Unofficial Portkey Archive

Nightmares and Truths by ShellyLove

Nightmares and Truths


Hermione leaned in and laid a small chaste kiss on the corner of his mouth and asked, "What did you say back?" Harry swallowed, "I said I loved you too," there, I finally said it, he thought to himself, his stomach knotting as he lowered his eyes from her gaze. Then he heard something he didn't expect, Hermione began to laugh softly. Harry raised his face and took a look at the laughing woman before him. Her bright chocolate eyes gleamed with mirth, the moonlight turning her mahogany curls to a soft black. Her mouth covered by a delicate hand, her slim frame shaking from laughter. She's beautiful, from head to toe, Harry thought in awe. "Why the laughter, Hermione?" he asked her giggling causing a broad grin to stretch across his face. "It's just not how I planned it," she replied calming her laughter. Harry's confused expression urged her to take his hands in hers.

The mirth now absent from her gaze, replace by a calm, complete seriousness. "Harry James, I do love you. So very much, I've never said because there wasn't any way for me to be sure that what's between us is love or friendship. Yes, I, the brain of this outfit, didn't know for sure. We've always been this way, easy as breathing. Though, I've always been sure of what I feel for you," she explained, her twinkling eyes never leaving the joy-filled green orbs behind Harry's glasses.

Harry's breath hitched as she took his face in her hands, fingertips brushing the hair at the nape of his neck. "Mione," Harry murmured, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her closer until only a hairsbreadth remained between them. Hermione felt his fingertips create circles on her lower back; her heart began to race as she waited for him to speak. A moment later, Harry smiled softly and said "I've loved you, probably longer than I've realized. Not until this dream that tore me up inside every single time did I realize that you're my world. The only person in my life who's never doubted me, you've always been there. Although, that isn't why I'm in love with you," he continued quietly, his mouth now only centimeters from her ear.

Hermione waited for him to continue, but Harry was now laying small butterfly kisses along her neck. She responded only by tilting her head to give him better access, then the kiss ceased. Hermione opened her eyes, her abdomen aflame as she met his eyes shining with love but darkened to a deep green. His mouth formed a small smirk, Oh, Potter, you play a dangerous game, she thought matching his smirk with a mischievous grin of her own.

Harry's eyes widened as the small hands on his face pulled him in, the unique scent that was Hermione overpowering him as her lips crashed against his. Tongues and teeth clashed as both Harry and Hermione lost themselves in a dance as old as time. Together, for the first time, they reached the peak the likes of which neither had ever experienced. Later on, the sun began to shine through the window of Harry's room as the lovers lay in a tangle of limbs basking in the afterglow as dawn arrived.

Hermione lay on Harry's chest, legs entangled with his dozing softly, her head tucked under Harry's chin. Harry's powerful arm gently encircled Hermione bare back, his face relaxed contentment. Hermione laid a soft kiss over Harry's heart and tilted her head to catch his eye. His soft smile provoking one of her one, "I love you, Mione," Harry whispered kissing her forehead. "I love you," she replied, stretching to kiss his cheek.

The sun now high in the sky poured through the windows bathing the room in warm sunlight. Hermione awoke slowly, rolling over and sitting up in the large bed, drawing the navy blue sheets around her bare body. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as her mind flashed to the night before. As thoughts of Harry entered her mind, she noticed the absence of his warm body beside her.

Hermione pulled herself out of bed and slipped on one of Harry's white long-sleeve button downs. The shirt fell mid-thigh on her as she padded to the door of Harry's room. The smell of cooking bacon filled her nostrils, causing Hermione's stomach to illicit a loud growl. "Always taking care of me," she murmured as she made her way passed her room and to the kitchen. Harry stood at the stove, barefoot, his black sweatpants riding low on his hips. His black hair in disarray as he flipped bacon with ease on to a plate loaded with eggs and toast.

With a wave of his right hand the dishes began to wash themselves and he went to the fridge, poured a glass of orange juice and set the plate and glass on the table. Hermione looked on with a fond smile from the doorway. Harry turned to her and smiled, "Breakfast?" he asked pulling the chair out for her. Hermione ate while Harry fixed a plate for himself.

Harry looked up from his empty plate to find beautiful toffee eyes focused on him. "What, babe?" he asked, Hermione smiled and replied, "You never told me why you love me." Harry got to his feet and held out a hand, Hermione took it, once on her feet Harry pulled her close and began to dance the pair of them around the room. "Well, I love you because you're courageous, loyal, and the most loving woman I've ever known. Most importantly, you've always seen me and loved me for me," he said quietly swaying to the rhythm of their beating hearts. Hermione felt her pulse begin to race, his words warming her to the tips of her toes. "Harry," she spoke softly, her arms still around his neck. Harry put a finger to her lips to silence her next word and said, "I look forward to hearing you say my name like that for the rest of my life." Harry leaned down and kissed her lips, sealing the promise of forever between them.