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document.write(''); chapter two: Home, Home on the Burrow
Draco was waiting for Hermione by the time she stumbled into his office. Wordlessly, he handed her a butterbeer, which did little to make her tipsy but always managed to comfort her nonetheless, and then waited for her to speak.
" Harry's getting married," Hermione informed him finally.
" I know," Draco replied.
For some reason, this made Hermione feel even worse. It was almost as though if no one else knew about it, it couldn't be real." You know?"
Draco nodded. " Ginny warned me. Thought you might be upset."
" I am," Hermione returned morosely. She rested her elbows on Draco's desk and buried her face in her hands. " Oh, I'm a horrible person."
" So, it's true then," Draco said with a sigh. " Blast-that means I own Ginny a Galleon."
Hermione looked up, her face puzzled. " What's that?--you lost me. What did I just prove was true?"
" You've been mad about Harry all these years," Draco informed her as though it was perfectly obvious. "Apparently, everyone's known it for some time, though I always thought you were more sensible than that. Mooning over Potty and not even being brave enough to say a word to his face--"
" Hold on," Hermione interjected, " I am absolutely, positively not in love with Harry."
Draco blinked at her in surprise, began to smile, then seemed to think better of it. "Are you certain?"
Hermione held up her three center fingers. " Scout's honor."
" You were never a scout," Draco pointed out.
" Fine, then, prefect's honor."
Draco seemed to accept this, though he still looked troubled. " So then why are you so upset that Potter's getting married?"
" Because," Hermione moaned, gripping the mug of her butterbeer though she had yet to drink it, " I'll be the last one of the trio not to be married. Ron married Lavender three months ago-sneaky tart, making moon eyes at Ron the entire time he was my boyfriend-and now Harry's getting married. That leaves just me. And what if I don't like this girl? I can already hardly stand Lavender, and I'm just beginning to be on speaking terms with Ron again. If Kimmy and I don't get along, then I'll be conveniently cut out of the group. They'll go on couple's excursions together and I'll be sitting at home with my fifteen cats, knitting and reading badly written romance novels and dreaming about some man named Stone--"
" So you've read that one?" Draco inquired with mock enthusiasm. " Isn't it absolutely divine when Stone and Violet steal those horses and ride on the beach?"
Hermione merely stared at him. " I hardly think this is the time, Draco. I happen to be having a life crisis."
" This is not a life crisis," Draco informed her. " Once again, Granger, you've managed to blow things completely out of proportion. Now that we've established you aren't in love with Potter, thus assuring me that you are an intelligent, reasonable human being, there is no huge problem here. In fact, I'd like my butter-beer-of-comfort back, please."
Hermione ignored the last statement. " How can you say that? My two best friends-ur, excluding present company-are leaving me behind. I'm going to be completely excluded."
Draco shrugged. " I'd say that you're much better off without the two of them, anyway."
" Draco--"
" Fine, fine." Draco sighed. " Hermione, listen. I happen to have observed the three of you over the years-most of the time plotting to get you expelled or severely deformed, of course-and though I hated you for most of that time, there was no denying that the three of you were inseparable. Connected at the hip. All those other clichés for friendship that make me want to hurl. Ron and Harry are not going to leave you behind."
Hermione considered this for a moment, then smiled. " Thanks, Malfoy. I suppose you're right."
" I usually am."
Hermione leaned back in her chair, more relaxed. " Well, then, I suppose I'll be taking off the rest of the week to go to my best friend's wedding." An odd feeling clutched at her heart, but she pushed it aside and then glanced up at Draco hopefully. " I don't suppose you'll be attending?"
Draco snorted in derision. " Yes, I'm usually on Potter's top ten list of people he wants to have around."
Hermione smiled at him knowingly. " I thought you might be going with Ginny."
" And be jumped by all six of her brothers? No thank you."
Hermione sighed. " I suppose your right. Well, try not to let the office implode on itself while I'm gone."
" Good luck trying to get back in," Draco retorted. " I'm changing the locks."
The next morning, Hermione found herself standing outside of the door to the Burrow. Despite Draco's assurances to her the afternoon before, she felt the old anxiety returning at the prospect of meeting Harry's fiancé. What if they didn't get along? What if Harry let Kimmy convince him to give up on their friendship?
