(A/N: Okay, I've decided to join a challenge…*gasp* I know! I promise to finish this one though! Really I do! Okay, here's chapter one. Oh, and by the way…I don't own HP, it all belongs to JKR.)
Chapter 1: Camping?
"Camping? Are you serious Harry? No! No way, not happening!"
"Aww…come on `Mione. It'll be fun! Plus Ron, Ginny, Draco and Luna are going to be there." All Harry heard was a `humph' from the other end of the telephone line. A tense silence seemed to permeate the room as Harry waited for Hermione to say something, anything…
"Oh, I suppose so…I mean, did you clear this with Dumbledore?" Hermione was half praying that he hadn't so there'd be a possibility that the whole ordeal could be called off. But, for once, Harry seemed to have thought the entire thing out. Damn him.
"Of course," Harry replied, smiling to himself for avoiding one of Hermione's many traps that she was obviously trying to use to call off Harry's camping trip. But, not this time, nope, Harry had thought the entire thing out and even Hermione herself wasn't going to ruin it.
Of course, Harry was very proud of himself. He had finally outwitted the genius of Hermione, though it would probably be the last time, ever.
"So, when do we leave?" Hermione asked timidly, snapping Harry out of his revere on the other end of the line.
"Oh, um…oh, right. Well, actually…oh hell `Mione, look out your window!" Harry stammered his response. He knew that this would piss her off to no end. But hey, that's what he lived for, right? To take the mickey out of his best friends, Ron included.
"WHAT?" Hermione tore the pink percale curtains that hung in her bedroom window open, her mouth open wide. `Oh good Lord, he's went and bought himself a car.' She saw Harry wave hesitantly up at her and knew she couldn't stay mad at him, even if she tried.
Harry was relieved when Hermione smile down at him and hung up her cordless telephone. He saw her leave her window and the smile that had crept into his countenance when he first saw her smile down at him disappeared and he found himself wondering why Hermione had left so abruptly. He had little time to dwell on this mystery when he was pounced upon.
Yes, he was pounced upon in his car. Hermione had run downstairs and down the walk without Harry noticing and completely cleared the side of the Jeep Harry was driving, landing square in his lap, making him grunt.
After recovering from the initial shock of being attacked by his best friend Harry grinned at Hermione manically.
"Oh, you're going to get it Granger!" Harry cried as he attacked Hermione's sides with his fingers, making her squirm in his lap. Harry began to feel uncomfortable, hey he was a seventeen year old wizard, he had hormones and an extremely attractive witch was wiggling around in his lap. His bodily response was to be expected. Harry stopped before his…erm…problem would be evident to Hermione.
"It's so good to see you Harry. I'm sorry I was being such a prude, it's just that my parents are on a conference holiday and I don't think they'd let me go anyway…" Hermione was apologizing to him while enveloping him in a hug.
"Oh, it's all right. I'm just happy that you agreed, even though it took me forever to get you to concur!" Harry grinned at Hermione that lopsided half smile that always made her knees go weak. If only Harry knew what he did to her… `Better not think about that now' Hermione chastised herself.
Hermione pulled herself back over the side of Harry's red and gold (doesn't just figure! Hermione thought) Jeep and opened the door for Harry. The Jeep was laden down with all the necessary camping equipment and Hermione felt herself begin to grow excited about the camping trip.
"Come on, let's go inside while I pack and we'll grab a couple of sandwiches before we head out." Hermione lead Harry up the walk to her front door, which she had left open when she had run out to his car. When they stepped inside Harry's mouth opened wide in shock. Hermione's home was perfect. Everything had a place and everything was in its place. Hermione lead Harry into the kitchen and started pulling out bread and lunch meats. She also grabbed a bowl of fruit that she had cut up for breakfast that morning.
"Hey, how about you run up and pack a bag and I'll make the sandwiches. Ok?" Harry once again flashed that smile at her and all she could do was nod and turn around and run up the stairs. Harry just shook his head, his wild hair flying everywhere, chuckling to himself.
Ten minutes later Hermione came back downstairs with a ruck-sack slung over her shoulder. She had changed her clothes too. Instead of wearing the short white skirt and pink spaghetti strap shirt and pink flip-flops she had worn earlier she was dressed in trainers, a pair of khaki capris and a red tank top complete with the national flag adorning her chest area. Harry smiled to himself.
`Wonder when I should mention the fact that there are only 3 tents and 6 people?'
Oh yes, this was going to be a very interesting trip.
(A/N: Well, it's late and I should be sleeping. I'm gonna write the next chappie first thing in the morning! I promise! Oh, r&r please?)