Boys Don't Cry
Disclaimer: No, I don't own Harry Potter or the characters. Just the plot of this fic, thank you.
Just want to clear that up. Although it would be a perfectly good place to end it, I promised a happier ending, I think. I have something planned; something more firm and definite. Something that will set Hermione and Harry for the rest of their life.
Remember- Part 2
"Harry, we've been all over. They're not anywhere. Can we please just… stop looking for them and go back to our dormitories?" Ron said, as they searched the corridor for the fifth time.
"Ron… but what if-"
"Seamus killed Neville, ran out and dumped him in Squid's lake, and then eloped with my sister?" Harry stopped, turned, and gave him a look. Ron sighed, throwing his hands up in the air.
"What? It's a possibility!"
"Oh, Ron, you're so optimistic," Harry said sarcastically, as he started walking again.
"Harry… we've been looking for ages! I'm tired, and frankly, I don't really care what Seamus and Neville are doing! Whether it be one of them burying the other in a ditch, or both playing tag in the corridors!"
"Ron, Neville is our friend. We've got to look out for him."
"We've already done the bloody looking, Harry! We've looked everywhere!"
"I know, Ron… but, just…."
"We've looked in the dormitories and common room three times, wandered the corridors and flights of stairs, looked inside the empty classrooms…."
"Ron… do you think…. we haven't looked in the Hospital Wing, have we?" Harry asked, hesitant, as he stopped in his steps. Ron also stopped beside him, obviously thinking.
"No. That's one place we haven't looked in this whole bloody school." Harry stood still, motionless, staring at the floor under his feet. He heard Ron's footsteps become faster, and then he heard it stop, as he halted a few feet in front of Harry. Ron walked back to him.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Hospital Wing, right? Come on, Harry, we've got quite a long way. Let's hurry up and get this over with." Ron started walking again.
"But Ron," Harry said, and Ron turned around.
"What? What is it?"
"Don't you remember? We can't go to the Hospital Wing. Hermione's there, and if we go in there, we might alter or change the intentions of the serum. She isn't well yet." Ron noticed the hint of sadness in Harry's voice, as he looked at him. Ron sighed, looking around.
"You're right," Ron said, walking back to him. "So then… can we just go back to the dormitories then? I wasn't lying when I said I was beat." Harry nodded, and they turned and started down the corridor.
It was quiet, as neither of them said a word. Their footsteps echoed in the hallway, as the flames on the torches flickered on the walls. Harry was sure there wasn't another soul near here. They were either in their dormitory, out on the grounds in the snow, or in Hogsmeade. Harry had made the firm decision to stay, in case Hermione suddenly got well. He could tell Ron was having a sort of torn heart, between staying with his best friend to wait for his other best friend, or going to Hogsmeade with Luna, his girlfriend. Harry had convinced him to just go along with Luna, but though Ron could no longer insist, he said that he would stay until lunch and then he would go along to Hogsmeade. Harry appreciated Ron's efforts to keep him company, he did, but after all that had happened…. He didn't exactly feel so lonely when no one else was around. He rather liked his alone time, the silence and the way he would just think to himself. But with Hermione being in the Hospital Wing and his heart still with her, his alone times were always really spent thinking about her. When he was with company, they let his mind shift and think of other things, and he was glad for that. Thinking of Hermione only reminded him of how much he loved and longed for her, and it only made him miss her more. He knew impatience for a quicker recovery wasn't a very good thing, so he tried more to think of other things.
Of course, there were times when he succeeded and times when he failed.
"Harry?" he heard Ron ask suddenly, but quietly. His voice was calm and soft, and Harry knew this was something Ron had been thinking of for a bit.
"Yeah, Ron?" Harry replied.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure," Harry said. "Ask away."
"Well… I was wondering if you knew what McGonagall meant when she said we couldn't visit Hermione in the Hospital Wing. You know, about the serum. I couldn't help but wonder how our visiting could interrupt the process of her recovery. I didn't ask because… well, I only thought about it yesterday." Harry sighed silently, as Ron looked over at him as they walked. Their footsteps fell in step with the other, the rhythm same.
"I think… well, this is the only explanation I could come up with. But well, while it makes sense, it only makes sense in my case; why I can't go and visit Hermione." Ron nodded, prompting him to continue. "Well," Harry sighed again, "I think it's because the past recent memories that she had lost had me in it, and I played a very important role. I think, if she saw me… I could sort of hurry the process of her memories and something might go wrong."
"Oh," Ron said.
"But I think why we can't go see her is because she can't take in any new memories while she isn't well just yet. While she is making new memories in that Hospital Wing, she'll most likely forget the details and there won't be any pressure on her mind. See, if we came in…. it'd be a whole different story. The more she sees things or people that holds a place in her heart, the more she'd want to remember the moment. She can't put that sort of pressure on her mind."
