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Threes a Crowd by Harrys Mistress

Threes a Crowd

Harrys Mistress

Chapter 4

Due to the events of last night, Ron, Harry and Hermione were denied the pleasure of venturing through Diagon Alley like they had planned on. "You three are to stay here at the Burrow…alone," she said sternly as she put on her cloak.

Ron, who hadn't spoken to either Harry or Hermione all during breakfast, sulked in his seat. "It's not fair, Mum."

"Well, you should have thought of that before you rammed your first in Harry's face," she said as she grabbed a handful of Floo Powder. "I want this settled before I get back. I'll get your things at Diagon Alley."

As soon as they were alone, Harry and Hermione gave Ron an uneasy glance, hoping he'd talk to them. He just glared at them both, before throwing his fork on his plate and darted himself out of the kitchen.

Hermione sighed as he heard his foots banging up the stairs. "Oh Harry," she sighed as she looked up at the ceiling. "What are we going to do?"

Harry scowled up at the ceiling. "First, we're going to let him act like a baby he is and pout, while we go for a walk…then, if he's still acting like a baby, we'll use force to make him listen."

She smiled softly. "I guess it's as good as any plan."

"Let's go then," Harry said as he got up from the table. They put their plates into the sink, along with Ron's since he left without cleaning up, then hand in hand they walked out the backdoor.

Neither of them noticed Ron's angry face peering out the window as he watched them walk over to the edge of the woods.

After walking a ways, they stumbled upon a cute little pond, with an elm tree perched next to it. It's long wide branches provided a nice shade for them both, so Harry plopped down under the tree and pulled her down with him. He leaned back against the trunk and Hermione nestled between his drawn up knees and used his chest as her backrest. Harry blushed slightly when she snuggled closer to him. He wasn't use to being so intimate and close with Hermione. It was going to take some getting use to. Wanting to show his affection, he awkwardly put his arms around her waist.

Hermione sighed happily as she placed a hand over his own that were resting against her belly. "This is nice," she said.

He smiled softly. "Yeah, it is." And it was. It really was. He really needed this and needed Hermione to get through losing Sirius. He would probably still be miserable up in his room if it weren't for her.

His smile faded when he thought of Voldemort. Being Hermione's friend had always put her in danger, but now that she was so much more, she would be in even greater danger. He hugged her tight as the thought swept through his mind. "Hermione…"

She sensed the worry in his voice so she turned slightly so she could look up at him. "Harry, what's wrong?"

"I'm afraid that…what I mean is now that we're…together." He sighed as he tried to find the right words. "If Voldemort finds out…"

Hermione placed her finger on his lips before he could speak it. "Don't," she said firmly. "It will only drive you mad if you think it. I'm not going anywhere, Harry."

He shook his head. "I don't want you, too, but Hermione…if Voldemort gets word that you and I…that we're…a couple." He shuddered as he dropped his forehead to hers. "I don't want to even think about it."

She reached up and placed a hand on his cheek. "Then we'll keep it secret." She kissed him softly. "Until Voldemort is no longer a threat."

He closed his eyes as he nodded. "Okay," he said shakily then dipped down for another kiss. "Only in secret."

She reached up and cupped the back of his neck, bringing him down for another kiss. This time she was planning on it lasting a little longer. Their lips flirted while her fingers played with the hairs at the nape of his neck, while Harry cradled her face with one hand, sweeping his thumb across her soft cheek. "Harry," she sighed into his mouth and shyly touched the tip of her tongue with his.

He moaned and plunged deeply into her mouth, her taste intoxicating him under a spell. He pulled her close until she finally turned around to face him and straddled his lap. He leaned forward as his fingers got lost in her hair, moaning her name while their tongues mated. He felt her hips grind against his and the friction made him gasp in shock, than sighed when Hermione sucked gently on his bottom lip.

He gripped her hips and urged her to move again and when she obliged, he buried his face against her neck. He ran wet open mouth kisses along her neck as he found his hand slipping underneath her blouse, desperately searching for soft skin. It was too much feeling all at once; he didn't think he could handle it. He found her lips again and Hermione's pace increased and the pressure of her rubbing against his arousal was almost too much to bear.

"Hermione," he groaned as he placed his hands firmly on her hips. "If you don't stop that…I'm gonna…Oh, Merlin."

"Me too, Harry," she gasped as she wrapped her arms tight around his neck and continued to take both of them for a ride. "Me too."

He bit his lip as an unfamiliar feeling started to build up inside him. He breathed her name and buried his face in her neck once more. "Hermione," he cried again not sure exactly what was happening.

Hermione ran frantic kisses along his face until she found his lips again. "Let it go, Harry," she whispered as she rubbed harder against him. "You need this…we both need this."

With a strangled groan he attacked her lips with his own as his very first orgasm shattered through his body. He felt her body tremble against him and he knew they were experiencing it together. They both broke apart, moaning and gasping as they held on to one another as their orgasms took them over the edge.

Hermione laid her head weakly on her shoulder while Harry held her tight. He rocked her in his arms and then kissed her temple, then cradled her face so he could plant kisses all over her face. He noticed the tears in her eyes and he almost wept along with her, tasting her tears before finally kissing her fully on the mouth. "Hermione," he sighed against her lips.

"I know," she cried softly, knowing what he was feeling. "I know." She cradled her head back under his chin and smiled softly when he kissed the top of her head.

No words needed to be spoken.