrister was able to overcome the larger than life persona of Albus Dumbledore it was Atticus Finch. Finch's repute, bearing and character were so overwhelming that a silent Atticus Finch drowned out a speaking Albus Dumbledore. Albus didn't know it, but it was already Check and Mate. Snape was going to have, at the least, an extended stay on the shores of sunny Azkaban, he just didn't know it yet.

Rising to his feet in a slow, unhurried motion, Mr Finch began, "My Lords, the Crown shall show that Severus Snape did wilfully cast all three Unforgivable curses over a span of six months beginning in December, 1980 and ending in May of 1981. Secondly, the Crown shall show that Mr Snape did wilfully attack one Harry Potter on or about the third of November of this year. Finally, the Crown shall also show that Mr Snape has wilfully caused or allowed by inaction to cause the harm of no less than fifty students during his tenure as the Potions Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Amelia had thrown the last set of charges in as a dig at Dumbledore. The man had allowed a sadist to teach potions for years, causing an overall degradation of potions proficiency in the UK that should have been criminal.

On top of it, when she'd seen Harry's memory of a potion induced burn on Susan's arm, she'd "gone mental".

Julius Harvey was a round headed man, balding with thick spectacles. He wasn't a bad man by any means. He was a jovial man who went about his responsibilities in as pleasant a manner as he could. Defending Severus Snape was one of the more unwelcome tasks he'd been given in quite a long time. His sister's son was Neville Longbottom.

Setting aside his client's bad behaviour toward his nephew was surprisingly easy for the barrister. He was a professional who would do his best for his client no matter how odious the man was. Albus Dumbledore's theatrics were most unwelcome, though. There were far too many celebrities involved in the case as it was and having the long bearded wizard next to him attempting to whisper in his ear little 'nuggets of wisdom' was not very high on Julius Harvey's wish list.

Nonetheless, he rose to address the judges. "My Lords, the defence shall show that Potion Master Snape is innocent of all charges. He has never cast an Unforgivable curse, he has never assaulted anyone, much less The Boy-Who-Lived, and despite his best efforts, some children are unfortunately injured in his classroom due to their own inexperience or inattentiveness. Never have any been injured due to his wilful actions or lack thereof."

It was a brief opening statement, but Julius Harvey was a realist. He was facing his good friend Atticus Finch across the way. Atticus had some ironclad evidence and The Boy-Who-Lived to put on the stand. The defence was sunk.


Hermione sat nervously in the gallery. She was fairly certain that Snape would be found guilty and spend the rest of his natural life in the loving company of the Dementors of Azkaban. Her nervousness was due to the presence and behaviour of the Headmaster. She didn't put it past him to attempt Legilimancy on Harry while he was in the Witness Box. That would lead to all sorts of complications that they didn't need.

Sirius wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in close, "Listen up little one. All will be well and we'll head back to Rowan Hill for a nice dinner, alright?"

Relaxing into Padfoot's embrace, she nodded to accept the comfort and reassurance that he was offering.


This is fonging boring.

Harry tossed the two year old Quidditch Illustrated on the table next to the others he'd leafed through. One article dissecting the advantages and disadvantages of an active Seeker did hold his attention. For ten minutes.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, he saw that it was nearing lunchtime, so he'd been in the waiting room for nearly three hours. Realizing that the Twins were in the same situation, he began laughing. They must be bouncing off the walls.

Reconsidering what he knew of Fred and George, he pondered what they would really be doing. Shaking his head, he realized they'd most likely be researching or experimenting with new magics. With that thought in mind, he was half tempted to transform into his panther form to get more used to it.

Now that they had finished their tokening and other preparation which had led up to their transformation, Harry and Hermione were able to catch up on the sleep they'd missed. Where before they'd been getting two to three hours a night, now they were easily pulling down eight and even ten hours a night.

Harry smiled as he remembered waking a few days before. Hermione was still asleep, for once. Usually, she woke him when she was casting the Disillusionment charm on herself or rustling his invisibility cloak about herself in preparation for returning to her dorm. This morning, though, he'd woken first.