Ron nodded, as they neared the end of the corridor.
"Well, that makes sense," Ron said.
Just then, they heard someone calling Harry's name. Ron and he both stopped in their steps, as they saw a running Neville heading their way.
"Harry!" Neville called, out of breath. "Thank Merlin I found you!" Harry's eyes darkened as he saw Neville, concern flickering in the deep emerald pools. When Neville finally reached them, Neville had to lean over and rest for a bit, panting hard and sweat on his forehead.
"What is it, Neville?" Harry asked, concerned. "Did Seamus do something to you?" Harry heard Ron snort beside him, but he chose to ignore him.
"Harry… I… was in the Hospital Wing… and… Madam Pomfrey…" Neville had to stop in between words to pant, still out of breath. Harry felt sympathy for him and did not hurry him with his growing impatience; he knew he had to have come a long way. "… she told… me to come… and get you… it's Hermione…" Harry's heart stopped, as he felt something suddenly flare from inside him.
"What is it?" Harry asked, quickly. "What about Hermione?" Neville was still panting.
"Good God, Neville!" Ron groaned. "Just spit it out!"
Neville glared at Ron, but did what he said.
"Hermione's… Hermione's well… she remembers." Harry stiffened, but he heard his heart's praises. "Madam Pomfrey told… me to come look for you and… tell you that Hermione's… asking for you…."
Harry felt energy and excitement bolt and crackle through his veins, as he suddenly took off down the corridor, his feet pounding against the shiny and clean dark marble floor. His only intention was getting to the Hospital Wing.
"Hurry, Harry!" He heard Neville call out to him. "I must have spent a good ten minutes looking for you!" He heard Neville ask Ron where they had been, in an irritated tone. Shaking his head but grinning widely, Harry turned his head slightly for a quick moment.
"Thanks Neville!" Harry said, and turned away in time to see Neville wave at him.
Harry ran down the corridor, his robes sweeping behind him, as he turned and headed down to the Hospital Wing. He ran faster, the torches dancing and flickering weakly against the walls. He knew he was quite a distance away from the infirmary, and he wanted to get there as soon as he could.
He passed a portrait, as he heard it call out in a scolding tone about his running, but Harry ignored it, and kept going. He could feel the excitement and determination sparking inside his veins, and seep into his thoughts like a sweet and controlling mist.
Finally, as he felt a pain starting to form at his side from his running, the Hospital Wing's doors came into view. He urged his feet to go faster, as this sparked more determination in him.
Finally, he burst through the doors, as he ran into a silent Hospital Wing. He stopped, as he crouched down, panting and breathing hard. He looked up as he saw Madam Pomfrey come out of her office, eyeing him. She shook her head, muttering something under her breath as she started towards him, her heels clicking against the smooth floor.
"Mr. Potter," she said, hovering above him. "I expect you got Mr. Longbottom's message?"
Harry nodded, still breathing heavily. "Yes," he said. "Where is she?" Harry looked up around the Hospital Wing, but all the beds were empty and kept. There wasn't another soul in here.
He heard Madam Pomfrey sigh, as she started walking and Harry's eyes followed her. She walked towards the windows, and drew back the curtain just a bit with her hand, so that only she could see. Harry could see white peeking out from the window, and he knew that there was still light snowfall.
"I don't know why Dumbledore insists on having snow at the nearing end of this year. He said it was quite fun and that it was for your benefit, since you spent most of your winter cooped up inside the house. I say," she sighed, staring out. "I say it isn't very delightful but it's cheery all the same." Finally, she looked at Harry. Her expression was soft this time, not stern or scolding.
"It seems Albus was right. Miss Granger saw the light snowfall outside and said that she'd like to have a stroll outside. I, of course, set a firm no but she went ahead anyway. She's become rather rebellious, that one. But no matter. It's her last year, and it's also yours. Go head on out. She's in the courtyards, overlooking the Forbidden Forest; the one that Albus had built just last year. I should have told Neville to tell you to first fetch a cloak," she said, giving him a concerned look, "but I suppose you can just enact a warmth spell if you get too cold. Besides, Albus didn't make it too frosty today, and the chill won't give you a frostbite, so it will be quite alright." Harry nodded, as his breaths had shallowed and returned to their usual pace and now he was standing upright.
"Thank you, Madam Pomfrey," he said, and then paused. "For everything, the past years. For taking care of her." She nodded; flashing a slight smile that Harry had never seen her give all his years here.
"It's my job," she merely said. "Over these years I've grown to taking care of nuisances like you," she chuckled. "Now go on, shoo. I didn't tell her that you'd be coming so quickly, so it's a surprise. But hurry on up before she decides to head inside. It is rather beautiful and calm outside."
