It's You I Love
A/N: - Apologies for grammar and spelling mistakes.
Disclaimer:- I don't own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
All of their friends and family were gathered in the small church in Godric's Hollow. Harry Potter was getting married to the love of his life. Priest finished the wedding rituals and announced,
"Now that Groom and Bride have given themselves to each other by the promises they have exchanged, I pronounce them to be husband and wife. Now Groom may kiss the bride, sorry again kiss the bride." Priest announced with a smile.
Harry once again pulled his wife in his arms and kissed her tenderly with all the love he felt for her. They both turned towards the gathering. Everyone in the church was applauding for them. Harry smiled at his wife and said, "I Love You".
"I love you too Harry." His wife said and kissed him again forgetting everyone else in the world.
Harry Potter had never been so happy in his entire life before. War was over and light side had won without many sufferers. Now he was free to live his life without any kind of threat looming over his head. He along with his best friends Ron and Hermione had decided to go to Hogwarts to complete their seventh year at Hogwarts.
Harry had decided to become an Auror. Ron had joined in business with his twin brothers and Hermione had joined Magical Law Enforcement department. Three of them were having a great life. Ron had started to date Luna Lovegood. Everyone was surprised at this, but in the end, accepted it. Hermione's social life was almost nonexistent, as she was busy in fighting against repressive laws. And Harry, he was having fun. He was single, enjoying his bachelorhood, and was quickly gaining the image of a playboy.
It wasn't until he met his first crush Cho Chang, that he became serious about having a relationship. They both had met during a Quidditch match and reinitiated their friendship. Harry's old feelings had started to resurface and one day he asked her out. To his surprise, Cho said that she had been waiting for him to ask her out.
They both were having great time. Except some problems between Hermione and Cho, rests of the things were going well. Hermione had never liked Cho from starting, but decided to be friendly towards Cho for Harry's sake. But Cho always had problems with Harry and Hermione's friendship, Harry had to assure her repeatedly that there was nothing between him and Hermione.
Time passed. Days became weeks, weeks became months. 8 months had passed since Harry and Cho got together. Relationship was a pure bliss for Harry.
Harry wanted to take their relationship to the next level and propose her. It was Cho's birthday next week and he had decided to propose her on her birthday. He planned a surprise dinner for Cho on her birthday.
Cho was a famous supermodel. On the day of her birthday, she was having a photo shoot. Harry had never told her about dinner surprise. Around six in the evening, he apparated to her shooting place. He entered the building and asked the receptionist about Cho. Receptionist was flustered seeing Harry Potter standing right in front of her. She told him that Cho was on the fourth floor where wizarding studio was.
Harry made his way to fourth floor. It was a huge studio and everyone was busy with his or her work. Harry knew few of them.
"Hey Jim," Harry said to one of the photographer.
"Hey Harry. Long time no see." Jim said.
"Yeah, I had a bit of tight schedule for last couple of months. Where's Cho?" Harry asked.
"She must be in one of the changing room. We just finished the shoot." Jim said.
"Thanks." Harry said and made his way towards the changing rooms.
He checked the changing rooms. All the rooms were empty except the last one near the wall. Door of the room was slightly open and light was on in the room. Harry pushed the door a little, what he saw inside just shocked him to the core of his heart.
Cho was pressed against the wall kissing none other than Draco Malfoy. They both didn't notice that Harry was watching them. Harry snapped out of his shocked state.
"Cho!" Harry almost yelled.
Cho quickly pulled away from Draco and looked at Harry. Shock was written all over her face. Harry and Cho just stared at each other.
"Well Potter, now if you are done with your staring, why don't you leave us alone." Malfoy said with a smirk on his face.
Anger flared inside Harry at this. "Just shut up, you bastard" He said and launched himself on Malfoy punching him hard on the face. Malfoy fell on the floor with his nose bleeding profusely. Harry again started punching him wherever he could. This pulled Cho out of her stunned position.
"Harry," she called, trying to pull him away from the already bleeding Malfoy.
"Leave him Harry. It's not his fault." Cho shouted. Before anyone else would come to check what was going on, she closed the door of the room and performed a silencing charm on it.