She was so peaceful. He stared at her face for a long time, studying her. He saw the woman she would become, that she had been, embedded in her features. The longer he watched her, the more he saw the woman she'd been. Wonderfully, he realized that they now had very different memories. Where before, all their memories were bittersweet, tinged with murder, loss or death, now they had happier reminiscences to draw upon. Sirius was free and alive. Remus was becoming whole after so many years of hurt. Tonks was fully involved in their lives. Minerva was healing from all her own pains. He had his Hermione and they were together in love.

After casting some quick charms to relieve both their full bladders and bad breath, he kissed the young woman who was and would be again his wife. She smiled into his lips, "What's all this about, Potter?"

Moving on top of her and settling between her legs, he kissed her neck. "Oh, this and that," he eventually replied.

Groaning, she wrapped her legs around his waist, "I do so like 'this and that'." The rest of the morning was lost to their love.

He was roused from his reverie by the appearance of a house elf. Joey bowed, placed a platter containing a standard, if bland, lunch on the table next to Harry. Without a word, he popped out.

Shrugging, Harry dug into his meal, wondering if he'd ever get to testify and get the hell out of there.


The evidence against Snape casting the Unforgivables was damning. There were three witnesses to testify under the influence of Veritaserum that they clearly saw Snape cast the Killing curse and the Cruciatus. Two witnesses testified to his casting the Imperius.

Dumbledore's face had fallen when the fourth witness left the Witness Box. Finch had a very direct and unavoidable plan. He was the reaper mowing down a field of corn. Relentlessly and emotionlessly he ploughed through the same set of questions with each witness.

"What did you see on the day in question?"

"Are you sure that you saw the defendant, Severus Snape cast the spell in question and why?"

"Are you sure that the defendant cast the Unforgivable curse in question?"

"Do you have any ulterior motive in testifying today?"

Those four questions put to each witness under the influence of Veritaserum ended Severus Snape's life as he knew it. Despite any acts of redemption he may have undertaken after the fact, there are consequences to actions. He'd killed four people and tortured three others. He'd caused one father to kill his entire family. No amount of spying, regret and remorse can obviate those facts.

The only point in question was whether he would get the Kiss or life in Azkaban.

The defence tried. Truly, Mr Harvey tried every trick he could to elicit any fact or statement from the witnesses that could throw a shadow of doubt on his client. He failed to find anything.

"Should we consider a plea bargain?" Dumbledore whispered in Harvey's ear.

Annoyed at the use of 'we', Harvey replied in the same whisper, "Atticus is a good man, but we've got nothing with which to bargain. He's already got life in Azkaban for Severus. If he gets similar statements from Potter and the Weasley's plus the affidavits from your students…" The implication was clear that if the trial kept going on the course it had, Snape would have an appointment with the Veil of Death this afternoon.

"Can we appeal to Finch's humanity?" Dumbledore asked.

Pulling a face, Harvey shrugged. "I doubt it. Atticus probably has direction from Amelia to crucify Severus."

Dumbledore frowned at the evaluation. "I thought Amelia better than that."

Harvey rolled his eyes before ignoring his erstwhile 'colleague'


Dumbledore and Harvey were not the only persons in the courtroom who foresaw the inevitable end of the trial. Hermione sat in the gallery watching the defendant.

Snape's face had been a blank mask for most of the trial. On a few occasions he'd slowly closed his eyes for a long moment, usually when one of the dosed witnesses was recounting a crime committed by the Potion Master. It was as if he were trying to hide from his past in the only way he could.

When the fifth witness to his casting of the Unforgivables left the Box, a tinge of pink appeared on the doomed man's cheeks. It was the only emotion he'd shown the entire day. Most considered Severus Snape to be completely in control of his emotions. If that were so, he would have treated Harry as any other student. He'd never have executed his near pogrom of non-Slytherin students. He'd never have lost control of himself on numerous occasions. No, Severus Snape was not a master of control; rather he was a master Slytherin. He was cunning, ambitious and ruthless enough to do what it took to achieve his goals. If that meant impenetrable Occlumatic shields while in the presence of the Dark Lord, so be it. Overall emotional control was not within that description.

Hermione stood to stretch her legs as there was a short recess called. Since it was just for ten minutes, she opted not to leave the gallery. Turning to Minerva, she was shocked to see her mother-figure shaking with supressed rage. A concerned expression on her face, she asked, "Professor, are you well?"

