Draco Malfoy sat in his room staring at the ceiling bored out of his mind. He wasn't allowed to go anywhere and the only other thing he could do was homework, which was unlikely to be done any time soon. He heard voices downstairs, and after ten minutes of not knowing what they were saying he made his way out of his room.
Draco could make out Snape's voice, "But she's a muggle, she can't join."
"Muggle or not it concerns her, that is why I've offered her a membership, and she has accepted." Dumbledore paused, "Mr. Malfoy, I don't think Harry would appreciate you out of your room spying on people."
Draco ran back upstairs and slammed his door shut. What was Professor Snape doing in Harry Potter's house? A membership to what did a muggle get? Draco stayed in his room unable to sleep the entire night. With all of the nothing that went on around this place, it all added up to something weird.
* * *
Neville ran down the stairs, he was already out of breath. He only had a little ways to go before he could stop. He turned the corner threw open the door, almost knocked down Madame Pomfrey and jumped over a bed.
"Danger," was all he could say at the moment.
"What danger?" Harry and Ron looked at him then at each other.
Neville threw a paper at them. It was the Daily Prophet. A picture of Mrs. Weasley picking up the paper then throwing various objects at reporters looped on the front page.
"It says.... She plans on... Coming here..." Neville said.
"You two," Madame Pomfrey pointed at Harry and Neville, "Someone's here to see you."
They both breathed deeply, ready to face Mrs. Weasley alone, but were stopped by Ron.
"I'm going with you. She won't kill you in front of me."
Before Neville and Harry could protest they were enveloped in a large hug.
"How are you poor dears? I've already talked to Dumbledore of course. You must be in such a state." Mrs. Weasley squeezed tighter.
"We're fine, really," Harry said with the little breath he could manage.
"What's happened to you?" She finally let go of the two boys and approached her own son.
"Fell," he said.
She seemed to take that as the truth and went back to doting over the other two boys.
* * *
Harry ran down the passageway out of breath. He stopped in front of the room and took a couple of deep breaths. He pulled the large door open and walked to the front of the class while all eyes watched.
"How 'bout we keep the giggling fits to a minimum." Harry looked up to see a very quiet and not at all giggly class of first year Ravenclaws.
"Sorry, forgot who I was talking to. I just had a class with a bunch of third year Slytherins."
They all looked at each other and nodded.
"Alright, you seem to be ahead of everyone… again." He looked up at them as they all sat up a bit taller, "So Mu- Professor Lupin says I can teach you anything I want."
Harry thought about all that he could show them, then he reminded himself of what he should show them.
"My fourth year a man pretending to be an old Auror showed us with spiders what the Unforgivable Curses looked like."
"Are you going to show us," A boy in the first row asked with as much fear as curiosity.
"I could, but it doesn't mean I'm going to. Well let's start this properly, what are the Unforgivable Curses? Can anyone name one?"
A girl in the back row with blonde hair raised her hand.
"Yes, Shelia," Harry asked.
"The Avada Kedavra."
"Ah, so you want to start with the worst. All right. Anyone know what it does?"
"Kills you," the boy in the first row said.
"Of course. Does anyone know what it looks like?"
The room fell silent.
"It's this green sort of light," Harry said remembering the times he had seen it. "Is there a way to block it? Has anyone who's been hit by the curse lived?"
"Yeah," a red head kid said. "You did."
"Right, but beside me."
"No, no one," the kid said.
"So it's the worst, the most unforgivable, it's not something you take lightly. What's another Unforgivable Curse?"
* * *
"You ready?" Neville sat on the bed next to Ginny, who was at the moment trying to catch her breath.
She nodded and moved closer to him. A knock came at their door.
"It's time," he said and she nodded.
Harry was getting Ron while they got up and went to the Gryffindor common room. They made their way to the front doors. Luna was waiting for them and opened the door. They soon made their way to the Forbidden Forest.
When sure no one was following them they sat in a circle. Hermione wordlessly handed each of them a goblet and poured some putrid potion in each. They all drank and said the incantation. With that they all felt a pain that would rival the Cruciatus Curse. They saw a bright light and with that everything went black.
Harry awoke to see that it was day, 'Why am I sleeping in the Forbidden Forest?'
Realization hit Harry. They must have somehow failed their transformation the night before. He moved his neck and realized he felt different. He looked across from him and saw a bear lying on the ground. He realized as he saw more and more sleeping animals that they must have successfully transformed.
"Hey, wake up everyone, can anybody hear me?" he said.
"Five more minutes, Mum." The bear rolled over onto the wolf's tail.
"Owww, watch it!" the gray wolf said getting up. "Wait... I've... I've got four legs!!"
The wolf walked around in circles, as if he were trying to catch his tail.
"Neville? Neville calm down," Harry said.
"Harry? Harry, you're... You're a Phoenix."
Harry stretched out his arm and looked to see the red and gold plumage.
