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The End and the Beginning by muggledad

The End and the Beginning


Chapter 8

"I can't believe my mum gave me The Talk!"

Harry was consumed in giggles as he lay limply on their bed. Hermione was lying next to him in the dark, indignant and embarrassed. Swatting him on the arm, she nearly shouted at him, "It's not funny!"

"Yes…yes it is," he panted between giggles.

After ten minutes, Harry finally calmed as did Hermione. "So, was it good to see them?" he asked as she nestled in his arms.

"Yeah, it was. I'd no idea how much I'd missed them." She began to giggle, "I showed them Longtooth."

Smiling in anticipation, Harry asked, "And?"

"Mum fainted."


"Yeah, she did. Dad just stared for a minute before I turned back." She was full on laughing now. "I ran to mum and woke her. She said, 'I just had the strangest thought that you turned into a lion'."

She paused in her retelling as she laughed. Eventually, she squeaked, "I told her, 'Actually, mum, it was a lioness'."

Harry laughed loudly. "Did she find it amusing?"

"Not really. Dad laughed, though."

When they settled, she told him, "I told them about Midnight, Padfoot and Moony. They were really touched by the reason behind the Marauders' change. Said it was an example of real brotherhood and friendship."

"They were right," he commented.

"Yeah, they were." She traced patterns on his chest before she whispered, "I missed you today."

Closing his eyes, he pulled her tight, "Missed you too, my love."

They were almost asleep as Hermione lay on her side, Harry spooning behind her when she remembered, "Oh yeah, if I Apparate out all of a sudden it's because the ward I set on my door has gone off. I doubt mum and dad will check on me, but I really don't want to explain why I'm not in bed at their house."

"Good thing I remembered the charm to cancel the Trace," he mumbled.

"Mhmm," she groaned as she fell asleep.


Harry woke the next morning as he felt the bed shift among the rustle of sheets and their duvet. "You gotta go?" he mumbled.

"Yeah, it's six and they said they wanted to spend the day at home together. It's what we usually do when I get back for hols." She cast a quick Breath freshening charm on him before she did herself. After a lingering kiss, she asked, "You'll be by for lunch?"

Closing his eyes, he nodded. "Sirius and I'll be by around eleven or half past."

"Love you," she told him.

"Love you, too. See you soon."

An hour later the pressure in his bladder became too much, so Harry trudged to the magnificence that was the master bath at Rowan Hill. After passing the sauna, whirlpool and twenty five square foot wall-less shower, he entered one of the two WC's. A few minutes later a much more comfortable Harry emerged. The Tooth Cleaning charm was nearly flawless for keeping a wizard's teeth clean, but Harry still liked the fresh feeling that a good scrub with a toothbrush left in his mouth.

His facial hair was beginning to coarsen. Rubbing his chin, he cast a quick Shaving charm on himself. He had no fondness for a muggle razor. A luxurious shower led to a groan in front of his section of the closet. Hermione had taken him clothes shopping in Hogsmeade for a small portion of the morning on one of their Hogsmeade weekends which expanded his wizarding wardrobe. Unfortunately, he still had the crap his aunt had forced on him amongst the leavings from his cetaceous cousin as his only muggle clothing.

Making a decision, he dove into the least disgusting of his clothes and headed downstairs for breakfast. Gathered around the table in the family dining room, he found Sirius reading the paper, Tonks and Remus chatting in undertones and a couple who he assumed were Andromeda and Ted Tonks. The night before, by the time he and Sirius had finished their conversation - and the bottle - the elder Tonks' had retired for the evening so this was Harry's introductory meeting with Dora's parents.

Andromeda looked up when Harry entered. Greeting the master of Rowan Hill, she introduced herself, "Harry, I'm your cousin Andromeda. This," she indicated the beefy, bearded man sitting next to her, "Is my husband Ted."

Harry nodded to them. "It's really good to meet you. Growing up and for the last two years at school I always thought that I had no other family. It wasn't until last night when Sirius reminded me that we're cousins on the Potter side that I had to rethink that idea." To himself he added, "I wonder if there's a family tree for the Potters around here?"

Shaking it off, he headed to the sideboard where he loaded up his plate. "What's the plan for everyone today?" he asked over his shoulder.

"I'm on holiday through the new year!" Tonks announced with more than a bit of glee.

"So you and Moony are going to be sequestered in your room, then?" Sirius remarked dryly from behind the Sports Section of the Prophet.

Ted choked on his tea while Andi shook her head at her favourite cousin. "Sirius, Dora is a big girl and if she wants to behave like a wanton woman, it's entirely her prerogative."

Ted choked again.

"Oi!" Tonks objected, while Remus remained suspiciously silent.

Narrowing his eyes playfully, Harry asked, "Remus have you been taking advantage of my innocent cousin?"

Remus didn't answer, merely held his hands in front of himself in a surrendering type of motion.

"Poor, poor Nymphadora, led astray by the nasty werewolf," Sirius blithely remarked as he turned the page of the paper.

A red faced Dora decided to deal with her cousin directly. She leapt from her chair and began chasing a suddenly fleeing Padfoot. His yelps were heard throughout the house followed by a shout of, "I surrender! Stop it dammit!" Five Stinging hexes to the testicles have a way of getting a man's attention.

Andromeda returned to her meal, smirking slightly. In an aside to Remus she told him, "Just don't break her heart and we'll be fine, Moony."

Smiling through his tea, Remus replied, "Of course, Andi."

Glancing about, Ted decided that he was finally able to finish his tea in peace.


"Come on Padfoot!" Harry was tapping his foot in the entryway as he waited for Sirius to come down from his room. Tonks had completed her 'instruction' of her cousin with a few choice Transfigurations which had taken the former Prisoner of Azkaban most of the morning to unravel. At eleven twenty he strolled into the entry hall without a care in the world.

"About time! Let's go, I'll guide you."

"What, you jonesing to see her that badly? Didn't she stay here last night?"

Growling, Harry reached for his wand. Chastened from his earlier experience with Tonks, Sirius mutely grabbed his godson's arm.

A twist and a pop later and the two had disappeared from the ancestral seat of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter.

The day before leaving school for the break, Hermione had dropped her Occlumency shields so as to remind Harry the precise location of her parents' home, so he had no trouble Apparating there. It was a very nice home on a large-ish lot of over ten acres in the countryside outside of Canterbury in Kent. The last time he'd visited was the evening of Dumbledore's death and she was sure that Harry had quite a few distractions that evening.

"We'll need to get this place warded to hell and back," Sirius murmured as he opened the gate which bore a sign inscribed with 'Redfields'.

Harry nodded, "You take care of it?" he asked as he preceded his godfather up the path. Sirius nodded as he began muttering to himself about the Goblins or maybe even contacting the Gnomes of Switzerland for the job.

A quick ring of the bell and the door was wrenched open by a smiling Hermione. Harry couldn't help himself as he returned the bright smile with one of his own. He'd seen her five hours before, but couldn't help but be excited at each reunion of theirs.

Sirius prodding him in the back brought Harry back to reality. Reaching for his wife's hand, he accepted the wordless invitation to enter. The Granger home was tastefully decorated for the holidays. Wafting from the back of the house was the most wonderful smell Harry'd ever experienced. Later, he realized it was fresh baked bread. Once again, Harry heard holiday music in the house, this time coming from the kitchen.