Harry pulled away from Malfoy and looked at Cho.
"I think you enjoyed having ferret's hand all over you." Harry said angrily.
"Harry it's not like that. Please listen to me." Cho pleaded.
"What's there to listen to, Cho? For God's sake, I practically saw you and this ferret kissing each other. What else you have to say? How long you have been doing this behind my back?" Harry said in dejected voice.
"It just happened twice. I don't know how it happened. Last month when you went to France for your Auror duties, I met Draco in Leaky Cauldron. We were just talking and next we started kissing." Cho said desolately looking at the floor.
"Why him Cho? Of all the people, why him?" Harry asked. Cho was just quiet.
"You know, today I was going to ask you to marry me and you just go ahead and break my heart into pieces. If you didn't want to be with me you should have told me instead of going behind my back." Harry said despondently.
Cho had a stunned expression on her face at this revelation. Then, she composed herself again.
They both had forgotten about Malfoy lying on the floor unconscious.
"I want to be with you Harry. Please forgive me." Cho said hopefully.
Harry just shook his head. "No, Cho. I don't think it's possible now. You have broken my heart, as well as my trust for you. I don't think I can trust you again." Harry said, "I hope you find your happiness with him." Harry said gesturing towards unconscious Malfoy and then left without looking back at his ex-girlfriend.
Harry had never felt so empty in his whole life. He felt as though if his whole world had fallen apart. He was hoping to have a family he always wanted and all his hopes shattered in just few minutes. He felt lost and alone.
His life was never the same after that. He had started drinking. He hadn't told anybody including Ron and Hermione about his break up with Cho. He spent most of his time in muggle pubs and due to the lack of responsibility towards his job, he was suspended for 3 weeks.
Cho had left the apartment they both shared and he was living alone there now.
One day Harry had got back from a pub. It was one of the coldest evenings of December. He was completely drunk and was opening the door of his apartment when he heard a voice,
"I didn't know you were so fond of alcohol, Harry."
Harry quickly turned around and found himself face-to-face with Hermione Granger. Hermione waved her wand at Harry and he was immediately sobered up. Harry blinked as his mind cleared a bit.
"Hermione, what are you doing here?" Harry asked astounded.
"Well, you seem to have forgotten that you have friends who care about you, but I haven't." Hermione said coolly. Harry stared at her as though if seeing her for the first time.
"Now, will you just keep staring at me or invite me inside?" Hermione said in an amused voice.
"Oh yeah, come in." Harry said, as he unlocked the door of his apartment. He entered into his apartment with Hermione following him.
Harry switched the lights on with a flick of his wand. He motioned Hermione to sit on the couch and went to his room to change out of his cloths, which now smelled of alcohol and smoke.
A Few minutes later, he came out of his room wearing fresh clothes.
Hermione was sitting on the couch rubbing her hands and fire was burning in the hearth.
"Since I don't need a hangover potion, thanks to you, I am going to have some hot chocolate. Do you want to have something?" Harry asked Hermione.
"Hot chocolate would do." Hermione replied with a smile.
Harry nodded and made his way to the kitchen. Few minutes later, he came back with two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. He handed one over to Hermione and sat next to her.
"Thanks," Hermione said gratefully.
"So what brings you here?" Harry asked nonchalantly taking a sip from his mug and immediately felt warm inside.
Hermione just shrugged her shoulders. "Just wanted to see you I guess. Also, today I saw Cho with Terry Boot. They both were making out in public. And since you didn't feel like telling me anything about that, I thought I should ask you myself."
Harry didn't say anything. He had a good idea beforehand about why Hermione had come there.
"OK. Given that, you are not going to say anything I would take the direct approach. What happened between you and Cho?" Hermione asked bluntly.
Harry was staring at the fire. He turned his head to look at Hermione.
"We broke up." Harry answered without any emotion. His eyes were blank devoid of any feelings.
