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document.write(''); chapter six: The One Less Traveled By
It was around ten the next morning that Hermione finally made her way back to the Burrow. She'd spent a good deal of the night wandering aimlessly, replaying the scene of Harry and Kimmy in the kitchen until she was utterly miserable. When it started to rain, she finally apparated to her office at the Daily Prophet and fell asleep at her desk. She woke up rather late, realized with a start that she'd been gone all night, and quickly apparated back to the front porch of the Burrow.
As she stepped into the house, the first sight that greeted her was of Draco shooting up from his seat on the couch, his eyes wide. Before she could even think of speaking, she had crushed her in his embrace. " Thank goodness you're all right," he said, and then he looked angry. " Why didn't you let us know you were going?"
Ginny, who was only a few steps behind him, looked far more sympathetic. "Things didn't work out with Harry," she summed up quietly.
Hermione shook her head, fighting back the moisture in her eyes. " I saw him with Kimmy and I just couldn't go through with it." She hastily wiped at her eyes with the back of one hand. " I'm sorry that I caused so much trouble...I fell asleep in my office and lost track of the time."
" Well, you did cause trouble," Draco snapped, " We thought you had been killed or kidnapped or something. Everyone's been searching all morning." Before Hermione could reply, he whipped out a cell phone from his pocket, dialing quickly. " Harry? She's back. Yeah, she's all right. Okay. Bye."
Hermione was too busy being miserable to find the humor in the fact that two of the most powerful wizards in the world were communicating via cell phone. She made her way over to the couch, sinking down onto the cushions. Ginny placed a comforting arm around her, then glared up at Draco.
Relenting somewhat, Draco made his way over to her and seated himself on Hermione's other side. " Listen, I know you've been having a hard time with this, but let us know the next time you're going to take off in the middle of the night, all right?"
Hermione nodded, sniffing pathetically. " If it's any consolation to you at all, I feel absolutely horrible."
A smile tugged at the corner of Draco's mouth. " You look absolutely horrible, too."
A bit more tactfully, Ginny inquired, " Did you...um, did you sleep in your clothes all last night?"
Hermione nodded, and sniffed again before adding, " And I think I'm coming down with a cold."
Ginny exchanged a glance with Draco. " Well, we'll have to clean you up before Harry gets back..."
" Why bother?" Hermione inquired helplessly. " There's no point. He's in love with Kimmy, and they're going to be married on Sunday, and that's that."
Before Draco or Ginny could reply, the door burst open and Harry, Kimmy, and the rest of the Weasleys spilled into the room. " Thank goodness you're all right!" Mrs. Weasley wailed at the sight of Hermione, her eyes bloodshot. " We thought you were dead!"
Hermione forced a weak smile. " Sorry to worry everyone. I, um, remembered a last minute change I had to make to my article before it went to press, and I sort of lost track of time."
This explanation seemed to satisfy everyone. She was, after all, Hermione Granger.
" Are you sure you're all right, Hermione?" Harry inquired.
She glanced down at her hands, unable to look at him. " Fine, Harry."
" Well, thank Merlin for that." Kimmy gushed, smiling broadly and looking annoyingly put together, Hermione noted, compared to her own frumpy and frazzled state. " And since Hermione's all right and all is well, that means we can get on with scouting."
" Scouting?" Hermione repeated, not certain she had heard right.
Harry cleared his throat, glancing uneasily about the room. " Well, apparently with all of the guests and all, the backyard of the Burrow isn't going to be big enough for the wedding, like we originally planned."
Hermione glanced at Mrs. Weasley, who was trying to look as though she didn't care, though it had obviously been a wound to her pride to have her home called too small. Hermione's mood darkened. Harry wouldn't be callous enough to say such a thing to the Weasleys unless he'd been coerced to do so; she could easily imagine who was behind such a thing.
" So," Kimmy finished for him, still smiling, " we're going to go scouting for new locations. With everyone helping, I'm sure we can find a place in no time."
Hermione could imagine about a thousand other things she'd rather be doing than helping to plan Harry's wedding. Including swimming with sharks and having a root canal.
A sudden idea struck her, and she gave a pathetic cough. " Sorry," she rasped, " I think I'm coming down with a cold. Do you mind if I hang back?"
Kimmy hardly looked affronted by this news; in fact, she could barely contain her enthusiasm. " Well, if you're sure...All right, come along, everyone. Let's get going."
Draco turned to Hermione. " Do you want me to stay behind with you?"
Hermione glanced over and saw Ginny watching her hopefully. " Oh, no," she said, smiling at him, " go on. I'm sure that you can find someone else to talk to. Maybe you and Ginny could talk about the paper...her latest article, perhaps."
Draco looked as though he could barely contain his grin. " Well, if you're sure..."