With a jerky nod, Minerva lied. As her dark eyes flashed behind her spectacles, Hermione divined the source of Minerva's upset. Leaning in to the older woman, Hermione asked, "Is it because Albus hired Severus when he'd done all this?" she waved with her hand to indicate the Witness Box.

A flick of her wand created a small privacy sphere. Quietly, Minerva hissed, "He told me I don't know how many times that he trusted Severus. After this!" Breathing deeply, Minerva regained control of herself. "I'll be having words with Albus when we return to the castle, have no doubt."

Hermione winced; glad that she wasn't in Albus Dumbledore's shoes. After Minerva had her pound of flesh, she was sure the Board of Governors would want to have a similar 'discussion' with him as well.

The sergeant at arms was calling the courtroom back to order as the judges returned to their seats. Harry and the Twins were up next.


"Finally," Harry murmured as Auror Shanahan opened the door and beckoned to him.

"Need to use the toilet?" the beefy Irish Auror asked.

"No, just want to get this over with," Harry replied a bit nervously. He was trying to play the part of a nervous third year student and found he didn't have to try too hard.

A few minutes and winding hallways later, Harry was led into the courtroom. Shanahan indicated the Witness Box before leaving. Gone to collect Fred and George Harry surmised.

Standing in the Box, Harry took the magical oath to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. He was surprised that the clerk left 'so help me God' off the end of the oath but shrugged it off.

Mr Finch rose from his table before asking Harry, "Mr Potter, would you please describe to the court what occurred between yourself and the defendant after the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin Quidditch match on November third?"

Nodding, Harry began to fidget with his robes. "I'd just finished cleaning up after the match and was headed back to the castle to get a head start on my Transfiguraiton homework." A little reminder that he was a schoolboy wouldn't hurt. "Outside the changing rooms, Professor Snape grabbed me by the shoulder and pushed me against the wall of the changing room."

"Which shoulder, Mr Potter?" Finch asked.

"Er," Harry made a left/right motion before he replied, "My left."

Nodding, Finch motioned for Harry to continue.

"Well, the Professor pushed me against the wall. He got in my face and said 'I know you did something Potter'. I'd no idea what he was talking about. To tell the truth, I was kind of scared and didn't say anything. When I didn't reply, he slid his hand from my shoulder to my neck and began to slowly choke me."

There were gasps from the gallery and the Dictation Quills in the press box were scribbling at high speed.

"Now I was really scared," Harry added playing up the moment for a bit. "Before I could do anything, Fred and George Weasley rescued me. They pulled the Professor off me and tossed him a few feet away. The Professor yelled at them, assigning a month of detentions and five hundred points. He also told them to come with him to the Headmaster's office.

"George Weasley said that he would be curious as to the Headmaster's opinion of one of his Professors attacking a student. This seemed to stop Professor Snape in his tracks. Without saying anything else, he spun on his heel and stormed off."

Nodding, Finch asked him, "Were you injured due to the attack, Mr Potter?"

"Er, I don't think so."

"Did you seek medical attention?"

"No, it was just a bit of choking. I was fine."

Frowning, Finch let it go before motioning to the defence table. "Your witness."

Harvey rose. "Mr Potter, isn't it true that you are a substandard Potions student?"

Harry frowned, "This year I have a solid E that is close to being an O."

"Yes, but in previous years?"

Harry frowned, trying to remember his second and first year Potions scores. "I'm not sure how my Potions scores are relevant to Professor Snape attacking me."

"Just answer the question Mr Potter," Harvey clipped.

"I'm not sure. I believe I had an A last year."

"True, you had an A for both your first and second years."

Harry waited silently for the punch line. He didn't have to wait long. "So wouldn't it be fair to say that you have been a source of irritation to Professor Snape for over two years?"

Now that he saw Harvey's plan, Harry had to forcibly restrain himself from laughing, "Professor Snape has hated me from the first day he met me because my father was a childhood nemesis of his. As such he has consistently belittled and degraded myself and my parents. He has graded my work at least one letter grade lower than my peers and has outright Vanished successfully brewed Potions and graded them as a zero. If I'm an irritation to him, it's because of my lineage, not my behaviour."

