Harry was tired. Endless hours of Trow and Lupin ramming history down his throat had the unexpected effect of sleepless nights of introspection.
Yet, as he looked up and saw three snarling dragons, Harry was suddenly reminded that there was still a present and he was not yet chained to the past.
Grabbing a fistful of Hermione's robes, Harry darted right. Another ear-splitting roar shook the ground. They stumbled behind a large boulder as Harry took six seconds to collect himself. Hermione crumpled to her knees, dry heaving. Harry licked his lips, the taste of sulfur already present.
"You need to pull it together, Hermione," Harry said in a surprisingly calm voice.
She wiped her nose and Harry gave her a few more seconds to settle herself. It was so loud. The roar of the crowd was distant, but every movement from the dragons stirred the air. Each step they took rumbled along the ground. The hiss of their breath was as strong as a gust of wind. Harry heard the rest of the champions finally taking action.
"Where's Marcus?" Hermione asked.
"I lost him," Harry said.
"We're supposed to be with Marcus."
"That doesn't matter now," Harry said irritably.
Whatever plans they had drawn up were pointless. Not planning for an occurrence with three dragons was a massive oversight, but Harry hadn't been involved with the planning process. He cursed himself for being so distracted. Cedric had listened to him quite easily when he told them of the pots of burn salve in Pomfrey's stores. Harry could have also bent his ear if he had been more interested in the planning procedure. Then again, Harry wouldn't have bet that they would face three dragons in the first place.
"We're going to move," Harry announced.
"Why?!" Hermione asked incredulously.
Harry snapped and slapped her lightly across the face. She held her cheek in shock, looking at him with tears in her eyes and a blush spreading across her face. He had to do something to snap her out of it. One of her weaknesses was overthinking situations. She might have been a Gryffindor, but the Ravenclaw in her would kill her if she kept trying to think through the situation. The time for action was now.
"Are you ready to move?"
Harry could see the retort and defiance rising out of her, but there was no room for that right now. She quelled it as the dragon roared again. This time, voices calling out spells matched the dragon's roar. There was little time left for preparation. Harry could see the transformation in her brown eyes as the courage that had brought her to Gryffindor finally took over. A true Gryffindor.
"We should go for the egg. End it quickly," she said.
That might have been the job for Cedric's team, but there were no teams right now. There were three dragons that stood in between them and their goal. If the rest of them caused enough of a distraction, the dragons might not notice the two smallest people making their way through. Could a dragon see through the Disillusionment Charm?
Time to find out.
Tapping himself on the head, Harry cast the charm on himself. Hermione followed suit and that more than anything convinced Harry she was finally back on track. He took her hand, knowing it would be folly to lose each other in the scrum.
"On your move," Hermione said in her disembodied voice.
They were hardly anything more than a ripple along the ground. Moving quickly, Harry spared a glance upwards as he spotted a dragon with a green tint. It was massive. The green dragon would easily crowd the Great Hall. For the moment, the green dragon was distracted by a shower of spells aimed for its eyes. It took no notice as Harry and Hermione passed beneath its legs.
His back crashed against a boulder, his hand still tightly gripping Hermione's. Where's the nest? Harry felt a tug on his hand. Taking the physical cue, he peered around the corner to find the a clear path to a nest of eggs on a raised boulder. There looked to be around half a dozen eggs, but it was clear which one was for them to take. A golden egg lay in the middle, catching the glint of the sun.
It was not two hundred feet away, a straight and clear shot.
Harry heard something fly through the air and the sound of a sick crunch. A body flew over their heads, disappearing beneath another jagged rock. It had passed by too quickly for Harry to identify and he could only hope that person was okay. The temperature around them rose in an instant as one of the dragons spit fire through the air. A girl screamed, the pitch high and loud. Worst of all, Harry could see none of this. Why is it so loud?
Someone nearby yelled Accio, but Harry didn't catch what that person was summoning.
"Are we doing this or not?" Hermione asked.
No fear.
Pulling her hand, Harry made for the egg.
She couldn't run as fast as he could, but he did not dare let go. Harry's lungs filled with smoke, but he did not cough. Feet padding quickly along the ground, they could have only been fifty feet away when a dragon landed near the nest. The impact of the creature hitting the ground was so strong that it sent Harry and Hermione tumbling. Disoriented and on his back, Harry looked up to see a monstrous, black dragon standing in between them and the golden egg.