"…when a poor man came in sight, gathering winter fuel…hither page and stand by me, if thou knowst and tell me…yonder peasant who is he, where and what his dwelling…"

Hermione took the visitors' cloaks to hang in the hall closet. "Honey, was that Harry?" they heard Alice Granger call from what Harry supposed was the kitchen.

"Yes, mum. He and Sirius are here." Beckoning the two wizards to follow her, they all headed into the kitchen. They found Alice stirring a pot on the hob while Steven was chopping an onion.

Welcomes were exchanged by all. Steven washed his hands before offering refreshments to the guests. Harry accepted a mug of tea while Sirius curled his hand about a pint of bitter. Harry gave a quick glance of longing at the beer, but figured it wouldn't be too politic to ask for one himself.

To help break the ice, regarding Sirius' status, Hermione began, "Mum, remember how I was telling you about how Sirius was wrongly imprisoned?"

"Yes," the blonde woman replied. Half turning to Sirius, she asked, "What did happen Sirius?" Quickly realizing that it may be a touchy subject, Alice backtracked, "Only if it's not too personal."

Sirius waved away Alice's concerns. "It began the night Harry's parents were killed." Pausing, he thought before adding, "Actually, it started long before that. Do you know about Voldemort and the Blood War?" He glanced at Hermione to see if she'd told her parents.

Hermione nodded as Steven replied, "We know that some crackpot decided to use ancestry as a rallying cry to try and overturn your government."

Nodding, Sirius said, "That's a fair assessment. There was a lot of fighting by underground groups split into two different camps: those who fought for Voldemort and the darkness and those who stood up for the light. Unfortunately, not all the government agents could be counted for the light. Voldemort may be a crackpot, as you say, but he's a genius as well. The Aurors couldn't find him, much less catch him. He was…brutal in his methods."

"That's what led to all this 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named' and 'You-Know-Who' nonsense."

Sirius told the story of his friendship with James and eventually Lily. The use of the Fidelius charm to hide Harry and the eventual betrayal of the Potters by Peter.

By the end, Alice was sitting at the table, enraptured in the tale. Sirius could be extraordinarily silly on occasion, but he was an excellent storyteller. Dan leaned against the china hutch, completely focused on the Lord Black.

Hermione had drifted to Harry's side where he wrapped an arm around her while she laid her head on his shoulder.

"…first he killed James. We only know that because of where I found his body. Next he killed Lily. I found her in front of Harry's crib," he nodded to his godson who was looking determinedly out the window. "Midnight had a god awful cut on his forehead, but was quietly watching me as I went to pick him up."

There was a long pause as the ghosts of Azkaban surfaced in Sirius' eyes. Clearing his throat, Padfoot continued. "There was a pile of black robes and I noticed a wand, but didn't really register what I was seeing. I'd just found my brother, for all intents and purposes, and his wife dead. My little godson was obviously in shock. I was already consumed by guilt because I vouched for Peter. Because I vouched for him he was allowed to betray them. Now, they were dead and Harry was left an orphan."

A lone tear tracked down Sirius' face.

Sniffling, he finished, "I lost my mind for a bit. I barely remember Hagrid arriving and taking Harry away. I only remember running and running to find Peter. The next day I tracked him down near his mum's flat in Manchester. He blew up the street, killing an even dozen bystanders. Transforming into his rat shape, he scuttled off into the sewers."

By now, even Steven Granger was snarling whenever Pettigrew was mentioned. "I was a bit distraught," Sirius commented, giving a wry chuckle as he spoke. "The Aurors banged the magical suppressing cuffs on me, snapped my wand and portkeyed me to Azkaban where I spent the next twelve years of my life with the Dementors. Eventually, I broke out and found my boy here," he ruffled Harry's hair.

He then proceeded to relate the 'official' story of his appeal to Minerva and her capture of Peter. "So in the end, Harry had to live with Lily's sister and her husband. He had to live with two of the most monstrous people I've ever met because I didn't do my duty by him." At the end, Sirius' voice was filled with self-loathing and recrimination. Gently breaking from Hermione's embrace, Harry moved to his godfather to embrace him.

Quite a few noses were blown at the end of Sirius' story and the box of tissues was passed around for all to use.

Alice moved to Sirius, embracing him firmly. "You poor man. Of course you were distraught that night. I'm sure Harry doesn't hold a grudge against you." Turning to Harry for support, she saw him shake his head in negation, agreeing with her.

Looking at the floor, Sirius told him, "Thanks, Midnight, but I can't forgive myself so easily after what you went through in Surrey."

Alice looked between Sirius and Harry for elaboration but found none. Glancing to Hermione, she saw her daughter shaking her head and mouthing, "Not now."

Desperately trying to leave the topic he hadn't wanted to be on in the first place, Sirius announced, "Well, Harry here needs some new clothes. Since I'm pants in this arena, I thought I'd turn the lad over to the Granger ladies for an expedition."

Steven smiled, beckoned to Sirius and left the room. Presumably to hide in the study. With a wave to Harry, Sirius followed Steven.

Alice looked from Harry to Sirius and back. A quick glance to Hermione confirmed her conclusion. Whispering, she told Harry, "Steven isn't going to hurt you, Harry. This is his first opportunity to attempt to scare a suitor of Hermione's. We don't have to go shopping if you don't need it."

Chuckling, Harry muttered, "Now I know where she got it from." Hermione and Alice both beamed at Harry's admission, but he continued, "I really do need some new clothes. All I've got is these worthless rags from my aunt. Now that I'm free of them, I'd like to get some nicer things."

Alice froze when Harry used the words 'rags' and 'free of them', but didn't pursue the issue. The little idea that had been developing in her head appeared in her mind fully formed and she didn't like it one bit.

Turning to the cloak room, she grabbed her handbag and a coat. "Where shall we go?"

With a grin, Hermione spoke for the first time in a while, "Harrods, of course. If we have time, we'll pop over to Saville Row."

"And tomorrow, we'll go to Sloan Street," Harry finished.

Alice's eyes glittered; she and Steven could afford to go to the exclusive shopping areas of London every so often, but not casually. Glancing at the clock, her hopes dipped, "We won't make it in time, though."

Hermione grinned, "Don't worry, mum. It'll be just like magic." Pulling a brass key ring from her pocket, she held it out to her mother.


"I still say you were cheating, Harry. Part of a shopping expedition like this one is the carrying of a hundred pounds of shopping bags. Nipping into the loo and calling for your friend Dobby to take the bags is cheating."

Harry shook his head as he smiled. Alice had been good naturedly teasing him for a while about not wanting to carry his purchases. They ate lunch and dinner out and were just now arriving back at the house in Kent. Redfields was lit up on the inside with a curl of smoke from one of the four chimneys. Apparently Sirius and Steven were still bonding over something. As Alice opened the door, the shoppers heard Sirius shout, "Bollocks to that! He fucking tackled him! I thought you couldn't do that!"

Alice groaned. Apparently Steven had introduced Padfoot to the wonderful world of football. "We're home!" she called.

Steven poked his head out of the lounge, gave a short wave before returning to his match.

Hanging up her coat and placing her handbag on the counter, Alice told the teens, "Well, it's late and I'm done in. I think I'll head up and read a bit." Turning to Harry, she gave him an unfeigned smile, "I had fun getting to know you today, Harry. I hope you come back." In a humorous undertone, she added, "Steven's bark is worse than his bite."

The threesome laughed. Hermione prodded Harry, "Show her Midnight."