Hermione didn't say anything as she looked into Harry's eyes. Looking at the blank look in his eyes hurt her. She caressed his cheek with her fingertips. Harry closed his eyes as a tear slipped from his eyes. Hermione couldn't take it anymore. She leaned towards Harry and hugged him tightly. Harry didn't respond immediately, but slowly he wrapped his arms around Hermione.
Hermione felt her shoulder getting wet, but she didn't let go of Harry. She knew Harry needed to let out all his anguish he had felt in past few months. After sometime, Harry calmed down a bit.
"I am sorry." Harry said in a low voice.
"Don't be. You needed a shoulder to cry on and I was here. That's what friends do, Harry." Hermione said in a comforting tone.
Harry looked at Hermione and gave a small smile. "I don't believe I cried like a baby." Harry said with a chuckle. Hermione brought a thoughtful expression on her face and nodded and then she just burst out laughing.
"I am glad to know that you enjoyed my crying." Harry said in whiny voice and started laughing with Hermione.
Harry had never felt this good for a long time. "Thanks Hermione." Harry said in a heartfelt voice. Hermione just smiled at him and squeezed his hand. Later on, they chatted for a long time. Harry told her everything about what happened between him and Cho. It was easier to talk to Hermione about it. Hermione stayed with Harry for the night. They both watched some movies and then went to sleep. Hermione slept in the guest room while Harry went to his bedroom.
Life took a better turn for Harry after that. He started spending most of his time with Hermione. There was something about her, which always managed to sooth his nerves. It had always been like this since their school days. He had started to enjoy her company more than a person would normally do of his or her best friend.
Hermione had always been there for him. Whenever he had a problem he would go to her. He had started to get over Cho. He was back on his Auror job after 3 weeks of suspension. Things were once again looking upward in his life and he had started to hang out with his other friends.
However, new feelings started to make their way into his heart. He had started to look at Hermione more than just a friend did. He thought that it was just because he was spending so much time with her. He presumed that his feelings would just go away with time. But as time passed his feelings became more intense. He felt as if these feelings were always there, and he was a fool for not noticing them sooner.
Whenever he was with Hermione, he couldn't help, but stare at her. He never noticed before how beautiful she was. She wasn't a stunning beauty like Cho, Ginny or Lavender. But she was kind of a natural beauty. Somehow, Cho or any other girl like her stood nowhere close to Hermione. Harry longed to hold her in his arms. He wanted to kiss her and he wanted her to want him as well.
Harry was sure that if he didn't do anything about his feelings he would go mad. Finally, on a Sunday evening of February, Harry decided to tell about his feelings to Hermione.
They both were at Harry's place. They both had come back from a get-together party and Harry had requested Hermione to stay at his place for the night. Hermione was a bit hesitant, but then gave in to Harry's pouty face.
They both were watching the movie. Harry thought it was the right time to tell about his feelings.
"Hermione," Harry said nervously.
"Yeah," Hermione said looking at Harry.
"Umm…. You see I…I have some…something to tell" Harry stammered.
"OK. What is it?" Hermione asked curiously.
"I…Ihavefeelingsforyou." Harry said hurriedly.
"What? What did you say?" Hermione asked looking confused.
Harry took a deep breath and spoke with a calm voice "Hermione I have feelings for you, more than that of just a friend." He finished looking at Hermione straight in the eye.
Hermione didn't reply immediately. She was shocked at Harry's words and Harry was starting to get worried, as Hermione didn't reply.
'Does she not feel the same?' he thought. He braced himself for the worst to come, Hermione's rejection.
"You have feelings for me." Hermione whispered.
"Yeah," Harry said nervously.
"But..." Hermione trailed off. She was deep in thought when Harry interrupted. "But what Hermione?" he asked. Hermione looked at him.
"How can you have feelings for me Harry?" Hermione asked.
"What you mean?" Harry asked perplexed at her question.
"I mean, why do you have feelings for me? It's not as though if I am an eye-catching beauty. I am just a plain, old, ugly, bushy haired, nagging Hermione. You never showed any interest in me before. And the kind of girls you have dated in the past, I am nowhere close to them. They all have been great beauties. You have no reason to like me." Hermione said dejectedly looking down as though if ashamed of herself.