If the green dragon crowded the Great Hall, this black dragon devoured it. Devilish red eyes swept the ground. The end of the dragon's tail was covered with horned spikes. It sensed their presence. The Disillusionment Charm confused the black dragon, but it was coming closer. Smell and taste. It knows we're here, Harry thought. The forked tongue flew out of its mouth, testing the air as it looked for them. Hermione's grip was crushing his hand, but he could hardly feel the pain. Do I move? Do I stay still?
Harry was saved from answering that question.
"Oi, you big git! Nice, redheaded meat over here! I prefer being cooked rare!" George hollered as he shot a Conjuctivitis curse at the black dragon's eyes.
"Two for one! Best eaten together!" Fred shouted as he waved his wand in a wide arc and let loose a shower of red and blue sparks that filled the air.
They're idiots. Glorious, bumbling fools. Harry thanked them for that.
Harry didn't know if Fred and George knew they were right in front of the dragon. Perhaps they were still sticking with Cedric's plan. Whatever reason they had for tempting the black dragon, Harry did not care. He dragged Hermione to her feet, hoping the twins' distraction would be enough. The smell of sulfur was even stronger near the dragon. He was practically crying and there was a strong itch in the back of his throat.
They had not taken two steps when the dragon swung its neck around, stomping noisily. Its nostrils flared, the forked tongue snaking out again. Fred and George were still shooting spells at the black dragon, but it was not paying attention to them. Turn around, you bastard. We're not here.
Harry and Hermione remained unmoved, both sets of eyes on the dragon. The black beast stopped and the world seemed to come to a standstill. The dull roar of the crowd faded into the background. The swirling air came to a stop. The world was suddenly confined to just Hermione and the black dragon. Its nostrils flared. The snout was so close that the droplets splashed across his face. It stopped and green met red as it looked right into his eyes. This was not a normal beast.
This was a monster.
"RUN!" Hermione's shrill scream shattered the stillness.
This time, they did not move as one. Harry broke to his right and felt the tug of Hermione's hand as she pulled the other way. Her fingers slipped out of his grasp. There was no time to look back. The dragon opened its mouth and the world turned red and orange. The heat was likely to set his insides on fire and it didn't even come close to him.
Fred and George were still trying to get the dragon's attention, going so far as to wave their arms from the boulders they were standing on. Harry chanced a look back and saw the dragon was sniffing the air again. It doesn't know which one of us to go after, he thought with some semblance of satisfaction.
The horned tail of the dragon twitched and for one terrifying moment, Harry thought it was going to come crashing down on him. Instead, the dragon swung around, clambering awkwardly on its talons. Where is it going? No. No, no, no, no, no.
The talons scraped against the scorched earth as the creature moved ungainly away from Harry. It was chasing something unseen. It was chasing another invisible force. It was chasing Hermione. It must have focused in on the scent as it reared back to its full height. Spells were bombarding the dragon, but its hard scales protected it from most of the damage. The dragon's head suddenly descended, the neck stretching out as it went for the kill.
As the dragon reached for its kill, there was finally an area of the dragon not covered by impenetrable scales. The skin was a pale gray, the glowing embers visible from within. Harry stopped in his tracks and reacted by instinct. He cut upwards with his right hand, an angry red slash erupting from the tip of his wand.
The Cutting Curse did not break skin. No blood was spilled. There was only a harsh red line on the pale gray skin near the head of the dragon. Yet, the monster flinched. The devilish red eyes blinked furiously as it stayed the attack on the still invisible Gryffindor. The black demon roared, rattling Harry's bones. Tapping himself on the head, Harry removed the Disillusionment charm.
Come after me.
The black dragon snarled at him, but Harry noticed he was not inching out from the position near the nest. Fred and George were hollering somewhere behind him. One of the other dragons roared in the distance and the air was heavy with spells. The dragon fully encompassed Harry's field of view, blocking out the nest. This one is smart. It knows what we're trying to do.
"Ignem Flagella!" Harry yelled.
