Author's note: What's up all? So the story is in the point of view of four different people and I'm certain you'll all figure out who they are as soon as you read the first sentence of their specific rant or whatever. I do hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: Things I own: My dog, my laptop, my dignity. Things I don't own: Harry Potter, lots of money, etc.
Chapter I: Love
As a boy, you told yourself that love simply does not exist.
As a teen, you told yourself that love exists but it isn't something for you to waste your time over.
Now, as a man, you realize that you've found love in her, of all people, but you don't deserve it. Not at all.
After all, she isn't yours to have.
She isn't yours to hold.
She isn't yours to want.
She isn't yours to love.
But you do so, anyway. You've always been stubborn.
As a girl, you found love to be silly.
As a hormonal teen, you thought the prospect of being loved by him to be hopeless.
As a woman, you've learned to love him more than life itself but you've also learned to settle for someone else.
Because you know that he isn't yours to call your own.
He isn't yours to worry over.
He isn't yours to dream of.
He isn't yours to love.
But you still do, you can't stop. You've always been able to bend the rules.
As the youngest boy in the family, you knew that love was something to share.
As a frustrated teenager, you've learned that love has to be earned.
As a man married to the love of his life, you realize that love isn't always enough.
Even though she's yours to have.
Yours to hold.
Yours to want.
Yours to love.
You know that she's never been yours. She belongs to him. She always has and she always will. Yet you hold on to her. You've always been selfish.
As the youngest child, you've known that love is easily obtained.
As the shy sister, you've realized that it isn't.
As his wife, you understand that it hurts.
You know that it isn't you he calls 'his'.
Isn't you he dreams of.
Isn't you he worries over.
Isn't you he loves.
You've learned to accept it all but you still wish it isn't true. After all, you've always been hopeful.
A/N: Reviews make me happy. :3