Unofficial Portkey Archive

Harry Potter and the Cry of the Phoenix by VMaster

Harry Potter and the Cry of the Phoenix


As he sat on the top of the magnificent tower, he was lost in the blackness of the night's sky, which contrasted with the countless shining stars above him. As he stared up into the heavens, he had plenty of time to think about the fine mess that he had put himself in.

He kept wondering if she would ever forgive him. The thought of losing Hermione tore away at his soul. Losing Ron was one thing, but he couldn't bare the idea of losing Hermione. As difficult as losing his best friend, Ron, which was still killing him, he couldn't imagine what school would be like now without Hermione.

As he absent mindedly scanned the sky, and his eyes fell onto the full moon, it came to him. He needed to show her how much he would be willing to do to make things right. He wondered what he could do. He thought for a while, about it, but all he could think about was Hermione.

Harry closed his eyes, and he saw the past four years play out like a film. He pictured the moment when he was on the Hogwarts Express, and she walked into his compartment, into his life as it wound up. He saw Hermione cowering in a corner of the girls' bathroom as a giant troll attacked her. He saw when she helped him on his way to the Sorcerer's Stone.

He remembered as along with Ron, he went into the abandoned girls lavatory, and watched Hermione busily preparing the Polyjuice potion. He chuckled as he remembered when he saw what had happened when she added the hairs off Millicent Bullstrode's robes, believing that she had taken some of its owner's hair. It wound up that it belonged to Millicent's cat instead, and since the potion wasn't designed for animal transformation, she wound up looking like a cat. The image of her laying, immobile, in the hospital wing after she had been petrified in their second year stuck in his mind. After he shook it off, he pictured the image of Hermione, as she came running into his arms, once she had been restored that is. Whenever he thought of this, it always made him smile.

Harry remembered when he was in the hospital wing recovering from a Dementors' attack, the first thing he saw was Hermione's face, and he felt safe. He flashed to the scene in which Hermione placed the time turner around his head. After that, he remembered the time when she joined him on Buckbeak's back, as they flew up to rescue Sirius, and how she held him tightly in the cold night's air.

He thought back to last year, he remembered at the Yule Ball. He saw a stunning girl walk into the Entrance Hall, escorted by the Bulgarian seeker, Viktor Krum. He also remembered how he felt when he realized that it was Hermione. The memory of the second task of the tournament came to him, as he saw Hermione in the bottom of the lake, and about how he tried to rescue her after he extricated Ron from his shackles, even though Ron was his only responsibility, and Cho and Gabrielle where both there. He also remembered what happened as they reached Kings Cross, when Hermione kissed him so sweetly on his cheek.

He remembered earlier in the year, as he was on the banks of the lake, and he kissed Hermione for the first time, and later on, when he was in a small shop in Hogsmeade, and he told her that he loves her for the first time. He also thought of yesterday, as she summoned a copy of his team, allowing them to do their crazy stunt.

Harry knew what he needed to do now, and he ran down to the common room again, hoping that his plan would work. He thought that this might be his only chance. When Harry entered, he saw Hermione's father sitting in the comfortable chair beside the fire. After slowly approaching him, Harry sat at the chair next to his.

Mr. Granger saw the look of anticipation on Harry's face, and said, "I'm sorry Harry, but it's still too soon."

Harry said, "yeah, I know, but I need your help."

Mr. Granger appeared to be taken aback by this, and after a moment, he asked, "what is it that I can do for you?"

"I want to show Hermione how I feel about her." Harry, paused, took a deep breath, and when Mr. Granger remained silent, he continued, "I know now what I need to do, but if it's going to work I am going to need you to help me with it."

Mr. Granger thought for a minute, and with a slight grin on his face, he said, "ok, I see that you are serious about this. Whatever help I can provide, I will be only too happy to do so."

Harry told Mr. Granger all about what he was planning, and what help that he was hoping to receive. Mr. Granger listened, nodding occasionally, remaining silent, until Harry had finished his request.

