Unofficial Portkey Archive

Stories by Stietoe

  1. The Magic Of Firelight by Stietoe

    AU, 1838, A British gentleman wants an heir his wife can't give him. Miss Hermione Granger is a Muggleborn witch, surviving as a governess... What do these two people have in common?

  2. Of Strippers And Misunderstandings by Stietoe

    So much of the mystery has already been spoiled with the hints in the title... So without further ado: ENJOY! Based on a challenge (see inside)

  3. Walking, Alive by Stietoe

    Hogwarts' Head Boy and Girl have the responsibility of keeping the studentbody safe from the threat of Voldemort. Is it just stress when *things* start to happen to Harry and Hermione? Warning: MAJOR teasing ahead, ticklish torture...not for impatient souls!!!

  4. Without Love by Stietoe

    Harry and Hermione are somehow forced to marry because of a pact they made when they were seventeen...

  5. Intermezzo by Stietoe

    A lonesome chapter (one-shot); see summary inside... Really: it's H/Hr and smutty, what else do you need to know?