Author's note:- This is the final chapter. Many fics that I have read about H/Hr, most of the times Harry and Hermione don't reveal their feelings due to the fear of rejection and keep hurting each other unintentionally. So I just thought about making it other way and make Harry reveal his feelings when he realized. Finally Harry is not so clueless after all.
For Harry, Hermione had always been something so pure, so honest, and so innocent, just like an angel, just like, Hermione. She was bossy, know-it-all but also much matured and fiercely loyal. And he wouldn't have changed her for anything in the world. He never thought that she could ever have any kind of non-platonic feelings for him. Also in turn, Harry never allowed his own heart and mind to stray towards having non-platonic feelings for her. He always held back because of Ron, his other best friend. Ron always behaved like he fancied Hermione. And seeing their fights over the years, Harry took it as existence of more than friendly feelings between them, thinking that they were made for each other. However, all this holding back turned futile, as Ron started dating Luna.
After all, it's your heart that decides whom to fall in love with. You can't tell you heart, what to do. It does everything on its own; all you can do is, follow it.
Harry was now in bit of a dilemma. He couldn't decide what to do.
`Should I tell Hermione about my feelings? Would it destroy our friendship?' These thoughts, along with many other similar thoughts, kept swirling around in his mind.
He knew there would be no point in having regrets in future; thinking about what would have happened if he would have revealed his feelings for Hermione. Would she have returned his feelings? Or would she have said no?
It was better to be open with the feelings, a lot better than regretting for the rest of his life. If she said no, at least he would know about it and would be able to move on at some point in his life. But he was just hoping that Hermione would return his feelings. He didn't want anyone else.
But before telling Hermione about his feelings, he wanted to talk to someone. And this someone was none other than his other best friend, Ron Weasley.
Harry and Ron were in the boys' dormitory, getting ready to go for sleep.
"Hey Ron" Harry said. He was sitting on his bed, as Ron was looking for something in his trunk.
"Yeah" Ron said, looking at Harry.
"I wanted to talk to you about something important." Harry said fretfully.
"What is it?" Ron asked curiously, sitting on the edge of Harry's bed. Harry looked at other boys. They were already in their beds. But he knew they would be listening. So he picked up his wand from the nightstand beside his bed and performed a Muffliato charm around his bed. Then he looked at Ron who was looking back at him, intriguingly.
"So what is it?" Ron asked inquisitively, sitting comfortably on the bed.
Harry fidgeted a bit under Ron's stare.
"Well you see I…I think I am falling for Hermione." Harry blurted out.
Ron raised his eyebrows. "You think?" he asked with questioning glance.
Harry thought for a bit, and then answered.
"No, I know I am falling for her." Harry said resolutely.
Ron gave him an amused smile.
"Harry, for your information you have fallen for Hermione, a long back." Ron said with a knowing look.
"What?" Harry said looking surprised at this revelation.
"How could it be? I realized it, just a few days back." He said.
"Exactly, you realized it now. But you had been in love with her for ages. Almost everyone around you knows about it, except you. Or probably deep down inside, you knew, but denied it." Ron said thoughtfully.
"Was I that obvious?" Harry asked, smiling awkwardly.
"Want me to make a list?" Ron said, with a smirk on his face.
"Let's see." Ron continued "You have always been so protective of her, more than one would be of their best friend or siblings. You never like it, when Hermione talks to some other guy. You always confide everything in her. The way you had reacted, when she fell in the battle and you thought she had died; you had stopped fighting as though if it didn't matter anymore. Like there was no reason for you to fight or live any longer." Ron said, remembering that day sadly.
Then he continued. "You truly smile whenever you are around her. You had once, cancelled your romantic Hogsmeade trip with your so called girlfriend because Hermione was having cold, that too on the birthday of your girlfriend. You always choose her Harry, no matter what happens. And the way you have been acting lately around her, like a freak, trying to be with her all the time and the way you threatened Zacharias Smith, asking him to stay away from Hermione. Want me to continue with the list?" Ron said taking deep breaths as though if he had run miles. "You know, list is so long that I can go on for the night." He finished.
"No, I got your point. But I don't think you have come up with this list on your own. You are too busy with Luna, quidditch and eating, to notice all these things by yourself." Harry said with a smug look.
"Hey I do notice things." Ron said in complaining voice "Though Luna helped me a bit as well." He mumbled towards the end.
"I knew it." Harry said, laughing at his friend.
Ron glared at Harry but then started laughing with him.
At last Harry calmed down a bit.
"So do you think Hermione would return my feelings?" Harry asked anxiously.
"It's not my place to tell, Harry. You would have to find it on your own." Ron said. Harry nodded with understanding, agreeing with Ron.
