Boys Don't Cry
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or the characters. I only own the plot of this story.
I really didn't want to cut the chapter in two; it really kills the mood. I don't know what happened; last time I uploaded a 32-page chapter and it was just fine.
Anyway, Review!!
Promise- Part Two
"I love you, Hermione," he whispered. "I love you so much. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." His heart was so heavy, so troubled. He could feel it start to drop, he could feel it start to tear and rip. The tears in his eyes stung with a harshness that sliced through the coldness of the air in the infirmary. His body was trembling, his words so hurt and pained. He held her hand tighter.
"Hermione… I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do without you. I need you here; I need you here by my side. I know I can't bring you back… but, please. Please. I love you so much, Hermione."
His throat was rough and dry, as he tried to swallow the painful knot that had started to form. His chest and lungs felt as if they tightly wrapped and compressed; he could not breathe.
But he didn't care.
He didn't care.
"I wasn't ready to lose you," he said, his whisper shaky. "I don't know what to do. It hurts so much." He bowed his head, and he closed his eyes. He felt his tears travel down his face, and he could taste them as they entered his mouth.
He had always believed there was a God. He had always believed that there was fate, a destiny for each of them. He knew there were choices; he knew there were consequences.
But now he found himself asking him, God. He asked him what he was to do, how he could wash away the pain. He asked him why he had to take her away from him, and if he would ever find happiness again.
He asked why. He just had to, he had to know.
He asked him why Hermione was stolen from him.
But there was nothing. No response. Just a roaring in his ears, and the pounding heartbeats and hammering pulse in his veins. He could hear his sobs. He could hear the shattering, the breaking.
What was his fate to be? Alone and sad? What was he to do when everyone found happiness and love, and he was left all alone?
What was he to do then?
He missed her. He missed her. He just wanted her back.
"I miss you, Hermione," he whispered. His words were shaky and almost silent, but he could hear it chime through the Hospital Wing. "I miss you."
He was lost. He had never felt it as strong as this before, he had never felt it grabbing at his throat and strangling him. Doubt was invading him and he could feel the hints of anger and bitterness start to grow. He could feel bony and cold fingers jab into his heart, and enclose around it like a prisoner. He couldn't yell or shout for help. No one would hear him. No one would come to save him, to rescue him.
It was a gentle and soft voice. It was kind. Like an angel's. He recognized it. He heard it in his dreams. He heard it ring in his mind, filling him pleasantly, like a summer song. He missed it so terribly, he wasn't sure it was real. His eyes were closed tightly, and he could still feel his body shake. The tears were still falling. He knew no way to stop them now.
His mind was playing tricks on him again. His longing thoughts had triggered this. He kept his eyes shut, but this time he pressed harder. He saw flashes of colors dancing inside his eyelids.
Suddenly, he felt something shift inside his palm. It brushed against his fingers, and pressed gently against the skin of his palm. It was soft and warm. His heartbeats faded into silence, as he opened his eyes.
The world seemed to freeze, time halted.
He raised his head, and he was met with a sight that made his heart stop.
He didn't know if it was real. He didn't know if it was a dream, a trick, or a mirage. But he couldn't think straight anymore. His thoughts seemed to have scattered and run away. He was speechless, as he opened his mouth.
Hermione smiled down at him. Her brown eyes were warm and kind, her fingers entwining with his. Her smile wasn't wide, but it was gentle and loving. She was sitting up, her brown curls framing her face. Her hand enclosed around his, and he felt warmth erupt from his fingers and palms, tingling its way up his arm.
His eyes were aching; his breath had halted in his throat.
"Harry," she said again, in a whisper. It filled his ears like a lovely secret, caressing his heart and warming it, melting away all the frost and mending all of its tears and rips.
"Hermione?" he said, as he quickly drew in a breath. His eyes were disbelieving but his heart wanted nothing but to believe. "Hermione?"
She nodded slightly, her smile widening and her eyes starting sparkle.
Immediately, without thinking, Harry got up on his feet and embraced her.
It wasn't a mirage, or a trick. It was her. It was really her.
