Chapter 16 - Waking Up
"Daddy, why is Mommy sleeping?" Cassie asked, as Draco sat her on Ginny's hospital bed. Ginny's face was a little pale, her eyes closed and her lips a little parted. She looked beautiful as always, but unconscious…
"Mommy had an accident, darling… She fell asleep and no one knows when she will wake up!" Draco tried to explain to the little, but intelligent girl.
"But I want her to wake up… I want to show her the doll's house Sevvie made for me!" Cassie insisted, shaking her mother's body, to wake her up, but it didn't work.
"Cassie, don't shake Mommy, or you'll hurt her…" Draco warned, holding Cassie's hands in his. "We have to wait until she comes out of the bad dream she's on. Do you understand me, darling?"
"Yes, Daddy…" Cassie replied sadly, but a few seconds later a smile appeared on her gorgeous face. "Daddy, can I stay here tonight with Mommy?"
"It's better not, Cassie…"
"Please, I will be a good girl! Promise!" Cassie pouted until Draco finally agreed.
The Weasley family went back to their homes, and Draco stayed with Cassie on Ginny's bedroom. The nurses had brought some food for both of them and right now, Cassie was falling asleep inside Ginny's bed, with her little arms surrounding her mother's waist.
Draco watched both his girls with a sad smile. What if Ginny never woke up from her come, like the Healer said? What if she never knew she was pregnant? What if she never met her baby?
"It's so unfair to suffer so much, Ginny… And the worst is, I know the suffer I feel right now is a small part of the suffer you felt when they told you I was dead… At least I can see you and touch you, and whisper in your ear how much I love you!" Draco whispered in her ear, feeling her scent that he loved so much. "We won the case, Ginny… I'm an Auror again; you were accepted back at St. Mungos, and you're pregnant with our baby. Don't you want to wake up and celebrate with me? Please, wake up… I need you! I'm not as strong as you are."
There was no reply.
Sighing, Draco kissed Ginny's soft lips and sat on a chair next to the bed.
"Mommy? It's so dark in here… Mommy?" Cassie called, walking down a very dark corridor.
Getting no reply, she kept walking until she reached a glowing white door. Opening it, Cassie saw her mother sitting on the floor, facing a white wall, her red hair the only colour in the whole room.
"Cassie? What are you doing here? I thought I was dreaming!" Ginny replied, running to her baby girl, wrapping her up in a tight hug. "How are you, and Daddy?"
"I'm ok, Mommy, but Daddy is so sad… Why don't you wake up?" Cassie asked, playing with her mother's hair.
"I wish I could, honey… I've tried to find a way out but there isn't a door or window!" Ginny complained looking around the white walls.
"But I entered through that door over there!" Cassie indicated the door handle, on the other side of the room.
"Once again, how are you here? And why can you see the door and I can't?" Ginny asked, suspicious. "Probably I'm just hallucinating… You're not really here!"
"Mommy, it's me Cassie… Remember that I'm a Dream Walker? You told me I could walk into other people's dreams… I'm here to help you wake up!" Cassie explained, wisely. "Hold my hand…"
"Ok, sweetie… I trust in you." Ginny replied, holding her daughter's hand, as Cassie led them both out of the room and into another large room, but this one was a perfect copy of Ginny's and Draco's room at home. "This is my bedroom!"
"Mommy, what is that?" Cassie asked, walking over to a white crib, in the middle of the room, next to the bed.
"That's a … crib! That's where people place their babies, when they are sleeping…" Ginny explained, with her throat going dry with emotion. "Why is that crib in my room?"
"Don't know… Can we have a baby to place inside of the crib?" Cassie asked, running a hand over the soft green blanket. "I like this green…"
"Yes, darling, I know you love that colour… About the baby, I'll try to give you a little brother or sister. Do you want one?" Ginny asked, picking Cassie up in her arms.
"Yes! Can I name him? Can I play with him?" Cassie chanted happily.
"Of course, darling, but first we have to get out of here… Can you help me?" Ginny asked with a huge smile.
As an answer, Cassie made them both re-appear on a long corridor made of stone with big windows on one of the sides, from where they could see a big lake.
"We're at Hogwarts!" Ginny whispered, surprised.
"Welcome back, Virginia and Cassandra… I've been expecting you to come!" Dumbledore said, walking closer to them. "Wonderful job, Cassandra! I had hope that you would switch dreams!"
"Please, tell me if I'm correct… Cassie took me out of my dream by bringing me to your dream? But, how are we going to leave your dream?" Ginny asked, confused.
"That's right, Virginia! And Cassie will take you back to the world of the living, don't worry about that…" Dumbledore replied with a gentle smile. "Congratulations on winning the trial, and congratulations on your baby…"
"What baby?" she asked confused.
"The one for whom the crib is for!" Dumbledore winked his periwinkle blue eyes, and disappeared.
"That means that… I'm pregnant?" she whispered in surprise, but she didn't have much time to think about it as Cassie made them fall in a dark room.
"Cassie?" Ginny called, with her eyes trying hard to open.
"Ginny? GINNY!" Draco yelled when he heard his wife's soft voice. "Oh, Ginny, how are you?"
"Draco? Did it work? I'm awake?" she asked, touching his worried face. Then she looked at Cassie, by her side, as she started to wake up. "Cassie, you did it, darling! I'm awake!"
"I'm happy, Mommy… Uncle Sevvie made me a house for my dolls…" Cassie said with a cute smile, although she couldn't keep her eyes open. "I'm tired!"
"I know darling… Go to sleep!" Ginny kissed Cassie's forehead and then turned back to Draco.
"Oh Ginny, I don't know what just happened, but I'm so happy to have you back… I thought I was going to lose you!" Draco cried, hugging her tightly. "Don't you dare repeating that stunt, ever again, you hear me? You could have died!"
"Draco, your life means more to me than my own life… I love you, and you know that!" Ginny smiled, kissing him passionately.
"I love you as well… And I have something to tell you: You're pregnant!" he said in a happy voice, watching Ginny's eyes become full of tears.
"So Dumbledore was telling the truth… And the crib…" Ginny gasped, remembering the signs of her pregnancy while she was dreaming. "Oh Draco… A family! Finally we'll have a true family!"
"Yes we will… And this time, I'll make sure that no one stops us from being happy!" he promised in a serious voice, kissing his wife with all the love he felt bursting in his heart.