Pushing these fears aside-or rather, tucking them back for later-Hermione reached up and knocked on the door. She waited for a good minute or so, but no one responded. Frowning, Hermione pushed open the door. " Hello?"
The Weasley home was surprisingly devoid of human beings, and it rather unnerved Hermione. Had she come too late? Had the plans changed and no one bothered to tell her? Was she being excluded already?
She wound through the house toward the back door and was relieved to hear voices coming from the back yard. Suddenly nervous, she dropped her suitcase by the back door, straightened herself out, then stepped onto the porch.
All eyes were immediately turned toward Hermione. Through the blur of red heads, she could barely make out any distinct features, save be for the familiar dark hair and emerald green eyes...
" Hermione!" Harry cried eagerly, rushing to her before anyone else could get there. Forgetting her nervousness, she ran to him and they collided more than hugged, their lips accidentally brushing against each others'. Hermione blushed, but Harry merely laughed and pulled her into his arms, twirling her around.
" It's good to see you," he exclaimed when he had finally set her down. " I'm so glad you're here."
" It's good to see you, too," Hermione returned sincerely.
Suddenly, the Weasleys were upon her. Ron was there first, hugging her tentatively before passing her to Lavender, who smiled with forced politeness. Mrs. Weasley fussed over her, and the older Weasley boys and their wives all shook her hand enthusiastically. Last as usual, Ginny gave her a warm and reassuring hug that let her know sanity still existed in this world. Finally, she was passed back to Harry.
" There's someone I'd like you to meet," Harry said, his eyes sparkling.
He guided her over to a witch standing in the corner. She was blonde, beautifully structured, tanned, blue eyed...Pretty, Hermione determined glumly. If one liked that whole perfection thing.
" Hermione," she gushed, looking as nervous as Hermione felt, " it's so good to meet you. Harry's told me so much about you. Of course, being in the wizarding world, I couldn't help but hear about you...But meeting you in person..."
Hermione smiled weakly. " Well, I hope I don't disappoint."
" Of course not," Kimmy assured her. " I can't wait to get to know you better. As a matter of fact..." She glanced at Harry. " I know this will seem sort of sudden, but my best friend is studying witchcraft in America and can't make it back for the wedding. I don't have any sisters or female cousins, so I was wondering if you would be my maid of honor?"
Hermione stared at her dumbly. " Me? I...are you sure?"
Kimmy took her hands. " Of course I'm sure. Harry loves you so much, and I know he'd-we'd-love to have you in the wedding."
" Well, that's very sweet of you, Kimmy," Hermione said finally, " I'd love to."
With a squeal, Kimmy threw herself into Hermione's arms, the force nearly throwing her off her feet. When Kimmy finally pulled back, her face was flushed with pleasure. " Oh, I'm so glad. You'll have to come shopping with us today, of course. The wedding is coming up so fast-there's so much to do!"
Suddenly, there was a flurry of activity. Ron gathered the males together to begin fittings for tuxes, and Kimmy began to round up the females to head to Diagon Alley to search for bridesmaid dresses. Hermione stood, rather dumbfounded from the quickness of it all.
" It's all kind of crazy, isn't it?" Harry murmured into her ear.
Hermione turned to him, grateful for the respite. " I never imagined this would be happening so fast. I feel like we'll barely get to see each other again, and then you'll be married and gone studying Muggles for who knows how long..." She glanced up at him quickly. " I'm sorry-I shouldn't be complaining. This is your time. I'm just here to support you."
Harry smiled at her. " Don't feel bad. I was actually thinking the same thing. In fact..." He glanced around, searching for his fiancé, then dragged Hermione purposefully over to her. " Hey, Kim, do you mind if Hermione and I wander off for a while? It's been ages since we've seen each other, and she can always get fitted for her dress tomorrow."
Kimmy hesitated, but only momentarily. " Well, sure. Why not?" She smiled at both of them. " Have fun, you two."
Grinning, Harry placed a hand on the small of Hermione's back and led her into the house.
" Where are we going?" Hermione inquired once they were inside.