Harry made a half circle with his hand, bringing it near his wand, and conjured a fiery whip. It uncoiled like a red snake, hissing as it smacked against the ground. Harry took a firm step forward and brought the conjured whip in the air. He lashed it down near the dragon and the creature flinched backwards. It snarled, eyeing the fire whip emanating from Harry's wand.
"Come out, you bastard!" Harry egged it on.
Someone screamed, inciting another snarl from the beast.
Yet, the dragon did not come after him. Even as Fred, George, and Harry egged it on, the dragon refused to move away from the nest. Hermione was still Disillusioned and hopefully she was smart enough to just bide her time and wait for them to lure the dragon away. Harry twirled the whip and cracked it again, reaching for the snout of the dragon. It must have had enough because it sent out a jet of fire. The dragon's breath had some magic as Harry's fire whip vanished. His wand suddenly seemed like it caught fire as it became scalding hot in his hand. Harry held a firm grip, however, and was thankful for the dragonhide gloves.
A shadow blotted the sun overhead and Harry looked up to see a red-tinted dragon land near the nest. Harry fell over from the minor earthquake generated by the red dragon. There were now two of them guarding the nest. Harry cursed being last. By this point, the dragons must have known they were going for the eggs after the first two schools attacked them. The black dragon growled and bent its head low, the snaking neck winding and quivering. The red eyes focused on Harry.
Harry turned his back to the dragon and sprinted for the collection of rocks ahead of him. They weren't close enough. An ear-splitting scream barely registered in his mind. His lungs were filled with smoke and ash, but Harry pushed on. Chancing a look over his shoulder, he was dismayed to find the black dragon slowly lurching after him. The mouth opened, the dark abyss waiting to envelop him. Red embers glowed from within the bottomless pit. Harry turned away, knowing it was no use to look back now.
It was Hermione's voice. The black dragon screamed loudly behind him, but Harry did not dare turn around. The rocks seemed no closer than when he had started sprinting. No doubt the black dragon would not be delayed for long. Harry had antagonized and taunted it. If he died drawing the black dragon away, then that was at least one less for the others to fight.
The voice was booming and amplified and came from above. Looking up, Harry spotted a figure on a broom descending quickly. His wand was pointed against his throat, the yellow and black cape billowing behind him. Cedric took the wand off his neck and shot a spell in front of Harry. A red "X" splashed against the flat top of a raised rock. It was a triangular, jagged piece. It stuck out amongst the other flatter rocks, but it could serve as a ramp. Harry changed course as the black dragon roared again.
Fifteen feet.
It might have been the longest fifteen feet in his life. The air was as hot as the inside of a furnace. The whoosh of the flame was as terrifying as the consuming heat. Something was burning. Someone was screaming. All Harry could focus on was the red "X" inching closer and closer to him.
Cedric flattened his approach, pulling out of the steep dive and leveling out. Tightly gripping the broom with just his legs, he raised his right hand to fire three blue orbs at the black dragon behind Harry. Cedric's left hand was extended below the broom, his fingers splayed out. The fire was on Harry's boots as the dragon shrieked again. The hardness of the rock almost caused him to stumble as he transitioned from ash and dirt to stone. Three steps was all it took to reach the top of the rock and Cedric had timed his descent perfectly.
Leaping, Harry grabbed onto Cedric's left hand with both hands and hoped the older boy was strong enough to keep hold. The broom jerked from the added weight and Cedric grunted as he fought to keep control, his wand gripped in between two fingers as he held onto both pieces of wood with just one hand.
Harry grabbed the back end of the broom near the twigs and hoisted himself upwards as the broom continued to experience turbulence. The soles of his feet skimmed off the top of the rock, but Cedric finally pulled up. For a second, Harry thought they were going to crash against the stands. Pulling hard up on the broom, Cedric cleared the stands by just a few feet and Harry grazed by Susan's strawberry blonde hair. They were perpendicular to the ground at this point and Harry was holding on for dear life, still gripping Cedric's left hand.
Finally, they leveled out and Harry was able to clamber onto the back of the broom.
"You should have gone for the egg!" Harry yelled into the Hufflepuff's ear.
"You're welcome," Cedric snapped back.
