Lost Diary
"Oh honestly Harry! Why don't you just go there and ask her out?" Hermione Granger asked her best friend of last 5 years.
"What…What are you talking about? Harry stammered, feigning ignorance.
"What part of the question you didn't understand?" Hermione asked feeling a bit annoyed.
Harry and Hermione were sitting in the library, doing their Transfiguration homework. On the table next to them, Cho Chang was sitting with her friends, doing her work, and occasionally laughing at something her friends were saying.
Instead of focusing on his homework, Harry was staring at the girl on the next table. Even after his disastrous relationship with Cho Chang last year, Harry was still hoping that they would get back together.
Cho looked up and found Harry staring at her. She blushed and gave a small smile to him. Soon her smile turned into a frown, when her eyes fell on Hermione, who was busy in writing on her parchment, unaware of glaring Cho.
Harry followed her line of sight and sighed. It was clear that Cho was not happy with Harry's friendship with Hermione Granger.
Hermione looked at Harry when he sighed.
"Harry, it's been more than 2 months since the term started. Why don't you just ask Cho out and put me out of your misery." Hermione said tiredly.
Harry looked at Hermione oddly. "Why are you in misery? It's me who is not able to do anything about my feelings. And what you mean by your misery?" He asked.
Hermione simply rolled her eyes. "You suffer, I suffer, Harry. We are best friends, remember." Hermione said with a hint of a smile on her face. Harry smiled back genuinely.
His eyes turned back to Cho. "I don't think she would go out with me." Harry said in a dejected voice.
"Why not? As far as I can see, she still likes you. I have seen her numerous times, staring at you in the Great Hall." Hermione said, looking a bit confused.
Harry thought for a moment about what to answer. He knew he couldn't tell Hermione that it was because of their friendship that Cho wouldn't go out with him.
"The way things ended last year between us, I don't think she would want to be with me again." He replied.
Hermione didn't say anything, just looked intently at Harry.
"Is it because of me, I mean our friendship? You know, if that is the case, we should not hang out together anymore." Hermione said in a small voice.
"No Hermione," Harry said almost loudly.
"Don't you dare to ever think that our friendship is not important. You and your friendship are very important to me." Harry said fiercely, grabbing both hands of Hermione in his own.
Hermione simply grinned at him, but it hurt her to keep the façade of a smiling best friend.
Hermione Granger had been in love with Harry Potter for last 2 years. However, she had no idea how to tell him. She, so desperately wanted to tell him. Nevertheless, his infatuation with Cho Chang stopped her from doing so.
She wanted to share her feelings with someone. She couldn't tell Ron, or her other best friend as he was the one she had feelings for. Ginny, Hermione's only female best friend, had a crush on Harry, so Hermione couldn't tell her either.
With no one left to share her feelings with, Hermione had started writing a personal diary. She had been writing it since her fourth year when she started having feelings for Harry. It wasn't day-to-day things that she wrote about in her diary. She just wrote about her feelings for Harry in that. Almost every thought she had about Harry for last 2 years was written in the diary.
Her diary became like a best friend for her. It helped her in relieving her tension and hurt she felt whenever she was around Harry. However, nobody knew about Hermione's habit to write in the diary, not even her dorm mates.
Hermione always carried her diary around with her. She had put a spell on her diary, so that only she could see it. If somebody looked into her bag, they would not be able to see the diary.
Somehow, Hermione was always able to hide her emotions with ease. She could easily smile, whenever Harry mentioned about Cho and his feelings for her. She never really had any hopes in her heart that Harry would feel the same for her. So without any expectations, it was easy for her to be around Harry whenever he looked at Cho with dreamy expressions on his face. Nothing changed for her. She was still the same know-it-all best friend of Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley who helped them with their homework and girl problems.
However, sometimes she did feel like crying. Whenever she felt like this, she would simply go to any secluded corner of the castle, where nobody could find her and cry her heart out. Luckily, for her, no one noticed anything out of the ordinary about her.
Unfortunately, for Hermione, a week after the day in the library, she had lost her diary. She couldn't remember where she kept it last time.
Next day
It was the early evening time. Harry was sitting alone in the common room. He had just gotten back from his Quidditch practice. After the practice, Ron had left to meet his girlfriend, Luna Lovegood and Hermione was in the library since afternoon.