In a blink, Harry had transformed into the black jaguar. Alice's eyes widened in surprise before the 'Aw' factor kicked in. Kneeling in front of him, she tentatively stretched out a hand to his flank, "You're so beautiful," she breathed.

"What's that?" Steven asked as he cut off the television. A moment later, he and Sirius joined the rest of the family in the kitchen to see Alice alternately stroking Midnight and Longtooth. Not wanting to be left out, Sirius transformed into Padfoot and promptly pounced on the big cats.

Alice backed away, giggling like a schoolgirl. Turning to Steven, she grinned, "Looks like your intimidation of the boyfriend isn't going to go as planned."

Wide eyed as he watched the menagerie romp in the kitchen, Steven replied, "Quite."


The next day, Sirius escorted the Granger females on their shopping expedition. "My purse is your purse," he intoned with over the top gravity. Alice was reticent, but upon Hermione's whisper, "He's as rich as Harry," all restraint gave way as the trio portkeyed to London.

Harry sighed as he saw his wife, mother in law and godfather portkey away. "Come on, lad," Steven called in a humorous tone. "Let's get this over with."

Heading to the study, Steven sat heavily in his chair, while Harry warily perched opposite him, a drum table separating the two. "Alright, ground rules," Steven began. "You," pointing at Harry, a wry grin tugging at his mouth, "No turning into a bloody great leopard and I won't shout."

Harry smiled, relieved that it might go well.

"Look, Harry," Steven began as he settled into his chair, "I know you and Hermione are great friends. I know you've literally saved her life. I'm fairly certain you think she's hung the moon." Harry nodded eagerly to reassure Steven this was true.

"This is the obligatory warning that if you hurt my little girl, I'll break your legs, got it?" Before Harry could respond, Steven continued, "Good. Now, I do want to bring up something that may be a bit uncomfortable."

When Harry frowned, Steven slowed his delivery. "Alice and I were talking last night. From what I gathered from Sirius, she from you and hints from Hermione, we can gather that your aunt and uncle most likely…didn't treat you very well."

Harry's face paled as he looked at the tops of his new trainers. The direct statement had been softened by the affection in Steven's tone and expression. As gentle warm hand on his shoulder caused The Boy-Who-Lived to look up again. "It's not your fault, lad. I want you to know that, even though you don't know me that well, you can always talk to me about anything." There was a small pause before Steven's face twisted, "Except sex. Never, ever talk to me about sex, got it?"

Harry chuckled. He didn't realize that Steven had such a quirky sense of humour. No wonder he and Sirius got on so well the day before.

Steven's face relaxed as he reiterated, "Seriously, I know that you and Hermione have the best possible foundation for a relationship and that's because you're best friends. Alice is my best friend, bar none. If you don't bollix things up, we could know each other for a very long time, boyo." The sincere grin on the dentist's face warmed Harry's insides like nothing outside of a Hermione smile.

"Thanks, sir. That means a lot to me. You're right; the Dursley's are rotten people." With premeditated deliberation, Harry added, "I've never considered their house my home."

"Well, I know you've got some massive house in Wales, but you can also call this house your home so long as you don't crush my little girl's heart." The jovial expression, cancelled the sting of the words. Harry smiled, but realized that Steven was serious, as well as, joking. "We understand one another?"

Harry nodded warmly in reply, grateful that Steven had been adult about the whole thing. Maybe Hermione was wrong and they could tell her parents the secret. Maybe.


The Burrow looked as ramshackle as ever. The Potters and Sirius strolled up the lane, each lost in their own thoughts.

Sirius was remembering Arthur from the first war. An idealistic and brave young father, he'd devoted himself to fighting the darkness when his brothers in law had been killed. Padfoot was sure that a large part of Arthur's motivation came from watching his wife's grief.

Hermione was musing on the huge changes in the timeline. This time in their previous third year, the 'golden trio' was spending their second Christmas together at Hogwarts. Harry got his Firebolt from Sirius, about which she'd subsequently informed Minerva. That caused the biggest row between them in their entire relationship. She shook her head ruefully at her own failure to see the situation from Harry's point of view. It'd never occurred to her that Harry might've felt betrayed by her going behind his back to their head of house.

To be fair, though, she wasn't aware of the breadth of the abuse he'd experienced in the 'loving embrace' of his relatives. Had she known, she doubted she'd have run to their professor. Reconsidering, she remembered her slavish devotions to rules and authority figures. Shaking off the distraction, she realized it didn't matter anymore.

Harry was thinking of the first time he'd ever seen the house. Fred, Ron and George had rescued him from the Dursleys during his starvation period after first year. Well, one of many starvation periods, if truth be told. It was the first time anyone had rescued him from danger. In retrospect, he wondered if it was at this point that he began to accept that he may, someday, fit into a family of his own.

Squeezing the mittened hand in his grip, Harry reaffirmed his priorities. Everything came after her. Sirius, Remus, Minerva, Dora, Andi, Ted, the Twins…they were all wonderful people whom he loved, but they paled to insignificance next to the woman at his side. Without her, his life wasn't worth living. She was his mate, his family, his love. His life.

Shaking off the heavy thoughts, Harry mounted the front steps to the tumbledown house, giving the front door a few sharp raps.

The door opened to reveal Ginny Weasley wrapped in one of Bill's old sweaters. The enormous 'W' on the front of the emerald green jumper seemed oddly appropriate. There was a hint of fear in the back of Ginny's brown eyes before she recognized the visitors.

Beckoning the travellers in, she greeted them, "Happy Christmas, come on in out of the cold." Shutting the door firmly behind the visitor's she called out, "Bill!"

"What?" He bellowed from above stairs.

"Harry, Hermione and Sirius are here!"

"Right! I'll be down shortly."

As Harry helped Hermione out of her coat, he couldn't help but notice Ginny standing expectantly by the door. She was evidently working up her nerve for something.

"Thank you." Her eyes filled with tears as she angrily swiped at her face. Turning to Harry, she continued, "I never properly thanked you for your help in the Chamber or with…him," she spat the last with loathing. "I wanted you to know that if you ever need anything, you've but to ask and I'll do whatever I can to assist you." Facing Hermione, she added, "I owe you both my life and I can't let that pass by unremarked."

Hermione took the young woman into a firm embrace. No words were exchanged for words were useless at this point.

The rumble of four feet running down the stairs announced the arrival of Fred and George. Boisterous greetings from the Twins couldn't hide the strained expressions or the dark circles under each Weasley's eyes. Ron gave the Potters and Sirius a polite nod in greeting before moving to the kitchen where he made himself a sandwich.

Charlie and Bill did their best to host their visitors, but the entire visit was strained. The pink elephant in the middle of the drawing room that all did their best to ignore was the missing Weasley parents. On more than one occasion, Harry caught himself before he asked what new appliance Arthur was tinkering with nowadays.

Percy shouldered manfully in a conversation with Sirius. He seemed sincere in asking Sirius about his duties and responsibilities as Lord Black, but in the end all conversation dwindled away to nothing. Taking the unspoken cue, Harry stood and extended his hand to Hermione. As he helped her to stand, he told the room, "Thanks very much for the tea and company, but we've a few other stops today."

Bill stood, weary and stooped. He was far too young to be so demoralised and yet what choice did he have? Someone had to take care of his family and he and Charlie had custody of their brothers and sister.

With a knowing look in his eye, Sirius shook Bill's hand before leaning in and whispering something to the newest head of clan Weasley. Bill gently shook his head before Sirius whispered something else.

