Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns the Harry Potter world and I do not. But you all know that don't you?
Chapter II: Hurt
As an abused child, you've known physical pain.
As a teen with the weight of the world on your shoulders, you've grown to experience both physical and emotional.
As a man, you think you're immune to both. But you're not, not with her.
Because she causes you both.
You'd wallow in sadness for her.
Hurt for her.
Die for her.
And it took you years to figure out why and now it's too late. You hate that you've always been daft.
As a child, you've read about pain.
As an adolescent, you've lived through pain.
As an adult, you're simply surviving through it.
And he's the cause of it all.
Because you're not in his arms.
You're not the last person he sees.
You're not his world.
You're not his heart.
And it's excruciating, but you go on. You've always been strong.
Having five brothers, you've grown up with 'torture'.
As a teen, you've journeyed and witnessed it.
As a man, you're the one doing it. To her, to them.
Because you can't let her go.
Even as she wallows in sadness.
Even as she hurts.
Even as she dies little by little inside.
You can't live without her, so she stays. You've always been persuasive.
As a girl, your mother made you understand hurt.
As a teenager, you realized that it was much, much more.
As a woman, you find it to be unbearable.
And he's the reason for it.
Because even though you're in his arms.
Even if you're the last thing he sees.
You're still not his world.
You're still not his heart.
And it hurts, but you hang on. After all, you've always been passionate.
A/N: Reviews are like cookies to me. I adore them.