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Faith - The Revised Edition by RogueBHS

Faith - The Revised Edition



Chapter 2 "Confronting the Unexpected" - Edited Version

By: RogueBHS

Author Notes: I swear, it doesn't matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get more than once chapter a month. *growls in frustration* But yeah…I am trying to work on this as much as possible. I guess part of the problem is I am writing such long chapters! LOL! Oh well! Thanks again for the reviews on Portkey!

Also, I've never heard for certain what year Roger Davies (Ravenclaw), so he's a 7th year in order to suit my purposes and based on what I found here:

Notice: All metric values were calculated by Yahoo's Metric Converter. Any values that are wrong, I apologize ahead of time for. I will be posting the American equivalent in parenthesis at all times.

Also: If you see a lowercase letter in double parenthesis like this: ((a)), that means there is an Author note about that area of the chapter at the bottom. This is primarily for spells and such. Numbers in a double parenthesis are used to indicate songs when used in a chapter. Look at the end of the chapter for listings of such things.

Main Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Sabine Kington (OC), Minerva McGonagall, Remus Lupin and others…like Voldemort for instance. ;)

Couples: Ron/Hermione, Ginny/Draco, Dumbledore/McGonagall (hinted mostly), Harry/Cho, Harry/Hermione, Lavender/Ron/Luna and others.

Full Plot Summary: Most would think that with the OWLs over and done with, and NEWTS not being taken until the next school year, that Harry Potter would have an easy 6th year. But when you add up the loss of his godfather, the weight of the prophecy, harder classes, girl trouble, and the ever looming threat of Voldemort and his followers…Not to mention a changing group of friends, Harry's 6th year may well be the hardest yet. Oh yes…did I mention being ladies man???? (*giggle*)

Chapter 2, "Confronting the Unexpected"

Harry's POV -

As I wake up from some of the soundest sleep I've had in ages, I have to squint to see even blurs as sun sneaks in through the curtains making me hiss in displeasure. I can hear the others moving around, and sigh as I drag open the hangings around my bed and slip my feet to the floor. A blur that looks like Seamus is digging in what I'd imagine would be his trunk, and when I slip on my glasses, that theory is confirmed. Paying closer attention, I realize he's telling Dean about some muggle football (soccer) event he attended this year and is looking for the stuff he bought to show it off. Rolling my eyes, I wave blearily to Ron as he pulls on his Hogwart's robes, obviously ready to head down already. He asks if I want him to wait, and I wave him on, shaking my head as I grab the stuff I need from my trunk and head into the washrooms.

It doesn't take me long to get ready, being as its not like my hair will ever cooperate anyway. I head back into the dorms, and toss my clothes onto the top of my trunk before turning and grabbing my new school robes from the chair by my bed. I turn when I hear a scuffling sound, and nearly laugh at the sight of Neville, half under his bed, wiggling around.

"Looking for something, Neville?"

He pulls out from under the bed quickly, looking more than a little embarrassed. "Yeah. Trevor got out of his cage when I was going to feed him, and kinda decided to hide under my bed."

I shake my head in amusement at the trouble that toad has given Neville since first year. "Try the Accio charm, Neville. Should work fine."

He nods and thanks me as I turn, finally heading out of the dorms. I take the stairs to the common room two at a time, then slow when I see a head of wavy brown hair. Crazy as it may be, I'd know that head of hair anywhere, and knowing that she has no idea I've come down stairs yet, I decide to surprise her. Years of walking under my father's invisibility cloak have taught me to walk quietly, and its easiest on carpet floors like those in the common room, so I have no trouble making it to her unannounced. Pavarti and Lavender almost blow my cover, but I shake my head at them, and they giggle, but don't let Hermione know I'm there.

When I'm within arm's reach, I give her hair a slight tug on the right side, then hurdle the couch to her left, as her head whips around to look over her right shoulder. But when she hears the 'plop' I make as I land on the couch beside her, her head whips just as fast back in my direction. Seeing me, she fixes on a mock glare and brandishes her wand, though we both know she'd never use it against me.

"Harry James Potter, I should hex you into next week! You scared me!"