"I'll consider it. Thank you Sirius."

"Your parents were friends of mine and if this little bit could help relieve your burden, I'd like to do it."

Clapping Padfoot on the shoulder, Bill nodded silently. Moments later the threesome were trudging down the muddy lane so as to clear the anti-Apparition wards. When the house was obscured by a stand of trees, Harry turned to his godfather.

Responding to the unspoken query, Sirius told his companions, "I offered to pay for the rest of Hogwarts for his younger siblings." Shrugging, Sirius added, "I've got more gold than Midas, ought to put it to good use."

"He'll never ask," Hermione observed. "Floo Minerva and set it up so they get an 'Anonymous Donation' that'll cover the rest of Hogwarts for the other five."

"He'll know," Sirius observed.

"So?" Harry countered. "What's he going to do? Say 'Take it back'?"

Pursing his lips, Sirius nodded. After a minute, he observed, "That sucked."

"Yeah, it did," Harry agreed. The Weasley family was in tatters. None of the walkers knew how long it would take for the family to recover. If it ever did.


The Family accomplished their first mission against the still free Death Eaters and the Death Eaters-to-Be that evening. Four more houses burned in the hellfire of Fiendfyre.


"It's cold."

Hermione wrapped her arm around Harry's waist. When he absently wrapped his arm about her shoulder, she turned to look over the cliffs to the sea with him. He'd been out here most of the night, looking for what she didn't know. She had an idea, though.

"We're killing again."

"Yes," she replied. "Yes, we are."

Still staring out over the dark bay, he was silent for a long time. Eventually, he admitted, "God help me, but I don't give a shit about these people. After what Malfoy did, I have no qualms killing Crabbe, Goyle, Boot and Bulstrode or their families."

Another five minutes passed before he added, "At least right now I don't care."

She nodded in understanding. "I love you."

For the first time, his eyes left the horizon as he turned to her. "I love you. With all my heart. With all my soul, I love you."

She could barely make out his face in the light of the waning moon, but what she did see warmed her heart. His passion for her was written on her face. His love for her was sparking from his eyes like electricity. His devotion to her was as plain as the dark sky. Reaching up, she gently caressed his cheek. Leaning into her hand, he sighed.

"What about you?" he asked.

"I feel much the same. I really don't care about these people." Snuggling into his chest, she sighed, "Maybe that makes me a monster, but I really don't care. I care much more for the Weasleys, the Diggorys…"

"The Grangers," he interrupted.

Nodding against his chest, she asked, "What about the wards for my parents' place?"

"Sirius said the Gnomes would be there tonight. He Apparated over a bit ago to explain to your parents what's going on with these little guys running all over their property. Three days and Bob's your uncle."

"Good. I'll have to thank him."

They stood in the cold wind as it blew off Tremadoc Bay. The surf pounded below them, the wind whistled in their ears and still they stood there. Penance? Possibly.

Perhaps it was how they felt. Cold. In turmoil. Together in the middle of the dark as the wind blew and the surf raged. Together, they could weather any storm. Apart, they faltered and failed.

Silently, they turned back to their home. It was well after midnight and they needed their rest. Tomorrow was Christmas.


"I love you. Happy Christmas, baby."

The soft pressure of her lips on his woke him fully. Feeling the aftereffects of the Breath Freshening charm, he deepened the kiss, pulling her on top of him. When she groaned, his hands drifted down to cup her rear. Then, she smiled.

"You'll get your Christmas shag tonight, Mr Potter."

"Damn. Here I was thinking I was a good boy this year."

Her musical laugh faded as she Apparated to her parents' home.

Fully awake now, he groaned and shuffled to the bath. WC, toothbrush and shower. Wonderful how restorative the simple routine was for a person.

Washed, shaven and his hair (somewhat) combed, he dressed in some of the clothes he'd purchased with Hermione and her mum. At the time he'd thought it extravagant to buy a plain white t-shirt of Egyptian cotton, but after putting it on, he reconsidered the attitude. It was a pretty darn comfortable shirt. Dark green trousers and a deep red shirt finished his Christmas ensemble. No moron, he'd asked Hermione's opinion of his Christmas outfit before daring to dress. She'd given her approval as she said, "It looks good on you. Don't wear the combination any other day than Christmas, though, you'll look ridiculous."

Tugging at his cuffs, he sang under his breath as he made his way to the family dining room for breakfast, "That in thy dark streets shineth the everlasting light…The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight…" O Little Town of Bethlehem had been sung in the church in Cornwall the day he came back in time. Sitting there in desperate prayer, the song had been burned into his synapses. Harry would remember the words to the song until his dying day.

As he meandered through the halls, Harry watched the portraits of his ancestors on the walls. Some were asleep; others feigning sleep but a few watched him as he made his way through the house. One or two he recognized from the Mirror of Erised his first year.

"…While mortals sleep the angels keep their watch of wondering awe."

Turning into the dining room, he had to duck. Tonks had chucked a rasher of bacon at Sirius who was laughing like a loon. There was a small splat as it landed beyond Harry.

"What are you laughing at, Wolfie!" Tonks turned on her boyfriend.

"Nothing, dear," Remus choked out between smothered chuckles.

"Mum!" Andromeda and Ted gave up and rolled with laughter at whatever had prompted Dora's outrage.

With a smile tugging at her lips, Dora stood and placed her hands on her hips. "It's not…" giggles bubbled up from her belly. "It's not…oh, bugger all. It's hilarious."

The Family broke into gales of laughter as Dora retook her seat, leaning into Remus.

Behind him, Minerva walked in from the entry hall Floo, greeting him, "Happy Christmas, Harry."

"And to you, too, Minerva," Harry smiled his greeting. "It's a Happy Christmas, indeed."


They decided to wait for the Grangers before opening presents. Andi and Ted were looking forward to meeting the young girl who Harry talked as if she were a permanent fixture in his life. Concerned, Andi had pulled Sirius aside and asked, "He seems a bit preoccupied with this Hermione girl."

Sirius snorted. "Preoccupied is a light way to describe it. Obsessed. Wrapped up in. Completely in love with. Would kill and die for her in a heartbeat. I think those phrases accurately describe our Longtooth and Midnight."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm sure she's a nice girl, but aren't they a bit too young to be like this?"

Sirius smiled a genuine smile, "Harry is devoted to Hermione in a way I've never seen. They've been friends for years and their burgeoning relationship has grown their feelings for each other into something beautiful. Have no fear, Andi, they'll be married the day he turns seventeen and it'll be the right thing to do."

To see her happy go lucky cousin so sincere and serious took Andromeda back. Tapping her finger on the outside of her thigh, she nodded. Deciding to trust Sirius' opinion - for now - she headed to the terrace. She and Ted had taken two weeks off for the hols and were heading out to take a walk in the cold sunlit day.

"Andi," Sirius called.

Turning she saw his expression coldly serious, "Don't interfere with Harry and Hermione. It wouldn't be wise."

Taken aback, she nodded again before heading out. Apparently Sirius was taking his godfather role seriously. That was a good thing for all of them.


Harry was just returning from his run and passing through the entry hall when the Grangers and Sirius arrived via portkey. He smiled at the group and exclaimed, "Happy Christmas!"

"Happy Christmas, Harry!" Hermione called. She made to envelop him in a hug, but paused when she saw the sweat soaked shirt and hair. Crinkling her nose, she told him, "After you shower."

