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Stories by RaineMalfoy

  1. Fallen Angel by RaineMalfoy

    [Sequel to Blue-Eyed Angel] It has been six months since Draco Malfoy and Ginny Weasley’s lives collided so dramatically, and nothing is going quite right or how Draco would like. The families are divided and mistrustful, and with a wee-Malfoy on the way as well as mysterious happenings all around London, Draco must balance his responsibilities as a father with being a lover and a reluctant hero, yet again.

  2. Blue-Eyed Angel by RaineMalfoy

    Thirteen years after the Dark Lord was vanquished, Draco Malfoy is out of Azkaban, wandless, practically destitute and physically afflicted from his trespasses against Voldemort. Who should chance by and save this shell of a man from the ice he has become, but a fiery redhead from his dark past. (Written before book 7, but some scenes bare a certain resemblance that is too striking to not have a spoiler warning for DH.)