Up in the gallery, Hermione wondered if Harry wasn't going a bit too far. He sure didn't sound like a third year student. Risking a glance at Snape, she saw the pink highlights on his cheekbones again. That can't be good, she observed silently. Gently grasping Minerva's hand, she inclined her head toward the bound Potion Master. Minerva frowned at what she saw.

With an indulgent smile, Harvey opined, "It must be difficult to be an orphaned public figure, Mr Potter. Do you usually act out in all your classes to gain attention that you haven't received due to your celebrity status and lack of parents?"

Harry turned white with anger. In the gallery, Hermione stood to make her way to the floor of the courtroom. Unsure as to the specifics of her intent, Sirius was fairly certain that cursing Harvey into the next millennium was on the agenda. Gently, he pulled her back into her chair.

As the gasps from the gallery receded, Harvey smiled at Harry again, raising his eyebrows in an 'I'm waiting for your answer' manner.

"I am sure I have no idea as to what your referring, sir," Harry ground out.

Internally, Harvey deflated. He'd hoped to bait The Boy-Who-Lived into a teenage rant which would therefore discredit him as a material witness. It was distasteful, but Harvey was literally working to try and save his client's life at this point.

Attempting another tack which he knew was risky but could be the key to saving his client, he asked, "What was Professor Snape referring to when he told you that 'I know you did something Potter'?"

"As I said before, I've no idea to what he was referring."

"Really?" Harvey asked with a hint of sarcasm. "You know nothing about casting a Memory charm on my client?"

Turning to the judges, Harvey held up a sheaf of parchment and declared, "Your Lordships, my client has been evaluated by three separate mind healers and all have found evidence of Memory charms being cast upon him." Striding to the bench, he laid the documents in front of Lord Dundas.

"The Crown objects, my Lord. The witness is a third year student," Atticus Finch stated as he rose. "It is ludicrous to postulate that he cast Memory charms on his Professor. In addition, this line of questioning bears no relevance upon the fact that Potion Master Snape assaulted this person."

"Goes to motive, your Lordship," countered Harvey.

After the three judges mulled through the documents, Dundas turned to Harvey and told him, "If you can't connect these documents to this witness with one more question, Mr Harvey, I'll sustain the Crown's objection. Understood?"

Sirius, Hermione and Minerva were tense with fear. If Harvey asked the right question, there would be hell to pay. Harry's face was blank, but inside he was a riot of fear and anger. If he lied, he'd lose his magic. If he told the truth to the right question the secret would be out. Holding on to the memory of his reunion with Hermione as his anchor, he kept his face impassive. Dumbledore was already watching Harry like a hawk.

Nodding to the judge, Harvey turned back to Harry, "Did you cast the Memory charm that caused my client's memory to be altered?"

Inside, Harry's guts unclenched and he almost smiled. "I did not cast the Memory charm that caused your client's memory to be altered." I cast about forty or so, not just one.

Harvey must have seen something, as he turned back to the judges and asked, "My Lord, I would ask that you command the witness to cast the Lighting charm to ensure his truthfulness."

Harry drew his wand at the judges' nod. Mentally crossing his fingers, hoping that his logic worked, he muttered, "Lumos." His wand lit up like a searchlight, causing all in the courtroom to shield their eyes.

"Nox," he muttered. The quills in the press box started to smoke, the reporters were dictating so quickly. In his mind's eye, Harry could already see the headlines: BOY-WHO-LIVED A MAGE, or some other such nonsense.

"Great," he muttered to himself as he looked about and saw that most of the occupants of the courtroom were staring at him with wide, wondering eyes. Except Dumbledore, who had an evaluative expression.

You're wondering if this is 'The Power the Dark Lord knows not' aren't you Albus? Mentally, Harry ignored the old man and turned back to Harvey just in time to see his crestfallen expression. "No further questions."

Turning about, Harry left the Witness Box, heading toward the door by which he entered the courtroom.

In the gallery, Hermione melted into Sirius' side. Relief was etched on her features as Padfoot gave her a quick sideways hug.