Hermione watched as the others filed out of the house, but was surprised to see Ron lagging behind. He glanced at Hermione, then to Lavender. " Um, sweetheart, I should probably catch up on some of my work today. Otherwise, I'll be falling behind with the wedding and everything coming up..."
Lavender glanced at Hermione and looked less than pleased, though there was hardly anything she could say in front of everyone. " All right, then," she said in what was supposed to pass for a light voice, " good luck." She kissed him possessively and glanced at Hermione once more before departing out of the house.
Ron and Hermione were left alone. Hermione suddenly felt very nervous. She and Ron were beginning to patch things up since their break-up, true, but it had been ages since they'd been alone together. Usually, Harry was there to act as mediator. She could only imagine what kind of horrible arguments could spring up between them without someone to play peacemaker.
Ron looked equally awkward as he stood in the doorway, running a hand through his bright shock of red hair. " Well," he said finally, " you look bloody awful."
Hermione stared at him in shock. " Excuse me?"
" Look at you," Ron said, gesturing toward her appearance. He ventured further into the room. " I mean, usually when I see you, a part of me is kicking myself for letting you slip through my fingers. But not today. You look bloody awful, and I'm feeling pretty good about having moved on."
Hermione was stunned. She wondered what sort of scathing remark she could hurl back in his direction, what sort of cutting remark would wipe that smug grin off his face...until she saw the sparkle in his eye and realized that he was purposefully goading her.
" Well," she said, appraising him with mock gravity, " I've seen better."
He grinned and crossed the room, sitting beside her on the couch. " Well, then, we could both stand to use some improvement."
" Definitely," Hermione said in the same overly serious tone.
Impulsively, Ron reached out and squeezed her arm. " Seriously, how have you been? With all the whirlwind of Harry getting married, I feel like we haven't gotten to talk at all. And now that you're engaged to Malfoy, you know I won't be visiting you anytime soon."
Hermione laughed. " Yes, well...I'm sure I'll find a way to sneak off."
" We can have secret meetings," Ron suggested, " ditch the spouses, meet up in Hogsmeade-you me, Harry."
She grinned at him. " Well, that sounds lovely."
By the time the others returned a few hours later, Hermione and Ron were still sitting on the couch, laughing and reminiscing about old times. Hermione couldn't remember the last time she and Ron had had so much fun together, just the two of them. She no longer felt the old resentment toward him; that chapter of her life was over, and Ron could just be her friend now. It was...nice. She wondered if she could ever come to such a place with Harry.
The door opened and the rest of the group spilled into the room. Harry stopped at the sight of Hermione and Ron on the couch and grinned. " Hey, what's this? A meeting of the old trio without me?" he inquired.
" Sorry Harry," Ron said gravely, " but we've been talking, and you've been voted out of the group."
" Come on," Harry pleaded, " give me one more chance." He met Hermione's gaze. " Help me out, Mione."
She forced a smile. " How can I resist that face?" she inquired with a lightness she didn't feel. She turned to Ron, whose face elicited far less complicated emotions. "Perhaps we ought to give him one more chance."
" Dinner tonight?" Harry inquired, grinning at the both of them. " My treat?"
Ron glanced over at Lavender, who was glaring at the sight of him with Hermione on the couch. " Well, as long as it's your treat, let's bring our respective others. I don't think I can bear to spend another moment away from my wife."
*Nice one, Ron* Hermione thought with a smile as she saw Lavender's face visibly softening.
The plan was set. Hermione went to get changed, with Draco following obligingly behind her. " How was it?" she inquired as soon as they were alone together.
Draco grinned. " Well, Ginny and I left halfway through to, ur, take care of a problem at the paper. We were gone for quite a while-it was a very serious problem, after all."
Hermione grinned in return. " I'm sure..." She began browsing through the closet, then glanced back at Draco. " Did they find a spot for the wedding, then?"
" Hogwarts," Draco returned.
" Hogwarts?" Hermione repeated. " I thought they were inviting a bunch of Muggle guests. Won't that be a bit suspicious?"
" Dumbledore's promised that everyone will be on their best behavior," Draco informed her, " and after the Muggles leave, they won't be able to remember how they got there. The grounds are actually quite lovely this time of year, so it will probably turn out pretty nice."
Hermione frowned at this but didn't comment. She was going to put this Harry thing behind her once and for all. Harry was going to get married, and she just had to accept it.
Draco swore under his breath, breaking her from her thoughts. " What's wrong?" Hermione called over her shoulder.
" I spilt my cologne all over this shirt," Draco informed her. " Now I'm going to stink up the entire place."
" The laundry is just down the hall," Hermione informed him. " I'm sure Mrs. Weasley has something to take care of that."