I put on my best 'sad puppy face' as the girls call it as she finishes her short rant, and bow my head just a little as if I'm sorry. "You wouldn't really hex me into next week, would you, Mione?"

My tone, along with the face, is enough to have her softening immediately, and she sighs. I know she hates when I use my 'sad puppy face' on her, but sometimes its just too damn tempting.

"No…not over a simple hair tug anyway…" She smiles, and I can't help but smile right back. She's so damn cute when she smiles, you know. Wait…SHIT. I did NOT just think my best mate's girl was cute. Alright, I did…but…but…awww screw it. Ron can't read minds, so I guess I'm safe for now. When she tilts her head a little, still smiling at me, I get wary. She only does that when she wants to know something that I probably don't wanna tell her. Unfortunately, its my downfall every bloody time.

"Harry," she begins softly, and my wariness doubles. "Since when did you start calling me, 'Mione,' anyway?"

I can't help but release a sigh of relief, then shrug. "Just did, I suppose. That's alright, isn't it? I mean, if you don't…"

She cuts me off with a laugh, and shakes her head. "No, no. I don't mind. Its just the first time anyone's called me that except for my parents, is all."

I nod, then glance at my watch, shocked when I realize breakfast is almost half over. "Come on, we'd better get down to the great hall if we want any breakfast. Besides, McGonagall is going to be handing out schedules any minute." I stand up, then turn, extending my hand to her, wordlessly offering to help her up. She seems surprised at first, but then smiles, and slides her hand into mine before standing up almost effortlessly.

There's something about the way her hand fits in mine though that makes almost all other thoughts go away, and I can't help but stare at her. Most people have commented on my growing up over the summer, but its now that I take stock of how Mione's grown too. Like me, she's lost a good deal of what I guess you'd call 'baby fat,' from her face, leaving it beautifully sculpted, topped off with those sparkling cinnamon and honey eyes and lips that…Merlin help me, I'm rather dying to kiss right now.

I shake my head to clear that thought just as Neville comes tumbling down the last few stairs, causing Hermione to finally look away from me. I allow my own gaze to turn in his direction, and give him a sympathetic smile. Sighing, I pull my hand from Hermione's, taking an extra second to admire the smoothness of it against mine before I walk towards Neville and offer him a hand up as well. He looks highly embarrassed at having fallen, but heaves up with some help. Laughing, I shake my head. "Today just hasn't started out great for ya has it, mate?"

Neville shakes his head as he and I walk back towards Hermione. "I did get Trevor out though, and back in his cage. Thanks for your help on that, Harry."

I shake my head, denying any thanks. "Not a problem, Nev."

I smile at Hermione again, and pause as Neville continues towards the Portrait hole. She laughs softly, and slides her hand back into mine as if it's the most natural thing in the world, and pulls me gently after Neville. And like any good puppy, I follow oh so willingly. As we head down the hall, she turns the talk to the classes we're in, and I glance at her as I grin. "I got into NEWT Potions, actually…"

Hermione stops dead, and turns to look at me, shocked, then, on a squeal of delight, she hugs me tightly. When she pulls back, she's smiling broadly. "Oh, I knew you could do it, Harry!"

If there's one thing I've loved for years, its making Mione proud of me. I've never been able to explain it, but there's just something about the smile and praise she gives that always makes me feel better about myself. I shrug lightly, and wink at her. "It's a lot easier to make a potion without Snape breathing down my neck. Wish you could teach the class…or at least ours, so maybe I'd quit doing so poorly the rest of the time. Cause your notes helped."

She blushes a little as we start walking again, and glances at Neville. "What about you?"

"I got into Potions too…like Harry said, it's a lot easier without Snape there." He shudders. "Don't know why someone else can't teach the NEWT classes at least."

Hermione smiles again, patting Neville on the shoulder. "That's great Nev. But hey, at least the NEWTs themselves are given by Snape, right?"

"Yeah," he said slowly. "But the test at the end of this year is, and it decides if we continue the class or not."

Hermione shakes her head. "Don't worry about it. You'll do fine. Besides, you've got me and Harry in the class, so its not like you're the only Gryffindor or anything."