Harry nodded, as he turned and headed out of the Hospital Wing. He walked down the dim corridor, and knew exactly where to go. He turned and was met with a faded black door with an antique silver handle. He looked over to the Portrait that stood beside it, who was eyeing him curiously.
"Say, are you the boyfriend of the girl who took a stroll before you?" the lady in the crimson dress asked, raising an eyebrow. "A Ravenclaw and her friend stood in front of me and I skimmed the article some days ago. I recognize you from the picture. You're that Hero, aren't you? What she did was pretty horrible, but I expect that it isn't true?" Harry said that she was correct. "Hmm," she said, nodding her head. "Those petty articles. Even in my time they were a nuisance. I can't believe someone hasn't put a stop to it yet. Anyway, password?"
"Charmed Flame," Harry responded. The Lady nodded and bid him Good day, as the door opened slowly. He returned the polite gesture and walked through the door, before it closed neatly behind him.
Harry looked around him, and the pure white of the clean and unsoiled snow was almost blinding. He shivered only faintly, as he saw the snow falling around him softly. He looked forward, and saw the fountain that Dumbledore had put in; a statue of an Angel with her wings spread, towering in the distance. Water was still pouring from the Angel's fingertips, just as Harry remembered.
Harry looked around, turning, trying to find Hermione. Finally, he spotted her. Harry smiled faintly, feeling the restless butterflies in his stomach and his heartbeats thudding inside his chest.
Her back was turned to him, facing the forest. She was wearing her school robes, as Harry observed, and figured that Madam Pomfrey had asked someone to bring it up. He could see her deep brown curls falling past her shoulders only by an estimated inch, as little snowflakes got trapped in her soft locks. Harry let out a sigh, and saw a mist appear before his lips before it suddenly vanished. He took a step forward in the snow, as he walked towards her silently.
She was still, just standing and watching the snow-covered trees and frost bitten sky.
Finally, when Harry was only feet from her, he spoke up, feeling a foolish grin on his face.
"It's odd, isn't it?" Harry called out to her. Harry saw as she suddenly stiffened. Harry swallowed and continued. "How Dumbledore favors snow and insists on having snow when it is supposedly spring and nearing summer? If you look beyond the Quidditch pitch, you'll see green hills and grass. No white snow-covered tops. It only snows here on the grounds." Harry was nearing her now, just two feet away from her back. She turned her head slowly, and Harry smiled as she saw him from the corner of her eye. Harry saw her smile, as she turned her head again, so that he could no longer see her expression.
"I like snow," she said softly, but Harry heard it like a proclamation to the world. "Especially like this. It's nice."
He stopped when he was beside her, as he grinned at the feeling of hearing her voice ring inside his ears again. His heart was doing cartwheels inside him, and his nerves and thoughts were on flaring and embers were sparking inside him. His green eyes sparkled, his untamed deep raven hair falling in beautiful contrast with it. He hugged his robe tighter, his fingers cold but he could not find one complaint about the moment. Finally, he turned to her.
He smiled wider, as he took in the sight. Her cheeks were tinted in a soft blush from the chilly weather, and her brown eyes sparkled so brightly that it seemed inhuman. She turned her head and looked at him, and smiled faintly.
"Good day, Hermione," he said softly to her.
"Same to you, Harry," she chuckled quietly. Finally, she turned her body so that she was facing him. She took a step closer, her smile fading from her features.
"It's good to see you, Harry," she whispered, her eyes deepening in their rich brown color. "I've missed you."
"You couldn't have missed me more than I missed you," Harry smiled. Hermione laughed kindly, as she looked into his eyes. She sighed, as a small smile graced her lips.
She looked around them, as Harry only had eyes for her.
"It really is beautiful, isn't it?" she said, looking at their surroundings. Harry's smile was plastered on his face.
"Yeah, you really are," he said. Hermione froze, and then turned her head back to him, smiling widely and blushing.
"After spending two days in the Hospital Wing?" she laughed. Harry stepped closer, as he wrapped his arms around her. She didn't object, but instead entwined her hands at the base of his neck. She smiled up at him, her brown eyes dancing.
"Even," he whispered, leaning his forehead against hers, and raising a hand to sweep his finger across her cheek, slowly. "After spending two days in the Hospital Wing. You're beautiful. Parvati would be jealous," he grinned. Hermione returned his wide smile.
"I'm sure she would be," she said.
"You'd better be careful," he said, leaning closer.
"I needn't need to be," she whispered, as she raised her lips closer to his. "I've got you, don't I?"
Harry's response was a kiss, and that was all she needed for his answer.