Harry made his way to the gallery. After Hermione scooted over, they shared a seat to watch the rest of the proceedings. It was far too public a place to have a discussion about his testimony, but Hermione needed to feel him close so she wrapped herself in his arms. The flash of a camera only let them know that which would come out soon enough. Harry and Hermione were a couple with pictures to boot.

First Fred and then George testified. Both gave the same substantive story. They pulled Snape off their friend when Harry was in danger. Harvey tried the same tactic of questioning the Twins motives, but just as with Harry, the attempt fell flat.

There was a mid-afternoon recess for the judges to deliberate. It had been a quick trial, the Crown's evidence was overwhelming. Neither the defendant nor Dumbledore took the stand as Harvey realized they could do more harm than good.

Harvey caught Finch's sleeve as the courtroom cleared for the recess.

"Atticus, can we deal at all?"

"What would you ask for in return for a clean sweep of 'guilty' pleas?"

"Life with no parole."

Raising his eyebrows, Finch replied, "Are you sure? I think I'd rather have the Veil than years uncounted with the Dementors."

Harvey nodded. As Finch considered, he proposed, "Look, the judges will be in recess for a while, I think. Talk to Amelia and see what you two can do, eh?"

Atticus nodded before shaking Harvey's hand. Before the two could leave the courtroom, Amelia Bones approached the two barristers, "I saw the two of you talking. No deals, gentlemen. This Death Eater is getting his just desserts."


The recess was far shorter than everyone expected. The sergeant at arms called the spectators back to the courtroom shortly after a quick supper. Sirius, Harry, Hermione, Minerva, Arthur, Molly and the Twins crushed into the packed gallery.

Down on the floor of the courtroom, Snape was standing in front of the Questioning chair, his arms manacled. Flanked by two Aurors that Harry didn't recognize, he awaited his fate.

The judges returned, taking their seats while rustling parchment forms in their hands. Finally, Lord Dundas announced, "In the case of the Crown v. Snape, for four counts of murder by the use of the Killing curse, the court finds the defendant guilty.

"In the matter of three counts of torture by use of the Cruciatus curse, the court finds the defendant guilty.

"In the matter of one count of control of a person by use of the Imperius curse, the court finds the defendant guilty.

"In the matter of one count of assault and battery of a minor, the court finds the defendant guilty.

"In the matter of fifty counts of wilful neglect of minors in his care, the court finds the defendant guilty of thirty two counts, and not guilty of eighteen counts."

Turning away from his parchment forms, Dundas addressed Snape, "Severus Snape, your punishment shall be death via the Veil of Death not later than 15 January, 1994. May God have mercy on your soul."

Banging his gavel, Lord Dundas announced, "This court stands adjourned. Bailiff, place the prisoner in Azkaban to await his fate."

It happened faster than anyone could react. Dumbledore was looking in his lap, contemplating the situation, Harry and Hermione were talking with Sirius about meeting Remus for a late dinner while Minerva and the Weasley's were discussing Ron's abysmal performance in Transfiguration.

One of Snape's guards moved off to clear a path, while the other reached for Snape's arms. With a quick movement, Snape had the man's wand and had cast a Cutting curse which slit the Aurors throat.

No one even noticed that the guard was falling, his neck fountaining blood. Whirling to his left, the condemned man lifted his wand. Hoping to cause confusion, Snape snap cast a series of Reductor curses at the underside of the gallery. The gallery was suspended over the courtroom proper by a series of seven rune powered levitation charms. Three of these runes were destroyed by Snape's curses.

With a roar, the gallery shook first to the left and then to the right followed by a precarious lurch forward. Screams of panic by the over two hundred watchers incited panic. Those in the back by the four doors off the platform were nearly trampled as the mass of screaming humanity surged toward the doors. Three people in the front row of the gallery toppled over the side, falling fifty feet to their deaths below.


Turning, Harry and Hermione watched in mute horror as they saw Arthur Weasley pitch over the railing. "MOLLY! NO!" Minerva shouted and dove over the Twins toward the redheaded matron. Molly had leaned over too far in an attempt to catch her husband, only to follow him to her death.

Too late to save the fallen, all the Aurors in the room moved to cast various Levitation charms on the platform while Dumbledore was levitated to the gallery proper and began to hastily inscribe new rune sequences. After three minutes, the gallery was stable. The doors in the back slowly unclogged and the survivors streamed out into the hallway outside the courtroom.