"Very ambitious, but I suppose that I shouldn't be surprised by that." Hermione's father paused for a moment, and he continued, "ok. I think it's a splendid idea, and while I'm not sure how well it will work, I will provide all the help that I can. As for those things you requested, yes, you may have them."

"Thanks, Mr. Granger."

"It's not a problem son, but where do you want me to give it to you?"

That's was an excellent question, since he didn't want what he was doing to get back to Hermione before he was ready, so he thought, and told Mr. Granger to meet him on the tower's roof first thing in the morning. After Mr. Granger agreed, Harry walked away, felting a little relieved, but he understood the most difficult part of the plan was still ahead of him.

Most of the people were on their way down to dinner, but Harry really didn't feel like eating, and since he wanted to avoid an awkward encounter with Hermione for now, he went to his dormitory. As he had expected the room was empty, so he opened his trunk, and started looking through his things for some of the items he would need.

The time went by so fast, that before he knew what had happened the lamps had turned on, and people had started returning from dinner below. Ron walked into the room, and he looked as if he was about to say something, but thought better of it.

Harry was tempted to tell Ron everything. He wanted to tell him about the letter from Lupin, and the kiss he had with Fleur, and most importantly, what he was planning for Hermione. When he saw Ron turn away from him, going toward the other end of the room, Harry realized that as much as he wanted to, he couldn't turn to him now.

Harry put his things away in his trunk, and after he changed, he quickly fell off to sleep. He had to go to sleep early, since he had to meet Hermione's dad early in the morning. He also hoped that from their vantage he might have an opportunity to see their opponents get in some last second practice in the morning.

After a pretty restless night, spent mostly tossing and turning, he got up at the crack of dawn. He saw that Ron was still soundly asleep, so he changed his clothes as quietly as he could, and started off to the roof. When he got there, he saw Mr. Granger sitting on one of the benches, waiting for him.

Harry walked over, and sat down next to him, where he was greeted with a warm, "Good morning."

"Good Morning."

"How are you doing this morning?"

"Fine," Harry lied.

Mr. Granger turned to face him, and said, "I see you didn't come down to dinner last night."

"I wasn't hungry," Harry said plainly.

"Funny, but neither was Hermione. We tried to get her to come down, but she was steadfast."

While Harry felt a little bit better that Hermione seemed to be taking this as badly as he did, but it wasn't much of a comfort.

"I brought what you asked for," Mr. Granger said, handing a large box to Harry.

Harry looked through the box, and it was exactly what he needed. "Thank you. This is perfect."

"Well, I am glad I was able to help. I have to admit that's a very creative idea you had there."

"Thanks, but I just thought of Hermione, and after a while, I thought, 'of course.' it made perfect sense if you know her."

Mr. Granger nodded, and said, "yes it does, and it is clear that you know her very well indeed."

Harry was a little embarrassed, as he said, "well, we have been friends for the past five years."

"Yes, I know. It seems that all I hear is Harry this, and Harry that. At first I thought it was because of everything you have done, but now I expect it is because she has grown attached to you."

"And, I have grown rather attached to her."

"I can see that, since you are going through a considerable amount of effort to prove it."

"Well. She's worth it."

"Yes, she is, I couldn't agree with you more. Shouldn't you get going?"

"Pardon me?"

"You're match is today isn't it?"

Harry slapped his hand on his forehead and as he headed off he said, "you're right. I've got to go, but thanks again."

As he went into the staircase, he heard Mr. Granger say something that he couldn't make out. He scampered down the staircase, and when he reached his dormitory, he saw Ron getting ready. He realized he had some time, so he put the things that Hermione's dad gave him and went down for some breakfast.

When he reached the dining hall, he found the rest of the team quietly eating breakfast, those of whom that weren't too nervous to eat that is. Harry grabbed a seat at an empty table and quietly ate some breakfast. He wasn't particularly hungry, but he needed to get something in his stomach before the match, especially since he skipped dinner last night.