The group laughed as he waved and trotted off to the master suite. Twenty minutes later the freshened thirteen year old lord of the manor returned to his guests who had settled in the massive family drawing room. A roaring fire heated the seven hundred square foot room. The Louis XIV design of the room gave it an elegance and beauty that was comfortable and inspiring at the same time. Magical tapestries on the walls depicted real and mythological scenes from the past. Softly glowing fairies huddled in the massive tree, passively feeding on the ambient magic in the room. Floor to ceiling windows were adorned with garlands of pine and holly. The wireless softly reminded all of The First Noel.

Not wanting to interrupt the conversation, Harry silently moved to the divan which Hermione occupied alone. Sliding next to her, he pulled her close as she slid into his side. Their movements were so natural as to be unconscious, like she was meant to be there.

The cuddling didn't go unnoticed.

Sirius, Ted and Andi were discussing the Voldemort problem with Alice and Steven Granger.

"He's the baddest of the bad, true," Ted was saying. "But the underlying attitude has persevered through time; showing up now and again with some boob as the lead fool."

"So it's like anti-Semitism," Steven observed.

Nodding through his tea, Ted agreed. "Very much so. Hitler was the biggest fool in the thirties and forties. Nowadays, in the non-magical world the loudest idiots are showing up in the Middle East. Just like all Germans weren't evil, so too all the Middle Easterners aren't evil." Pointing to his wife, Ted added, "And not all the purebloods are evil."

"But these Death Eaters and their sympathisers are very dangerous."

"Very," Sirius agreed.

"Professor," Steven addressed Minerva, "What's your opinion of this pureblood question?"

"Bunch of rubbish," Minerva replied. "I'm a pureblood for generations uncounted, but my husband was as muggleborn as they come. He is still the best wizard I've ever known."

"Do you see a difference in your classes between the purebloods and non-purebloods?" Alice asked.

"Not really," Minerva replied. After a quick consideration, she added, "I take it back; the purebloods who've bought into this nonsense usually score and perform worse than muggleborns. Those like the missing and unlamented Draco Malfoy thought to rely on their blood status and wealth rather than their abilities to get them by in life."

"Morons," Steven observed under his breath.

"Quite," Minerva agreed.

There was a lull in the conversation as tea was sipped or cider downed. Remus broke the quiet by asking, "Should we open presents now?"

"You waited?" Hermione asked, even though she had known.

A tender expression on his face, Harry replied, "Of course."

"I'm Santa!" Sirius shouted as he bounded to the tree. "Moony! Catch!" A brightly wrapped package sailed over Minerva's head to land neatly in Remus' lap.

"Midnight!" A bright red package with dashing broomsticks floated through the air.


"Sirius Black! So help me if you throw that…" Too late, the gold package landed in her lap to grumbles from the professor and giggles from the youngest three celebrants.

Sirius continued in this manner for a few minutes until all gathered had a small pile of presents. Harry and Hermione exchanged a smile when they saw the long, thin package from Sirius. They noticed Minerva inspecting it from her spot across the room.

"She's as much a Quidditch fanatic as Ron," Hermione muttered under her breath.

Harry just smiled.

As the rest of the family tore into their packages, Harry sat back and watched. It was his first real Christmas with family and he wanted to savour every moment.

Turning to Hermione's parents, she saw Tonks explaining a gift to them. "It's a Reveal-All. See, turn it like this and look through it and you can see anyone invisible in the area. Oi! Cousin!" Sirius looked up at Dora. "Disillusion yourself for us, will you ducks?"

Alice gasped as Sirius faded out of sight. Holding the large magnifying glass looking device to her eye, she cried, "I see him!"

Steven was browsing through the self-updating copy of British Football: A Complete History since 1550. The author was a muggleborn footie fanatic. Sirius almost screamed when he saw the book. He purchased two.

Minerva opened the gift from Hermione and stilled. She thought it was one of the numerous books she was usually gifted, but she was wrong. It was a book of photographs. Opening the cover, she gaped to see a reproduction of her wedding picture from over fifty years before.

Pale faced, she looked up to Hermione, "How?"

"I wrote to your sister and family. Professors Flitwick and Sprout provided quite a few pictures as well. After the ones of your family are pictures from this year."

Minerva slowly flipped through the album until she reached the end. Completely overcome, she could only lay the book aside, slowly rise and embrace The Smartest Witch of the Age. After a long moment, she choked, "Thank you."

"It's my pleasure Minerva," Hermione whispered in reply.

Harry watched Andi and Ted open a joint present that was extremely small, a mere envelope.

Andromeda gasped and paled while Ted wrapped a supporting arm about her shoulder. She turned to Sirius, tears in her eyes as she thanked him. Across the room, Dora stood and as she made her way to her parents, asked, "What is it?"

Ted replied for his softly weeping bride. "Sirius has reinstated your mum to the Black Family."

Remus was gifted a certificate for a lifetime supply of Wolfsbane potion from Harry.

Sirius was gifted a replacement pocket watch of the exact make and model as the one Charlus Potter gave him on his seventeenth birthday. Even the inscription was the same. Remus accepted the hug from his best friend as both remembered the giant among men.

Dora was given a chain of finely woven platinum which was repeatedly micro engraved with 'To Thine Own Self Be True'. With a touched expression and the hint of a tear, she thanked her cousin.

"Open this," Hermione prodded Harry.

"In a minute. I want to watch everyone," he replied absently.

Understanding his meaning, she snuggled into his side, doing her best to be patient. Eventually, he acceded to her looks and throat clearing.

Opening the bright green package from Hermione, Harry slowed to enjoy the moment. Eventually, he'd unwrapped the package and was left with a small plain box. Casting a questioning glance at his mate, he opened the lid.

Inside was a crystal orb slightly smaller than a cricket ball. Curious, he reached in to pick it up. As soon as he touched it, he gasped. Drawing his hand back as if burned, he turned to his wife, wide eyed with surprise.

She smiled softly. "I've not named it, but whenever you touch it, you'll feel me and the emotion I feel for you. It's for when we can't be together."

Gasping from the experience of feeling her emotions directly, he threw his arms about her, nearly sobbing. With a sad expression on her face, she held him close, rocking him every so often.

She opened her eyes when another set of arms encompassed the two of them. Sirius had come to them, pulling them into his arms, holding the duo close to his chest.

Over the wireless, the singer extolled all, "…and have yourself a Merry little Christmas, night…"


Christmas Dinner was much less dramatic than the opening of the presents. Good food, a wonderful goose with all the trimmings and a spectacularly burning plum pudding. "Dobby went a bit overboard with the brandy," Harry muttered to Remus on his left.

Conversation was light as the family slowly worked their way through a masterpiece of a meal. Andromeda and Alice were comparing notes from their work. Andi was a healer at St Mungo's so the two were discussing treatments, similarities and differences.

Ted, Steven and Sirius were caught up in a Football discussion. Ted had disclosed his devotion to Manchester United, while Steven was a staunch Hull City Supporter. Sirius attempted to play Switzerland in the discussion as best he could, but failed miserably. Padfoot was not meant to be the arbiter of anyone's disagreements.

Minerva was regaling Hermione with tales from her youth. Hermione had been exchanging letters with Venus, Minerva's sister. In many of the letters, the younger Fraser sister had referenced or alluded to the 'misadventures of our youth' when discussing 'Minnie'. While Hermione wasn't brave enough to address the older woman as 'Minnie', she did ask about their chasing the Silkies, the finding of the 'pirate treasure', hiding from hobgoblins and playing in the stone circle near their home, sometimes with odd consequences.