Harry was deep in thought for few minutes. Then he quickly jumped off his bed, opened his trunk and took out the Firebolt, his flying broom. He pulled out a pair of jeans and t-shirt. He made his way to bathroom to change his cloths.
"Where are you going?" Ron asked with confusion in his voice, as Harry came out of the bathroom.
"Where do you think I would go? To Hermione of course." Harry said in a matter-of-fact tone, as he started pulling on his socks and shoes.
"But…" Ron started but Harry interrupted him.
"No Ron. I have already wasted so much time due to my ignorance. I don't want to wait anymore." Harry said and quickly moved out of boys' dormitory, taking his Firebolt and leaving a baffled Ron behind.
'Boy, he's crazy' Ron thought, as he settled back into his bed.
Harry went to the common room and opened a window. He took off in the air, out of the window, on his broomstick. Harry knew which window belonged to seventh year girls' dormitory. He was sure that Hermione would still be up, reading some book. He chuckled at this.
`Hermione and her books.' Harry thought fondly.
Being the Head Girl and the Head Boy, Harry and Hermione were offered separate private quarters in Gryffindor tower. But they both refused the offer. They didn't want to stay with extra privileges and away from their friends as this was their last year at Hogwarts.
Harry flew towards the window of the seventh year girls' dormitory in Gryffindor tower, stopped outside and knocked lightly, on the glass of the window
As Harry had guessed, Hermione was reading a book. Fortunately, Hermione's dorm mates were heavy sleeper. If girls would have woken up, he would have been in deep trouble.
Lavender Brown, one of Hermione's dorm mates and a fellow seventh year student, had tried to seduce Harry after he broke up with Tracey and was extremely jealous of Hermione, due to her close friendship with Harry. Harry simply ignored her and her attempts to seduce him. So he knew that if she would have seen him outside the girls' dormitory window, she might have started screaming. But today luck was on his side.
Hermione was busy reading a book, when she heard a knock on the window. She knew that it would be Harry. He had come a few times, like this, to talk to her when he had a nightmare and she was not in common room. He would usually come and wake her up, and then she would go to common room to talk with him.
She made her way to window and cast a silencing charm around it. Then she opened the window.
"Harry what are you doing here?" Hermione whispered furiously.
Harry moved his broom a bit closer to the window. He smiled guiltily at Hermione. "Sorry but I wanted to talk to you. Can't wait till morning." He said in somewhat desperate tone.
Hermione sighed. She couldn't say no to him, when he was like this. "Ok, go back to the common room. I'll be there in a couple of minutes." She said.
Harry shook his head. "No come with me." Harry said his emerald eyes looking intensely into Hermione's chocolate-brown eyes.
Hermione felt a little dazed by intensity of his eyes. She immediately pulled herself out of her stupor.
"What? You know I hate flying." Hermione said with panic rising in her voice.
"Trust me Hermione. I won't let anything happen to you." Harry said earnestly, looking at her with pure intensity.
Hermione knew that Harry would never let anything happen to her. And she couldn't say no to him, when he was being so honest. Sometimes she resented him for it but then this is what made him Harry and she wouldn't have it any other way.
"Ok. Let me get a jacket then." Hermione said as she started moving back towards her bed.
"No" Harry stopped her. "Come with me. I'll keep you warm." He said softly.
"Okay" Hermione said without thinking. "But at least, let me put on my socks and shoes." She said. Harry just laughed at this and nodded.
Once Hermione was ready, Harry moved his broom, very close to the window. He gestured Hermione to sit in front of him. Hermione climbed on the window ledge. She was feeling very scared and tried, not to look down.
"Just look at me Hermione. I won't let you fall." Harry said in gentle voice. Hermione looked into his eyes and for a moment, everything else was a blur. All she could see and feel was Harry, just Harry.
Harry took her hand and helped her to sit in front of him, on the broom. Once Hermione settled herself comfortably, Harry quickly wrapped his one arm around Hermione's waist pulling her close to him, so that her back was completely pressed against his chest.
"Are you alright?" Harry whispered in her ear. Hermione simply nodded. Harry's proximity was sending a jolt of electricity throughout her body, making her feel warm throughout the body. She closed her eyes, reveling in his warm presence. She just wanted to turn around and kiss him senselessly.
Harry carefully guided his broom upwards. He kept one arm around Hermione, holding her very close to him and other hand on the broom handle.
Harry landed his broomstick on the Astronomy tower. Hermione got off first and Harry followed. Then he performed a warming charm around them. They both were quiet.
It was a beautiful night. Sky was full of stars and a bright moon. Whole Hogwarts was immersed into the moonlight.
