Harry nuzzled his head to the back of Hermione's neck, feeling warm and wanting to stay in the bed forever. Hermione would be getting up soon, which meant getting up and not going to Hogsmeade. Harry willed Hermione to sleep. Just a couple more hours, then he'd be ready to study. The effects of the morning and the closeness of a female body were getting to his body.
'Think of anything Harry,' he thought, 'Er... dead puppies... not working...'
Hermione chose that time to wake and accidentally rub her backside against his front.
"Harry... What's..."
Harry threw the covers off him and ran to the bathroom.
'Could have just told her you had a flashlight.' he laughed at the thought.
'Think of... Margaret Thatcher... In a bikini.'
"Dear God!" He yelled.
It took everything in his power to get that image out of his head.
Harry exited the bathroom ready for the day of study that surely awaited him.
"Alright, do you want to do the potions essay first?" He said.
"Actually, I thought we could go to Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes first, then go to the Three Broomsticks. Ron asked if we wanted to join him and Luna. I don't think it'll be too weird; Neville and Ginny swore on Neville's life they'd be there."
"Are we going to be studying at the Three Broomsticks?" Harry asked, wondering what this person did with Hermione Granger.
"Of course not!"
Harry jumped over the sheets and put one hand on Hermione's shoulder to hold her down while the other rested on her forehead. Hermione couldn't help but giggle.
"No fever. Aha! You are a pod person! What have you done with Hermione Granger?"
"I thought we deserved a break. That is unless you want to stay here and study?"
Harry got up and threw her clothes at her.
* * *
"I like that jumper," Hermione said, as they walked past the shops at Hogsmeade.
"Hey! Mrs. Weasley made this for me," He said with a smile.
They entered Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes and tried to make their way through the large crowd. Once Fred and George saw them they started to threaten people who wouldn't move.
"How are you doing Harry? Want to curse Professor Snape?" Fred held out a box and winked at Harry.
Harry turned to Hermione who seemed to say 'no way in hell.'
"No thanks," Harry said with a downtrodden look.
"We understand Harry, nothing in front of the prefect..." George winked.
Hermione crossed her arms and gave the twins an evil look. They didn't seem very fazed by this though. They did not stay for much longer, either. Harry couldn't hold Hermione back from interrogating the twins on to whom exactly they've been selling some of their newest creations.
They met Neville and Ginny on the street in front of the Three Broomsticks and were warned not to go inside.
"They've been snogging for the past half hour. I swear, they haven't so much as come up for air," Ginny said.
"What should we do now? I don't want to go back to Hogwarts so soon."
"Everywhere else is crowded. We could always try the Hog's Head." Ginny smiled to Hermione.
"Am I ever going to live that down? Don't answer that Ginny. Crookshanks..." Hermione walked off as almost in a daze.
"What's she going on about?" Neville asked.
Harry shook his head and went after her. Neville and Ginny shrugged and went after them.
Hermione was headed towards the Shrieking Shack. Harry looked around to see if anyone was looking. Luckily everyone was busy, and when she went to the cellar window and tried to force it open no one saw.
"Hermione, what are you doing?"
"I saw Crookshanks go in. I have to get him."
"I don't think you have to worry about him, he's back at the castle. Besides, you can barely get in. How do you suppose he did?"
"Harry, I saw him. I don't want him to hurt himself."
"He knows his way back to Hogwarts," Harry said, trying to get her to stand up before people saw.
"Are you going to help me or what?" Hermione gave him a stern look.
"Of course. Won't we?" Harry asked, turning to Neville and Ginny. They nodded in agreement.
"Alohomora!" Hermione said, pointing at the small window, it opened slightly and she pushed it the rest of the way.
She went inside soon followed by Ginny, Neville, then Harry. They followed Hermione up the stairs to the master bedroom.
"Lumos," they all said at the same time. The room was exactly as it had been three years ago. In the middle of the room Crookshanks was coiled back ready to strike a dark figure in the corner. MacNair stepped out of the shadows and smiled evilly. Apparently he didn't realize he was out numbered five to one.
"You can put those away, I'm not going to fight you. I came here with a proposition from my master," he said coolly, as if the events of last year did not happen.
"What makes Voldemort think I want to hear anything he has to say?" Harry said.
The Death Eater recoiled at the mention of his master's name, but sobered quickly.
"It's not for you. It's for Dumbledore. Narcissa would like to know how her son is doing. She's decided she'll come by and…improve...his spirit," he smirked.
"You do know we're going to send you straight to Azkaban," Harry said.
"You and what army?" he laughed.
"Us," Harry said as Hermione, Neville, and Ginny raised their wands.
Crookshanks hissed at MacNair as if he were agreeing with the others.
Instead of going for his wand MacNair launched himself forward at Hermione and Ginny. Neville and Harry, caught by surprise, leapt at him.
"Harry!" Hermione screamed.
