Chapter 11 - Just family
After leaving Dumbledore's office, Draco and Ginny walked slowly down the halls, and in hand, remembering old times.
"Draco, you were such a pain in the ass, back then!" she giggled, placing her head against his shoulder.
"Me? I was not!" he faked surprise. "I was just a young boy with bad parents and no friends!"
"I know, but still, you made everyone's lives a living hell! I'm glad you changed in the 7th year, though… You did the right decision, in helping Harry to defeat Voldemort!" she sighed happily. "That day when the battle was over… I looked at you and thought that maybe you weren't that bad as Ron used to say you were… Maybe you were just a teen with problems and needing someone to help you!"
"And you thought that I was handsome, in the middle of the battle field!" he joked, kissing her temple.
"Yes, that as well! But, from that moment on, although I've kept hating you, I've decided to give you the benefit of doubt!" Ginny smiled, stopping them in the middle of the Main Staircase. "I love you Draco!"
"And I love you too, Weasel!" he smiled, kissing her gently.
"I'm scared with all this, you know?" she said, as they started to walk again, towards the Infirmary.
"I know you are, because I am, as well… But, we're safe here and Cassie is with us… We'll win this case and be free to go back to our lives! I promise!" he said, comforting her.
"You know what? There's something I want to do, while we are here in Hogwarts!" she whispered in his ear, in a sexy voice.
"What is it?" he asked, curious.
"Try out the Astronomy Tower again!"
"Oh, you nasty girl!" he laughed. "I'm sure we can have that!"
In a few moments they arrived at the Infirmary, and watched their little girl sleeping on a cosy bed.
"Sometimes I find myself remembering the day that house-elf appeared at St. Mungos with this little girl in his harms… I was so happy when he said she was a Malfoy!" Ginny said, wiping a tear from her face. "And now, I'm worried with her, once again! A Dream Walker!"
"Dumbledore didn't look worried about her powers, so it must be something good, don't you think?" Draco said, caressing Cassie's face. "We only have to find information about Dream Walkers so we can help her control her powers!"
"Ok… Tomorrow I'm going to the Library and do some research!" Ginny agreed, placing her arms around his waist.
"And I'm going to meet Padma and tell her what's going on!" Draco said, hugging her strongly. "We need to make this lawsuit go faster if we want to remain safe…"
"Just be careful, Draco… Don't let them follow you here, ok?" she pleaded, nervously.
"Don't worry, everything's going to be alright…" he promised, kissing her.
"Mommy? I'm scared… The bad man hurt me!" Cassie cried as soon as she opened her little grey eyes.
"I know sweetie, but he won't hurt you ever again, I promise! Daddy made him go away!" Ginny smiled sweetly, lying in bed next to her little Ferret, as Cassie hugged her mother as tight as possible. "I've heard that you like to come here, often!"
"Where are we?" she asked, curious, looking around her.
"Hogwarts' Infirmary… I suppose you forgot to visit this part of the castle while you were dreaming!" Draco smiled amusedly, at the surprise on his daughter's face.
"Oh, that's great! Dumbly? Dumbly?" Cassie called happily.
"Who are you calling?" Draco laughed at the name.
"The man with white beard! I like him lots! He always takes long walks around the castle with me! He's so dummy!" Cassie explained, smiling again.
"You mean, Professor Dumbledore? Dumbly?" Ginny laughed as well, at the ridiculous name, for such a powerful wizard. "Oh well, Dumbly is at his office right now, and we are going to the kitchens to eat something… Are you hungry, darling?"
"YES! I want pancakes, pumpkin juice, toast with strawberry jelly and chocolate chips muffin!" the little girl yelled happily.
"Is that all you want?" Draco asked, sarcastically. That little girl sure had a lot of appetite.
"NO! Of course not! I want you to carry me there, on your back!" she said, batting her eyes at him and pouting.
"How can I resist such a beautiful face?" Draco laughed, picking her up and placing her on his shoulders, with her little hands holding on his jaw.
The house-elves served them with dozens of different types of food, and Ginny laughed hard watching Draco and Cassie eat way too fast, trying to see who was the fastest one to eat a tray full of pancakes.
They took Cassie on a tour around the castle, telling her stories of what had happened in his room and in each corridor.
"Soon, you'll come to this school as well… And then, I'll loose my baby!" Ginny said, sadly, as they walked to the Gryffindor tower.
"No you won't, Mommy! I love you!" Cassie said, kissing her mother's hand tenderly.
"I love you too, darling… Well, at least you'll be a Gryffindor!" Ginny sighed happily, waiting for Draco's reaction.
"I sure hope so…" Draco mumbled under his breath, but Ginny heard him.
"Did I hear you right? Did you just say that you want Cassie sorted into Gryffindor?" Ginny asked, shocked with his unexpected words.
"As you say, the Gryffindor Tower is warmer, cosier, the people are nice and take care of each other… If she's sorted into Slytherin, she'll be a cold person, locked in her self and she'll have a terrible personality! I want my daughter to be a happy girl, just like you!" he said, sounding sincere.
"That was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard from you, Draco! And that makes my love for you grow even more!" Ginny said, hugging him, while Cassie was cornered between their legs.
Draco and Ginny kissed passionately until Cassie started to tug on their robes.
"Mommy, Daddy, that's yucky! Uncle Fred says that it's not hygic…" Cassie said, doing a disgusted face.
"It's what sweetie?" Draco asked with a smile, holding her up in his harms.
"Oh, hygienic… Well, your uncles know nothing about these things!" Draco smiled, kissing her cheek.
"OH! A Weasley back on Hogwarts!!!" The Fat Lady shrieked on the big painting.
"Hello… Yes, I'm back, but not for long! Can we go in, please? Professor Dumbledore didn't tell us the password!" Ginny smiled.
"Of course… The password is Dreamy Girl! Honestly, the passwords that man makes up!" The Fat Lady said, bored, before she opened and let them go in the tower.
Everything was as she remembered… The red walls, the warm fire crackling on the huge stone fireplace, the cosy couches, the big windows looking out to the school grounds and lake…
"Home…" she whispered, crying with happiness.
"Well, this really is different from the Slytherin Dungeons… It's much nicer!" Draco agreed, dropping his daughter on the couch. "So, what do you want to do today?"
"I want to play with Sevvie! Can I? Can I?" Cassie asked excitedly.
"Sevvie? Who's that? A house-elf?" Draco asked, curious.
"No… Sevvie lives on that place with a lot of big pans!!! We cook together, sometimes!" Cassie explained happily. "Last week we did a Sleeping Dr… Dr… I can't say it!"
"A Sleeping Draught?" Ginny said, her eyes huge. "You do Potions with Snape? Oh my good Merlin, my child has everyone wrapped around her little fingers!"
"Well, it's a surprise that Severus likes you, but I'm happy he does! He was always a role model for me, you know… And Cassie will be a great Potions student when she joins Hogwarts!" Draco smiled, tickling Cassie, making her scream with laughter. "Well, let's all take a good nap and then we'll search for Snape, ok?"
"Yes, Daddy! I want to sleep with you and Mommy, can I?" Cassie asked, excitedly.
"You sure can… Let's go!" Ginny led them to a new room, where the house elves had already prepared a king sized bed; everything was decorated in a rich velvety red. Opening a door close to the bed, Ginny found a little room in light green, a perfect copy of Cassie's bedroom at home.
Smiling, the three of them went to sleep together on the same bed, protecting each other from any harm.