The horrible scream of the black dragon filled the air and Cedric turned the broom around to face the stadium. The dragon's head jerked and the leathery wings stretched wide. One flap of the wings sent a rush of air that visually disturbed the ash and dirt around it. Jumping with its hind legs, the dragon took flight. The wings beat against the air. The dragon was rising and rising. Harry could see the blood red eyes eyeing them even from their elevation.
"Go." Harry beat against Cedric's back as if he were a horse he had to spur on.
The broom lurched again as they raced into the air, the black dragon giving chase.
* * * * * * * * *
Chinese Fireball. Smaller than other dragons, but the fires burn bright.
That was what the textbook said about the red-skinned dragon. Hermione was still Disillusioned, but it would not last long. Already, she could feel the strain of the spell on her magic. The Chinese Fireball was standing right in front of the nest, flames pouring out of its mouth. If there was a way past the dragon, Hermione had not realized it yet.
We need to lure it away. But how?
The Common Welsh Green was battling the rest of the Hogwarts champions in another section. Both dragons continued to shriek and scream, sending shivers down Hermione's spine. Cedric and Harry were already gone, the Hungarian Horntail flying after them. At least that devilish dragon was gone. It was far larger than the other two. Fred and George continued to try and bait the Chinese Fireball, but it would not budge.
Where is everyone else?
It seemed like Fred and George were the only ones there and they had all they could handle with the dragon shooting plumes of fire at them. The Hungarian Horntail had detected them but perhaps the Chinese Fireball would be too distracted by the twins. Whoever set up this task had included a rather quick end game. If Hermione could reach the egg, it didn't matter if they could defeat the dragon.
A shortcut. An out.
It might not have been the smartest idea, but Harry always did say that she tended to overthink things. What's the point of being a Gryffindor if I don't engage in some recklessness?
Hermione took a deep breath, swallowing ash and smoke, and sprinted for the nest of eggs. The dragon roared overhead, but she did not look up. Her eyes focused on the path in front of her, noting the hind legs of the red dragon shuffling around. She weaved left, then right, avoiding a leathery wing that swooped low. The tail suddenly swept along the ground and Hermione froze on the spot, waiting for it to pass.
She was right underneath the belly of the dragon now, hiding in it's shadow. She ran then stopped, started and stalled. The dragon would not stop adjusting its feet or swishing its tail. Every movement blocked her path. Giant, red pillars revolved around her, threatening to crush her tiny form. An opening presented itself and Hermione literally dove forward, hitting the ground as the tail came close again. Coming to her feet, Hermione sprinted the last twenty feet. The golden egg was now in sight.
There was a blinding pain as her left side was suddenly crushed and her feet came off the ground. The world turned upside down and Hermione barely cast a Cushioning Charm in time as she avoided breaking every bone in her body. The dragon's tail finally found its mark and the Disillusionment Charm broke. She was far from the egg now, dumped behind a jagged boulder. Another three feet to the left and she could have easily been impaled.
Someone picked her up and Hermione took a second to orient herself. It was Marietta. The Ravenclaw fired an unknown spell over the rock and turned to her. Ash covered almost every part of the Ravenclaw's pretty face. Marietta's black hair, normally perfectly sculpted, was a tangled mess. Her robes were burnt in different areas, the cape tattered and filled with holes.
"You okay, Hermione?" Marietta asked.
I was so close. Hermione nodded anyway, chancing a look over the jagged and pointy rock. Fred, George, and Roger Davies were taking turns trying to blind the dragon. The Chinese Fireball was becoming more agitated by the second, a steady plume of fire spraying from its mouth. Heather Locklear suddenly emerged from behind a hooked alcove and hit the Fireball with a spell in the left eye.
The red dragon swung its head around and let loose a terrible flame that engulfed the Hufflepuff girl.
"No!" Hermione yelled.
The Hufflepuff girl disappeared behind the orange ball of fire. Heather was screaming. The crowd audibly screamed at the awful sight. When the fire disappitated, Hermione expected to find a charred and burned body. Instead, there was nothing but the scorched ground. Heather could not have possibly Apparated away. Scanning the ground, Hermione found no sign of the Hufflepuff girl.
Portkey. Probably somewhere hidden along our robes.
The people in charge did not want a student burnt to a crisp in front of the crowd. How much would they allow?
