Chapter 12 - Something's wrong…
The little family ended up staying at Hogwarts for a month although Grimmauld Place was ready to receive them.
Draco usually spent his days out, trying to gather people to testimony on their side, and working with Padma to find defence solutions. Ginny spent the mornings with Cassie playing and taking longs walks, and in the afternoon Cassie stayed with one of the teachers while her mother went to the school's Library to do some research on Dream Walkers.
"Mommy, where's Daddy? I miss him!" Cassie complained, as they ate dinner in the Great Hall, with the school's teachers.
"Daddy's working, Blondie… He'll be back soon, don't worry!" Ginny tried to assure her daughter, although she felt worried as well.
"Good evening!"
"Draco…" Ginny sighed, relieved when she saw he was as perfect as ever.
Cassie ran to her daddy's arms, laughing happily.
"Hello, darling… Have you ate all your dinner?" he smiled as she nodded her head. "Very well, now you can eat your dessert and later we'll play together, ok?"
"Yes, Daddy… Sevvie doesn't like to play dolls with me!" Cassie pouted, sitting next to her mother, again.
All the teachers laughed, while Snape scowled. Can you imagine? Snape playing with dolls? Hilarious…
"You look tired, Ginny… Are you feeling ok?" he kissed her softly, sitting next to her.
"I'm ok… It's just that I spend my days worried with you, and when you come late I really get nervous… Besides, we need to talk alone!" she said, sadly.
Draco looked at his wife, worried with her, and ate his dinner in silence.
"What's going on, Ginny?"
It was much later; Draco had played with Cassie for a little while, until she fell asleep on their bed. While Draco took his bath, Ginny took her daughter to her own room, and prepared herself to go to bed.
"I'm worried, Draco… Today I've received an Owl from St. Mungos! They said that they couldn't have an employee whom was against the Minister of Magic… This whole thing is starting to ruin our lives!" she allowed herself to cry for the first time, in the whole month.
"Ginny, you were the one to start all this plan… Tell me, do you want to quit?" Draco whispered in her ear, hugging her strongly against his bare chest.
"No… But, my job…" she sighed, wiping the tears from her eyes. "It's so unfair!"
"I know, darling… Come; let's go to sleep! You look extremely pale, and I don't want you to get sick! I need you strong by my side…" he smiled, taking her to their bed.
A few days later the Malfoy's went to their new temporary home, 12, Grimmauld Place.
"Wow, this place looks much better…" Ginny sighed happily, looking around her to the once dark and dirty house of Black.
Dumbledore had done a great work at the once Order's Headquarters. The walls had been painted in white, the windows were shiningly clean, the old furniture had been replaced with new one, the old paintings, tapestries and dark objects had all been removed and replaced with landscape's paintings and colourful rugs.
"You've been here before?" Draco asked, stunned.
"Yes, this were the Order's Headquarters… I've spent my summer vacations here, on my 4th year. But, back then, this house was full of dark objects, Pixies, awful paintings and it was extremely dark in here… Now, it looks like a true home!" Ginny smiled, watching Cassie run around the house, exploring.
"Yes, it's nice, but I still like our house… I hope this whole thing ends really soon!" Draco smiled back, kissing her passionately.
Right then, Cassie's screams filled the house, scaring both her parents. Draco was the first to come in the kitchen, where Cassie was kneeling in front of the Fireplace, crying.
"The scar… hurts… the black door… bad Kreacher… Sirius… Go get Sirius… Not here… Not here… The Ministry of Magic! Voldemort!!!!" she babbled, in a state of trance.
"Cassie, stop that right now… You're scaring mommy!" Ginny cried, hugging her child. "Stop it…"
The girl let out a final scream and fainted.
"What was that all about?" Draco asked, scared, as he took his little girl to one of the bedrooms.
"I think I know what she saw or heard, but I just can't understand how… It has been such a long time since that day! So long…" Ginny whispered, crying silently.
"Ginny, you'll have to tell me what's going on…" he said seriously, as he laid Cassie in the bed, and they sat on the floor, close to her bed.
"I found out through my research that Dream Walkers tend to see or hear things that happened in the past… Usually it's a recent past, but Cassie saw or heard something that happened about 12 years ago, when you were on your 5th year at Hogwarts… Harry had a dream, and he thought that Sirius Black, his godfather, was in the Department of Mysteries, in the Ministry of Magic, and he was going to be killed by Lord Voldemort. Harry tried to talk with Sirius in here, through the Floo Network, but Kreacher, a house elf, said that Sirius was gone… So, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville and I went to the Ministry of Magic, riding some Thestrals and we fought against the Death-Eaters… That was the night your father got arrested for the first time…" Ginny explained, watching his face become surprised.
"Wow, you guys did all that? It's amazing how none of you died! My wife is such a big girl!" he joked, kissing her neck on her favourite spot.
"Good to know you admit that!" she giggled. "Cassie saw that talk on the fireplace… Tomorrow I'll talk with her and see what I can find out!"
"Good… Cause right now, I want my gorgeous wife in my bed…" he whispered, nibbling her earlobe.
"Apertus…" Ginny whispered, and at the same time Draco let out a scream, which Ginny covered with her mouth. "I do believe your pants are tight!"
"You little devil! They were tight even before you did that prank!" he growled, unbuttoning his shrunken trousers. "I've missed our pranks on each other…"
"Yes, so did I!" she laughed softly, getting up in a flash and running out of the room, towards the bedroom across the landing.
"Blondaria…" he whispered as he followed her into the room and closed the door. "Tonight, I'm going to have a wonderful blond woman in my bed… Do you mind?"
"Well, who would say that I look good with blond hair!" Ginny laughed, looking at herself in the mirror, before they started the real seduction games.