Harry was completely knackered and just wanted to rest. Common room was almost empty, so Harry decided to get some rest on the couch.
As he lied on the couch, something poked onto his back.
"What the hell?" He cursed.
He got up to see what was poking on his back. He couldn't see anything on the couch. He just shrugged his shoulders and lied back. Once again, he felt something against his back. He groaned in frustration and got up.
He looked down at the couch and nothing was there. Then Harry got an idea and started running his hands on the couch. His hand touched something and he picked it up. He couldn't see it, but from the feel of it, he could tell that it was a book or at least that's what the object felt like.
He took out his wand from his pocket and pointed it on the object in his hand.
`Revelio' he said.
Harry realized that it wasn't a book. It was a diary with a cover of grey color. Nothing was written on it.
From the looks of it, Harry could presume that it was a personal diary.
`Whose diary could it be?' Harry thought, with curiosity starting to bubble in his mind. Since there was invisibility spell on the diary, whosoever owned the diary, didn't want anyone else to read it.
Harry was in dilemma about what to do with the diary. He opened the diary in the hope to find something about the owner of the diary. However, first page was blank. Harry again tried the Revelio spell, but nothing appeared.
Harry tried some different spells as well, but nothing came into view on the page. He sighed in defeat.
For a long time he contemplated what to do with it. He could have easily given the diary to Hermione, who would have found the right owner without any problem. Curiosity got better of him nevertheless. He left the common room to go to his dormitory.
6th year boys' dormitory was empty when Harry entered it. He exhaled in relief and settled on his bed. There was still some time for dinner to start. He opened the diary and turned the first page. Second page was empty as well. Nevertheless, this time Harry was sure that it wasn't empty like the first page. Harry again tried various advanced spells, thanks to Hermione ha had learned over the years. Finally, after a long half an hour of trying, Harry managed to break the spell on diary and a curvy writing appeared on the page.
"Wow!" Harry said in awe.
After taking a deep breath, he started reading. A part of him was feeling guilty, but, curiosity to know about what was in the diary, overpowered it.
`Wow I am actually writing in it.'
`I need someplace to vent out. I think this will do.'
Harry turned the page.
`I just realized; I am in love with him. But he has eyes for just that Ravenclaw beauty.'
`Why can't he see that I am a girl as well, even if not as beautiful as her? Ha! I answered my own question.'
`Ouch! It hurts bad.'
Harry realized that the diary belonged to a girl, a girl who was in love with someone and had some issues regarding her looks.
`Who could it be? Definitely, a Gryffindor.' Harry thought.
He continued reading through the pages.
`You-know-who is back and I am glad he survived. I just love him so much.'
`She must have started writing 2 years back.' Harry thought.
Harry realized that he shouldn't read this. It was something, very private. However, he just couldn't resist.
`I am back home. I miss him. I just can't imagine what he would be going through right now.'
`What could have happened with the boy?'Harry mused and turned his attention back to the diary. Somehow, he felt as though if this diary was about him. He quickly discarded the idea.
`Fifth year has started. No one believes him that you-know-who is back.'
This struck Harry. Of course, it was him, whom nobody believed him last year about the return of Lord Voldemort. Ministry had done a great job to convince wizarding world that Harry was just an attention seeking prat.
`I just want to hug him and tell him that everything would be alright.'
Harry was sure that the boy in the diary was him. However, who could be this girl. Definitely, someone close to him.
`Could it be Ginny? After all she had a crush on me since her first year.' Harry thought.
`Today I saw the marks on the back of his hand. That awful Umbridge made him write the lines with his own blood. I know it hurts him, but he won't tell or show it. Stupid, stupid him.'
`He had a nightmare today. I want to comfort him, but I can't.'
`Today he finally asked the Ravenclaw beauty out. Last night he told that she kissed him. Here breaks first part of my heart and I can't even cry in front of everyone.'
`Today they have gone on their first date. However, I asked him to meet me at the three Broomsticks and he came, leaving his date. Okay I agree that he came because I said him that it was very important. So he didn't come for me. Accepted.'
Harry rubbed his head. He realized who it was. "Hermione" he whispered, taking in that he had opened a new world of secrets about his best friend.
Author's Note:- What do you think? Give me your reviews and make my day. Hopefully you enjoyed it. And sorry for any kind of Grammatical or spelling mistakes.