(A/N: Ok, I know I said I'd have this up this morning, and I really planned to but I over slept and when I did wake up I had to get ready and go to work. But I'm home now and ready to write. And thank you to everyone that reviewed, it made my day. Oh, and for those of you that said that it reminded you of Harry's Mistress' Camp Muggle, that's because it comes from the same challenge. Ok, now on with the story!)
Chapter 2: Perfect
After a quick lunch Harry and Hermione and Hermione leaving a note for her parents they climbed into Harry's Jeep and started off on the drive to the campsite. Twenty minutes into the drive Hermione's cell phone began ringing.
"Hello?" Hermione had answered her phone and was shocked to hear Ron yelling at her from the other end of the line.
"RON! YOU DON'T NEED TO SCREAM AT ME! Just talk normally."
There was some scuffling noises on the other end and some buttons were pushed in the process, making Hermione grimace even more so than she already had been. Hermione was relieved when the voice she heard come back onto the line wasn't that of Ron.
"Hi Hermione, its Ginny. Sorry about that. Ron's a bit daft."
"Hi, you really need to teach Ron how to talk on a telephone. And a bit daft?"
"I know, I promise I will beat him up for you after we've hung up. K?"
"Alright. Anyway, what was it that you called for?" Hermione loved talking to Ginny on the telephone; it was so much easier to talk to her than to Ron.
"Oh, right, we're already at the campsite and we're going to get some fire wood, so if we're not around when you get here don't flip." Hermione heard giggling in the background and a misty voice saying `Ronald'.
"Oh good Lord…please tell me that Luna and Ron aren't making out already." Hermione was afraid to hear the answer. She heard Harry choke beside her.
"What?!" Harry said. Apparently Ron had forgotten to tell Harry that he and Luna were dating.
Hermione placed her fingers over the mouth piece and turned to the side to talk to Harry.
"Oh, sorry, Ron mustn't have told you yet. He and Luna started dating a couple days ago. The only reason I know is that Ginny called my the other day and told me."
"Oh, ok…well tell him I said `Congrats'. Oh, and tell them we'll be there in about fifteen minutes." Harry once again focused on the road.
Hermione lifted the cell phone to her ear again and started talking to Ginny again.
"Okay, we're about 30 kilometers away, so we'll there in about 15 minutes. If you're not back at the site when we get there we'll start unpacking and setting up."
"OK, we'll see you when you get here. Bye."
"Toodles!" Hermione and Ginny both hung up their cell phone's and put them away.
"OK, so Ginny says that all of them are at the campsite already. They've gone to get fire wood and when we get there we're going to set up the site. I hope you went to the market Harry and didn't just bring alcohol, because if you did I swear I'll never forgive you. Oh, and please tell me that you've brought flashlights. Do Ron, Luna, Ginny or Draco even know how to use a muggle flashlight? Oh, and what about showers? Am I supposed to just go without? Because if I must then I'm telling you, I'll find the nearest puddle and wash in the stagnant-"
"`Mione, slow down! Wow, I can't believe you said all that in one breath…and anyway, what do you take me for? Of course I've brought food, and yes I did bring refreshments other than alcoholic. Yes, we've flashlights and Ginny had given Ron and the rest a lesson on the proper usage of such muggle items. You needn't worry about showering, there's a bath house a short way down the path and if you don't feel like using that, there's always the lake, which we have to ourselves since this is a wizarding campsite to an extent there are protective spells around and I've booked the entire site for 4 days." Harry finished by turning on the radio so Hermione couldn't make a rebuttal, because he knew she would.
"Thanks for tuning into Wizarding Wireless! It's time to meet the guest of the hour! For all you hip witches and wizards out there I'd like to introduce a director whose muggle films have incorporated both muggle and wizarding techniques! Let's have a round of applause for…BAZ LUHRMANN!" Applause sounded over the radio.
"Oh my gosh! I love his work! Have you seen Romeo and Juliet Harry? Oh my goodness it was amazing! Leonardo D-" Hermione was speaking at an alarming rate, and he knew that Hermione was going to start talking out Leo Da- what's his face, and his ego just wouldn't allow that. Nope, nu-uh. Not happening. Nada. Zip, Zilch, Zero!
"Yes, `Mione, I've seen it. He must have a new film coming out. I wonder what it is?"
"Oooh! Is he really? I can't wait. I wonder what it's about."
"Baz is here today to fill all you hip wand wavers out there in on his new film Moulin Rouge. It's not due out in the muggle world for another year but Baz is here to give us a sneak peak. Tell us Baz, what's the film about?" The announcer had started talking again.
"Well, it's about the French nightclub the Moulin Rouge and its star Satine, the Sparkling Diamond, played by Nicole Kidman, who by the way just published her third book on wizard acting techniques. Satine falls in love with a writer named Christian, played by Ewan McGregor, star of the new wizarding musical Fallen, but their love is forbidden because she's a courtesan and is promised to sleep with The Duke on the opening night of the show Christian is writing, called Spectacular, Spectacular. When Zeidler finds out about their Romance he tells her to stop seeing Christian, as it could ruin everything, but then she falls ill. And that's all I'm going to tell, if you want to know the ending, you'll have to come to the wizarding premiere on the 28th at the Moulin Rouge in Paris. We've managed to secure it for that weekend."
"Well, thank you very much Baz. I'm sure that many WWN listeners will be at the premiere. Well, as I said earlier, we're going to be playing songs from the new film Moulin Rouge all afternoon and night. Stay tuned tonight at midnight for the premiere of the remake of Lady Marmalade, sung by Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim, Pink and Mya. This is Wolf Parker signing off!"
"Harry, can we listen at midnight? I want to hear the song." Hermione gave Harry her best puppy dog eyes, and he sighed.
"Well, I suppose," he said dramatically. "But only if you promise to dance."
"We're here!"
(A/N: I'm so sorry it's late. My best friend is leaving town tomorrow to move across the country and the girls got together to throw her a little party. If I don't over sleep tomorrow I'll post more in the morning. I realize this probably wasn't the most interesting of chapters, but it'll get better, I promise.)