Grumbling, Draco departed from the room. Hermione took the opportunity to slip into what she often referred to as her Audrey Hepburn dress. It was simple and elegant and made her feel quite loverly.
She reached back to zip it up but found that her arms couldn't quite reach. Tentatively, she stepped out into the hallway. " Draco?" she called.
" Need help with something?" came the voice she definitely didn't want to hear.
Hermione turned and forced a smile at the sight of Harry. " Oh, hi. I was just going to ask Draco to zip me up."
" I can do it." Harry offered, stepping forward. Reluctantly, Hermione turned and allowed Harry to zip up the dress. She forced herself not to think of how nice Harry smelled, or how she could feel his breath on her neck, or how his hands accidentally brushed against the skin of her back and left her nerves tingling.
When he was done, she stepped away from him quickly and smiled. " Well, thanks." She turned and started to retreat to her room.
" You look nice," Harry called after her.
Hermione paused in the doorway, her heart throbbing now. " Thanks," she murmured, and shut the door firmly behind her.
In a matter of minutes, everyone was ready. After a few more minutes of arguing about where to go, the group ended up at a tiny restaurant just inside of Diagon Alley. Though Hermione had been dreading spending time with Kimmy and Harry, she found that it was actually a very enjoyable evening. The trio took the main spotlight, laughing over their adventures, and their partners respectfully listened in and only interjected here or there. Hermione found that as long as she could pretend Kimmy wasn't there, it was all quite pleasant.
Afterward, as they walked out of the restaurant, Hermione was feeling as happy as she'd been in days when suddenly Kimmy let out a little shriek. " Is that it, Draco?"
All gazes followed her extended index finger, which was pointing toward a karaoke bar across the street. Draco frowned at her until he remembered. " Oh, right. Yes, that's where I proposed to Hermione, all right." He put an arm around her shoulder and grinned impishly at her.
" Why don't we go inside?" Kimmy suggested. " I love karaoke..."
And so, Hermione found herself inside of a karaoke bar, a place as uncomfortable to her as a library was familiar. She sunk into a corner booth, hoping that none of the various spotlights floating around the place would be pointed toward her.
" You should get up and sing a duet," Lavender suggested to Draco and Hermione, smiling innocently.
Hermione resisted the urge to glare at her. Having been her former roommate, Lavender knew all too well how very tone deaf Hermione was. " I'll pass." Hermione said firmly.
As Kimmy and Lavender walked up to the front of the room to sign up for turns, Draco kept glancing at his watch. Hermione turned to him finally. " Is there somewhere you need to be?"
" I, um," he met her gaze desperately, " I'm supposed to go do some last minute changes on an article."
*Ginny* Hermione surmised easily.
" You've been doing a lot of that," Harry pointed out.
Draco shrugged nervously. " What can I say? They're slave drivers, the lot of them." He glanced at Hermione. " Do you mind?"
Hermione smiled at him; he'd really been a good sport throughout all this. " Go on."
Draco kissed her on the cheek and then practically dashed from the room, leaving her alone with Ron and Harry. " Why aren't the two of you singing?" she teased.
" I'm allergic to microphones," Ron spoke up quickly.
Harry grinned. " Ditto."
Hermione had just opened her mouth to reply when the announcer came over the speakers. " Our next performer will be Miss Hermione Granger!"
Hermione stiffened, her gaze sweeping slowly to the front. Everyone in the bar was staring at her now, waiting expectantly.
" Come on," Lavender urged, taking Hermione by the arm, " everyone's waiting."
" Yes," Kimmy agreed, " and besides, you shouldn't try to hide your talents, Hermione..."
And before she could even think to fight back, she was thrust onto the stage in the midst of the spotlight. Terrified, she stared out into the crowd, wishing that Voldemort would make a sudden comeback and kill her where she stood.
The music began to play. Hermione missed the first couple of words, but then began to stammer, " I was petrified, kept thinking I could never live without you by my side..."
She was mortified, to say the least. Her voice, which in normal, un-stressful circumstances was horrid, was utterly wretched now that she was trembling with fear. This was horrible. This was by far the most humiliating thing that had ever happened to her... The music continued to play, but Hermione's throat had constricted painfully and she could no longer form audible sounds.
And then suddenly, Harry was on the stage beside her, giving her a reassuring grin. " But I grew strong, and I learned how to get along!" he belted.
Cor, his voice was awful. It was so awful, that Hermione found herself relaxing a bit. They began to sing with each other, both alternately more wretched than the other. The crowd was roaring with laughter now, but it was encouraging laughter, and Hermione felt herself laughing with them.
When the song was over, Harry and Hermione were both laughing too hard to stand on their own. Leaning heavily against one another, they made their way back to the booth and sat down. Kimmy and Lavender were both smiling, though neither one of them looked particularly pleased.