Slowly, Neville nods, a smile appearing on his face. "You're right." Then he pauses, thinking. "Having a load of Gryffindors never really helped though…so…"

Laughing, I slap him on the shoulder. "Better than nothing, mate. I heard from Katie that Potions actually gets a little easier for NEWTs, since Snape has less Slytherins in there to praise. Turns out Slytherin generally has the fewest students to get into NEWT classes…especially for Charms and Transfiguration." I smirk. "Fair turnabout for them treating Flitwick and McGonagall like they do, if ya ask me."

As we finally enter the great hall, I scan the Gryffindor table for a place to sit, spotting a huge vacancy near Ginny and Colin almost immediately, then see Ron a good bit down the table, with only a few spots open near him. He's leaning over the table, talking to Dean about something, and they both burst into laughter moments later, causing me to shake my head. Some things never change, I guess. I glance at Neville when he slides into the spot next to Ginny, greeting her before he reaches for a plate of food near him. Hermione sits down across from them, then reaches out, grabbing my wrist and pulling me down onto the same bench next to her. She winks, then asks Neville to pass the pitcher of juice as I right myself on the bench.

In an old habit, we fill each others plates with different things, taking a bite and commenting on the flavor before insisting the other try it too. I notice the grin Ginny's wearing as she watches us, but ignore it. For now, I'm enjoying settling back into old habits with a good friend at Hogwarts…home. As Mione and I eat, she starts talking 'prefect talk' with Ginny, and I listen in, finding it almost amusing how alike the two sound at that moment. They both love being prefects, of course, and they wouldn't trade the responsibility for anything I don't think. Something occurs to me, and when their conversation finally slows, I look to Hermione.

"Hey…who's head boy and girl this year?"

Mione turns her head to look at me, and smiles. "A Ravenclaw and a Slytherin, actually. You remember Roger Davies, right?" When I nod, she continues. "Well, he made Head Boy somehow, and the head girl is one of those Slytherin girls you see but never really hear a lot about."

Ginny laughed, "Unless it's the guys, Hermione. I think all of them have eyed her at one point or another, despite the fact she's in Slytherin."

Frowning, I glance at the Slytherin table then back to Mione and Ginny. "Who, though?"

"Sabine Kington," Mione answers easily, returning to her breakfast while I play the name in my mind, trying to put the name to a face. I look back at the Slytherin table again, looking for any of the girls who look old enough to be in seventh year, and finally spot the one I'm looking for. After Ginny's comment, I know that she's got to be good looking…and boy is this girl. Her hair is as black as mine, but a hell of a lot more tame, lucky for her…granted the fact that it's a lot longer probably has something to do with that. She must have felt me looking at her, because she raises her eyes to mine, and even from here I can tell they're an amazing shade of blue. I feel a bit of a blush rise to my cheeks at being caught staring, but wave slightly anyway, causing her to smile.

And damn if she doesn't have a pretty smile to boot. I'm half surprised that she didn't scowl at me, what with her being in Slytherin and me being in Gryffindor and all. But hey, not all Slytherins are bad I suppose. They just tend to act like they've got a really bad attitude problem…Draco Malfoy, for example. Sabine kinda smirks at something at the same time I feel Hermione glaring at me. Curious, I look at her, wondering what on earth I did wrong, only to have her turn away and attack her food with a vengeance. Umm…right. Sometimes I wonder if Ron wasn't right in first year when he called Mione 'mental.' But hey, I'm a Gryffindor, right? So…

"Umm….Mione?" I flinch as she stabs her pancakes. "Did I do something wrong?"

She suddenly slices a piece of sausage in half, and I can't help but wince. "What on earth gave you the idea that you did something wrong?"

"Umm…I dunno. You just seem kinda mad at something or someone. And, uh…I thought maybe I did something without realizing it…I am the one sitting next to you right?"

She sighs and drops her fork to her plate with a clatter, then looks at me, a half smile on her face. "You didn't do anything Harry. I was just thinking about something, I'm sorry."