In the hallway, the Family and the Weasley Twins ran into Amelia Bones who was cursing up one side and down the other of a shamefaced Rufus Scrimgeour.

Severus Snape had escaped in the confusion and panic.


"This is bad," Sirius observed.

"No shit," Remus replied.

"Guys, you're not helping," Hermione rebuked them. "Let's focus."

"The Twins upstairs?" Remus asked.

Harry nodded. They'd led the stumbling boys through the Floo to Rowan Hill. Dobby had provided a sleeping draught which knocked them both out. They'd been ensconced in two of the over twenty spare bedrooms with Monitoring charms in place to warn Harry when they awoke.

"Min's in the know and is telling Percy, Ron and Ginny tonight," Harry informed the Lycanthrope.

"Christ, seven orphans because of goddam Snivellus. Prongsie should have let you eat him all those years ago," Sirius lamented.

Moony didn't even bother to reply.

"I have no idea how the others are going to react," Hermione told the rest, "But the Twins are going to be mad. No, scratch that, they'll be furious once they break out of their grief."

"What about Bill and Charlie?" Harry mused aloud.

"Don't know. Bill was a decent fellow, but I didn't know him well at all."

"I expect that Bill and Charlie will get custody of their younger brothers and sister," Harry pondered.

Hermione shrugged as they all sat in silence for a bit, remembering Arthur and Molly.

"Damn," Sirius swore. "Let's do something. This weepy silence is killing me." Turning to Hermione, he asked, "What do we know for sure?"

"As far as Snape and Voldemort are concerned?" When Sirius nodded, she thought for a moment before beginning her list.

"Fact: Snape is now firmly on the side of Voldemort. His only recourse on the side of the light is death. He has no choice but turn to the Dark Lord now.

Fact: Snape has been fully in Dumbledore's confidence for years. We must assume that he knows far more than even we know.

"Fact: Voldemort needs assistance to return to his body.

"Fact: Last time the bones of his father were a key ingredient.

Fact: Snape is a Potion Master who, I'm sure, is more than a little aware of some of the nastier rituals out there.

Sirius interrupted, "Fact: I'm going to Apparate to Little Hangleton and remove those bones."

Harry nodded, "Yeah, but let's leave some other bones behind. We don't want Voldemort to attempt a different ritual. We want to know where he'll be. We've completely fonged the timeline, so let's keep something under a semblance of control."

A crack announced Sirius' departure. Harry spent the time puttering about Rowan Hill's kitchen making a quick snack. He'd had to give Dobby an order to sort out his clothes and watch over Fred and George so as to be allowed to cook for the Family. Needing something mindless to occupy his mind and hands, Harry baked a coffee cake and brewed a piping hot pot of decaf.

After informing the Weasley siblings of their parents' fate, Minerva was dealing with the aftermath of Severus' escape. The Headmaster was revamping all the wards for the school to ensure that the discredited and condemned Potion Master couldn't gain entry to the school for nefarious purposes. As Deputy Head, she was the second person required to alter or augment the wards.

A half hour later, the sweet pastry was cooling as Harry, Remus and Hermione sipped their smooth Kona blend. Conversation that was light about life and their dreams, turned vaguely serious.

"Do you two know what you're going to do about your parents?" Remus asked, indicating to Hermione with a nod of his head.

Harry shrugged before looking to his wife. "What do you think, love?"

"If we tell them the truth, I think it might be bad. Mum could go high order and Dad might very well dig in his heels and refuse to acknowledge the truth."

"Are your parents really so closed minded? They agreed to leave the UK pretty readily 'before'." Harry asked.

"They can be. When my Hogwarts letter arrived it wasn't much of a shock. I'd been Summoning things, starting fires and changing the colour of various things for a while. They were more relieved than anything to finally know the why behind all the strangeness."

She turned to Harry, "I wrote home yesterday to tell them about 'us' and to ask if you could come visit over hols and we could visit you at here."

"If you think you're sleeping alone any night, you're sadly delusional," Harry informed her.

Hermione smiled brightly as Remus rolled his eyes. "Of course not," she jibed. "I'll be next to you in our bed, here."