He inhaled her scent, and it was just as he remembered. He felt tears well up in his eyes, once again. He held her tightly, firmly, never wanting to let go.
Hermione wrapped her arms around him.
He buried his face in her hair, letting the tears fall from his eyes. He couldn't believe it. He just couldn't believe it. He blinked hard, letting more tears free, as he tightened his embrace.
"Hermione, I thought I'd lost you," he whispered into her ear.
"No… no, Harry. You could never lose me. I'll always be right here, right beside you. I promised you. I'd never leave you."
Harry let out a sigh, feeling his heart beat ecstatically. His blood was pounding inside his ears, his nerves crackling and sparking, embers flashing from inside him.
She was here. He hadn't lost her at all.
He could feel his heart rejoicing, praising, shouting. The sudden happiness overwhelmed him, but he wouldn't have it any other way. He felt as if he couldn't breathe.
He just couldn't believe it.
Just then, he could feel her slowly pulling away. He held onto her, but she unwrapped her arms around him.
"Harry… Harry, let me look at you." Hesitant, he pulled away.
He looked at her, into her eyes, his face just inches from hers. Her eyes were dancing, but still faint, as he saw her take in his features.
"I've missed you, Harry," she whispered to him, as she brought up her hand to his cheek. She touched his cheek with her fingers, and he could feel warmth igniting from her fingertips. She laid her palm against him, as she moved her hand slightly forward. "I kept seeing you. I kept trying to make my way back to you, but I couldn't."
Tears glimmered in Harry eyes, as he also raised his hand and laid it against her cheek. His fingers traced against her jaw line, her cheek, and brushed against her lips.
"I love you, Hermione," he said, tears slipping from his eyes. "I love you so much." And with that, they fell into each other's arms again, holding tightly, focusing on the feeling of each other in their arms.
Harry let out a tearful smile, as he could feel her heart pounding against his.
She was here.
She was alive.
It was moments later that they pulled back again, and Harry was surprised to find tears in her eyes as well. He brushed his thumb underneath her eyes, wiping away her tears.
"Don't cry," he said to her. "Don't cry." Hermione broke into a wide smile at the ironic remark, as she sniffled, and this caused Harry to laugh faintly.
"But, Harry…" she raised her hand and stroked his cheek. It was only then that Harry realized that she was wiping away his tears, also. "You're… you're…"
"I'm crying," he whispered, as she smiled up at him. "I'm crying as well."
"But… I'd never… you've never… cried, in front of me," she said, her voice so soft.
"I thought I'd lost you," he said quietly.
"That's silly," she smiled, tears slipping from her eyes. "You'd never lose me, Harry." Harry chuckled faintly.
He met her eyes, his eyes full of seriousness and love, longing and reason. Her eyes were innocent and calm, but somehow, there was something in them that he knew… was different. It was something like, fear, or uncertainty.
"Promise me," he whispered to her. Her eyes flickered, searching his.
"What? What do you mean?"
"Promise me that I'll never lose you. Promise me." The color of her deep brown eyes deepened, as a faint breath played on her lips.
"I promise," she whispered, catching his other hand in hers. "I promise that you'll never lose me."
"You don't know that, " Harry said, his voice lowering. "You don't know that."
"I'm sorry," she said to him. "I really am."
"Tell me… tell me this isn't a dream. Tell me I won't wake up and find you gone." She smiled kindly, her warm brown eyes sparking embers and flares inside him.
"This isn't a dream. This is real, Harry. You're not going to wake up and find me anywhere else but by your side. I love you, Harry."
Just then, Harry saw it. In her eyes. He knew what was different. Something was missing, something was absent and lost. Usually, her eyes were knowing and they told him her concerns and worries. But this time, they were innocent and… dark. Something was wrong.
"Hermione," he said quietly, pulling his hands away from her. "What happened?" Harry watched Hermione as her gaze lowered, looking at her hands, which once held his. "What happened?" he pressed. "I want you to tell me."
She looked back up at him again, but her eyes were wide. He saw fear and confusion, uncertainty darkening her eyes.
"Harry," she breathed. She was shaking.