" You'll see," Harry returned, guiding her to the middle of the room. " Now, hold onto me."
" What?" Hermione inquired dumbly, then flushed.
Harry laughed at her. " I'm going to use a special portkey that D-that a friend gave to me, but it'll only work for both of us if you're holding on to me."
" Oh," Hermione said agreeably, feeling quite stupid, " Of course."
Tentatively, she wrapped her arms around Harry's waist, wondering why it suddenly seemed so odd to her to be holding Harry when she had held him countless times before. Once, she was brave enough to glance up at him, but she was so suddenly overwhelmed by their closeness that she quickly buried her gaze back into his sweater.
If Harry noticed any odd behavior, he didn't let on. Taking out a small box from his pocket, he flipped open the lid, and there was a flash of light. Hermione tightened her grip around Harry, and in a matter of moments, they had landed on a grassy bank, a tangle of arm and legs.
Hastily, Hermione moved away from him, not wanting to think too much about how close their lips had been and where his hand had accidentally fallen. Harry seemed to be somewhat fazed, too, though it could have just been the travel.
" Well?" he said, sweeping his arm. " What do you think?"
It took Hermione a moment to realize that they were at Hogwarts, out by the lake where they had spent so many hours together, laughing and picnicking and watching the clouds. She stared in wonder. " But...how? No one can apparate onto the grounds. I read it in--"
" Hogwarts: A History," Harry finished for her. He grinned impishly. " Let's just say that Dumbledore and I worked out a special system...in case of emergency, of course."
Hermione smiled, shaking her head. " Harry, I hardly think this constitutes as an emergency."
" Well, that's entirely a matter of perspective, Hermione," Harry informed her, seating himself on the grass. " This happens to be one of the last times I'll get to be alone with my best friend for a good, long while, so yes-I think that's an emergency."
Relenting, Hermione seated herself next to him, careful to keep a good distance away. For some reason, being near Harry was like an utterly new experience to her. Had he always smelt that good, she wondered?
The grounds were deserted for summer vacation, and if an occasional teacher happened to stroll by, they didn't bother the pair, and so Hermione and Harry were left alone. They reminisced about old times at Hogwarts, spoke of Cho Chang and Viktor and Snape and McGonogal and anything else they could think of. And for a while, everything seemed to go back to normal, and Hermione felt herself relaxing in his presence. This was just Harry, after all. Just good ole' Harry.
With a start, Hermione glanced around and realized that the sun was beginning to set. They'd been sitting and talking for hours. Hermione shivered abruptly, hugging herself. " I'd forgotten how cold it can get out here at night."
Harry scooted closer to her and wrapped an arm around her, using his hands to rub the goosebumps off the skin on her arms. " Better?" he inquired.
Hermione felt a slow flush beginning somewhere in her abdomen and spreading throughout her entire body. Dear goodness, had his hands always felt that way?! " Yes," she choked out finally, part of her wanting him to stop before she did something embarrassing or desperate, and part of her wanting to see just where that might lead.
Harry stopped rubbing her arms, though he kept his arms around her. The previous thrill at his touch was beginning to fade, replaced by a dull and aching sadness that began to overwhelm her. She swallowed heavily, her mind reluctantly allowing her to go where she had never allowed it to go before.
How could I have not seen it? she wondered morosely.
" It's getting late," Hermione pointed out softly. "We should, um, probably be getting back."
" Yeah." Harry said, but didn't move for a moment. " Hermione?" he said after a moment.
She was scarcely trusting her voice now. " Yes?"
He shook his head, seeming to think better of it. " Nothing." Abruptly, he rose to his feet, offering a hand to help her up. He was much stronger than she had anticipated, and as he pulled her to her feet, their faces brushed once again. Lip met lip.
Harry pulled back as though he had been burned. " Sorry," he said quickly, then pulled out the portkey. Wordlessly, Hermione put her arms around him, more miserable than she had ever been in her life.
That night, as she sat awake in Ginny's room, listening to the gentle breathing of the younger girl, Hermione abruptly crossed over to the desk and pulled out a parchment. *Draco* she scratched out quickly, *I think we have a problem...*
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