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Stupid Boys by Pittsy

Stupid Boys


A/N: First of all I want to say thank you to my six reviewers (Diabla666, GreenEggsandHam, lex, MooMooAshley, patriotic angel, and annonymus). I have updated other stories on other websites but this is the first one I've put this story up on- let me know what you think as I may adjust bits that are not so good. Hope you enjoy!


CHAPTER 2: Only Brave Men...(Or Idiots)

"Hiya, Evans."


Sirius edged closer to where she was curled up reading a book and considered the best way to approach her about James. He knew he couldn't use the same tactics he'd used with him- he doubted she'd be jealous if he told her he was thinking of asking James out. She was a tough one to crack so Sirius reckoned he had three options: ask her straight out if she liked him; hint that he liked her; or tease her about liking him until she confessed. He decided to go down the list.

He plonked himself down beside her and scratched his head. After all, with James it had been rather easy despite his initial protests since he'd known that if he went too far James would punch him and that would be that. But with Evans...she was female, that meant the unpredictable.

"Well..." he began, hesitantly. "So, what's with you and James?"

"Huh?" She didn't bother to look up and continued reading her book.

"Do you fancy him, or what?"

She, however, had a different reaction to James when he had been accused of fancying Lily and didn't actually mumble and blush and deny it profusely. In fact, she didn't even look up from her book as she snorted "He wishes!"

"What?" Sirius was dumbfounded. He had been prepared for outraged denial, uncontrollable laughter, anything but that. She didn't seem bothered at all.

It was Sirius' completely shell- shocked expression that finally cracked her; her eyes widening in surprise and her mouth curving into a broad grin. "What? You really think that I fancy Potter? You're serious?"

Sirius jumped out of his skin as she roared with laughter, collecting annoyed glances from around the room. She gripped her stomach as though she was in terrible pain and she went stop sign red, tears rolling down her cheeks in mirth.

Relieved that he had eventually elicited some sort of response that he could deal with, Sirius still stumbled over his words as he tried in vain to calm her down. "Er… I think- well, to tell you the truth…WILL YOU STOP LAUGHING?!!!"

Lily finally managed to reign in her guffaws and put on her serious face. Sirius mistakenly thought that he now had her full attention, even if her eyes were still a little unfocused and every now and then she let out a random giggle.

"Well…"He gulped and forced himself to continue. Hysterical girls were seriously scary but he told himself that it was for the Greater Good- he just had to lay back and think of England. Metaphorically speaking. "I'm sorry, but I'm just worried about him." He looked at her with puppy dog eyes, hoping that she'd take him seriously and be won over.

She had ceased laughing uncontrollably but Sirius realised that she was still going to be a hard case to crack, as she raised a sceptical eyebrow.

"He looks fine to me." She glanced over to where James was giggling madly at Remus' newly coloured bright orange hair, obviously not traumatised or upset in any way.

"Oh, but he covers it well. He's dying inside." Sirius mentally cursed his friend for picking that moment to stop acting like a miserably git. James had been moping around all week since he'd been shown the error of his ways in the Evans department as he now knew what he had to do- ask her out. A daunting prospect. However, Sirius cheered when he realised what she'd said. "Do you mean okay- fine? Or fine- fine?" He winked.

Lily glared suspiciously at him. "Did Potty put you up to this? Or is this your own deranged creation?"

"My own deranged creation." He grinned proudly. "It's just that James has been talking in his sleep lately. 'Red…gorgeous…kiss…' I thought it might be you, since you're such a good friend and all."

Lily looked flustered, Sirius was pleased to notice. Flustered was good. That meant it effected her. Operation: Get-James-To-Admit-To-Fancying-Lily-Then-Ask-Her-Out-Successfully-While-Simultaneously-Making-Sirius-Look-Fantastic was in full swing.


Tuesday 14th November

Earlier got v. v. mad. Kicked wall was so mad. Hurt like Hell.

Stupid boys again. Idiots.

Thought they could trick me but I'm too clever.

Was told Potter, who shall hereby be referred to as Stupid Boy #1, fancies me. HA! In itself, this would be v. unbelievable but was told said lie by Black, who shall hereby be referred to as Stupid Boy #2.

Do I look that thick? Must do.

Stupid Boy #2 was to get confession out of me (HA! WOULD NOT HAPPEN! NEVER SURRENDER!). Stupid Boys #1 and #2 would then play v. embarrassing prank. On me. Again. Hilarity ensues, I'm sure, for anyone who isn't ME!

Hate Stupid Boys.

Must make list to feel better. Lists soothe. Lists calm. Lists relax. Lists bring about world domination. (MEMO TO SELF: Need new Obsession.)


1.They are deeply stupid boys (and prank me when I'm PMS-ing. Do they not understand the wrath of the female?)

2.They are (damn them!) v. v. clever boys and beat me at nearly every damn subject. Did I mention that I hate stupid boys?

3.They are exceedingly immature (and find 'arse' a funny word. Morons.)

4.They are decidedly arrogant and assume (incorrectly!!) anything with a pulse finds then deeply attractive.

5.They are annoyingly attractive. (Why can't boys I like be that nice-looking?)

6.They are mean (and insist on carrying out at least two surprise pranks a day on an unsuspecting student.)

7.They are mean to ME (and insist on carrying out at least two surprise pranks a day on an unsuspecting ME!!)

8.They are particularly obsessed with knickers, body fluids and Snape's girly features. (What, are they in love with him or something?!)

9.They smell. (I'm running out of reasons now. This can't be a good sign.)

10.They are nice, dammit! They are stupid, clever, immature, arrogant, attractive, mean, smelly, nice boys. I laugh, play, plot and prank with them. The Stupid Boys are my Stupid friends. I play stupid games, laugh at stupid things and pull stupid pranks.

Still. Mad. I'm meant to be one of them. Still they try to humiliate me. Stupid Boys. I hate them.


P.S. I think I'm in love with Stupid Boy #1.


A/N: I've just read this over again as I wrote it months ago and I suddenly realised that it isn't as good as I remembered it being. It does get better as it goes along, but I must stress that it was always meant to be fluffy and stupid. Deeply stupid.