"Hermione?" he said, his voice fearful and worried. His eyes were flickering, panic crossing his features. "What's wrong? What's happening?"
Just then, he saw her eyes roll back, and her body fell onto him. He grabbed her shoulders, trying to keep her up so he could see her face, but his body was still weak. His fingers were trembling with horror, his eyes flashing with alarm.
"Hermione? Hermione? Hermione!" he said, his voice getting louder. "Hermione? Come back to me! What's happening? Please, Hermione!" Harry's thoughts were scurrying again, he could not think straight, his heart beating faster and harder in his chest. "Hermione! Please! What happened?"
"Harry?" he turned his head in the direction of the voice, and he discovered to see Ron, sitting up in his bed, rubbing his eyes. "Harry? What's happening?" his voice was raspy and rough.
"Ron!" he shouted, frantic. "Ron, go and get Madam Pomfrey! Now! Go!" Ron's eyes widened in confusion, but his eyes traveled over to Hermione, and Harry saw fear flash across his face.
"What's happening?" he asked, confused.
"Go get Madam Pomfrey! Go, Ron!" Ron nodded his head, uncertain and scared, as he quickly swung his legs over the bed, untangling himself from the sheets, as he bolted to Madam Pomfrey's office.
Harry still held Hermione in his arms, his breaths ragged and hard. He was so scared, so afraid. She had been here, talking to him. He had been holding her.
He couldn't lose her again.
They couldn't take her away from him again, no, they just couldn't.
Harry's heart was beating faster than he cared to notice, but his mouth became dry and his fingers were fidgeting. His body was shaking in fear.
Just then, he heard oncoming, rapid footsteps. He turned his head and saw a confused but determined Madam Pomfrey, Ron running in front of her. Ron hurried to his side, while Madam Pomfrey fastened her pace and reached Hermione's opposite side.
Madam Pomfrey grasped both of Hermione's shoulders, as Harry let go of her, and they laid her back on the bed. She was muttering things under her breath, not out of the sudden interruption, but out of confusion and fear. Harry watched, as Ron grabbed his arm and pulled him back, Madam Pomfrey put her fingers to Hermione's neck and wrist.
She looked up at them, her eyes wide, alarm drawn all over her face. Harry's breath ceased in his throat, at the look in her eyes.
"Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley," she said, her voice quiet but hurried. There was shock but no hesitation at all evident in her voice. "Run over to your Transfiguration class and fetch Albus and Minerva. They are supposedly still trying to understand the amulet. Now, go, and hurry."
Harry nodded, as he got off the bed and he and Ron sped out of the infirmary, and out into the corridors.
Harry ran at his full speed to their Transfiguration class, his breaths hard but paced. The hallways and corridors were empty, and their swift footsteps echoed. The torches were still lit, the flames flickering and dancing weakly in the dim darkness. They passed classrooms, and ran up flights of stairs, before the doors of the classroom finally came into view. Harry willed his legs to go faster, as he passed Ron and burst into the classroom, where a confused and a stern looking Professor and Headmaster stood.
Ron soon caught up to him, as he halted right at his side, putting his hands to his knees and panting heavily. Dumbledore looked at them in alarm, his blue eyes behind their half-moon spectacles darkening noticeably.
It was Harry who spoke first, his determination and fear evident in his eyes and quick but firm words.
"It's Hermione," he said, still breathing hard. "She was alive, but she- there's something wrong with her. Madam Pomfrey needs you in the Hospital Wing quickly and urgently." Dumbledore nodded once, as he and Minerva walked towards them in a brisk pace. Minerva McGonagall halted in front him and Ron, giving them a firm look.
"We'll meet you two boys there," she said, and with a swish of her hunter green robes, she had walked past them and disappeared.
Harry turned, Ron following closely behind, as he ran out of the classroom and into the corridor.
He stopped, turning his gaze in both directions, puzzled. There was no trace of them, and the corridor went on for a lengthy way.
"Where'd they go?" Ron said, still lightly panting. "They were just here. There's no way they could have walked or even run that fast." Harry let out a sigh.