That doesn't explain her glaring at me, but oh well. I think I'm gonna let it pass. This girl is not one to mess with, as quite a few in the school would tell you. So I nod, and turn back to my own breakfast, almost finishing my bacon when I realize that Hermione is sitting stiffly in her seat beside me. Curious, I lift my head, glancing in her direction, noticing in the process that Ginny is suddenly very interested in her own plate. Frowning, I turn my head to look over my shoulder, only to spy someone in Gryffindor robes standing behind me. As I turn more fully, I take notice of the Gryffindor Prefect badge placed proudly over the Gryffindor crest on the robes, and realize at once that its Ron. When my eyes finally meet his, I realize he's glaring at me. Wondering what on earth I've done to anger my two best friends this morning, I sigh, then stand, ready to take whatever he throws at me.


Great Hall, Breakfast, cont. -

Of the many things Harry had been expecting Ron to throw, a fist to the face wasn't one of them. Thus, it was no small amount of surprise that registered when Ron's fist connected solidly with his nose, making a rather sickening crunching sound. A squirt of blood shot from the now broken nose, then slowly, more blood began to trickle steadily from the wound. Harry's green eyes flared as he realized the extent of the damage, and he ignored the shocked squeals and screams of the girls nearby. And for once, he fully ignored the concerned words from Hermione as she reached for him. While it was painful, Harry questioned, "What the bloody…oww…hell was that for?"

Ron's blue eyes blazed. "You aughta know, mate. I haven't even been dating her two weeks and already you're trying to take her away…"

Though no name was mentioned, Harry knew at once who Ron was speaking of, and let out a low growl of anger. "I warned you, Ron."

Then, rather like the night before, Harry's fist came out of no where, slamming hard into Ron's jaw, sending him stumbling towards the Hufflepuff table. Hermione's scream to stop barely registered to either boy, and without warning, Ron dove for Harry, knocking the wind out of him and sending them both slamming into the seat Harry had vacated only seconds before. Groaning at the harsh edge of the wooden table pressing against his spine, Harry pushed Ron off of him, then stood. Grabbing a napkin from the table, he pressed it gingerly to his nose, still glaring at Ron. "What in the hell's gotten into you?"

"I told you…so stay the hell away from my girl!"

At this, Hermione shoved Ron hard in the shoulder. "Who I'm friends with is absolutely nothing you'll control, Ron. Try, and I'll hex you into next week!" As if to add purpose to the threat, she pulled her wand from her robes and pointed it directly at her boyfriend. "Honestly, Ron! Harry's our friend, for Merlin's sake!"

Enraged at her defending Harry, Ron pushed her out of the way and turned his eyes back to his friend. "Got her brainwashed, don't you? Bloody boy who…"

Ron didn't get to finish his sentence, as seeing the red-head push Mione like that was all the ammunition Harry's anger needed to fire up again. And with a shocking intensity, his fist went flying, hitting Ron squarely in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him, and this time, sending him sprawling on the floor just as a shocked voice spoke up.

"Mr. Potter!"

Recognizing the voice at once, Harry turned slowly, his expression changing from one of anger to one of guilt as the sight of Professor McGonagall confirmed his fears. But much to his surprise, Professors Snape and Dumbledore were also standing there, silently watching the scene.

"Explain yourselves at once!"

"Minerva, I think this would be best discussed in a more private location."

The ever calm logic of Dumbledore had McGonagall pausing briefly before she nodded in agreement. "Of course, Professor Dumbledore."

"My office is the closest, so…shall we adjourn then?"

Nodding, Professor McGonagall motioned for Harry and Ron to go ahead of her, then paused before motioning to Hermione as well. "Since I'm sure you'd insist on coming along anyway, Miss Granger," McGonagall informed her stiffly as the group headed out of the Great Hall, leaving behind a sudden rush of whispers from every table.


Dumbledore's Office -

As Dumbledore gave the password for his office, causing the stone statue to move aside, revealing the staircase, Hermione and Ron looked around, taking in details about the area that led to the headmaster's office. Harry, however, stood off to the side, looking as if he couldn't care less that he was standing at the entrance. Slowly, the Trio followed Dumbledore up the steps, Professors Snape and McGonagall taking the rear to keep them from going too slowly. When the door was pushed open, Hermione and Ron continued to look around, looking for any changes since their last visit to the office. Moving past them, Harry took the center chair in front of the desk, setting his book bag down beside it. The three professors moved to the other side of the desk, and with a brief flick of Dumbledore's wand, two chairs appeared, one on either side of his own for Snape and McGonagall.