Dora and Remus were enraptured with each other's company. Once Remus had decided to give the relationship with Tonks a go, he'd thrown himself in the deep end. Being the passionate yet relaxed woman that she was, Dora was more than willing to embrace the handsome man at her side. Currently, she was whispering naughty things in Remus' ear, trying to make Moony blush. She was in for a long day in trying to make a Marauder blush.

What of Harry? Harry sat at the head of the table soaking in it all. He revelled in the experience of true family. Not feeling left out, for he was intimately involved in each of the discussions, he silently sucked the emotion and love in the room into his heart as a healing balm. It was a dressing for his soul, as it were. War was raging again and his actions tore at his humanity. Unfortunately, he couldn't stop what he was doing lest thousands die. By embracing his family, as he was this day, it allowed him to maintain an anchor to sanity, a tie to his conscience.

So he loved and was loved. All was well.

For now.


Strangely, it was harder for Hermione to sneak into the master bedroom while her parents were at Rowan Hill than when they were at home in Kent. As master of the house, Harry replicated Hermione's ward on 'her bedroom' which would slow down her parents and alert the mistress of the house that she needed to Apparate right away.

Her parents wanted to while the night away with the Family chatting in the drawing room. Minerva was staying through the New Year so the Family would be together for the immediate future. She needed to get away from the castle for a break, she told them all. In truth, she needed to get away from Albus. His presence was a constant irritation to her sensibilities. Albus' persistent good cheer grated at her memories and knowledge of his less than savoury machinations. Hypocrisy didn't sit well on the shoulders of Albus Dumbledore, whether he knew it or not. She didn't tell anyone, but being around him was a physical reminder of her previous failings. To say that she hadn't forgiven herself for being Albus' lapdog was a gross understatement.

Andi and Ted were cuddled on a loveseat next to the fireplace chatting with Remus and Dora. Hermione was somewhat surprised to see the Tonks so accepting of their daughter's relationship with a much older man. Yet, with wizarding lifespans so long, what was a dozen years, really? When a witch or wizard lived to be over one hundred and thirty, what as a few years? Dora was happy and so too was Remus. A parent couldn't ask for more than a decent man to love their daughter with all he had.

Thankfully, Andi and Ted weren't afflicted with the magical community's pervasive fear of Lycanthropy. Remus had pulled his girlfriend and her parents aside earlier the day before, though. He'd wanted to discuss his affliction in a frank and open manner. Explaining the circumstances of his infection, the precautions he took to ensure he was safe from affecting others. He kept back the animagi who helped him stay sane on those full moon nights. Not wanting to explain how two third year students were able to master an advanced magical feat, he omitted the fact altogether. Harry's subsequent gift of a lifetime supply of Wolfsbane went even further to ease Andi and Ted's mind regarding Remus and his disease.

Around ten or so, Harry yawned widely before announcing, "I'm all done in. 'Night everyone." After giving Hermione a peck on the cheek, The Boy-Who-Lived ambled out of the drawing room towards the master suite. Five minutes later, Hermione repeated the performance, kissing her mum and dad on the cheek before heading to bed.

Ten minutes later, she and Harry were entwined in a passionate embrace.


Boxing Day and the rest of the calendar year passed by in the joyful haze that the holidays usually bring. The elder Grangers found themselves fitting into the rhythm of the Family quite easily. On the twenty ninth, events began to foment a permanent change of life for Steven and Alice Granger.

Sirius had become a news junkie since his exoneration. Every morning found him pouring over the Prophet. He read every article in every edition every day. Off to the side, Steven and Remus had discussed the matter. Steven was of the opinion that Sirius was trying to propel himself back into the ebb and flow of life by sheer force of will.

It was no surprise, therefore, when Sirius snapped open the daily paper that morning of the twenty ninth. What was surprising was the stillness from Padfoot. Usually, he provided a running commentary on the news. Mostly it was comic relief but occasionally, he offered very concise observations on the political landscape of magical Britain.

Therefore, silence from behind the broadsheets of the Daily Prophet was unexpected. Eventually, Sirius asked, "Steven, how far is your place from Faversham?"

Puzzled at the odd question, Steven mused, "Maybe three or four miles. Why?"

Without speaking, Sirius turned the paper round so that the rest of the gathering could see the front page. Dominating the sheet was a large magical photograph of a burning house. Leering sickly out of the centre of the picture was the glittering menace of the Dark Mark.

"This house was on the eastern edge of Faversham," Sirius observed tonelessly.

Harry and Hermione exchanged wide eyed glances while Steven and Alice puzzled through the picture, not connecting the dots just yet.

"I don't understand. What's the matter?"

Andromeda set down her mug of tea and explained the Dark Mark and its significance. After the clarification, a rattled Alice asked, "Who was killed, Sirius?"

Reading the article, Sirius replied, "Gladys and Jerome Gilbright."

Both elder Grangers closed their eyes and crumpled in on themselves in grief. "Oh, God," Alice groaned.

Steven reached out to take his wife's hand. She held on to his as an anchor holds a ship. "They were patients of and friends ours."

Harry turned to Dora and commanded, "Go to Auror headquarters. Find out what leads they have and if any evidence connects this attack to the Grangers. They'll not go home until we're sure it's safe."

Alice blinked when Dora merely nodded, wiped her mouth and headed to the Floo.

Turning to Moony, Harry told him, "Check out the area. See if there have been any disturbances in the wards about their house." Mimicking his girlfriend, Remus nodded obediently before heading out of the room.

Turning to his in-laws, Harry began with an apology. "I'm sorry that this is happening. I don't know for sure if this is a message that they know where you are or not, but if it is…" the implication was heavy in the silence.

Minerva chimed in, "This is a standard practice of the Death Eaters. Terror is their most useful weapon and by attacking near your home, they may very well be trying to tell us all that they can kill you as soon as you step out from your wards."

Sirius picked up the thread. He and Harry had discussed this situation back in October, so he knew his godson's wishes. "It may not feel like it right now, but the Blood War is starting again. Since your family is so intricately tied with us," he gestured to himself, Harry and Minerva, "You're known to associate with those who oppose Voldemort. You may not be able to go home."

"You're welcome to stay here for the rest of your life, if needs be," Harry proclaimed.

"But…" Alice weakly objected. Her protests were halted by the large warm hand of her husband coming to rest on her shoulder.

"Love," he reassured her, "It'll be alright. Homes can be rebuilt. Careers can be revived. Gladys and Jerome are gone forever. If it keeps you and Pumpkin safe, we'll stay here for the rest of our natural lives."

Alice reflected on the wisdom of her husband before nodding jerkily.

In an attempt to be soothing, Sirius observed, "Dora should be able to give us some insight on what the investigators have found. She may tell us that our fears are unfounded. Remus may also …"

Sirius' speculation was interrupted by a loud CRACK from the entry hall. Bolting from his chair, Harry sprinted out of the room, changing form as he ran. Before he cleared the doorway, Midnight leapt through the hallway, Longtooth and Padfoot on his heels.

Seconds later, the animagi shifted back to their human form as they found a wounded Remus nursing a burnt shoulder as he sat on the floor, gritting his teeth against the pain.

"Four Death Eaters. They were waiting just outside the ward boundary. I got two of them, but the third used a wide area Flagrante curse that caught my arm," he nodded at his smoking shoulder.

