Ginny yawned obnoxiously at the Gryffindor table the next day. She had stayed up all night to finish her summer homework. Hermione had thoroughly admonished her. By the time she finished speaking, it was well into the night. She only had four hours of shuteye. This was not a good way to start off the year. Colin prodded her ribcage.
"What's wrong?" he asked worriedly.
"Tired," she explained. "All `Mione's fault. `You should've finished your homework earlier like me because I'm so bloody perfect.' Oh please…"
Colin just laughed at her one-woman tirade.
"Merlin, she's so bloody annoying…"
Colin picked out a few choice pieces of bread and began to butter them, wondering to himself what they had first.
"I mean, she can't even keep her bloody gob shut!"
He hoped it wasn't Potions. Maybe it was Transfiguration.
"She keeps bloody talking and talking and talking like there's no tomorrow!"
He looked over to the Slytherin table. He saw Draco glance at Ginny and look back down at his food. He caught Blaise's eyes. Colin flushed to a crimson hue before promptly looking away.
"Am I right?"
Colin jilted and faced Ginny. Had she been talking all this time?
"Uh… Yeah," he replied uneasily.
"Oh! Look! Blaise is looking right at you," Ginny giggled.
If possible, Colin's face got even redder.
"Let's see if you can break your own personal record of three months," she cajoled.
"Of course I can, but if I do, I can at least amuse myself by choosing someone out for you," he grinned.
"Hey, go ahead. It won't be my fault if I don't get him," she sniffed.
"I say we make a bet. Whoever gets their man first, gets to have first dibs on Viktor Krum's hat," he said.
They had stolen his hat when he played in the tournament in her third year. It sat under the common room couch, where no one dared to venture. She and Colin had made friends with the dust bunnies and they kept the hat safe and dust free.
"Deal," Ginny chuckled. "Who's my man?"
"Draco Malfoy," he smiled devilishly.
"Are you bloody mad?" she whispered angrily. "That's not fair!"
"Yes it is! You gave me Blaise! It's only poetic justice," he answered haughtily.
"Oh, you stupid sod! This is Malfoy we're talking about. My enemy. My brother's enemy. My family's enemy, for Merlin's sake!" she shrieked.
"Get over it, Gin. He's your conquest so make nice with him," he guffawed.
"Fine I will! If I do get him, however, I also want something else," she smirked.
"And what's that?" he cooed.
"Your broom," was her simple reply.
"Fine. It's on," he nodded.
Ginny shook his hand to seal the deal. He looked across the room again to find her gaze landing on her bet. He sneered at something Parkinson said before turning to meet her eyes. She froze.
"Did you finish your homework?" Hermione's shrill voice erupted.
Ginny winced, looking away from his gray depths.
"Yes, no thanks to you," she snapped.
Hermione harrumphed and turned on her heel to go back to Ron and Harry. Ginny ignored them at all costs. The insufferable know-it-all, protective brother and the boy-who-wouldn't-expire routines were just getting old. Professor McGonagall walked around, giving the Gryffindor's their schedules.
"Yes! We have Defense Against the Dark Arts first period," Colin beamed.
"I wonder what the new teacher's like. What was his name? Steve?" she frowned in concentration.
"Professor Steven Graves," a husky voice emanated from behind her.
She jumped.
"Uh… oh. Uh… Hi. Sorry," she sputtered.
"Aucun probleme, mademoiselle. I see you `ave my class first. See you there," he winked.
Ginny's eyes widened to saucers. Being as dense as she was, she couldn't quite piece the puzzle together. Colin, however, could.
"Oooo-kay. What was that about?" she queried.
"Who cares. Your objective is Malfoy, not Professor Steven Graves," he mocked.
She didn't even acknowledge him before going into the topic of Viktor Krum's hat.
(A/N: Aucun probleme, mademoiselle translates to No problem, mademoiselle. My French is a bit off seeing that I don't have a damn clue how to speak it. =) I hope it's not too horrendous. Plus, I'm on an update frenzy.)