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Left Unsaid by slothenvywrath

Left Unsaid


Short Author's Note: I just want to start off by thanking everyone who reviewed the first chapter. I was very pleasantly surprised by all the compliments and constructive feedback. You guys rock.

"Oh, shut up already! Why don't you just talk to him?" Gretchen exploded, waving her arms animatedly. That was Gretchen's way of showing she was fed up, and Luna was quite used to seeing the display. Luna rather enjoyed it though and goaded the other Ravenclaw on.

"He looks at me now like I'm some awful potion ingredient in Professor Snape's class. I'd rather he didn't notice me at all," Luna responded, sighing dramatically and hiding her smile when Gretchen practically growled and slammed her fist on the table.

"You git! He's the first boy who's noticed you, who doesn't have malicious intent might I add, and you're sitting here whining about it? He hangs about Harry freaking Potter! He's popular!" Gretchen said, digging in to her breakfast angrily. Luna could just feel the other girl's jealousy seeping out between them. Since Gretchen had transferred to Hogwarts she'd had her eye on The Boy Who Lived. When she saw that she wasn't up to his speed, she had started to cast her eye upon his best friend.

"Do you want me to ask him if he likes you?" Luna asked innocently. One could imagine her surprise when a piece of toast (butter side up) hit her square in the face. When she'd wiped the sticky mess off her face she opened her eyes to see Gretchen with her hand clamped tightly over her mouth.

"I'm sorry, Luna! I don't know what came over me!" the other girl apologized profusely, even offering to wipe the bits of butter out of Luna's eyebrows with her napkin. Luna looked up at the girl who had a napkin poised near Luna's face and couldn't help the laughter that seized her. Gretchen stared for a moment, still trying to maintain that horror-stricken look upon her face. But soon even she couldn't contain the onslaught of giggles. When the laughter had died down several minutes later, the other girl spoke again.

"Honestly, Luna. If you're that preoccupied with him, talk to him about it. Maybe if you calmly explained to him that you haven't cursed him he'll see reason," Gretchen rationalized, picking up her other piece of toast and biting into it.

"Oh, no one takes me seriously. I'm sure he'll discover on his own how much of a moron he's being," Luna said, more to convince herself than Gretchen. The girl gave her an odd look and gulped down her orange juice.

"C'mon, silly. It's time for your favorite class," Gretchen said, grabbing her school bag and scooting away from the table.

"Care for Magical Creatures?" Luna asked hopefully.

"No, better than that. Double Potions!"

Luna groaned.

Luna didn't have to see Ronald all day until the evening rolled around. Before, she had been the one to stare at him. Now his eyes followed her everywhere she went. It was nice to have some attention from a boy, even if it was under unpleasant circumstances. Although she did find that at this particular meal on this particular day she wasn't bothered in the least by thoughts of Ronald Weasley. She had just received an owl post from her father earlier when she'd been reading a favorite novel by the lake. An owl she'd never seen before had delivered the message and she'd fed him a piece of bread sprinkled with the sugar she kept handy in her purse.

My dear Luna,

Your last post made me very happy. I'm glad to hear that your classes are going so well. From what you've told me, there isn't a student in Hogwarts whom you haven't befriended! That brings me great relief.

I do have to give you a spot of bad news, which pains me. My assignment here in the tropics has gone on longer than any of us expected. We are seeing signs of our great beast, but of course I can't give you the details here. You never know who has prying eyes and might steal our newspaper's big break.

Sadly, that brings me to the point of this brief letter. I'll not be able to take you with me on Christmas holiday to the Rainforests as we planned. I know you were very excited, love. I was too. But my work is making demands on me again and I must see to that and get it settled. But when I do, rest assured, I am going to spend time with my favorite blue-eyed girl! Although we won't be spending the holidays together again, I did want to ask what you think of a vacation together this summer holiday. Of course our destination will be a surprise! Owl me and tell me what you think.

With love always,


Luna had learned long ago to quell her great disappointment and move on. It hadn't been the first time that her father had backed out of a father/daughter vacation with her. She felt terrible for him, having to work all the time. She supposed that the newspaper needed him more often now in the past several years. She didn't know if they were in trouble or when it all started.

All she knew was that he'd always been home for Christmas when Mum was alive.

"Oh, shut up already! Why don't you just talk to her?" Harry said exasperatedly, rolling his eyes. Ron ignored this, looking over Harry's shoulder again and narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

"Look at her over there. Talking to that-what's her name? Gargantua? Greta?" Ron stumbled over the other girl's name.

"Gretchen, I believe," Harry supplied.

"Yes. Gretchen. They're talking about me. I know it. And they're laughing! They're probably giggling over the curse they've conspired together to bring upon me," Ron said, stuffing oatmeal into his mouth. Harry couldn't take it anymore.

"If you don't stop with your constant suspicion and conspiracy theories I will personally break your broomstick over my knee and forbid you to ever play Quidditch again!" Harry said, narrowing his eyes to show Ron he meant it.

"That's cold. I thought you were my best pal. My confidant. My buddy," Ron said.

"I am. Doesn't mean I don't think you're an idiot sometimes. Besides, you need to get it out of your head that she's plotting against you. Girls aren't enemies anymore. It's not first year, y'know," Harry explained.

"I know that, you arse. But you've heard all the stories about her. How come you defend her?"

"I just know her better than you do, that's all," Harry said, loathe to explain that encounter at the end of fifth year. He didn't think Ron would understand.

"How much better?" Ron asked, again with his familiar suspicion.

"Oh, will you just let up?" piped up a voice that had been quiet up 'till then. They looked over at Hermione who had put her thick book down. She looked at Ron with that self-important look upon her face.

"She's only a girl. A young woman, I might say. She'll not pound you flat or anything if you just talk to her. She's no Millicent Bullstrode," Hermione said. Harry snorted and Ron couldn't help laughing too. Hermione rarely said anything funny and when she did it was a rare treat. Hermione tried to look serious but they both saw the grin that she tried to hide behind her open book.