Hermione and Harry sat up in her room. Harry grabbed his bag and pulled a rather thick book from it. Hermione tried to fall asleep next to him, but couldn't. She looked over at Harry who still hadn't opened the book.
"You forget how to work one of those," she asked.
"No," Harry said seriously, as if he did not see the humor in her statement.
"What's wrong?"
"It's my mum's."
Hermione sat up. "So, why haven't you read it?"
"The front cover says 'Pregnancy Diary.'"
Hermione's eyes grew, "That's great Harry!"
"Maybe..." he said, his voice remained neutral.
"Maybe? Harry I don't-"
"What if I was a mistake?" A mistiness could be seen in his eyes, "What if they never wanted me?"
"What if she only saved me out of some... motherly duty, what if she didn't love me? If she never did?"
Hermione felt like hugging him, like doing anything and everything to take away his pain; but she couldn't.
"I'm sure she loved you."
"How can you be so sure?" Harry finally turned to look at her.
"Because, any person with a heart couldn't help it," she blushed realizing she did indeed just say that aloud. "She's not your aunt Harry, she loved you with her dying breath."
"Just like any other person with a heart?" Harry asked keeping his eyes locked with hers.
"Yes," she said without hesitation.
Hermione turned from his gaze, which she could only define as 'piercing,' and took the book in her hand then gestured for him to take it.
"It won't bite," she said.
She smiled, "Promise."
Harry opened the book and turned to the second page. Hermione jumped a little when she heard Harry's voice.
"I'm not starting this off with Dear Diary. To talk to inanimate objects would be one of the first signs of madness, and, well to be quite plain, I'm so beyond that. Not only have I married into the Marauders but I have also married their 'fearless leader,' James Potter. This is not why I'm writing this, though. There is a far better reason behind it. I'm PREGNANT! I want to shout it so everyone can hear, which is odd for such an introverted insane person like myself to do. I know the utter... happiness I feel right now will soon be replaced by mood swings and swollen ankles but I just can't help it! Of all the magic I've seen since I started at Hogwarts when I was eleven, this has got to be the most magical... ever. I should go, James is going door-to-door telling everyone 'we're' pregnant.
"She sounds wonderful," Hermione said.
"So that's my mum." Harry sounded is if he was just introduced to her.
"What are you feeling?"
"She's brilliant... She wanted me..."
Hermione put her head on Harry's shoulder.
A slight knock was at the door before Ron poked his head in.
"Just got here, is it okay if I come in?"
Hermione was just about to say no, thinking Harry needed privacy, when Harry spoke.
"Sure, come on in."
"What're you doing?"
"Reading my mum's diary."
Ron sat at the foot of the bed, "Well go on then!"
Harry cleared his throat:
"Today was our first fight about the baby. Not James and I, no, the Marauders were fighting us. We've just learned it will be a boy (I don't think I can handle another James, though Remus tells me he won't be that bad if we have our influences on him) and the Marauders believe they have some sort of right in naming him. I understand that by marring James I have five boys to try to keep in line but honestly, I will not name my son Filbert!"
"Filbert, well there's one reason to love your mum." Ginny came in and sat down in a chair near the bed and propped her feet on said bed.
"I've just thought of the name Harry.... Not Harold, (ewww), just Harry. It SEEMS right. James says yes, but the Marauders think not. I keep telling them that they are neither James nor Lily, so they get no vote, but they still won't listen. By the way James, I know you're reading this, I will not give birth on a broom!!"
"That could be painful," Hermione winced.
"At least you aren't named after some crazy uncle or something," Ron said.
He turned to Ginny and they both burst out laughing
"Percy!" they said together.
It was then, probably not by coincidence that Mrs. Weasley walked into the room without knocking.
"What's going on in here?"
Hermione and Harry quickly covered his mother's diary.
"Just talking."
"Well it's time for bed."
Ron and Ginny left the room and went down the stairs. Harry and Hermione sat in bed catching glances of the other, trying to figure out what to do now.
Dumbledore, as he had done many times before, came to the rescue.
"Harry, Hermione," Lupin said, "Dumbledore's here to see you."
They got up and scurried away from Mrs. Weasley.
They both sat down in the living room across from Dumbledore, who was drinking some tea.
"Miss Granger, .f you would be so kind, I would like to speak to you in private after I've spoken to Harry."
Hermione nodded and left the room.
"Harry, I'm sorry for what happened to you. I've arranged it so you won't have to go back there again. The only bad part about this is that you will have to stay at Hogwarts and not Grimmauld Place over the summer. Other than your relatives' house it is the safest place for you. Remus has agreed to stay over the summer with you."
"Thank you, Professor," Harry said, feeling not as happy as he thought he would.
Harry got up and left, going up to Hermione's room.
"Miss Granger."
"Yes, Professor?"
"I wonder if you've opened up your prophecy yet."
Hermione eyed the ground, "No, I haven't. I'm sorry."
"There's nothing to be sorry for. You see, Miss Granger, Harry was ready to hear his prophecy I dare say when he was eleven. It takes some of us longer. I remember my first prophecy went unread for three years."
"How will I know when I'm ready to hear what it has to say?"
Dumbledore got up and took one last sip of tea, "You'll know when, whatever information is held within that prophecy, you won't be afraid of it."