When all were seated, Dumbledore peered over his spectacles at the three, slowly moving from Ron to Harry to Hermione, then back to Harry for a moment. "As I am quite certain you all know the rules about fighting here at Hogwarts, I suppose I will move straight to asking for an explanation." His blue eyes moved back to Hermione. "Miss Granger, if you would, please, tell what you saw."

On a sigh, Hermione explained the fight from her perspective, including, at the enquiring glances of Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore that she and Ron were dating when she told of Ron's words in the fight. Much to Ron's obvious displeasure, she made it quite clear that he, not Harry, had thrown the first punch, which was how Harry's nose had gotten broken. Hermione recounted every detail she could, giving extra explanation where she felt it was needed, only stopping when the story was told in full.

"Thank you, Miss Granger."

Hermione nodded briefly to Dumbledore at his thanks, adding a half smile.

"Now then, I believe you can go ahead and go to your classes." He glanced aside at Professor McGonagall. "You have her schedule still, Minerva?"

At the reminder, the professor nodded, then handed the Trio's schedule's across to them. Looking over her schedule, Hermione glanced up. "I'm supposed to be in NEWT Potions, sir. And with Professor Snape here…"

Nodding briefly in understanding, Dumbledore smiled. "Then go explore the castle, if you wish. I'll send a notice down to the class shortly informing them they're dismissed."

Unsurprisingly, Hermione seemed disappointed that the class was canceled for today, but picked up her book bag and stood, casting a final glance at Ron and Harry before turning and heading for the door. When she was gone, Dumbledore looked over the two boys. "Is there anything you wish to add to Miss Granger's description of events? Mister Weasley? Mister Potter?"

Both shook their heads in the negative, knowing perfectly well that they were going to be lucky if they didn't get two months detention at the least.

"Well then, Minerva, as you are their head of house…" Dumbledore trailed off, his blue eyes now moving to her.

"Three weeks detention for you, Mr. Weasley. And two to Mr. Potter. To be served separately, of course.. And I will be informing your parents, Mr. Weasley." Her shrewd green eyes moved to Harry. "As Professor Dumbledore is your primary guardian in the wizarding world now, Mr. Potter, you can obviously consider him informed."

Ron bristled. "Why do I get an extra week?"

Professor McGonagall glared at him over her square-rimmed glasses, as she would to any student who used such a tone with her. "You were the instigator of the fight. And as such, I feel you deserve the extra punishment. Understood?"

Realizing any further insubordination would get him more detention, Ron only nodded quietly, hanging his head.

Dumbledore rose from his seat, glancing at them both. "You're both dismissed, and I would recommend a trip to Madam Pomfrey for each of you." He smiled at Harry. "She'll be glad that you at least waited till the first day of term to pay her a visit, I'm sure."

Harry gave the headmaster a half smile. "Yeah." He glanced to Professor McGonagall, not saying a word, then finally turned his eyes to Ron. "Come on. I'm sure she's gonna wonder what we did this time…"

Snorting in amusement, Ron looked to Harry. "Sure. She gets to see her favorite patient this early in the term; she's definitely gonna wonder what we had time to get into already."


Harry's POV (again) -

As I hurry up the stairs towards Transfiguration, the note from Madam Pomfrey in my bag, I mentally curse the fact that she had insisted on keeping me for an extra half an hour while the cartilage in my nose grew back thanks to the spell she had used. Though it could be worse. According to Madam Pomfrey, I managed to crack Ron's jaw bone with that punch, so he's still laying in there under the effects of a mild sleeping potion to keep him from moving around. I'm nearly to the landing for the floor I need when suddenly, I crash head on into someone. The impact is enough to send me falling backwards down the stairs, my book bag falling from my arm and going flying down to the previous landing. And while I'm no stranger to pain, the idea of a cracked skull from the stone steps just doesn't sound fun, so instead, I grab for the railing with one arm, then throw the other behind me to try and break the fall.