"How can we understand each other," Neville asked.
"It must be some Anamagi thing. Wait, Where's Hermione?"
Harry looked off to his side and, where Hermione was supposed to be, there was nothing.
"Hermione!" Harry flapped his wings and tried to take off but fell and almost hit his head on a tree.
"Harry!" A Phoenix clumsily landed next to him. "It takes some getting used to, the flying. How are you doing?"
"Hermione, you're a phoenix," he said as he tried to get up.
"Yeah, so are you. Ron's a bear, Neville's a wolf, Ginny's a fox, and Luna... Well it's not a surprise she's an owl," she said.
"This is weird..."
Before Harry could finish that thought he and Hermione were tossed into a net.
"What the..."
They were thrown on the back of a familiar coat, as Hagrid hummed his way back to his hut.
"Is everyone okay," Harry asked when his and Hermione's cage was put on top of Neville's.
"Yeah, I think so. How are we supposed to get out of here," Ron asked.
Ron was in a large box, it had no top but it was too tall for him to reach up.
"One of us has to get out of here and help the others get out. I think we better hurry, I'm starting to get hungry for some field mice," Luna said.
"Can you two peck your way out," Ginny asked.
Harry and Hermione tried, but it was no use.
"Can you chew your way out," Harry asked Neville.
Neville tried chewing the bars while Ginny tried to scratch the bottom of the cage.
"Ron, you're our only hope. Is there some way you can get out of there," Harry asked.
Ron started to claw the sides, but it was no use. He sat back down moving the box.
"Ron, do that again, you can turn over the box!"
"Oh no. Slytherins," Ginny said.
They all watched as the Slytherins walked up to them and started to make fun of the muggle creatures.
"Ron, come on!" Ginny yelled.
"I don't know what to do!" he said pushing the sides with his paws.
"Use your fat arse to turn the box on its side!" Ginny said as the Slytherins started to poke their fingers into the cages.
Hagrid stood in front of them and started explaining what each one was. He went all the way down the line until he reached Harry and Hermione. He picked up their cage and started to show them to the students.
"These las' two are Phoenix. Phoenix are rare an' when yeh do find two together they're usually life mates. We'll probably see little baby phoenix pretty soon, eh Mummy?" Hagrid went to pet her, but Hermione bit him.
"Oh. They're always a bit testy durin' matin' season."
"Mating? Can you believe what he's saying about me? The nerve!"
"Hermione, he doesn't know it's you," Harry said.
Just then Ron overturned his box and started to walk out. He roared at the Slytherins, then at Hagrid who dropped Harry and Hermione and tried to escort the students somewhere safe. Ron broke everyone's cages and they all ran, or flew, off to the middle of the forest where they hid.
"Bloody hell, that was close!"
They all changed back into their regular forms, but found out the hard way what first time Anamagi had to go through.
"Ummm..." Neville stood behind a tree. "Does anyone else seem to be missing clothes?"
"Yes. They must not have transformed with us," Luna said.
Harry covered himself with the tree as much as he could and looked over in the general direction of the school.
"Accio Wand!" he yelled.
His wand flew into his hand and Harry felt relief.
"Accio Pants!" he yelled, and a little bit later his pants flew into his hands.
He put them on, making sure no one could see him, then went to a boulder and tossed his wand over. Hermione took it and got her wand, Harry then took his back and handed it off to Ginny. Harry looked back to Hermione's boulder and saw something he was sure he wasn't supposed to see, and then turned back to Ginny who gave him his wand back. It went on like that until everyone had their clothes.
"We better get back to the castle; we're really late," Hermione said looking at the ground.
The six of them were silent on the way back to the castle, unable to say anything to each other. When they got inside lunch had just started, Lupin was about to go into the Great Hall when he spotted them.
"Where have you been? We've been looking for you."
"We were doing some... Voldemort stuff," Harry said.
Lupin nodded and ushered them all to the Great Hall to get something to eat.
"Umm... we're not hungry," Ginny said.
She looked over at Hermione and took a leaf from her bushy hair.
"Are you sure," Lupin asked.
They all nodded and went back to Gryffindor Tower. They went to their respective rooms and put underwear on then went back into the Gryffindor common room.
"I'm going to go see how Luna is," Ron said.
They all stood in silence for a while until Ginny started up the conversation.
"So, that being naked was really weird."
* * *
That Saturday Gryffindor was scheduled to have a Quidditch match with Hufflepuff. Although it seemed it was going to be an easy match Ron started to become more like Wood with each day closer to the match. Ron wanted to win. He had hopes of getting the cup this year, but since their two beaters and two chasers barely understood a word he said it seemed unlikely. Harry did all he could to help Ron, but with everything he had been doing lately he didn't seem to have much time. The Friday before the match they were scheduled to have practice. Harry was working with Hermione on his Potions essay when he realized he was late. Once he got down to the Quidditch pitch he saw Ron was in the middle of one of his semi-coherent speeches.