"How am I supposed to not be afraid of it?"
"That lies within you, Miss Granger. You are not a Gryffindor for nothing."
He smiled and disapparated.
* * *
Harry woke when a bright green light blanketed the room. He put his glasses on and went to the window to see the Dark Mark blanketing the sky above the Granger's house.
"Wake up!" Harry yelled.
He threw the covers off Hermione shook her.
"What?" she asked sleepily.
"The Dark Mark! They're here!"
Hermione seemed to wake up fully, she went for her wand and they both exited the room, banging on doors for others to wake up.
"Where's Lupin?" Harry asked angrily.
"It's a full moon Harry!" Ginny said.
The parents had not gotten out of their rooms yet and they were not going to wait for them.
Harry, followed closely by Hermione, Ron, and Ginny, went down the stairs and were met by five Death Eaters, including Bellatrix Lestrange.
"Potty..." she sang, "Come out and play."
Harry looked to the others. Their wands were at the ready.
He whispered to them, "There are five Death Eaters, four of us, if we start to loose we have to have a plan..."
"We're waiting..." Bellatrix sang.
"Keep your hat on!" Harry yelled.
"We aren't good enough anamagi to try anything... we do have a fire place, but it's not hooked up to the Floo Network."
"So this is a win or die situation... great. All right, let's go!"
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley came crashing down the stairs wands out, ready to attack.
Their youngest child stood above one of the four tied up Death Eaters.
"And that's for that stunner when I wasn't looking!" she said as she kicked him in the ribs.
"I think it's broken, Ron," Hermione said holding his arm.
"What happened here?" Mrs. Weasley almost squeaked.
"Death Eaters. Bellatrix got away." Harry's white shirt was stained red with his blood.
Mr. and Mrs. Granger came down the stairs and ran into the Weasleys.
"What? Who are these? When?" Mrs. Granger asked.
"Death Eaters attacked, five of them, we got four but one got away." Harry felt the wound on his shoulder.
"Who is the `we'? Surely the children didn't..." Dr. Granger began.
"They did. And how many times do I have to tell you Ronald Weasley you never take on Death Eaters by yourself, I don't blame you, of course, Harry, but how many times do I have to tell you to wait for Order members to take care of these things. And you! Ginevra Weasley, after the incident with the Shrieking Shack, I thought we were clear that you are not to come near any more Death Eaters! Oh Hermione, I know you didn't do anything wrong, but the two of you are in some serious trouble! Arthur, tell them!" Mrs. Weasley screamed.
Mr. Weasley looked at the scene before him for a moment then spoke, "Did you really take on five?"
They started to tell him all about it until Mrs. Weasley yelled at them all.
"Look, we don't have time for all this, Bellatrix is gone which means she's going to get more Death Eaters to attack, which means we have a short time to get away from here and back to Grimmauld Place where it's safe," Hermione said.
"She's right Molly, we better pack up and leave. I'll talk to the Order about getting us there."
"You're leaving sweetie?" Mrs. Granger asked.
"So are you, no one's safe here. Go pack, and only what you need," Hermione said.
* * *
Draco Malfoy awoke as loud bangs and voices entered the house. He looked at his clock. It was around one in the morning. For a moment his heart raced, what if it were the ghosts from the basement? He was answered when he heard a familiar voice boom.
"Remus was actin' up. At firs' `e was fine, laying in `is cage, 'appy as a werewolf can get. The nex' 'e's howlin' like mad," Hagrid said.
"He'll be fine in the basement, he probably just misses the kids," a female voice said above the howling.
Malfoy got up and quietly opened the door to his room so he could hear them better. Who would put a werewolf in a basement filled with ghosts? He crept down the stairs when he heard another fit of loud banging.
"Are they all right?" the same female voice asked.
"How many were there?"
"Now?! Okay, I'll be here!" her footsteps could be heard getting closer and closer.
"Hagrid! I need you to go back to Hogwarts and get Madame Pomfrey. The kids were just attacked by five Death Eaters and they're hurt pretty badly," she said.
He could hear the half-giant leave and the woman go back to the basement. Draco turned the corner and stepped into the living room. The house was silent for a moment then nine figures appeared in the living room holding a portkey.
"Hello, Mr. Malfoy. How are you doing this morning?" Dumbledore asked.
Malfoy did not answer, he was too shocked at the sight before him. Potter and Granger were bloody while Weasley held his arm and his sister looked as if she had just been thrown around by the hair.
"I trust you will do fine from here on in, Arthur," Dumbledore said and then apparated after Mr. Weasley had nodded.
"What are you doing out of bed?" Harry asked as he dragged himself to a chair.
"I can be here, this is one of the only places you let me go."
"Are you just going to stand there and stare at us?"
"No, I was just... going to get something to eat." He turned on his heel and went to the kitchen to try to find something to eat.
"Who was that boy?" Mrs. Granger asked.
"He's in the witness protection program, or the wizard equivalent of it," Harry said.
The parents decided to go upstairs and settle into their rooms while the kids got patched up. Hagrid came back but did not have Madame Pomfrey with him.
"Said she couldn't be taken from 'er duties." He handed them a large bottle of fire whiskey, "Yeh're gonna have teh take this fer the pain."
* * *