But before I even land, I hear a voice I don't recognize saying a spell that stops me mid-fall, followed by a "Wingardium Leviosa" that levitates me back to my feet. For balance, I again grab at the railing as my feet set on the ground again, and look up, only to come face to face with Hogwart's head girl, Sabine Kington. Being closer to her now than I was at breakfast, I take a minute to look her over again. She's definitely beautiful…no doubt about that.

"Are you ok?"

Her voice breaks my short-lived musing, and I nod slowly. "Yeah. You?"

She laughs softly, but it's a far cry from the giggling stuff Cho and her friends always seem to do. "I'm fine. I just got thrown back onto the landing, unlike you."

"That's good." Curious, I tilt my head a little. "What was that spell you used anyway? The one that kept me from falling?"

"Oh…it's a charm…Professor Flitwick teaches it in sixth year, so you'll be learning soon, I'm sure. I think its called the Stillness charm or something. Your friend Hermione probably knows it."

Unlike when most girls mention Mione's intellect, there's no venom or general dislike in Sabine's tone, which is an automatic point earner with me, so I smile. "Wouldn't surprise me if she did. She's always reading ahead."

She nods, returning my smile. "So I've heard." A quick glance at her watch has the smile fading. "And I've gotta get going. Potions next, and all that."

"Alright…uh…see you around, I guess."

She laughs again as she moves by me. "Bye, Harry."

And with that, she continues down the stairs, leaving me to watch her for a moment before remembering that I didn't even introduce myself. Then again, knowing my luck, there's not a kid in Hogwarts who wouldn't know me on sight. The fact that I'm missing more and more of Transfiguration occurs to me, and I turn in the same direction she's heading, casting a quick "Accio" to my book bag. When its in my hands, I rummage through it, making sure everything is still in it. As I lift my eyes from the search, I catch a glimpse of Sabine a few floors down. Damn. I didn't even thank her really. I finally turn to job towards Transfiguration, deciding that I'll send her a quick note later to tell her thanks. Hedwig's gonna be happy with me…especially since I got those new OWL treats. Heh heh.


Hogwarts Library, roughly 2 weeks after the fight -

For a Thursday afternoon, the Hogwarts library was more than a little crowded, primarily with fifth, sixth and seventh year students. The sun was just beginning to set in the blue skies outside the windows, and its light filtered in, dancing over the dust that lazily floated around the room. For the most part, the library was a silent place, the primary sound being those of books in use, with the whispered conversations of students mixed in when needed. And it was for that reason that three sixth year Gryffindors sat at a table that was almost hidden away in shadows caused by the huge shelves of books, each one bent over a piece of parchment. More parchment and a dozen or so books were scattered over the table, ready to be grabbed when needed again. A small group of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff girls glanced over at the table occasionally, trying to keep from being noticed by anyone at the table of Gryffindors.

Despite the fact that dinnertime was fast approaching, many of those in the library made no motion to leave. The professors had been in a foul mood that week after the outbreak of several more fights, and seen fit to assign a good deal more homework than they might under other circumstances. Even Professor Dumbledore, who for the first week of class had only assigned one assignment total, had set a two and a half foot essay for each class on the defensive uses of the Glacius and Incendio spells ((a)). That was considered to be as difficult as the three foot essay Snape assigned on the uses of Dragon and Unicorn blood in potions, which had everyone in the sixth year (the only year to be assigned the essay) clamoring around in the Restricted Section for the needed materials.

At the table where Harry, Ron and Hermione were seated, Hermione and Harry were sharing notes and books for the Potions essay while Ron skimmed his Charms book, trying to find more information on a locking charm that was 'immune' to the Alohomora spell. Seeing Hermione's notes from Charms class out on the table, Ron reached for them, a small smile on his face. But suddenly his hand was hit smartly with a wand just before his fingers touched the parchment with the needed notes. Pulling it back, he glanced at Hermione as she slid her wand back into her robes.

"What was that for?" His face was fixed into a puzzled expression, making it clear he was honestly surprised by her unwillingness to let him use her notes when he'd been doing it off and on for the past 5, going on 6 years.