"Right," Harry sighed as he sat back, sipping at his drink.

A crack announced Sirius' return. "Any problems?" Remus asked.

Pouring himself a cup, Sirius shook his head. "Vanished Tom Riddle's bones and replaced them with some bones from a pauper's grave. I thought about transfiguring something to look like bones, but I figured we should place the real thing in case he checks. That should bugger him."

Another crack announced a new arrival. In an unintentionally humorous moment, the foursome discreetly drew their wands, each not wanting to alarm the other. It was all for naught when Tonks slouched into the room.

"Wotcher, all," she greeted. Sinking down next to Remus on the loveseat, she burrowed into his side. "Wolfie, I'm tired."

Sirius was in a quandary. He didn't know whether to give Moony a hard time or punch his lights out. Opting for neither, he asked, "What's up, Dora?"

"Director Bones has gone 'round the twist. We've an Auror dead, five civilians dead - one of whom was a senior government official - and a condemned man on the run. She reactivated Mad Eye and has assigned him ten people to bring Snape in dead or alive. Fudge is a gibbering idiot while everyone is acting as if Snape were the anti-Christ. They called in so many of us that they just realized over three quarters of the Aurors were at work for over twelve hours. That sent Fudge into a screaming hissy fit about overtime and it went downhill from there."

She closed her eyes and laid her head on Remus' shoulder.

A soft smile danced across Hermione's lips as she watched the budding couple. "A little more love in the world never hurt anyone," she murmured.

"Too right," Harry agreed.

Sirius cleared his throat to get the rest of the Family's attention. "Since our youngest members have finally got their thumb out of their arses, we can move out. Dora, I'll need a few Ministry portkeys from you and a watch rotation schedule. Harry, Hermione, we'll probably go the night after next. With Snape out there possibly looking for Voldemort, after a dozen years in Albus' confidence, I think we should strike fast and hard."

A cold expression settled over the Potters' faces and they nodded in agreement as one. "We may not have the chance later," Hermione observed.


It was nearly one in the morning when the Grim crawled out of the North Sea. He had to deliberately prevent himself from shaking his coat dry in order to stay as quiet as he could. Behind him a lioness and a panther padded up the rocky slope dripping the cold seawater from their coats.

The overlarge dog turned back and received a human-like nod from each of the great cats. Without any further deliberation Sirius headed up the hill, weaving between boulders and fallen rocks trying to minimize his noise as he passed through the scree.

The lioness followed while the panther slowly brought up the rear, occasionally checking to see if the group was being followed. Without challenge, they approached the walls of the fortress. Over forty feet tall and seemingly carved of obsidian; the citadel of Azkaban had stood since time immemorial. None now living knew who built it or its original purpose. The British Ministry for Magic had co-opted the facility into housing the most depraved of their criminals.

Slowly, Sirius followed the outer wall to the only entrance into the fortress. All three predators stilled in order to reach out with their senses. Listening, smelling and watching, they saw nothing near. There was a far away rustling like leaves in the wind, but they were in the clear.

Padfoot paused at the doorway, obviously fighting an internal battle. The panther nosed his shoulder in a combined reassuring and urging motion. Nodding, the Grim took a deep breath before stalking through the door.

Taking an immediate right, the threesome sprinted up a stairway and down a hall. Padfoot pulled over to the side, allowing the lioness to lead to the doorway at the end of the hall. Being the largest of the three animagi, she leapt at the door, shattering it under her weight.

Behind her, Harry and Sirius now transformed back to their human selves, boiled into the room stunning the two guards who sat at their desks.

Two quick Memory charms were soundlessly performed. Reaching into his robes, Harry handed Sirius one of the small blocks of wood they'd received from Tonks the day before. Settling it in the hand of the unconscious man, Sirius soundlessly tapped the guard's wand on the wood, activating the portkey.

Looking up, Sirius saw that Harry had successfully portkeyed away his own guard. Fortunately, the Warden of Azkaban was a moron who only staffed the entire prison with two human guards overnight. There were plenty of Dementors, though.

Sirius began to tremble a bit under the influence of the demons. Reaching into his robes, he pulled out a block of Honeydukes Best, biting off a large hunk of the milk chocolate. Passing it to Hermione, she took a bite as did Harry.