Harry saw Hermione walk into the dining hall, and he wanted to call out to her, but he stayed quiet. He just watched quietly as she took a seat at another empty table, across the hall from his. He ate as much as he could, which was hard considering that he didn't really have much of an appetite.

He closed his eyes for a second, and as he opened them, he scanned the hall. He looked at Hermione, hoping to gain her attention. When she kept her eyes locked onto her plate, Harry was relieved, not knowing what he would have said to her had he gotten her attention. He wasn't sure if this was too early or not, but he didn't feel like pushing his luck.

After struggling with this dilemma, he got up, and went to his dormitory to recover his things for the match. He was grateful that he was going to be on his broom. He always knew, no matter how bad things were, he always had a reprieve once he was in the air.

In addition, this was going to be his first real game of Quidditch in almost two years, not to mention the first on his Spitfire. After he grabbed all of his things, he walked slowly over down to the entrance hall. It was still empty as he walked through the portal that transported him back down to the grounds.

He walked directly to the pitch, so he could look at it beforehand. He also wanted to get in a couple of laps around the field before the match to help him shake off some of the nerves he was building up. When he arrived on the field, he quickly realized that he wasn't the only one who had gotten that idea.

As he looked up, he barely saw someone flying high above the field, but the rising sun obscured his view. He shielded his eyes, and he watched as someone started to descend in his direction. Harry just stood there, rooted to where he was standing, waiting to see whom the mystery flyer was.

As the figure came closer, he could see that it was a female, which wasn't really much of surprise, considering the entire Beauxbatons' team was comprised of girls. As she landed next to him, Harry started to feel ill.

"Hello Fleur," Harry mumbled, as she glided next to him.

"Good to see 'oo before ze match 'arry"

"Yeah. Look, I came down to get some work in before the match, so if you'll excuse me," Harry said briskly.

"Vat oz ze russh 'arry? Tell me, 'ow is yur little girrlfrand?"

Harry leered at her, and without saying anything he quickly mounted his broom and kicked hard off the ground. The breeze felt nice on his face, and he was able to put everything out of his mind, at least for a little while anyway.

After he completed a couple of laps around the field, Harry started to look around the stadium. He saw the twins walk onto field after a few minutes, and quickly mount their own brooms, joining him in the air. The rest of the team started to appear, and quickly joined them.

When the last member of the starting unit had arrived, Harry looked at his watch, and saw that the game was about to start. Just as he realized that, he saw the crowd work their way to their seats, mostly clad in the familiar silver and black colors of Beauxbatons.

Harry started down toward to the field, but not before quickly scanning the crowd in an effort to see if Hermione was already there. When he couldn't see her, he hoped that his worst fears wouldn't come to pass. He hoped that despite everything that had happened, she would still make it to the match.

When they landed, Harry led the rest of the team off the field, into the locker room that their hosts had set up for them. The team quietly changed, and they all sat down, waiting for their captain to say something, but Harry really couldn't think if anything.

After a few minutes, he realized that he had to say something, even if he really didn't feel up to it. He got up, and looked around at their expectant stares, and in barely louder than a whisper, Harry said, "losing is not an option."

Fred turned around to George, and said, "see, I told you it wasn't an option."

George then, mocking surprise, said, "I thought it was."

The rest of the team chuckled quietly, and Harry realized that he wasn't doing a very good job, although he felt a little more relaxed now. Harry figured if his little speech wasn't going to be good, it should at least be short, so he looked around, and said, "for most of you this could very well be your last game, so let's do this right. We can win, and I know we will win, and make Hogwarts proud of us."

Fred jumped up, and said, "yeah, let's go."

The team grabbed their brooms and marched toward the entrance, where they were waiting for their introductions. After a while, they heard someone in that magically magnified voice saying something, but since it as in French, they hadn't the slightest idea what the heck it was.