"Let's go," Harry said, not answering his question, and he got on his feet again, back to the Hospital Wing. Ron followed behind him.
They finally reached the Hospital Wing, out of breath, tired, and a pain forming in the sides of both of their bodies. Harry stopped in front of the infirmary, his heart pounding, trying to leap out of his chest, and a burning ache throbbing at his side. He reached for the handles, and held them down as he tried to push in, but they wouldn't budge. Harry tried again, with more force this time.
"What's happening?" Ron asked, his voice raspy.
"It won't open," Harry said, as he tried again.
"What? How could- how could that happen?" he asked, confused and afraid.
"I don't know," Harry replied, still trying. "Come on, help me." Ron got to his side and pushed. The doors still wouldn't budge. They tried again, Harry pushing with all his might.
"Maybe, maybe they've locked it."
"What? Why would they do that?"
"I don't know. To keep other students out?"
"Ron… I don't know." Harry sighed, letting go of the handle and stepping back. "Everything's been so… odd, lately. Everything's been so tiring, and frustrating. I don't even know anymore. There's a part of me that wants to know, but the other part's just refusing. Everything's just been so bloody devastating. I don't know if I can take anymore of it." Ron was silent for a few seconds, obviously thinking.
"Harry… when I woke up… you and… What happened?" His eyebrows were furrowed and there were creases of puzzlement on his forehead.
"Ron, I-"
Suddenly, the Hospital Wing's doors opened. Harry and Ron stepped back in alarm and surprise. Minerva McGonagall stood in the doorway, her face still stern. Harry tried to see what they had been talking about through her expression, but it was evident to him that she hid it on purpose, and that she didn't want them to know.
"Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley," she acknowledged them. In the background, he could hear Dumbledore speaking.
"It's extraordinary, all my years here, I have never seen anything like it," Harry heard him say. He glanced at Ron, and he was positive Ron had heard it too, from the look on his face.
"Professor, might we come inside?" Harry asked.
"I apologize, Mr. Potter, but-"
She halted her words at the sound of Dumbledore's voice, louder this time, obviously directed at her.
"That's alright, Minerva," he said. "You can let them in. What we will discuss is important for them to hear."
"Very well, then. You may come in." She opened the doors for them, as he and Ron walked in, and she closed the door promptly and quietly behind them.
Harry took note of the looks on Dumbledore's and Madam Pomfrey's faces, and was eager to hear to what they had to tell them. Dumbledore's sapphire eyes were dancing, his aged face supporting a smile. Harry took a deep breath, as he sat down by Hermione's side, where he had been before. Ron took a seat beside him, his eyes flickering between the teachers.
"First, Mr. Potter, before we can tell you about Ms. Granger's condition, we need you to tell us what happened, so we can be sure and clarify any mistakes or miscalculations." Harry nodded, prompting Dumbledore to go on.
"Very well, then," he continued. "Mr. Potter, we need you to tell us exactly what happened, from the moment you awoke to the moment you called for help and assistance." Harry took a deep breath, as he looked at Hermione. She was still on the bed, though her eyes were closed and she was still and motionless.
"I woke up, and it was still dark. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up and walked over to Hermione's side, and sat down where I am now." Dumbledore nodded. "And… I just sat here." Harry wasn't sure if he was to tell exactly what he had been doing, meaning his tears, but the look in his Headmaster's eyes assured him that he needn't need to, and that he already understood. Harry went on. "I bowed my head, and closed my eyes… and there was a voice. Her voice. But I didn't look up, because I thought that it was just my imagination or mind, playing some sort of trick on me. But I heard it again, and she was saying my name. And I looked up. And that's when… that's when I saw her." A faint smile played on Harry's lips, as he revisited the memory. It had felt so good to see her again, smiling down on him.
"She was sitting up, and I couldn't believe it. We talked for a short time, but I noticed that there was… something, something different about her." The smile faded, as his gaze darkened. "It was in her eyes. I-I just couldn't explain it. But then, I asked her what happened. And that's when it happened. She looked scared, and she… she fell against me. She seemed to be unconscious. And that's when Ron woke and I told him to get Madam Pomfrey."