Before anyone could say anything, Andromeda drew her wand and was casting the Numbing charm. Gently levitating the injured werewolf, she murmured, "I'll pop over to the hospital for some of the Benson's Burn salve. Set you up in a jiffy. Let's just get you to your room for now, eh?"

Everyone was quiet as Andi took Remus to his room. Taking advantage of the silence, Sirius turned to Hermione, a gleam in his eye. "So. Pumpkin?"

Hermione alternated glaring at Sirius, her father and the laughing Harry at her side.


It turned out that the Aurors were completely unaware of the proximity of the Granger household to the attack site. When Dora had asked the lead investigator if there were any connections between the attack and the Granger house, he'd been completely befuddled why he should care about a muggleborn third year's parent's house. When the Metamorph Auror had casually dropped the words, "Girlfriend," "Harry Potter," and "Sirius Black," in that order, the lead investigator became much more focused on the investigation and this possible aspect of the crime.

Blood prejudice aside, he was a good man. Once he started investigating the link, much of the evidence at the Gilbright's house began to make sense. The addition of the aftermath of the skirmish Remus had with the Death Eaters cemented the issue. Sirius had gone to talk with the Auror, Joseph Kildargen, and told him that the Grangers were in a very safe place and if needed, they could come in for a discussion with the Auror. He would not be allowed to travel to them. The little bit of subterfuge of Sirius talking to the Auror and not mentioning Potter properties helped confuse the issue further.

Harry had been adamant. No one was coming in his wards unless they were family. No exceptions. He'd spent over forty thousand galleons upgrading the wards to the point where the experts at Gringotts and the Ministry couldn't penetrate the estate's defences.

The paper of the thirtieth had more interesting news. Severus Snape had been spotted in Bavaria.


The New Year's Eve party hosted by the Longbottoms of Green Hills was the social event of year. Sirius had finagled an invitation for himself, Andi and Ted as well as Remus and Dora. Harry had asked Neville, via owl, if Hermione's parents would be welcome. The excited reply from the Longbottom scion had warmed Harry's heart. It also increased the load of his guilt. Harry still felt like a heel for being so dishonest with his friends at school. The Twins were on the right trail and when they could protect their minds, Harry and Hermione would disclose the full extent of their secret.

Just as they had committed at the beginning of the year, Harry and Hermione did what they could to be better friends to Neville and Luna. Hermione had finally found a girlfriend who wasn't a complete idiot and could hold a discussion about topics that ignored cosmetics, hygiene and boys. Well, mostly avoided boys. Luna had started puberty without a mother. She turned to Hermione to ask the questions a girl becoming a woman would ask her mother.

Neville's blooming personality was nothing short of a miracle to Harry. Neither Potter could pinpoint the reason why Neville was changing so radically, but it was good to see the habitually insecure boy asserting himself more and more.

The entire family was gathered in the entry hall while wearing their finest robes. They'd gone en masse to Twifflett's, purveyors of fine Wizarding Wear. The store manager had quailed at the sight of nine persons sauntering into his formalwear section. Sirius had beckoned to the knock-kneed man and told him, "My purse is open to whatever my friends and family require. Anything."

The leaden feeling in the manager's belly changed into an avaricious grin.

Silk, satin, lace and the best linen swept in front of the ladies. The gentlemen took their cue, sitting in the waiting area until they were summoned. Steven had come prepared. Pulling out a fresh pack of cards, he asked, "Gentlemen are you all familiar with the wonderful entertainment known as poker?"

Remus' wolfish side showed up in his grin as he conjured a green felt covered table.

"Stakes?" Sirius asked. Harry reached for his purse, looking forward to fleecing his godfather.


Steven was the big winner. He came out three hundred galleons ahead. Harry was fifteen galleons up and Remus and Ted were only five short. Sirius was three hundred and five galleons light. No one cared as they were laughing and carrying on like loons. Four hours after the ladies had been sequestered by the tailors, the men were summoned for their fittings.

"Shouldn't we get to pick our clothes?" Remus asked.

Ted, Harry and Steven rolled their eyes at Moony's naiveté.

"Remus, our outfits are to complement their outfits. We only get to pick our boxers. Be glad they're letting us pick anything at all."

Shrugging it off, the men went in for their fittings. Forty five minutes later, they were done and Sirius was an additional twelve hundred galleons poorer.

"Can I see your dress?" Harry asked Hermione as they waited for everything to be settled.



"No. Stop asking."

Harry pouted for a minute before she smiled at him. Leaning in, she told him, "I bought something else. Something besides my dress."

With a lascivious grin, Harry asked, "Something your mum didn't see?"

She nodded. Very deliberately, she licked her lips.

Harry groaned. "Goddammit Padfoot, hurry the fong up."

"Let's get some food," Andromeda suggested.

"What do you say to Ethiopian? We know a place just down the road that's very good," Alice asked the group.

"Harry's buying!" Hermione announced.

The very horny and frustrated Boy-Who-Lived glared at his wife for a second before brightly agreeing with her. "I've never eaten Ethiopian. What's it like?"


The party was rollicking. Green Hills was an estate nearing the size of Rowan Hill. The house was large, having a ballroom rivalling the great hall of Hogwarts. A classical quartet was set up in the entry hall, soft strings of Corelli and Mozart wafting through the crowds. A Swing Band was playing in the ballroom, a large crowd of witches and wizards dancing the year away.

The Family arrived on the front lawn. Hurrying in the house to escape the threatening sleet, they were greeted by the bejewelled Dowager Lady Longbottom. Augusta was a tall woman whose youthful beauty had fallen to a sharply intimidating expression. Greeting Sirius first, she then turned to Harry. "It is very good to meet you, Mr Potter. My grandson has spoken highly of you in his correspondence home this term. I look forward to the day when you both assume your rightful positions as peers of the realm and Lords of our magical society."

Completely nonplussed, Harry merely smiled before bowing over Lady Augusta's outstretched hand. As the Family moved into the house, Harry muttered to Hermione, "What was all that?"

"I've no idea. We'll ask Neville later." Hermione waved and smiled to Susan Bones across the room.

"I want a drink."


"I know," The Boy-Who-Lived grumbled. "Doesn't mean I don't want one."

Turning to him with a bright smile, Hermione beamed, "Dance with me?"

Harry smiled before agreeing, "I'd be delighted."

It was a traditional waltz being played; the horns were muted as the strings dominating the rise and fall of the music. He held her close, she melding herself to his form in an intimacy as powerful as their joining. Her dress was from another age. The empire gown was tastefully embroidered with gold thread overtop a midnight blue dress. There was the hint of resemblance to her gown from the Yule Ball and it was on purpose. They were celebrating tonight. A new life: new family and new choices. Off the shoulder, snug from her bosom down to her ankles, the dress showed off all the assets Hermione wanted her man to see.

Unfortunately her figure wasn't what it would be, otherwise, she'd have gone with the strapless silk creation her mother ended up selecting. Three more years and I'll pop his eyes out of his head. Little did she know, she already did 'pop his eyes out of his head'.

Truly, she was a beautiful young woman - when she took the time to condition and tame her hair. On the sly, she'd used an Orthodontic spell to straighten and shrink her teeth a few days after returning to the past. Her parents hadn't commented, but she'd seen both of them do double takes after noticing.

The nutrition potions she and Minerva had been forcing down Harry's throat had helped her husband as well. He'd grown three inches in the winter term. He now topped her by an entire one quarter inch whereas when they'd married, she was still slightly taller than him.