Emboldened, Hermione started chanting a spell.
"What are you doing?" Marietta shot another spell at the red dragon.
"When you see me go out there, go for the egg," Hermione ordered. "This should be enough of a distraction."
"Congero multo...congero multo…congero multo…"
Hermione repeated the phrase over and over, her wand swaying in a circle eight in front of her. She channeled the spell a few more times over until there were three iterations of her crouched in a circle. Marietta's jaw dropped at the four Hermiones. The real Hermione looked up at her with a determined look.
"Can you do it?" Hermione asked.
Marietta looked at each of the duplicates and then nodded. "Just don't get yourself killed."
The Gryffindor sent the copies of herself out into the open in a dead sprint. The Chinese Fireball reared back on its hind legs and eviscerated the first one with a plume of fire. Hermione wondered if it could pick up any scent from the fake body doubles. She directed one of the copies in front of a solid and tall boulder.
Hermione climbed to the top of the tall boulder from the back, scaling the granite. The red dragon lurched forward, snapping its teeth at the fake Hermione at the base of the rock. Just as Hermione reached the flat top of the boulder, the red dragon closed its mouth around the fake Hermione around the base of the rock. The pale, red neck was suddenly exposed. Hermione stood right above it and pointed her wand down.
She drew blood. A decibel-breaking shriek erupted from the red dragon. It snapped its head in, withdrawing the neck as yellow eyes glared at Hermione.
Get the egg, Marietta. She could only hope the Ravenclaw girl moved quickly. The only way off the high and flat boulder was to jump and the red dragon was quicker than Hermione. The Gryffindor girl remained still, her wand poised in front of her. The dragon seemed to consider its options, smoke pouring from its nose. A deep growl rumbled the ground as the red dragon prepared for the kill.
They will not let me die.
The Portkey was somewhere on her body and they had to see her. The flat boulder was clear off the ground and she came to halfway the dragon's height. They will not let me die.
Opening its mouth, the dragon spread its wings as the fire rushed out from its throat. Hermione could see the glowing embers suddenly ignite into an all-consuming inferno. The fire leapt through the air, threatening to engulf her. Surely, the administrators would take action at this point.
I can't take that chance.
The heat was unbearable. The shield withered and shook. Some of the flames ignored the blue shield and licked at her skin and hair. Hermione could smell the disgusting odor of burning hair. Her eyes were closed, but she was screaming. Though she was screaming, she couldn't hear it. The fire had its own noise, loud and silent at the same time.
She was still screaming but realized there was no more hell around her. Opening her eyes, Hermione found no flames. Instead, the dragon was wildly thrashing around. On top of its head, there was a small boy with an unruly mop of black hair. He was hanging on for dear life, shooting a steady stream of spells right at the red dragon's head.
Harry, you stupid boy.
* * * * * * * * * *
The world was a blur beneath them as Cedric and Harry raced towards Hogwarts. Looking over his shoulder, Harry could see the black dragon gaining on them. For something so big, it moved so gracefully in the air. Though Harry and Cedric were flying, the dragon was the one that actually belonged in the skies.
"How close is it?" Cedric asked, looking over his shoulder.
"Gaining." Harry checked back again. The black figure was larger. The wings beat against the air as it gained momentum.
Cedric pitched them in a dive as Hogwarts suddenly filled their vision. Windows and pointed towers flashed across them as they raced along the castle. Harry was almost impaled on one of the pointed flag poles. The older Hufflepuff navigated them underneath an archway, brushing against a pillar. He was quite the flier.
A shadow crossed Harry's face and Harry looked up and to his right to see the black dragon still giving chase. There were towers and structures blocking the direct path between them, but the red eyes were ever present. Cedric dove even further, skimming along the ground. Sharply turning a corner, he yanked the broomstick upwards and ascended quickly. The black dragon momentarily lost sight of them as they flew parallel to the wall. As they emerged over Hogwarts, Cedric spun them in a circle.
"Do you see it?" Cedric craned his neck, trying to spot the beast.
Harry went counter to where Cedric was looking but found no sign of the black demon. A nervous shiver crept along his spine. He could still taste the sulfur on his lips. The air was calm around them, but every sharp breeze jolted Harry in a different direction. The sound of wings beating against the air alarmed both of them. The black dragon emerged from behind a tower, its mouth open and the flames bursting out.