Harry looked at Hermione. She was staring at the sky. Harry was completely mesmerized by the site in front of him, in the shape of Hermione. Her hairs were tied in a loose ponytail. She was wearing simple flannel pajamas and a light blue shirt. Her chocolate brown eyes were practically glowing in the moonlight.
"It's beautiful. Isn't it?" Hermione said as she removed her eyes from sky, to look at Harry, only to find him staring at her intensely.
"Yes. Beautiful." Harry said softly, his gaze fixed on Hermione. She blushed, realizing that Harry was referring to her.
That moment Harry realized that what Ron had said was right, he was always in love with her. That's why she always came first, before any other girl.
"So, why are we here?" Hermione asked curiously, breaking the silence. She knew that it was something very vital, otherwise Harry wouldn't have brought her to the tower.
"I wanted to talk to you about something." Harry said apprehensively.
Hermione nodded with understanding. "Ok. So what is it?" Hermione asked "You know, you can tell me anything." She added, seeing Harry's anxious expression.
Harry was getting extremely nervous. He was going to tell Hermione about his feelings for her. Tonight, he was going to open his heart and show his feelings, for her, hoping that she would embrace them and in return, would love him back.
He was also terrified about, what if she rejected, what if she didn't feel the same. But he didn't want to have regrets for the rest of his life, thinking, what would have happened if he would have told her about his feelings. He knew even if Hermione didn't feel the same, their friendship was very strong and would not get affected by this. But something in his heart was telling him that she feels the same.
"Hermione there's something I want to tell you." Harry said. When Hermione started to speak, Harry put a finger on her soft lips, to stop her.
"No, first it's my turn. You will not speak until it's your turn." Harry said with a roguish grin.
Hermione just rolled her eyes and nodded. Harry removed his fingers from her soft lips, reluctantly. He looked towards the sky as he started talking.
"You know, since we had that conversation in the common room, about you not being a part of my life forever. It got me thinking and I realized that I don't want a life where you are not with me forever. I don't know if I can live without you or not, but I know that I don't want to live without you." Harry said looking deeply in her eyes. She had an unreadable expression on her face.
"I love you Hermione Granger. I am in love with you. I always have, but I didn't realize it until recently when you said that you won't be around, forever. I have shared everything about me, with you and I will continue to do so. You make me happiest and I want to make you happy as well. You are the most important person in my life and you know me better than anyone else, including myself." Harry said, his voice full of love for Hermione.
Harry took a deep breath and took a step, closer to Hermione. "I don't want to see you just on weekends, but every day and every moment of my life. And also I don't want you to get involved with any other boy, romantically, except me." He added last part with a chuckle.
Harry had lots of things on his mind that he wanted to tell Hermione. But finally Hermione couldn't resist and interrupted him, however, not with the words, but with a passionate kiss.
Harry was stunned at first but soon his mind registered what was happening. He quickly gathered Hermione in his arms and kissed her back, passionately.
After some time they both pulled apart. But Harry still held her close to him.
"I love you too Harry" Hermione said breathlessly.
"You do?" Harry asked with awe.
Hermione grinned at him. "Yes, since the fourth year." She replied enthusiastically.
Harry's face fell a bit. "Why didn't you tell me? We might have got together, a long back." He said despondently.
Hermione smiled at him, her eyes full of love.
"I never thought that you would feel the same." Hermione said softly. "I was content in loving you from afar. But as time passed, it became unbearable. It really hurt to see with you other girls. I never thought that you would fall for someone like me, you know ugly, bookworm, know-it-all." She said with a sad look in her eyes.
Harry cupped Hermione's cheek with his hand. "I am very sorry for hurting you." He said apologetically. "And you are the most beautiful, intelligent and kind girl I have ever seen." He said kissing her lightly on the lips. "And don't you dare insult my girlfriend." he added last part jokingly to make Hermione smile. It worked and she smiled.
Also tears of happiness filled in Hermione's eyes, at Harry's words. She just shook her head.
"Don't be sorry. You didn't know how I felt about you. And it doesn't matter anymore. I couldn't have asked for more." She said while grinning at Harry from ear to ear. Harry wiped her tears away. "It's just you and me, now."
Harry grinned back at her. He couldn't stop himself from kissing her again. He leaned towards her. "Just you and me." He whispered in her ear and crushed his lips to hers, holding her tightly, almost lifting her from the floor. They both continued to kiss each other, exploring each other. They spent most of the night at astronomy tower kissing and talking about their future and life, which was waiting for them outside Hogwarts.
They both were happy, to finally find the love of their life, especially with each other.
The End.
Author's note: - Finally done. So what do you think of this fic? Was it any good? Please give me your reviews about whether you liked it or not.