"East Wing," Harry commanded.

Nodding, Sirius transformed again, letting out a small sigh of relief as he did so. Padding out the door and down an adjacent hallway, he led the Potters on a five minute run to the head of the East Wing of the fortress. This was where the most inveterate criminals were kept. Bellatrix Lestrange and her husband were the celebrity inmates. Barty Crouch had been reunited with all three Lestranges not so long before.

The bulk of the Dementors were also found in the East Wing.

Stepping in front of Padfoot, Harry caught Hermione's eye. When she nodded, they lifted their wands in unison.

Both reached deep inside themselves, encouraging the fires of their magic. Pulling, pushing and willing it to the surface, the stoked all their power into an inferno for one spell. Harry's eyes snapped open and Sirius was startled to see that they glowed an iridescent blue from lid to lid. Hermione's eyes were the same, the raw magic was leaking out of their bodies.

A very simple wand movement later and they both screamed, "FIENDFYRE!"

Dragons, Chimeras, Basilisks, Cockatrices and Manticores. Living flame personified in the most powerfully destructive creatures ever to exist rampaged down the corridors, up the stairs, through the walls and through the ceilings. Within seconds everything in the East Wing of the fortress was fully involved in the inferno that Harry and Hermione had unleashed.

Conventional wisdom says that the Dementors cannot be killed; only held in abeyance via the Patronus charm. That is incorrect. Dragonfire and Fiendfyre both can immolate the demonic monsters. It is also said that the fire wielded by a true Elemental can destroy the beings, but no one can attest to the truth of that statement.

By the time Sirius had pulled Harry and Hermione back to the West Wing and stuffed a Pepper Up Potion down their throats, three hundred and twenty one Dementors had been consumed in fires so hot they rivalled the fires of Hell from which they'd been spawned.

On this plane of existence, they were unprepared for The Fire.

It goes without saying that the prisoners were unprepared as well.

Subtlety was long lost so Sirius shouted to be heard over the roar of the fires, "Can you do it again, or should I cast?"

Harry waved his godfather off as he stood, "I've got it."

Hermione took a steadying breath as she stood. Stoking their magic as best they could they repeated themselves in the West Wing. This time, Hermione passed out from the exertion and Harry stumbled to his knees. Expecting this, Sirius Levitated Harry and tossed Hermione over his shoulder as he ran for the shoreline.

Behind him, the immortal Azkaban burned.

Wading into the water, Sirius pulled out a length of rope which had a dual use. Tying one end about Hermione's wrist, looping the middle about Harry's waist, he grabbed the remaining end. A quick Floatation charm on the teens allowed him to swim out past the remaining wards of the island before triggering the portkey.

They arrived on the boat as it floated at anchor where they'd left it. Remus hustled over to them, wand out and already casting Drying and Warming charms on the teens. Once they'd been dried, he turned to his oldest friend and repeated the spells. Wrapping a warm blanket about Sirius' shoulders he picked up the teens as one and took them below decks. A minute later he was on deck and the small fishing boat was headed back to the coast of Scotland.

"Aren't you gonna ask if it went Ok?" Sirius rasped.

Moony snorted, "Turn around, Pads."

Looking over his shoulder, Sirius saw the entire horizon aflame. A satisfied nod was the totality of his gloating. Not bad for twenty minutes work after a half hour swim.


1. I own nothing. Thanks to all who reviewed the first five chapters. Story status can be found on my Author's page on FanFiction (dot) net.

2. Recommendation for the chapter is an oldie but a goody: Harry Potter and the Lost Demon by Angry Hermione

3. As I said a few chapters back, I'm stealing the animagus process and forms from MissAnnThropic's most excellent fic Vox Corporis. I'm not naming their animagus forms Sagehunter or Knight, though. If you have cool non-vulgar names, drop them in the review.

4. Atticus Finch is wholly and completely owned by Miss Harper Lee. I bow before her writing and Mr Gregory Peck's incredible portrayal of the character.

5. Sirius never told the Ministry how he escaped. It stands to reason that if the wards allowed Padfoot to leave, they'd probably allow him to return.
