You and Me - part 1
A/N: - War is over. Harry, Ron and Hermione are back to Hogwarts to attend their seventh year. Harry is enjoying his life, dating different girls.
Harry Potter was called as the boy-who-lived, boy-who-defeated the dark lord, best seeker of the century, most handsome Quidditch captain and so on. He had many names, and was described in various ways by his fans and the media. For them he was a perfect, flawless person, their hero, their savior.
But here we would not be talking about Harry Potter the savior. Here we would be focusing on Harry Potter who resides in the heart of many young witches in the country.
Harry had a loveless childhood. He didn't know what love was until he came to the Hogwarts. Here for the first time in his life he experienced love of the friends and the family. However, most importantly he found two best friends he could have ever asked for, Ron and Hermione. They stood by his side from the very start to the very end, especially Hermione. She was his safe harbor, his savior, his anchor during those tumultuous and dangerous times of his life.
Harry defeated Lord Voldemort when he was 17. After the war, he wanted nothing but to live his life like any other teenage boy. Harry, Ron and Hermione decided to attend Hogwarts for their final year. As they were hunting down the Horcruxes during the time of their actual seventh year, they were going to share their classes of seventh year with Ginny, Luna and other students of their year. Many of Harry's actual classmates also attended Hogwarts including Neville, Dean, Seamus, Lavender, Parvati and others from rest of the 3 houses. Harry and Hermione were appointed as Head Boy and Head Girl respectively. Harry also became captain of Gryffindor Quidditch team.
After defeating Voldemort, Harry felt as though if a huge burden was lifted off his shoulder. It brought a very positive change in his attitude and personality. He became more outgoing and more confident around the girls. He had even learned to flirt with them.
Almost every girl in the school was trying to get his attention but Harry was in no hurry. However, he finally asked Sophie out, a transfer student from USA. She was a seventh year Ravenclaw and very attractive. Every boy was jealous of Harry for going out with the most beautiful girl in school.
However, after a month Sophie broke up with Harry. She told him that he never really shared anything about his life except what everyone else already knew. He never shared anything with her that only his best friends knew about. She was also bugged by the fact that Harry always gave more importance to Hermione as compared to his girlfriend. Many times he even cancelled his date with Sophie because Hermione needed him.
Harry was a bit upset with the breakup, but soon forgot about it and in a span of 2 weeks he started dating Maggie, a sixth year Hufflepuff. But she also had the same problems as Sophie had.
Harry dated four different girls in a span of next 2 months. But it was the same with every girl. They never liked the closeness Harry shared with Hermione. His last girlfriend even forced him to make a choice between her and Hermione. Well there was no arguing, as everyone knew whom he would have chosen. Rumors about Harry and Hermione dating secretly were spread throughout the school by one of Harry's ex-girlfriend.
Breakups never really bothered Harry much as none of his relationship reached to the level where he would take them seriously. For him all this was just for fun. But Harry was worried about Hermione. Daily Prophet was focusing on Harry's love life. Everyday there was some or the other thing about his affairs. Most of the articles showed Hermione as a scarlet woman who was trying to steal famous Harry Potter from his innocent girlfriend. Many references were given to the stories run by Rita Skeeter during Harry's fourth year.
Harry was getting frustrated with the rumors. He even thought about sending a letter to Minister of Magic, Arthur Weasley, to take some action against the lies The Daily Prophet was printing about Hermione. But Hermione stopped him from doing so. She told him that it would only confirm everyone's suspicions about the lies The Daily Prophet was printing and asked him to ignore the gossips.
But Harry was finding it difficult to control his temper. Hermione had started to receive the hate mails from various people. And most of them contained different kinds of dangerous curses and jinxes. And once or twice she got hurt as well.
Harry finally decided to have a talk with the Headmaster Dumbledore about it. From next day onwards letters for Hermione were checked for any kind of dangerous item or jinx before being delivered to her. Hermione was surprised as she didn't receive a single hate mail that day. When she found out that Harry was behind all this, she thanked him for it.
It was Sunday morning. Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting in the Great Hall taking their breakfast.
After some time owls started arriving with the letters or parcels for the students. To Hermione's surprise she got no mail that day except the newspaper 'The Quibbler' which was run by Xenophilius Lovegood, Luna's father. After the final battle, Xenophilius had started to print the newspaper as well, along with his already existing magazine.
Ron noticed this as well. But as tactless as he was, he opened his mouth
"What, no hate mails today?" Ron asked casually before filling his mouth with the toast.
Hermione glared at Ron.