Harry wrapped his arms around her tightly and firmly, kissing her with such passion. He felt his nerves suddenly halt and burst into fireworks inside him, a pleasant roaring and bellowing in his ears. He could feel a gentle breeze ride by, weaving its arms around them first, before untangling and moving on.
Harry had never felt so grateful and wonderful in his life. She was here, and he couldn't ask for anything more.
They ended the kiss slowly and softly, before they both looked into each other's eyes and pulled back only slightly.
"Do you remember?" Harry whispered. "Everything?"
"I do," she replied, her voice just as soft. "Everything."
Harry smiled. It was a sincere and sweet smile, gentle and kind. It didn't reach his eyes, but Hermione appreciated it just the same.
"I heard you, you know," Hermione told him. "I heard you, when you were crying." Harry's eyes twinkled.
"You did?" he asked, in slight disbelief. She nodded.
"Yes. I'm sorry," she said, her eyes compassionate and apologizing. "I'm sorry for making you feel so hurt and alone. I never wanted to make you lose hope." Harry sighed, smiling at her.
"Don't apologize," he said. "It wasn't your fault. I'm fine now. You're here. Everything's perfect. Life is good again," he grinned.
There was a comfortable silence between them, as she refrained from speaking. She looked into his eyes and raised her hand to his cheek. She swept back his hair from his eyes, his eyes smiling at her.
"I love you," she said softly. "I love you too much to ever leave you. I want you to know that."
Harry's smile softened only slightly, but his eyes darkened noticeably.
"I know that now," he told her, just as softly. "But Hermione… we can't make promises to what we don't have control over. We can't predict something fickle and that's always changing. Don't say that," he said, his eyes hurt and darkening. "Don't say that you won't leave me. I don't want you to."
Hermione's smile vanished, as her eyes also dimmed from his words. They took her by surprise, as her hand froze on his temple. She lowered her hand, and his bangs swished back into place.
"Harry… I'll always be in here," her hand was on his chest, right on the place of his heart. Her hand was soft and light, and he barely felt the pressure underneath her palm and fingertips. Harry smiled down on her softly. "And no matter what… I'll never leave you. I'll always be in your heart. I won't ever walk away and time can't fade what you have inside there. That's exactly what…." She took her other hand and captured his, which lie on her waist, and brought it to her, right on the place of her heart. She set his hand down and clasped her hand atop of it, as Harry felt the warmth of her hand rest on his. He felt his heart melt at the look in her eyes, and the way the edges of her mouth quirked only so slightly in an endearing smile.
"….Exactly what I have inside here," she said, "in my heart. You have a place in here that nothing and no one can ever touch, replace, or erase. Nothing can change it, nothing can alter it. Not the darkest Wizard or the most powerful memory-erasing spell. I love you, Harry," she said gently. "With all of my heart."
Harry, a wide grin dominating over his features, leaned down again, and placed his lips on hers. He could feel Hermione smile against him as she also leaned in, her hands enclosing around his and bringing them to her sides, where Harry embraced her and brought her closer.
She threw her arms around him as he suddenly picked her up and she gasped against his mouth. She broke from his lips and laughed, as he spun her around, and their laughs pleasantly broke through the silence and gentle soft landing of the snowfall.
In the Hospital Wing, someone was watching from them a curtained window. Her hand only drew it back a couple of inches, enough to watch them. She smiled, laughing to herself quietly, before she closed it and turned around. She was surprised to see a smiling Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall standing some feet away.
"Young love is always such a beautiful thing," Dumbledore smiled. Madam Pomfrey sighed and nodded along, agreeing.
"Yes, Mr. Potter and Hermione Granger… Not such a surprise, those two," Minerva said, chuckling, shaking her head.
"Certainly not," Albus said. "Always had a hunch. Then again, I am getting of an old age, so I might be mistaken."
"Oh, you can't have missed those looks those two secretly sent at each other when the other was not looking. It was quite amusing, if you watch them closely."
"Really, Minerva? In class? Oh yes… now I remember. I remember Severus remarking about it quite rudely to me, back when he had been here."
"He knew it too," she said, and Dumbledore surprisingly chuckled.
"Yes, he did," he agreed. "Even he knew that those two were bound to be together one day."
"Well, even a cold and heartless act can tell when it's true love."
"Now, now, Minerva. We must pay at least some respect to Severus. He wasn't always the man that he was. He gave his heart to a girl, once, when he was Mr. Potter's age. Only, it wasn't as successful and joyous as their situation. Love is a fickle and tough thing. Not everyone can conquer it."
"They can, if they try. Severus gave up."
"Yes, unfortunately so. But, might I say, even those who give up can still find it. It only takes a longer route, a lengthier path. But all the roads lead to the same destination, as frightening as the beginnings seem, or as gloomy and dangerous the first step of the trail. Everyone finds happiness, whether they want to, or not."