"Potter, you're late," Ron said.
Harry looked around to the other teammates, "Yeah Weasley, I am. Sorry, I had homework-"
"I don't want to hear excuses. I'll talk to you after practice."
Harry stood there listening but not listening to Ron's tirade. When did Ron turn into Snape? Did this mean Ron would stop washing his hair and dramatically open doors each time he entered a room?
Once everyone on the team had left Ron approached Harry.
"Are you trying to make me look bad," Ron asked.
"Of course not."
"How do you think it makes me look when my best friend won't even show up for practice?"
"I've been a bit busy."
"And the rest of us haven't? Look Harry, I help you with.... the other... things, because I'm your friend. I think I know what I'm doing. You know, I wasn't picked as a prefect and Quidditch captain for nothing." At that moment, Ron reminded Harry of Percy.
"You mean," Harry clenched his jaw, "You were picked over me for a reason."
"Well yeah. I don't expect to know why Dumbledore does what he does but... Look, I just want you to come on time. I would do as much if you were Quidditch captain." Ron paused, "I'm going to go meet Luna, I'll see you later."
Harry stood there alone and angry with both himself and Ron.
* * *
Harry looked up into the Quidditch stands. The school was divided. It seemed as though the Slytherins wanted Hufflepuff to win, while all the Ravenclaws waved red banners. Harry looked over to the Gryffindor side and saw Hermione and Hagrid in the front row cheering like mad. Harry smiled and waved, when just then Colin Creevey took a picture of him. Harry looked to his side and saw Ron waving to the Ravenclaws. Well, to one Ravenclaw, who blushed and blew a kiss to him.
As they approached Madame Hooch, Ron turned to Harry and the other players on the team, "What do you say, let's win!"
They all got into their positions and started to play, Gryffindor was now up thirty points. Harry was looking for the snitch and Cho was following him like he was the snitch. Harry got tired of her following him quite quickly, so he began to dive as if he saw the snitch near the ground and Cho followed. He got closer and closer to the ground and looked over his shoulder to Cho and smiled. She seemed to not be as calm as Harry. She looked worriedly at the ground then to him. She then pulled up, and Harry smiled to himself. He pulled up and watched as Cho realized there was no snitch at all. Harry winked at her and felt like laughing when she cried out in anger. Harry then turned his attention to the game and saw one of the Beauxbatons girls on his team put the quaffle through a hoop. Gryffindor now had sixty points.
Hufflepuff scored ten points while Ron was distracted, yelling at Ginny for something. He was yelling at Ginny again and the Hufflepuff chasers were approaching. Harry zoomed past them and blocked their way. He threw the quaffle at Ginny and she went with it.
Harry looked at Ron who gave Harry a dirty look. Just as Ron was about to start yelling at Harry, Harry saw the snitch near the Gryffindor stands. He hurried over there then started to dive after it. Cho obviously thought he was trying to show off because she was nowhere in site. Once he was about seven feet off the ground he caught it and pulled up hard.
Gryffindor won two hundred and twenty points to ten. As Harry held up the snitch Ginny crashed into him giving him a hug while the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang Gryffindors flew in a circle around them cheering.
Harry looked over for Ron, but he was nowhere to be seen. Once they got to the ground Hermione came running up and hugged him in her usual too tight way.
"You were amazing Harry," she said in his ear.
When they broke apart almost every Gryffindor was on the field cheering. The Ravenclaws were, especially a group of first years, cheering loudly and the sound was deafening. Harry looked over to the outside of the large group that was crowding them, and there stood Hagrid, cheering, but looking rather sheepish. Well, as sheepish as a half giant could look. Harry pushed his way through the crowd and stopped in front of Hagrid. Harry held out his hand and Hagrid immediately took it and pulled Harry into a hug.
* * *
"William Shakespeare, an author in the muggle world, that means he wrote stories, was a squib and one of the reasons witches were looked on as... bad. His description of three ugly hags in Macbeth was part of the reason why muggles think witches are old crones. Actually, The Wizard of Oz didn't help much either," Dr Sam added.
"Any questions? Alright, off you get."
Harry and Hermione made their way to the Great Hall.
"So everything's all right between Hagrid and you," she asked.
"Yeah, he was just worried about you. He didn't want you to get hurt. That's why he didn't want to look at me. He didn't want to think I could play with your emotions, but when he saw Ron that day..."
"He was sure Ron was angry because Ron knew you were using me," Hermione finished.
"Right. You do know... I could never..." Harry fought to find the words.
"Yeah, I'm such an ugly bushy haired girl, no one could ever-"
Harry spun her around and instead of seeing humor in his eyes she saw he was being quite serious.
"You're not. You're... Beautiful." Harry shook himself as if he were coming out of some kind of trance. "I could never hurt you like that. That's what I meant. You're my best friend. I don't want anyone to hurt you... ever."