"Ron, if you want notes, write your own from now on. How will you pass NEWTs next year if you don't do some of the research and note taking for yourself?" Hermione's tone was currently one Ron dubbed her 'McGonagall' voice, and it was one that almost always succeeded in making him feel something like an idiot. So, with no other choice, Ron turned to Harry for aid.

"Come on mate, help me here. You know I'm no good with notes!"

Frowning, Harry dipped his quill in ink again, tapped off the excess, then raised an eyebrow at Ron. "I don't recall ever seeing you so much as try to take notes Ron, so I'm no help."

When Harry's head dipped back down to concentrate on the Potions essay, Ron gave him an odd look. "You're taking her side?"

"Ron, I'm kinda in the middle of a difficult essay. So either go get another book on Charms, or deal with what you've got."

Almost gawking now, Ron questioned, "Who are you, and what did you do with my best friend, Harry Potter?"

Both Ron and Hermione were taken a bit aback when Harry raised his head again and narrowed his eyes, a scowl settling on his lips. "It may be a bit hard for you to understand, but I do plan on doing something other than Quidditch after I graduate, Ron. And in order to do that, I have to pass my NEWTs. I can't do that if I slack off. It was fine for a while, slacking off now and then..." He broke off at Hermione's snort of indignation, and shot a glance in her direction. "Something to add Hermione?"

She shook her head "no," so he continued, looking at Ron again. "But McGonagall swore she'd make sure I got into the Auror training program after Hogwarts, and crazy as it may seem, that means something, Ron. So rather than let her or Hermione do all the work for me now, and feeling bad about it later, I thought I might apply myself. Is that a problem?"

Ron slowly recovered, and shook his head. "No mate...I just...never mind." He waited one beat, then two. "Sorry."

With a half smile, Harry accepted the apology. "Don't worry about it too much, Ron."

Still wary, Ron only nodded, then caught sight of the length of Harry's potion's essay. "Uh…Harry?"

Glancing back up from the parchment, Harry raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

"You did say that the greasy git only wanted three feet right?"

Harry nodded. "The point?"

Ron gestured to Harry's essay that was nearly to the end of the 4 and a half foot scroll of parchment. "That looks a mite longer than three feet, mate."

Harry shrugged and tapped off excess ink from his quill before answering. "There's loads of information in this book," he briefly gestured to the book at his right, "and I've seen what unicorn blood looks like and can do first hand. So I figure for once the git can't fail me unless he wants to be extremely cruel. And if he does, then I guess Professor McGonagall gets to hear about it."

Hermione smiled at Harry, proud of his change in attitude towards homework. "If he fails you for an essay that you took so much time on, and got done ahead of time, then Professor McGonagall is going to raise the roof, I'm sure, Harry."

Harry laughed softly, eyes moving to look at Hermione. "I'd love to be a fly on the wall if she did." He winked at her, earning him another smile before he glanced back down at his essay and got back to work on it.


Library, cont.-

Over at the table of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff 6th year girls, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, and Padma Patil were sitting together at one end of the table, sharing two books for the Potions assignment. They were the ones who kept sneaking glances over at the famous Gryffindor trio, all three wondering how the trio stayed friends after the now much-talked about fight between Ron and Harry two weeks ago. Over half of the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor tables had heard Ron and Harry's few heated comments towards each other, after all. Most of the rumors flying around these days had to do with Hermione's choice of Ron over Harry, and if she might have a small thing going with Harry on the side. Of course, anyone who knew Hermione a little better, like Ginny Weasley or Lavender Brown (despite her being a gossip queen herself) would discredit any rumors that said Hermione was cheating on Ron. Though even they couldn't deny that there was something going on between Hermione and Harry that hadn't been there before.

As Hannah took her turn to eye the trio, she caught Harry as he was getting onto Ron about his "what did you do with my best mate?" comment, and watched closely. She gave Susan a quick nudge, then nodded to the Gryffindors' table, drawing both Susan and Padma's attention to them. Quietly, Padma asked, "What set him off?"

"I'm not sure." Hannah responded, her voice a whisper as well. "Ron just said something to Harry, and all of a sudden Harry's glaring at him. But…Ron did have that 'I'm an idiot, use small words' look on his face that reminds me of Crabbe or Goyle when he said what he did. So, who knows?"