The team just started at each other, bewildered, until they finally heard something they recognized, when the announcer said, "'ogwarts."

They lined up, and when they heard their names, they mounted their broom and rocketed onto the field, one by one. After a few moments, Harry was alone in the locker room, and when he heard his name, he took a deep breath, and after he straddled his Spitfire, he bolted into the arena.

He heard a combination of applause, along with some taunts, or at least he assumed they were taunts. Since they were in French, he hadn't the slightest idea what they were saying, which, in this case, wasn't such a bad thing.

He saw a man in black robes drag a trunk into the muddle of the field. He knew that this must be the referee, and watched as he settled in the middle of the pitch. He said something in French, and kicked open the trunk.

When all of the balls shot up out of the trunk, there was a scurry of activity. Harry shot up as fast as he could, and he soon had a clear view of the field. He kept an eye out for the snitch, hoping that might be able to get a quick capture, to end the match.

As he continued to scan the field below him, Harry heard something behind him that took him by surprise. It was Fleur, and she said, "'arry."

He took his eyes of his search to look behind him, He saw Fleur marking him, less than 50 feet away. She had a mischievous look on her face, and looked as if she was about to say something else, but Harry decided he didn't want to hear it, so he shot across the field, leaving her before she had an opportunity to say anything.

As he started scanning the field again, he saw something quite disturbing. He noticed the twins looked a little disoriented. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he was quite sure it couldn't be any good. He wound his way near the Hogwarts' goals, when he heard Fleur again.

This time, however she wasn't talking, but rather, she was singing something. He hadn't the slightest idea what it was, although he kept thinking to himself that it was the nicest thing he ever heard. He thought that he should dance to it. Yes, that would be appropriate.

He started moving his broom in concert with her singing, when he decided that this wasn't enough. He needed to do something more impressive, so he stood on his broom, and started to dance on top of it. Maybe if he jumped off, it might be more impressive, when he felt something, and he noticed that Ron was next to him, and apparently, he had just slapped him across the face. When he didn't react, Ron did it again, and again, until he finally picked up his hand to stop him. Harry was upset with Ron. He was wondering, why was he hitting him?

Ron shouted, "call a timeout."

Harry, realizing that he was completely lost, agreed that was a good idea, and when he did, they quickly landed on the field. He looked around at the rest of the team, and saw that while the guys looked confused, the girls looked rather upset.

Angelina yelled, "they're cheating."

Harry, still confused, asked, "what?"

Ron said, "apparently, Fleur isn't the only Vella on the team."

Ron gestured over to the twins, who were still slapping each other, although Harry was getting the distinctive impression that this wasn't necessary anymore.

Harry was starting to regain his senses, and he asked, "ok, what's the score?"

Alicia said, "50-30, theirs."

Harry thought for a second, adding, "down 20 points, things definitely could be worse."

Katie said, "well, it's a good thing that we aren't affected by that, otherwise this game could already be over."

Angelina asked, "Ron, how come you don't seem to be affected as much as the others?"

Ron looked a little embarrassed as he said, "I am, but you see, they stopped trying to affect me, or at least I think they have. I guess they don't think it's worth it or something, so after a couple of minutes it wore off."

Harry saw someone run toward them, and to his relief he saw it was Hermione. She stopped, holding her chest for a second, as she tried to regain her breath.

She looked around at the team, who were staring intently at her, and said, "I thought that this might happen, so I had been working on a contingency for this situation, just in case."

The team looked on expectedly as Hermione sorted through her bag. As she was searching, she said, "I remembered that during the World Cup, neither team seemed to be affected by the Vella's song, so I figured that they had to know something.

"I was getting nowhere, so I figured I would ask the Irish and Bulgarian Quidditch teams. When I didn't receive a response from either team, I started to get desperate. I started looking at different locations for information, and after a while, I eventually got back an answer. It was complicated, but after some effort," Hermione said as she pulled out something from her bag.

