AU, 1838, A British gentleman wants an heir his wife can't give him. Miss Hermione Granger is a Muggleborn witch, surviving as a governess... What do these two people have in common?
So much of the mystery has already been spoiled with the hints in the title... So without further ado: ENJOY! Based on a challenge (see inside)
Hogwarts' Head Boy and Girl have the responsibility of keeping the studentbody safe from the threat of Voldemort. Is it just stress when *things* start to happen to Harry and Hermione? Warning: MAJOR teasing ahead, ticklish torture...not for impatient souls!!!
Harry and Hermione are somehow forced to marry because of a pact they made when they were seventeen...
A lonesome chapter (one-shot); see summary inside... Really: it's H/Hr and smutty, what else do you need to know?