"What you mean? Did I deserve all those letters?" Hermione asked crossly.
Ron quickly swallowed his toast and spoke. "Err… no. I mean, everyday you were getting those hate mails but today there are none. So…." Ron trailed off. He looked at Harry for help. Harry just smirked in return.
Hermione calmed down a bit after that.
"Well yeah, I am surprised as well." She said thoughtfully.
"Do you know anything about it?" Hermione asked Harry.
Harry was drinking his pumpkin juice. He finished his juice and looked at Hermione.
"Umm…Yeah. Yesterday I spoke to Dumbledore about checking your letters for jinxes and curses or any other dangerous object. I hope you don't mind that." Harry said looking at Hermione anxiously.
Hermione just smiled at him.
"Thanks a lot Harry. You are really a very great friend." She said softly. Harry looked relieved at this.
"Hey I am also a great friend." Ron said in whining voice.
Both Harry and Hermione laughed at this.
"Yes you too Ronnikins." Harry said laughing harder at Ron's scowling face.
"So Harry, are you ready to study for Transfiguration project?" Hermione asked.
Prof. McGonagall had given the project work to seventh year students. They had to work in pairs and Harry and Hermione were paired together to work on the project.
"Yeah I am ready. Today I am all yours Miss Granger." Harry replied playfully tickling her on the side.
"Harry, stop it." Hermione said laughing uncontrollably. She finally managed to stop him, grabbing his hands with her own.
"I love it when you laugh." Harry said as his eyes gleamed with happiness.
Hermione rolled her eyes. "I was laughing like a banshee, Harry." She replied.
Harry was about to reply but was interrupted.
"Hi Harry" Tracey Jones said. She was Harry's latest girlfriend, a sixth year Gryffindor.
"Oh Hi Tracey" Harry replied.
Tracey's eyes went to Harry and Hermione's joined hands. Hermione quickly pulled away. Tracey gave a hard look to Hermione and then turned to look at Harry.
"Harry I was just thinking that we should spend the day together. We can take a walk near the lake and can arrange a romantic picnic there. It would just be you and me for the whole day." Tracey said the last part in seductive tone. She bent down and kissed Harry on the lips, giving him a good view of her female assets.
Hermione averted her eyes from them. Although Harry dated different girls, he always gave more importance to Hermione. He cared a lot about her. She was the most important girl in his life. And yet it was not enough for Hermione. His care and friendship were not enough for her; she wanted more; she wanted him to love her the way she loved him. He never realized how much it hurt Hermione whenever she saw him with other girls.
Hermione had been in love with Harry since their fourth year. But she never had the courage to tell him. He had crush on Cho Chang that time and next year they started dating. How could she have ever competed with her? Cho was beautiful, played Quidditch, had slender form; everything Hermione was not. However, a little hope was always there in her heart. But then she had given up on him before the final battle started. She knew he would never feel the same way for her and she was also scared to destroy their friendship.
She knew he needed a best friend, not a jealous girl with stupid unrequited feelings. So she just locked up all her feelings in her heart and threw the key away. But that doesn't mean it didn't hurt her to see him with other girls.
Hermione's eyes met with Ron's. He had a knowing look in his eyes. He knew that Hermione had feelings for Harry. She just smiled at him sadly.
Tracey pulled back and smiled at Harry.
"Well sorry Tracey. But I can't. Hermione and I are going to work on our Transfiguration project today." Harry said, without any kind of regret in his voice for turning down his girlfriend's offer.
"So" Tracey said.
"So what?" Harry asked feeling confused.
Tracey rolled her eyes. "Cancel your plan with her." Tracey said pointing towards Hermione with her finger. Harry got angry at her attitude.
"I won't." He answered flatly.
Before Tracey could say anything, Hermione interrupted between them. "It's ok, Harry. We can work on the project some other time. Go and enjoy your day." Hermione said to Harry with a friendly smile, even if it hurt her to say this.
"No" Harry said plainly.
"Fine, do whatever you want." Tracey said angrily and sauntered out of the Great Hall.
Ron just shook his head and looked at Hermione.
"Have you ever seen a boy, as clueless as our dear Mr. Potter?" Ron asked in a dramatic fashion.
Harry glared at Ron. But Hermione laughed at this."Nope. Not at all." She replied laughing harder.
That whole day Harry and Hermione spent together. They made a very good progress with their project work. Moreover, to Hermione's surprise, Harry dragged her out, for a walk near the lake.
Hermione never felt so happy, but she knew that it was just an illusion and would come to end, at the end of the day.
Author's note: - Read and give your reviews.