Harry's stance softened at this. "Hermione," he said. But when Hermione didn't look up, he touched Hermione's chin gently with his fingers and forced her to look at him. She had tears in her eyes; it hurt Harry to see her cry. He wiped her tears away.
"Hermione Jane Granger, never ever think that you are not beautiful. You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. And I am not saying this just to make you feel good, I mean these words. Cho, Lavender, and all those other girls are just beautiful outside, you are beautiful both inside and out. Don't you dare say that you are ugly. See it through my eyes, how beautiful you are." Harry said softly, "And I was a fool to not see what was right in front of my eyes."
Hermione had an unbelievable look in her eyes. "But you loved Cho. You were going to ask her to marry you. What if you are feeling like this because you miss her." Hermione said.
Harry shook his head. "I don't know if I ever loved her. I had some good time with her. I wanted to ask her to marry me because I wanted a family. Probably that's why I was in a hurry. What I had with her is just in the past now. I want to forget about it as a bad memory. I want to be with you Hermione. What I feel for you is something I never felt for anyone before, not even Cho. Do you feel the same way for me?" Harry asked in a tender voice.
"I have felt this way for you since Hogwarts days." Hermione said as tears once again rolled down her face. Harry was surprised at this revelation. He didn't know what to say.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Harry blurted out.
Hermione just shrugged her shoulders "You didn't show any interest in me." She said.
"I was a really thick. Wasn't I?" Harry said with a chuckle. Hermione just snorted at this. "Trust me; there was no doubt about it." She said.
"Hey, you were not supposed to agree with me." Harry said feigning hurt. Hermione started laughing at this. Harry just smiled looking at radiant and carefree Hermione sitting in front of him.
"So does that mean….?" Harry trailed off giving a knowing look to Hermione.
"If you mean whether we are together or not, then answer is Yes." Hermione said in a laughing voice.
Harry gave her a roguish grin and pulled her on his lap making Hermione gasp at the sudden movement.
Harry cupped her face with his one hand while his other hand held her close to his chest. He kissed her gently. It began as a soft and innocent kiss, but soon turned out to be a passionate songfest. After few minutes, they both pulled back.
"Wow!" Hermione said with wonder. Harry grinned at her.
"I'll take it as that you liked it." He said. Hermione just nodded feeling dazed from kissing.
Harry held her close."I am glad you are here with me." He said.
"I'll always be there with you Harry, as long as you need me, I promise." Hermione said earnestly.
Harry smiled. "Don't make such promises Hermione. I may need and want you with me forever." He said.
"Try me." Hermione said and kissed Harry again.
They both were happy. For Hermione it was just like a fairy tale. She never once in her life thought that Harry would return her feelings, but he did to her astonishment. He was so good to her. Sometimes she thought what she did to deserve him. He always cared for her. He never forgot to tell her how much he loved her.
For Harry, it was like he was living in a different world altogether. He felt as though if he was on cloud nine. He would spend half of his time with Hermione and the other half thinking about her. He just couldn't explain how he felt; it was a feeling he was not able to explain in words. With Hermione, he was Harry, just Harry, not some savior of the world. Her every move and gesture made him feel her love. They never needed words to tell what they were feeling. One look in the eye and they would know what other was feeling or thinking.
Harry had heard about Cho. She was enjoying her life. Media had run many stories about his breakup with Cho. Sometimes it hurt him to see that she had no regrets about hurting him. Every week there were rumors about her affairs with different guys. Harry tried to block the hurt he felt whenever he read or heard about Cho. He knew it was not fair to Hermione. He loved her and never ever wanted to hurt her.
Hermione had once asked him if he still felt anything for Cho. He had simply said 'no'. He was very much sure about his feelings for Hermione. He had never felt this way with Cho.
Harry and Hermione had been together for six months now. One day Harry proposed her. It wasn't very romantic, but Hermione loved it.
Harry and Hermione were on a short holiday in Capri an Italian Island. They had rented a cottage there. It was early morning. Hermione was in the bed while Harry was preparing the breakfast in the kitchen. After setting coffee mugs and food in the tray, he took the breakfast to the bedroom.