Cedric pulled up on the broomstick and Harry had to grip the Hufflepuff tightly as he pulled them in an inverted and upside down turn. They dove straight to the ground. Harry's hair skimmed along the wall of the school. Cedric turned them so they were oriented with their feet against the wall. Pausing, he pushed off the wall with his feet and circled around a tower faster than what Harry thought was possible.
The black dragon rushed by them. It might have been the better and faster flier, but it was much larger and Cedric took the turns so quickly that the dragon struggled to keep up. Weaving in between pointed towers, Cedric and Harry were just fast enough to stay one step ahead of the dragon.
However, the black dragon did not seem to tire. Everywhere they went around the castle, it trailed not too far behind. The claws scratched against the tile as it tried to take turns faster to stay in line with Cedric. Flames would reach for the twigs of the broom when the dragon got close enough to try. Cedric refused to give up, pulling off moves that would have not looked out of place at the Quidditch World Cup.
We can't keep running forever.
After another hairpin turn that lost the dragon, Harry spoke into Cedric's ear. "Drop me off near the Astronomy tower."
"Why?!" Cedric asked incredulously as they dipped beneath another archway.
"It's not going to stop," Harry answered. Making sure the dragon was not right behind them, Cedric navigated them towards the Astronomy tower.
"Keep it flying around for a little bit but then bring it near the tower again. Make sure its close to you," Harry ordered.
"You want me to get closer to the damn thing?" Cedric did not sound pleased and ran a hand through his ruffled blond hair.
"Just make sure its right behind you and keep it flying straight."
"What are you going to do?"
"Too late to explain." Harry jumped off the broom when they were close enough and landed on a thankfully flat roof.
The dragon emerged again, a black leviathan that blocked the sun. Harry hid himself behind a structural pillar as Cedric sped away. Never stopping, the dragon followed after him and mercifully left Harry alone. The air whipped around him as he looked down. The Astronomy tower was the highest tower in Hogwarts, but it was braced by two classrooms with flat roofs. He clambered down awkwardly, making sure to take each step carefully as he brought himself towards the ledge.
The roof was slanted and the shingles were smooth. It was a difficult path. Harry had to make sure he stepped on the jagged edge of a tile instead of the smooth top. Any misstep would result in a fall that not even a Cushioning charm could save. He could hear the dragon roar as it chased after Cedric, but it did not sound close. Harry licked his lips and tasted ash and smoke.
One of the tiles gave way and Harry lost his balance. His hands went flailing out, trying to grab anything. His wand slowly slipped out of his grasp, the wood rubbing against the dragonhide gloves.
"No!" Harry cried as his wand tumbled over the edge.
Cursing, Harry made it the last few feet and placed his feet again the solid and flat ledge. He peered over the edge to try and see if his wand was close but it wasn't within sight.
The ledge allowed him ample foot room so he was no longer on an uneven and slanted tile. Still, he had to grasp a cement block that stood out from the rest. It provided him with a good counter balance and hand hold as he settled down to concentrate on the truly difficult task.
Our spells hardly do anything to it. Even with the neck exposed, I inflicted very little damage.
From what little Harry had read on dragons, he knew they were resistant to magic. It was the reason most of them were killed off in the earlier centuries. Scores of wizards perished with every dead dragon, but it was necessary. The dragons were not invincible, however. They were like anything else, made out of flesh and blood.
The Astronomy tower was narrow. When Cedric called for his meetings, they could barely fit the champions at the top. It was meant to just be an observation post but since Hogwarts had changed, the Astronomy class was abandoned and there was very little use for it besides being the premier snogging spot.
At the top of the tower was a seven foot flag pole. It would normally raise the Hogwarts banner, but there was no flag present today. The tip was sharp and pointed.
If I had my wand, it would be so easy.
Sticking his right hand out over the ledge, Harry said, "Accio wand."
He already knew that the wand would not come to him. There was no conviction in the way he said the spell. If Harry had learned anything from practicing wandless magic, conviction and belief were as important as knowledge of the spell. Another attempt was just as futile. The dragon roared again, closer this time.