" Well, that was nice," Kimmy said.
Harry shook his head. " No, it was utterly horrid. But I've never had more fun in my life."
Hermione was laughing so hard she could hardly breathe. " I think I might have an accident if I don't get to the bathroom," she gasped, sliding out of her seat and half running across the room. She could hear Ron and Harry laughing behind her.
" Horrendous!" a man at the bar called out to her as she dashed passed. She waved at him briefly and then disappeared into the bathroom.
A moment later, her bladder was considerably better under control, and she began to make her way back toward the table. She stopped as she realized the booth had been deserted. Frowning, she glanced around the bar, searching for her party.
"...she was always like this," a familiar voice came from around the wall. Hermione frowned; was that Lavender? " Always had to be the center of attention. There were rumors going around school that she put a spell on Ron and Harry to make them befriend her."
" I think they do it out of pity," came another voice. Kimmy. " I mean, really, it's rather pathetic, don't you think? And have you seen the way Hermione moons over Harry? I almost feel sorry for her. There's no way he'd ever touch THAT..."
Hermione felt as though she'd been punched in the gut. Was that what everyone thought of her? That she'd tricked Ron and Harry into being her friends? And what was worse, did everyone know how she felt about Harry? Did they feel sorry for her because it was so pitiful that she could even think he was in her league?
Blindly, she pushed her way through the crowd, racing toward the exit. " Ho, Hermione," she heard Ron call from the bar, but she ignored him.
She had made it out to the street by the time Harry caught up with her. "Hermione, wait. Where are you going?"
Trembling, she whirled to face him. " Oh, Harry, don't worry about me," she rapidly shot off the words, scarcely knowing what she was saying, " I just...I miss Draco so much, you know? And I need to be with him right now-you know how it is."
It might have worked, too, had the tears not started spilling down her face.
" Hermione!" Harry caught her arm and turned her to face him. " What is it? Did something happen?"
Hermione wiped angrily at the tell-tale tears. " Harry, I don't think I can come to your wedding. I'm sorry, but things have come up and I just can't be there."
Harry's face fell. " But...you have to be there. You're the most important one..." he trailed off as though he had said too much.
She scarcely seemed to notice. " Oh, come off it, Harry. I'm not the most important one to anyone."
" What are you talking about?" Harry inquired, frowning. " You're engaged to Draco...surely he must--"
" Draco doesn't love me!" Hermione snapped. " He's in love with...someone else. But that doesn't even matter. I'll never have what Ron and Lavender have, or what you and Kimmy have."
Harry stroked her arm soothingly. " Of course you will, Hermione--"
She pushed him away. " Don't speak to me like that! I know what I'm saying. The man I love is in love with someone else. He's the only one I'll ever love-I know it-but he doesn't want me."
" Draco," Harry said dully.
Hermione pressed her eyes shut, failing to correct him. " I'm tired of being second best," she said quietly, looking away.
" Hermione, you aren't second best at anything," Harry assured her. " You're the best person I know-the best out of all of us. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even be here."
She sighed. " I know, I know. Because I helped you defeat Voldemort."
Harry gripped her arms. " No. Because you are my conscience. Everything I do, I wonder what you'll think of it. You guide me, Hermione. You've made me into the man I am today."
The words hung in the air, beautiful and astounding. Harry released her and seemed to be embarrassed, though he continued to speak. " How could you ever think that you're second best? If it weren't for the fact that you're much too good for me..." But he stopped himself.
There are certain moments that are turning points. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and all that. And when those moments come, you have to choose one path or the other, but either way, there's no turning back. Do you take the chance, or do you just keep going down the same road for the rest of your life?
She took the chance.
Suddenly, abruptly, before she could think too much about it, Hermione dove forward and kissed Harry. He tasted just as she had always imagined: warm, whole, electric. Only, unlike her imaginary scenarios, Harry wasn't pushing her away from him with dismay or disgust; magically, it seemed, his arms were wrapping around her and his lips were crushing on top of her own. His hands were tangling in her hair, his body was pressed against her own, and she felt her own identity slipping away. She wasn't Hermione any longer; she was Harry, she was his, and she never wanted it to end.
" Hey, is everything--"
They jerked apart at the sound of Ron and turned to face him guiltily. His eyes were wide with shock, and he looked as though he wanted to kick himself. " Sorry," he said quickly, adding, " Sorry," once more before he fled back inside the bar.
Hermione glanced back at Harry and felt her heart drop. His eyes were wide with dismay, and he looked as though he could scarcely believe what had happened. Her worst nightmare was coming true; she'd finally told him the truth, and he was sickened by her.
She wanted to die.
Hastily, she turned and began to run again, just as she had run out of the club a few minutes earlier. Only this time, Harry didn't call out to stop her.
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