He smiled at Hermione's sleeping form. She was glowing. Her hairs were spread out on the bed behind her head. Her naked body was covered in silky sheets. Harry was feeling tempted to get under the sheets with her.
Last night was the first time they had made love. It was the most amazing experience he had ever felt. It felt so right for him. For the first time in his life, he felt complete. It amazed him that it was the first time for Hermione. He had a pleasing kind of feeling of being her first.
He sat on bed next to where Hermione was sleeping. He leaned towards her. "Hey sunshine, it's morning." He whispered in her ear.
Hermione opened her eyes and looked at Harry. She gave him a lazy smile."Good morning Harry." she said and closed her eyes again.
Harry smiled mischievously and once again leaned towards her. "Hermione will you marry me?" he whispered in her ear. For next 30 seconds he got no response from her and then she suddenly sat up and almost shouted "What?"
Harry started laughing silently at her reaction. Hermione gave him one of her famous glare.
"Sorry," Harry said in an amused voice. Hermione threw a pillow at him, which caught him off guard.
Harry looked aghast at this. "You know you shouldn't have done that?" Harry said with a playful glint in his eyes. In one swift motion, he trapped Hermione between his body and the bed. Hermione tried to push him away, but he was stronger than her. He grabbed both of her hands and pinned them on both sides of her head. Hermione started fidgeting under his weight.
Harry just shook his head. "It's of no use Hermione. You will get nowhere. Why waste your energy? You will need lots of energy later." Harry said in husky tone in her ear. He pulled back and looked at Hermione. She was completely flushed. Her eyes were closed and her breathing had quickened.
"You didn't answer my question, Hermione." Harry said in a warm tone.
Hermione opened her eyes and looked at him with love and lust filled eyes.
"Do you really mean it?" she asked looking at him.
"Yes, every word." Harry said caressing her cheek.
Hermione brought her free hand to touch his cheek. "Then you don't have to ask even. Yes." She answered as few tears leaked from her eyes.
Harry wiped her tears away and gave her a soft and lingering kiss.
"I love you so much, Harry." Hermione said as Harry kissed her on the neck.
Harry raised his head and looked at her "I love you too." He said and kissed her again, but this time it was more passionate and they were not holding anything back.
All their friends and family were very happy for them. Harry was surprised to know that many of them including Remus, McGonagall, Neville, Luna, Arthur, and many others were expecting him and Hermione to end up together. They had even placed bets on them.
Everything was a rush after the proposal. They decided to get married in March. As March approached, Harry became more and more nervous. Harry even suggested to Hermione that they could get married secretly. Hermione had just laughed at his suggestion and asked him to calm down.
Preparations were on. Both Harry and Hermione were busy in finishing their pending assignments of their jobs. One day Harry got a call from Cho. She wanted to meet him, but Harry simply refused. He received some more calls from her, but he never talked to her. He never told Hermione about it. He didn't want to worry her unnecessarily.
However, calls never stopped and Cho kept trying. She even came to his office to meet him, but he wasn't in office that time. Sometimes Harry felt like he should meet her. After all, what was so important that she wanted to talk to him so desperately? But he decided it might not be a good idea to meet her now that he was getting married in the next few days. Also, nothing was left between them now.
Time passed and finally wedding day arrived. They were getting married at a small church in Godric's Hollow.
Present day
Harry was getting married to Hermione today. He was standing on the aisle waiting for Hermione to come and join him at the aisle. Finally, she came walking through the door with her father. She was looking beautiful. Probably 'beautiful' word was not good enough to describe how she looked. Her face was covered with a veil. She was smiling with all her attention focused on Harry only.
They both were standing in front of the priest holding hands.
"Today we all have gathered here to witness the wedding of the Groom Harry James Potter and the Bride Hermione Jane Granger." Priest said
"Hermione Jane Granger, do you understand and accept this responsibility, and do you promise to do your very best each day to create a loving and happy marriage with Harry James Potter?"Priest asked.
"Yes, I do." Hermione answered without any hesitation.
