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There had been polls running as to who would be prettier-the bride or the groom-and truly, it was a close contest. Draco was absolutely stunning in his black tux, but Ginny was equally breathtaking in her intricate gown with her red hair swept up in an elegant knot. In the end, those rooting for Ginny won-the goofy grin on Draco's face gave Ginny the slight edge.
There had also been polls running as to which Weasley brother would try to ruin the wedding, but to everyone's great surprise, all of the Weasley boys were on their best behavior. Not to say that the Weasleys had immediately welcomed Draco with open arms, but he was slowly winning them over. He'd had lengthy conversations with Charley about Dragons, Arthur about Muggles, Bill about fashion, and George and Fred about their departing prank from Hogwarts. After working together to save Hermione, Ron and Draco were now on speaking terms and were discovering that they actually liked each other, though neither would ever admit it. And Molly? She'd supported Draco from the very beginning...her grandchildren were going to be beautiful, after all.
The Burrow was swinging full force. To Draco's consternation, Hagrid had arrived with the present of a baby fluffmudgeon, a tiny creature absolutely covered in fur that would have been utterly adorable if it weren't for the fact that it flatulated rather loudly every three minutes or so. Despite this, Ginny seemed to absolutely adore the creature-she'd grown up with six brothers, after all, so a little farting now and then was not enough to deter her.
All of the other old friends from Hogwarts were there, too. Dumbledore, Professor McGonogal, Snape. Even Crabbe and Goyle had come, both looking rather jealous of the attention that Draco was lavishing upon Ginny. The boys had brightened considerably, though, when Ginny asked them if they'd be part of the security team for the mansion that she and Draco would be building.
Watching all of this, Hermione smiled and turned her gaze to Harry. He and Ron were currently involved in a deep conversation about Quidditch. Every so often, he'd gesture wildly, his face filled with laughter as Ron recounted some new trick called the Preter something or other. The conversation itself didn't interest Hermione so much, but she marveled at how happy Harry was. She could remember not too long ago the skinny, lonely boy she'd met on the Hogwarts train. There were still traces of that boy, but Dumbledore had been right. The old, unhappy Harry had ended, and her Harry was at peace. She couldn't ask for anything more.
Thinking of the prophecy, Hermione's hand moved instinctively to her stomach, feeling the slight bulge there. Once again, Dumbledore had been right: she was three months along now, and the baby was growing, healthy and strong by all accounts. Even at so young an age, she could feel the power that surrounded her child. It was like electricity surging through her veins, like the physical manifestation of magic. Great things were going to come from this child, she knew. Great and marvelous things.
" Hermione, are you all right?"
Startled, Hermione realized that she'd become lost in thoughts. She smiled at her husband, marveling at how things had turned out. Had it really only been little over a year since Harry gave her the news that he was engaged? Had she really ever existed without knowing that she loved this man, and that he loved her in return?
Life could be kind of wonderful sometimes.
She smiled at him, her eyes gleaming. " Never better." she said, and meant it.
Grinning, Harry took her hand, and they walked into the Burrow together.
I thrive on reviews. Don't make me starve!
A/N: Yes, this is the end of my little story that started as a romantic comedy and somehow came to include a prophecy and kidnapping and all sorts of other fun things. Thanks so much for all of the reviews and wonderful support! As for the possibility of a sequel, I won't say never, but I will say not right now. However, if you're desperately wanting to read something, I do have another fic out called 'Death or Something Like It' (shameless self-promotion, I know). I don't pop out the chapters quite so fast on this one, but I do try to update every week or so. Anyway, thanks again for everything. H/Hr forever!