That train of thought is the way of madness, she reminded herself. Every time she considered Harry's height or weight, she zeroed in on the Dursleys and their mistreatment of her man. It was not a safe line of thought for any involved. Homicide was a familiar topic in Hermione's mind when contemplating Vernon, Petunia and Dudley Dursley.

Pushing the contemptible excuses for humanity to the farthest reaches of her voluminous brain, Hermione focused on the wizard in her arms. When she stopped to consider how much she loved this young man in her arms, her breath always caught in her chest.

He was brave. He was kind. He was honest. He was determined. He was gentle. He was funny. He was smart. He was in love with her.

He could be irritable. He could be annoying. He could be lazy. He could be sharp. He could be profane. He could be moody.

But in the end, Harry James Potter was the only person in the universe who had or could touch Hermione Jane Granger's heart in that special way. He touched her in the way that seemed predestined by God Himself. She loved him: the good, the bad and the ugly; all the pieces and parts that made up her Harry. He was hers and she was his.

The moment was broken as the band wound up into an upbeat tune. Twirling her, Harry laughed aloud for the sheer pleasure of being alive. Outside of his arms, life was pretty much shit. But in his arms was his entire reason for existing. Her name was Hermione and he loved her.


"Muggles! Who the bloody hell brought muggles?"

"Fong," Harry muttered as he turned toward the sound of the shouting.

Pushing through the crowd, Hermione drafting behind him, Harry broke through the circle surrounding Steven and Alice to find Sirius standing over an older man who was pinching his bleeding nose.

"Listen to me you worthless piece of shite," Sirius hissed at the man. "These are my friends, personal friends, mind you. In fact," standing up straight and tall, Sirius cut a much more imposing figure. "In fact," he reiterated, "I claim them as protected by House Black."

Gasps from the crowd accompanied expressions of befuddlement from Harry and Hermione. Sirius wasn't done yet, though. Turning to the newly arrived Lady Augusta, he scolded her, "I'm disappointed in you, Lady Augusta. After what Frank and Alice went through, you invite this scum into your home," he gestured to the now standing man, blood still dripping from his injured nose.

Somehow managing to be indignant and shamed at the same time, Lady Augusta glared at the offensive man until he withdrew, hopefully for the evening. Turning her formidable gaze to the Lord Black, she tilted her head, acknowledging his rebuke, but not dignifying it with a reply. Stalking off she let the crowd disperse muttering and murmuring as it went.

Hermione moved to her parents and Harry noticed for the first time that Steven had blood on his hand. Harry had assumed, incorrectly, that Sirius had struck the offending man. One look at the expression on Steven Granger's face made Harry rethink everything he'd ever thought about the man. He was definitely going to ask him what he'd done before dental school. Harry wasn't putting the SAS beyond the man right then.

Alice was visibly shaken. Apparently much more had been said then what Harry had heard. As Hermione wrapped her mum in a hug, Harry scanned the immediate surroundings for any further threat. Seeing no one lingering, he moved to his godfather.

"Padfoot?" he asked.

Still angry, Sirius pointed in the direction the offending wizard had retreated. "That scumbag is Ricardo Lestrange, father of Rudolphus and Rabastan. He's also the father in law of the lovely Bellatrix."

Completely taken aback, Harry wondered aloud, "How did he get in here?"

"I've no idea."

"He came with Theodorix Jugson."

Turning to the voice, Harry found Neville standing there, pale and sweating. "Gran is screaming at Jugson right now. I'd stay away from the library for a bit. After she's done with him…well, there won't be much left."

The four men stood in silence contemplating the news. There was an uncomfortable moment when Harry and Neville both realized that Harry must know all about the incapacitation of Frank and Alice Longbottom. Ignoring the problem for the moment, Harry told his friend. "Give your Gran our regrets. I think we're going to get out of here."

Nodding, Neville replied, "I understand. Did you ever see Luna? She's around here somewhere. Last I saw her, she and Newt Scamander were sequestered in a corner."

Slightly smiling, Harry clapped Neville on the shoulder, "No, I didn't. Give her our best."

"Will do."

Turning to follow Sirius and Steven, Harry almost ran over Albus Dumbledore.

The twinkling blue eyes bored into Harry's green. "Good evening, Harry." Looking over the shoulder of The Boy-Who-Lived, the aged Headmaster added, "Sirius, Mr Granger how are you this evening?"

"We're well Albus. You'll excuse us, we're just leaving."

"So soon?" the old wizard pressed.

Annoyed with all that had happened and his patience dwindling, Sirius snapped, "Yes, Albus. We're leaving now."

Harry moved to follow his godfather, but was stopped by a hand on his arm. Surprised that the Headmaster had laid a hand on him, Harry turned back to face Dumbledore.

"Harry, I'd like to have a discussion with you when school starts back. Please come by my office the day after term starts."

Sirius had turned around as soon as he realized that Dumbledore had waylaid his godson. "What would you like to discuss with my godson, Albus?" There was a definite hint of menace in Padfoot's tone.

Brushing off the implied threat like an annoying insect, Dumbledore replied, "Oh, this and that. Nothing to be worried about."

That blasé statement sent alarm bells ringing in Harry, Sirius and even Steven's ears. "Harry," Sirius addressed his best friend's son, "Don't go anywhere near the Headmaster's office unless it's for a school related issue and your head of house is with you. In fact," he continued in an acerbic tone, "Contact me before you go. I don't want you alone with the Headmaster for any reason."

Harry's eyes were wide by the time Sirius was done with his rant. Slowly turning to the Headmaster, Harry saw the old man regarding Sirius with a thoughtful expression.

The old man's piercing gaze shifted from Sirius to Harry and for a long moment, Harry stood transfixed. He felt nothing against his mind's shields which Harry was frantically reinforcing.

Without saying a word, Dumbledore walked away, disappearing into the crowd. "Fuck," Sirius muttered. Glancing at the other two men, he nodded toward the entry hall, "Let's get the girls and Moony and get the hell out of here."


1. I own nothing. Thanks to all who reviewed the first seven chapters. Story status can be found on my Author's page on FanFiction (dot) net.

2. Recommendation for the chapter is Full Circle by Crazy Mishka. Find it on Portkey.

3. I felt it was important for Sirius to tell the Grangers his story. For one, it's an incredibly sad story of loss, death, betrayal and madness. On the other, it drops the Grangers in the Story at the deep end. Let's just say that their world is going to significantly change and leave it at that.

4. It may seem like I'm picking on the Weasley's but I'm not. They have publicly aligned themselves against Voldemort and his forces and there are consequences for doing so. If this were real life, it wouldn't be a game or macho posturing. It'd be life and death. Most of the families in canon that had publicly taken a stand against evil have been decimated: Potter, Bones, Prewett and others are mentioned in the books. Granted, the disaster of Molly and Arthur's death would most likely be classified as 'unfortunate' rather than 'deliberate', but they wouldn't have been in the courtroom had the family not believed in standing against the darkness.

5. If you haven't figured it out, all the carols, quotes and whatnot have meaning in this story. It's not random selection on my part.

6. I said this in the chapter, but it's quick and most may have missed it. It's my opinion that the Fidelius in Godric's Hollow was not to hide James and Lily, but rather to hide Harry. Sure, Voldemort wanted to kill the elder Potters on principle, but the real target was Harry. Hence, he was the one being hidden and his parents went with him.