She handed something to each of the male members of the team, and continued, "I found out that this is what they used, but getting my hands on it wasn't easy. I had to ask for a favor to get this, but this should help you, no matter how long the match lasts."

George looked at what he had been handed, and asked, "what, exactly, are we supposed to do with this?"

She grabbed the one she gave Harry, and tore it in two, and said, "you put it in your ears," as she mimicked doing so. After she handed back the object to Harry, they saw the referee walk toward them. Harry was busy putting this odd substance in his ears, but saw Hermione appeared to be having a discussion with him. The referee nodded, and walked over to the Beauxbaton team.

After the last of the team had put their own in place, she nodded, and walked back toward the stands. Once she had cleared the field, and the teams had mounted their brooms, the referee blew his whistle. The teams shot off the ground, and Harry resumed his search.

After a moment, he realized that Fleur had resumed marking him, and he tried his best to keep as much distance as he could from her. Harry looked down, and thought to himself that the Beauxbatons team was fast. He saw them score of a quick no-look pass along Ron's right hand side.

He saw as Angelina started out, passing it to Katie, who passed it to Alicia, who left a drop pass for Angelina, who riffled a shot past the keeper. Meanwhile, Fred and George, having regained their senses, started having some fun.

He saw as they kept the Beauxbatons team scurrying as they hit the Bludgers in their direction. Their beaters tried their best to protect their players, but they weren't able keep up with them. He looked up at the scoreboard, and saw that they had tied up the score at 70 apiece.

Harry saw a glint of gold out of the corner of his eyes. He turned around and saw the snitch across the field. He wheeled around, and set out for the distant target. After a moment, he realized that he did indeed spot the elusive snitch.

As he was bolting toward the snitch, he noticed that Fleur was just ahead of him. When she was next to him, Harry saw that she was attempting to sing again. Harry couldn't hear anything, and he came to the realization that Hermione had indeed, been succeeded.

Apparently, Fleur figured out that something was amiss, because she abandoned her initial plan and started to push her broom as hard as she could toward the snitch. She was drawing very close, when Harry pushed his Spitfire a little bit.

Afterward a scarlet streak blew past Fleur, and when it stopped, it was Harry that pulled up high in the air, waving the snitch for the crowd to see. He was about to look in the stands to see where Hermione was, when his teammates all mobbed him, forcing him to head toward the ground.

As soon as he landed he saw most of the Hogwarts contingency rush them. Harry searched through the mass of students, but with no success. If Hermione was amongst the mob, Harry couldn't see her. He saw the towering above the teams of students, Hagrid, who easily created a path toward them.

Hagrid was wiping his beetle-black eyes with his enormous hands. As he reached them the team looked up at him, as he said, "I'm just so proud of all of you."

The team all smiled, and continued to celebrate, but Harry really wasn't in the mood. Yes, they won, and that was great, but Harry still had more pressing concerns on his mind, not the least of which was what Voldemort and his minions were up to.

As the crowd started to thin a little bit, Harry caught a sight if Dumbledore beaming, and Madam Maxime scowling. This cheered him up a little, but he still wanted to get up to the castle, hoping to find a little seclusion.

When there was enough room for Harry to make his way from the crowd, he sneaked over to the portal, and up to the sanctity of their tower. Harry hoped to find Hermione alone, so he searched everywhere.

He searched the library, the dining hall, the common room, and finally the rooftop, but with no success. He figured that either she was still down below or more likely in her dormitory. Harry slumped over on one of the benches, and started working on his plan again.

Christmas was almost upon them, which meant he had to work fast. He headed down to his dormitory, hoping to retrieve what he has accumulated before the rest of his mates returned from the match. Harry proceeded to the roof to continue his work.

He worked deep into the night, until it became too dark, and he was getting too tired to continue. As he returned his things to his dormitory, he looked down at his watch, and saw that dinner had just started, so he went down to the dining hall.