Harry's eyes were on her face, not daring to look up at the spectators. He had an uneasy feeling inside him, but there was something, a voice, that was telling him everything was going to be just fine. He didn't know whether to believe it. He wanted to. He wanted to believe it with all his heart.
"Well, Mr. Potter," he finally heard Dumbledore say. He could hear a smile in his voice, and that's when Harry raised his gaze, to find a joyful Dumbledore looking down on him. He watched Dumbledore also turn to Ron. "And you too, Mr. Weasley," he chuckled. "I am happy to announce joyful news. Ms. Granger is going to be just fine."
Harry found that he couldn't breathe, and he had to steady and calm himself.
He heard Ron let out a big sigh next to him, and he felt him pat his shoulder, as Harry looked to him and found him smiling at him. Harry finally let out a breath, as he closed his eyes for a moment, relieved.
"Thank you, Headmaster," he said quietly. He heard Dumbledore's chuckle.
"Mr. Potter, Professor McGonagall and I apologize. It seems that the amulet had worked. It was a strange and sudden turn of events and occurrences, really. We were certain that she had passed on. Her pulse and her heartbeat had completely stopped. But, I guess you can say, love can really conquer anything and everything." Harry smiled, as he finally got his body to take a breath.
"However, Mr. Potter," he looked over to a concerned looking Professor. "Though the outlook is clear and calls for relief and celebration, there are is a… setback." Harry's smile vanished.
"What is it?" Harry asked, Ron's hand tightening on his shoulder.
"Well," she hesitated, as she looked over to Madam Pomfrey, who nodded. "You said yourself that there had been a difference, in Ms. Granger. She had not answered right away when you had asked her what had happened, correct?" Harry nodded. "We have discovered that Ms. Granger… well, it is very difficult, Mr. Potter, to be the one to say this to you, but Ms. Granger has no account of what happened from the incident, or much less after that."
Confusion and questions were etched all over Harry's pale face.
"What?" he asked.
"She cannot remember," Dumbledore answered for the Professor, "what happened, Harry. Apparently, the amulet worked, but her memory had been altered and her most vivid and recent memories have been wiped out. She does not remember, or know, what happened the past few days. But, the change is not permanent. Madam Pomfrey has given her a serum that will restore it all back. Though this will take time, we are sure that it will be successful and Ms. Granger will have all of her memories."
Harry sighed in relief, closing his eyes for a second.
"But, how long will it take? Until she's well? Graduation is only a matter of months-"
"Graduation," McGonagall corrected, "is little over a month away." A slight smile began to spread through her features. "Mr. Potter, the serum is quick, and very powerful. It will take less than a week, around two to three days. However, we must ask that you not visit until she is fully recovered," Harry's heart sank at this, "it may slow the process and maybe even alter the purpose and intentions of the serum."
Harry nodded, silent.
"Alright then," he said. "We won't visit. But will you tell us immediately when she is well?" Professor McGonagall nodded.
"Mr. Potter, we won't waste a minute. Madam Pomfrey will do just that." Madam Pomfrey nodded, reassuring him.
"Okay. Thanks," Harry said, weakly. He just realized how tired his body still seemed to be.
"Well, now that has been cleared out of the way," Dumbledore said, cheerfully. "I think you two boys should head on back to your dormitories, and change into fresh clothes. Only very few classes will resume, for we have done the required tests about several months ago. I must warn you to be careful about what you inform your peers; there are many peculiar rumors floating around these halls, and I wouldn't want a media explosion outside of our doors. I have to ask you to tell as little as possible, and confirm even less. Is that understood?"
"Yes, Headmaster," the two boys nodded.
"Well then, you two better get on your way. It is just about an hour before the sun should rise, if I am correct, and you might want to catch up on some sleep. I am sorry these past few days have been very suspenseful and tiring, but one should hope this is the last time these things should happen."
And with that, Harry and Ron stood, shaking their Professor and Headmaster's hands, and made their way out of the Hospital Wing, with a light heart and a sparking eagerness for their oncoming days.