The wind howled viciously. Harry's cape wrapped itself around his body and he had to untangle himself. Stepping away from the edge, Harry leaned back against the stone wall, his left hand still gripping the jutting brick. Wandless and hundreds of feet above the ground, Harry felt vulnerable. Yet, he still had a plan. He needed only the means to execute it.
The seven foot flagpole atop the Astronomy tower gleamed against a rare ray of sunlight.
Stretching out his right hand, Harry said, "Lacero."
The steel groaned as the flagpole wavered, but Harry didn't know if it was the spell or just the wind. He doubted it work as soon as he said the spell. From what little he knew about wandless magic, confidence was as much a factor as the technicalities of the spell. The dragon roared again, closer this time.
I need this. I need this.
The sharp snap of metal surprised him as much as the sudden pain in his side. The wind stung against his eyes as he blinked through tears. There was nothing atop the castle except for the strong gale whipping around him and the long, metal pole teetering on top of the Astronomy tower. Turning his right hand upwards, Harry called out one more wandless spell.
"Wingardium Leviosa."
The last tether of metal snapped clean off as Harry levitated the broken flagpole through the air. He brought it closer to him, concentrating on the gleaming metal. The top of the flagpole was sharp as a razor. His hands were sweating. His body was sweating. Beads of sweat poured down his back. The protective robe that was effective against the dragons was suddenly suffocating.
Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down.
He chanted the mantra in his head, ignoring the aching in his shoulders and the weakness in his knees. The weight was heavy. Lifting the seven foot pole was much more difficult than his light wand. Stone chewed into his left hand as he held on even tighter, drawing blood. The black dragon screamed, the shrill noise close.
Up. Down. Up. Down.
The sharp pole hovered just above him. Harry turned his wrist slowly. The pole moved in unison, twisting in the air until it was in a forty five degree angle to the flat ledge. The point was still sharp and Harry could only hope that the metal would hold. His body was on fire, his cheeks flush. Blood was in his mouth. Spitting, he sprayed the ground with a red mix and tasted copper.
Cedric screamed by him, flipping and tumbling at a shocking pace. He was a yellow and black blur, but the Hufflepuff kept his path straight. Harry could hear the leathery wings against the air and knew Cedric had succeeded in his task.
Trow had told Harry the story of Dumbledore and Grindelwald's final battle. Grindelwald had decided to confront Dumbledore at Hogwarts. Hog's Head never fully recovered from when Grindelwald tore it apart. Dumbledore was waiting at Hogwarts, knowing that the dark wizard was trying to draw him out. The Hogwarts teacher sensed Grindelwald was waiting for him across the Great Lake. Even Grindelwald was not so foolish to dare duel Dumbledore on Hogwarts grounds. Dumbledore had used Omnioculars to spy Grindelwald waiting from him at the edge of the lake, holding Hogsmeade hostage.
Harry wondered if this was how Dumbledore felt. Grindelwald had come to the footsteps of the castle, taunting Dumbledore and daring him to come out in the open. They were in the dragon's element now, high in the air as the dragon soared through the sky. Did Dumbledore know he was going to defeat Grindelwald? Did he know? Harry didn't know if this sharp spear would kill the dragon.
It is only flesh.
Adjusting for the dragon's speed, Harry heaved the broken flagpole before the dragon was in sight. He propelled it with his magic, the strain bringing him to his knees. The sharp end whistled through the air as the dragon came in view. The gray neck was stretched, trying to reach Cedric. It did not even know Harry was there.
The pole punched through the gray skin. Blood spurt out and splashed against the stone walls. The sharp end tore through the other side of the dragon's neck. It wavered in the air, stumbling against an invisible current. The black dragon pitched end over end like a barrel, the wings unable to stabilize its fall. Gallons of blood poured from its neck, cascading down like scarlet rain. Harry leaned over the edge as the dragon continued its rapid descent. It gave one last horrible shriek before it smashed against the ground and then there was no more sound.
Harry's body was trembling, his vision swimming. However, as soon as he released the Levitation charm, he felt better. There was still a stifling fatigue lingering over him, but relief poured over him in waves. The black demon was dead.