Harry punched MacNair on the side of his jaw. He turned and threw an on-coming Ginny off him.
"Harry!" Ginny yelled.
Harry was then picked up several inches off the floor. Neville hit MacNair with a stray piece of board. MacNair stumbled a bit but then went after Neville.
"Neville!" Ginny jumped on MacNair's back and started hitting him in the back of the head.
Neville went for his wand but MacNair hit him in the gut causing the wind to be knocked out of him.
"I'm coming!" Hermione said while trying to pick her wand out of the rubble.
"Hurry Hermione, I can't hang on much longer!" Harry yelled back as he dodged MacNair's blows.
MacNair finally connected with Harry's face, which knocked him to the ground. MacNair then threw Ginny off him. He headed over to Hermione who was still searching for her wand. Neville then hit him with the same board again, which didn't seem to inconvenience MacNair all that much.
"Neville, harder!" Ginny said.
Neville did as he was told and broke the board over MacNair's head.
"Sod it," He said to the broken board in his hands.
Neville threw the splinters at the man, which did very little. Crookshanks jumped and bit MacNair on the arm, and would not let go.
"Stupefy!" Hermione finally yelled which made the very large man crash into a wall.
"Thanks Hermione," Harry said gaining his balance back.
Harry scratched Crookshanks' head, "My hero."
"We should get someone to collect him, before he wakes up," Ginny said as Neville was helping her up.
"I'll go, " Harry picked up Crookshanks, "I'll tell Dumbledore, just stay here and keep knocking him out until I get back."
As Harry and Crookshanks made their way through the passages Harry could feel the hotness on his cheek turn to a bruise. He still had that metallic taste in his mouth, which he was sure meant that he was still bleeding somewhere in his mouth. Darting past the Whomping Willow Harry went into the castle and heard loud voices in the Great Hall. He went inside and was greeted by utter silence. In his sixth year at Hogwarts Harry was used to the stares he got. He just walked up to the teacher's table. Dumbledore looked at him genuinely perplexed.
"Harry, what..."
"We've got MacNair." Harry felt like smiling but was physically unable to.
McGonagall gasped, while Snape just looked shocked.
"Where is he Harry?"
"The Shrieking Shack. Hermione, Neville, and Ginny are keeping an eye on him."
* * *
"Harry, I'm worried," Hermione said, as they sat outside of the master bedroom in the Shrieking Shack.
"About what?"
"What happens when the parents of Hogwarts students know about this?" Hermione shivered.
"I... They'd probably get sent home," Harry said, remembering his last year with Seamus.
"Where's the safest place for anyone to be?"
"Hogwarts," He said, wrapping his coat around her.
Realization dawned on Harry. If the parents knew what had happened here, people would be going home; which is the last place they should be. Harry stood up when Dumbledore exited the bedroom.
"Professor Dumbledore, sir, can I speak with you for a second?"
* * *
"I'm glad you've all come to this emergency Order meeting. What we've learned today cannot be repeated, what has happened has never happened. Credit will be given elsewhere for MacNair's capture. The people who succeeded in bringing him down have requested it. I now have to ask you, Harry: are you ready to open up your house to Draco Malfoy. I know you want some privacy, but with no one to look after him I believe his curiosity will get the better of him."
Harry thought about it for a moment: Malfoy in his living room, the Order room, the library, Sirius' room… He wished someone could be there with Malfoy.
"Professor, could you give me half an hour, then I'll be ready."
"Of course, Harry."
Harry exited the room and ran straight down to the kitchens. He tickled the pear and walked to the back of the kitchen.
"Dobby, how are you?"
"Good, Harry Potter, sir. How is you?"
"I'm well. I wanted to ask how Winky is doing."
Dobby looked down at his rainbow coloured socks.
"Not good, Harry Potter, sir. She doesn't like working down here. I keeps telling her how good it is, but she doesn't listen."
"How do you think she'd like working in a house again?"
"Very much, Harry Potter, sir!" Dobby began to smile.
"Can I talk to her about it?"
"Yes, Harry Potter, sir. Right this way."
* * *
"Thank you, Severus. You may go now."
Snape closed the door to the Headmaster's office, then turned to see Harry making his way up the stairs.
"Wait here," was all that was said between the two.
"Mr. Malfoy a person has volunteered their house for you to live in while you are to hide. We will leave as soon as possible, do you have your belongings?"
"Yeah," Malfoy rolled his eyes.
"Come in, we're ready to go," Dumbledore said as he took a rag and made it into a Portkey.
Harry entered and watched as Malfoy's mouth dropped open.
"Did Winky get there alright Harry?" Dumbledore asked.
"Yeah, she's getting ready. I almost had to threaten her to take a room."
"And you've taken the necessary precautions?"
"Yes, Professor," Harry said.
"Alright, everyone take a-hold."
Harry grabbed the rag and felt a familiar pull behind his navel.