Priest turned to Harry and said, "Harry James Potter, do you understand and accept this responsibility, and do you promise to do your very best each day to create a loving and happy marriage with Hermione Jane Granger?"
Harry was about to answer the priest's question when suddenly, "Harry please don't marry her.", a voice echoed through the church. Everyone turned his or her head towards the entrance of the church where Cho Chang was standing. She made her way towards where Harry and Hermione were standing. They both were shocked to see Cho there.
Everyone was silent. They all were staring at Cho as she walked further into the church. She stopped right in front of Harry and Hermione.
"Harry, you should not marry her." She said again.
Harry didn't know what to say. Here was the girl with whom he had once thought of spending his whole life. Then, she went ahead and broke his heart. Now, she was here to tell him not to marry Hermione.
"Harry, please listen to me. You know you don't love her, you still love me. I was a fool to break your heart once and let you go. Give me one more chance. Don't go ahead with this marriage, come with me." Cho said extending her hand towards Harry.
Harry looked at Cho. She was crying. She looked so small and vulnerable. There was a time when he would have comforted her. He would have felt her pain. However, now there was nothing. He felt nothing towards her, not even sympathy. Now all he felt was for Hermione. All his love and comfort was for her and her only. He could feel a smile on his lips realizing that today he was going to make Hermione his wife, everlastingly.
Unfortunately for Harry, Hermione's train of thought took the wrong turn. Hermione noticed Harry's smile and took the wrong line of thoughts. Harry felt Hermione's hand leaving his own. He turned to look at her, but she wasn't looking at him. She just removed her veil and looked at Cho with sad look in her eyes. Then, her eyes shifted to Harry.
"Well I think, this is it then. You still love her, don't you?" she said forlornly.
Harry was shocked. 'What the hell is she talking about?' Harry thought.
"Bye Harry," Hermione said. She turned to leave the aisle.
'Now, where is she going? Wait, does she think that I ...Oh god. Honestly, trust Hermione to take the wrong end of the rope.' Harry mused.
Before Hermione could step down the aisle, he pulled her back in his arms, said, "I do" to answer priest's question, and kissed Hermione passionately.
After a couple of minutes Harry pulled back, "I think this answers your question about whom I love." Harry said grinning at Hermione who had a dreamy look on her face.
"Yeah," Hermione replied in a dreamy voice. Suddenly, she snapped out of her dreamy state and blushed profusely as all the eyes were on her, most of them laughing at her response.
Hermione looked back at Harry and smiled. Harry released her from his tight embrace and took hold of her hand. He turned to look at Cho.
"I just don't believe it; you are rejecting me over her." Cho said pointing towards Hermione in an insulting manner.
"Just shut up, Cho and get the hell out of here." Harry said angrily.
Cho sneered at Hermione. "Always remember Hermione, you would always be his second choice. He chose me first; you are just an available option, nothing more." Cho said in a smug voice. Harry was about to retort, but she walked out of the church.
He looked at Hermione with worried expression. "Hermione, don't believe a word she said." He said.
Hermione just laughed at his expression.
"You are damn cute when you are all worked up." Hermione said in laughing voice.
Harry relaxed at this."You are the only one I have ever loved." He said.
"I know." Hermione said and gave him a light kiss on the cheek.
Finally, they both said their wedding vows and exchanged the rings.
"Now that Groom and Bride have given themselves to each other by the promises they have exchanged, I pronounce them to be husband and wife. Now Groom may kiss the bride, sorry again kiss the bride" Priest announced with a smile.
Harry once again pulled his wife in his arms and kissed her tenderly with all the love he felt for her. They both turned towards the gathering. Everyone in the church was applauding for them. Harry smiled at his wife and said "I Love You".
"I love you too Harry." Hermione said, she kissed him again forgetting everyone else in the world.
A/N: - Hey guys hope you like it. Read and Review.
(A/N: - Well I don't know much about how weddings take place. I don't know about the rituals either. So I am just using my own imagination and adding some stuff I have seen in some of the movies. Hope that's Ok with readers, if anyone read it. )