Cedric whistled lowly as he came back around. The handsome Hufflepuff stared at the still hot carcass of the dragon as he hovered in front of Harry. When Cedric was close enough, Harry finally released the jutting rock, leaving a bloody imprint of his hand. Climbing onto the back of the broom, Harry tapped Cedric's shoulder when he was ready to move.
"I need to get my wand. I dropped it when the dragon fell," Harry lied.
As Cedric circled over the carcass, he asked, "How did you come up with that?"
"I was looking for a permanent solution. We couldn't run away from that monster forever," Harry said. "Why don't you put that Summoning charm to good use? That is how you got your broom, right? It must be pretty good if you summoned your broom all the way from the castle."
Cedric muttered something about practice, but he was still focused on the smoking body of the dragon. Coming to a stop, the Hufflepuff said, "Accio Harry's wand."
The phoenix-cored wand flew from a patch of grass. Cedric handed it over to him. Harry could barely grip the wand. His palm was sore and needles pricked his wrist as he held onto the wand. Still, he felt whole again. Flying over the dragon, Harry could finally see how large it was. Its final resting place was on the northeast side of the castle. The greenhouses were saved from being crushed underneath the carcass. The right wing was crushed underneath the body. Blood framed the head of the beast. The horned tail tore down the trunk of a tree.
Harry should have felt sad for the dragon, but he could not bring himself to.
"We should hurry back." Cedric ran a hand through his hair again. They left the dead dragon and no more red eyes followed them.
Speeding northwest, they raced over the Forbidden Forest. The large arena emerged behind the tree tops and two dragons were still fighting. The green dragon had holes through its leathery wings while the red one one reared to its full height.
The scarlet dragon was focused on someone in particular and as they approached the stadium, Harry could just identify the brunette Gryffindor standing on top of a large boulder
"I got a clear shot at the egg. I'm going to -"
Harry interrupted Cedric mid-sentence. "Bring me over the red one!"
"Harry, the egg!"
"Hermione!" Harry pointed at her and watched the flames engulf her.
Cedric leaned forward and the broom hit an extra speed. Without thinking, Harry leapt and landed awkwardly on the dragon's head. Pointing his wand down, he expended the rest of his magical energy with close range Bombardas.
The dragon abated the fiery attack and twisted its head, trying to throw Harry off. With nothing to grip for balance, Harry tumbled off the snout, the world a blur as he crashed against the ground.
A sharp snap and a searing pain in his right knee sent him reeling. The blinding pain rendered him temporarily incoherent. His leg was twisted awkwardly. The right knee cap didn't seem to belong in the right place. Wand still in his hand, Harry looked up to find the red dragon looming menacingly in front of him.
"Conjuctivitis!" Nothing came out of his wand but lame, red sparks. Harry was spent.
A river of blood flowed off the dragon's neck. It was near indistinguishable on its skin, but as it splattered along the ground, the blood left a slick trail. Finding the last bit of desperate energy within, Harry crawled backwards. His right leg was not responding and every time his left arm touched the ground, a thousand spears went through his elbow.
His view was suddenly obscured as someone dropped in front of him. Harry could only see Granger etched onto the back of the robes. The egg, Hermione. You need to get the egg...
Harry couldn't keep his train of thought straight. They were jumbled and he felt like laying down and giving up. Consciousness was slipping from his grasp. The dragon roared for the umpteenth time. Someone joined Hermione and stood by her side. There was a name etched on the back of his jersey too. Diggory...
Cedric raised his wand in a wide arc just just as the red dragon opened its mouth. Something blue and liquid materialized out of the air to meet the oncoming fire. The world was suddenly a pale mist. Am I dead? Harry wondered.
He could not be for the dragon reappeared behind the heavy mist. Hermione and Cedric were still standing in between them. The latter raised his wand in a wide arc again. A huge wall of water was erected in front of of the dragon. For a moment, it seemed to have confounded the unruly beast.
A red snout burst through the conjured waterfall. Yellow eyes and sharp teeth descended upon them. The dragon opened opened its mouth. The crowd cheered, their own roar deafening, but all Harry could see was the black abyss threatening to swallow them.
As the dragon's teeth closed in around them, Harry fell backwards. Consciousness left him. He drifted and drifted, vaguely wondering why the crowd was cheering his death.
* * * * * * * *
Projected update time: 40 days