Author's Note: - Apologizing in advance for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Disclaimer: - I do not own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
The Boy She Loved
Harry walked into the common room. Celebration party was in full swing, but he couldn't find his bushy haired best friend, the girl he loved, anywhere. He walked further into the room making his way through the crowd trying to congratulate him and shake his hand. He made his way to the center of the room where people were cheering loudly and whistling at the scene taking place in front of them. Ron Weasely and Lavender Brown were so completely wrapped around each other that it was difficult to tell whose hands were whose.
Harry looked around for Hermione, but she was nowhere to be found. He knew she must have been hurt by what Ron was doing right now. He had to find her; she needed her best friend right now.
"Looks like he's eating her face, doesn't it?" Ginny said coming from behind Harry. She stood next to him watching her brother snogging the girl in his arms.
"Huh?" Harry said distractedly as his eyes kept searching for the familiar face of his best friend, Hermione Granger.
"He's a filthy hypocrite if you ask me." Ginny said looking disgusted by her brother's action.
Harry didn't say anything his mind was preoccupied with his brunette best friend.
He felt a soft hand touching his arm. He looked up to find Ginny staring at him shyly. It looked like she wanted to say something, as though if she was struggling with something in her mind.
All of a sudden, she hugged Harry tightly and pulling back, she kissed on his cheek.
"You were brilliant today, Harry." She said in a soft voice, pulling completely away from Harry.
Harry turned red at the display of affection by youngest Weasley. He opened his mouth to say something in return, just then he saw a head with bushy brown tresses disappearing through the portrait hole.
Without thinking, Harry started walking towards the portrait hole. His mind so focused on reaching to Hermione that he completely missed the hurt look that passed through Ginny's face.
He tried to make his way through mob of people, especially a group of fifth year girls who were looking at him with suggestive look on their faces, batting their eyelids at him. Harry gave a frustrated growl making those girls jump back with shocked look on their faces.
Harry walked past them with a satisfied look on his face. He opened the portrait of the fat Lady and stepped outside in the empty corridor.
Harry walked down the empty corridor where there were some empty classrooms. He tried to open the first door, but it was locked. He tried the second door and to his good luck, it opened.
"Hermione?" He said entering into the room.
There she was, sitting on the first bench, with her head in her hands, her hair falling on both sides of her face, hiding it from his view. She gave a shriek of surprise when she heard Harry's voice.
"Harry! What are you doing here?" Hermione yelped. Harry noticed her eyes were red and puffy due to crying. He knew the reason for her crying was their other mutual best friend, Ron Weasley. It hurt him to know that the girl he loved, was in love with someone else, someone who didn't deserve her at all.
"Are you alright, Hermione?" Harry asked tentatively, taking a step towards Hermione.
"Huh? Oh, yes. I am alright." Hermione said trying to sound cheerful, but failing miserably as tears filled her eyes. She quickly wiped them away.
"So what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with others celebrating your victory?" Hermione said nonchalantly, looking at Harry.
Harry didn't say anything. He just knelt down in front of her, taking both her hands in his own.
"Hermione, he's a fool for not seeing what's right there in front of his eyes." Harry said softly looking in the chocolate brown eyes of the brown-haired girl in front of him.
Hermione didn't say anything, she just looked at Harry oddly, and then she chuckled.
"He's not a fool, Harry. When he can have any girl he wants, why would he be interested in a nerdy bookworm like me?" She said smiling sadly at her best friend.
"Then, he's definitely a fool for not seeing the beautiful bookworm in front of him." Harry concluded looking amused.
Hermione didn't react this time, but simply stared at Harry.
Harry couldn't comprehend what was going through her mind, as her eyes gave nothing away.
Harry couldn't help but stare at the girl in front of him. He was surprised why Ron didn't see how lucky he was to have a girl like Hermione love him. He would do anything to have a girl like Hermione in his life, to love her and cherish her for rest of his life.
"Do you really think I am beautiful?" Hermione spoke all of a sudden, pulling Harry out of his musings.
Harry looked into her helpless eyes, begging him to say that he meant what he said.
"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen Hermione." Harry whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
Hermione gave him a teary smile. "Do you think he loves me?" She asked hopefully.
"I am sure he loves you. Just give him some time; he will realize how lucky he is to have your love in his life." Harry replied, feeling lost in her eyes.
Harry wasn't sure whether he was answering on Ron's behalf or his answers were coming from the depth of his own heart. He had meant every word he had said to her. She was the most amazing girl he had ever met. He knew that it was his bad luck. He fell in love with someone who didn't love him back. To her he was just a best friend, nothing more, nothing less. However, to him, she was his life, his entire world, his sole reason to fight the upcoming war against Voldemort.
Until this moment, he had still held some hope in his heart that Hermione might return his feelings. But looking at her reaction to Ron and Lavender's kiss, the naked hurt he saw in her eyes just a couple of minutes back, had broke away all the illusions he had in his mind regarding Hermione's feelings towards him. Ron was a one lucky bastard who had no idea how much she loved him, and how much he was hurting her.
For some odd reason, Hermione was looking at him strangely as though if she had never seen him before. Even though there were no more tears in her eyes, she still looked a little sad.
"What if he don't realize?" Hermione asked looking anxious as tears once again welled up in her eyes.
Harry thought for a moment. "Then, his emotional range is even lesser than that of a tea spoon." He said teasingly.
Harry cringed at his lame attempt at humor, but relaxed when he heard a light quiet laughter coming from Hermione's lips.
"You are an amazing person, Harry. You are the best friend one could ever ask for and I really feel honored to have you as my best friend." Hermione said in a heartfelt voice.
Harry felt as though if somebody had pierced his heart with a sword. There, she just confirmed it that she thought of him just as a best friend.
"But…" Hermione trailed off looking lost in her thoughts.
"But what, Hermione?" Harry prompted her to finish her sentence.
Hermione once again looked into his eyes. "Do you think I should really go for him, you know, tell him about my feelings?" She asked looking vulnerable and breaking Harry's heart in million pieces.
Harry knew Hermione needed his word, she was depending upon him to reassure her that her feelings would be returned by the boy she loved.
Harry leaned forward and kissed Hermione's forehead. He cupped her face with both his hands and spoke, "You should tell him how you feel. I am sure he would say yes." He replied with a tender look in his eyes. He pulled his hands back from Hermione's face, letting them fall on his sides.
If Ron made her happy, then Harry would not stand between them. He would give them his blessings and hope that Hermione would get her happily ever after with the boy she loved.
Tears were now flowing freely from Hermione's eyes. She smiled at her best friend, her eyes looking peaceful.
"Thank you, Harry." She said softly. Finally, she leaned forward and pressed her lips against Harry's lips.
Author's Note: - I know it's not an original idea, and even I took few lines and descriptions from the book 6, especially conversation between Harry and Ginny. I am sure you would have read better fics than this on the same scene, but I wanted to write it. I hope that readers won't be upset that I took few things from the book.
Please Read and Review.