Both Susan and Padma managed to contain their laughter at the way Hannah described Ron's expression, but barely.

"He seems to be doing that more and more now that he's dating her, you know. Its like he wants to make her pay more attention to him…which he likely does," Susan said, her dark eyes finally returning to her potions assignment. "Damn, Snape," she muttered, changing the subject abruptly. "How on earth does he expect us to manage this assignment? I mean, not all of us are brains like Hermione, for Merlin's sake!"

Padma smirked, her own eyes still on the trio. "Looks like Harry's not having any trouble with the assignment. He's got over a foot extra already if I'm not mistaken."

Susan glanced over her shoulder at Harry, and stared for a second when she realized Padma was right. She looked back at Padma and Hannah. "Think I should go see if he's willing to help us when he gets done?"

Pavarti's voice cut off any chance her sister or Hannah had to make a comment. "I'd do it…if just to see Hermione's reaction to him being surrounded by a bunch of girls."

Padma smiled as her sister slid into the extra seat at their end of the table. "It would be a sight, wouldn't it? Make sure to put him right smack in the middle of us or something just about."

Susan shook her head at the slight deviousness of the twins, then glanced at Hannah. "What do you think?"

Hannah shrugged as she looked at her own not even half finished essay. "I don't know if he'd say yes, but oh well. We could certainly use the help…"

Making up her own mind on the matter, Susan stood and walked over to the Gryffindor table, smiling briefly at Ron and Hermione before tapping Harry on the shoulder. When he looked up, surprised, she smiled down at him before leaning over a bit. "I know you're in the middle of your essay and all Harry, but the girls and I," she paused and gestured towards where Hannah and the Patil twins were watching, "were wondering if you could help us out on the potions essay when you get done or something."

Harry seemed a little taken aback at being asked for help in an area other than Defense Against the Dark Arts, but shrugged lightly. "I guess." He glanced at Ron and Hermione as he slid his essay into the book he was using and picked up his quill and ink. "I'll be back in a bit, guys." He flashed a brief smile, then stood, following Susan back over to where the other girls waited, all smiles for him.

Back at the table with Ron and Hermione, Ron glanced to his girlfriend, smirking. "That's a first. Him getting asked for help on a potion's assignment instead of you."

Hermione's eyes were locked on the table where Harry now sat, taking in the way he was being fawned over by the other girls. And though she couldn't explain why, she felt a surge of jealousy and anger at the fact that Harry just sat there and smiled away as those girls treated him like that. It took a good few breaths to get herself calm again before she glanced at Ron. "Yeah…right. A first." Then to herself, she thought This year seems to be full of them.


Library Cont. - Hermione's POV-

The library is nearly empty by the time I start to check over my potion's essay, which is only half a foot extra in length for a change. For one reason or another, I just haven't been able to keep my attention on the essay. Ok, that's a lie. I know exactly where my attention has been, I just don't really want to admit it. I mean, would you want to admit that you've been staring at your best guy friend for the past hour or so, despite the fact that you've got a boyfriend already?…Didn't think so. Harry is still over at the other table, even now, with only Padma for company. Pavarti left only a little bit ago, but not before shocking Harry with a kiss on his cheek. OK…so it shocked me too, I'll admit it. But hell if I'd admit (out loud at least) that it also made me a little jealous. Damn it all. I thought that crush disappeared after 4th year.

No use denying it, though. I'm dating one friend, and have a crush on the other. To quote my ever eloquent boyfriend… "Bloody hell."

I'm shaken from my thoughts when I hear the sound of a chair scraping along the floor, and immediately look up to where Padma and Harry are seated. Sure enough, Harry is standing, books and paper in one arm, his free hand resting on the back of the chair he just vacated. Padma is smiling up at him, and much to my shock (damn those twins), she stands and kisses Harry's cheek too. He just shakes his head, laughing softly before turning and heading my way, a smile still on his face. I can't help but smile back, as its not him I'm angry with after all, and he drops his books onto the table before glancing at my essay.

"You're still working on that, Mione?" He's obviously surprised, and looks at me a bit worriedly. "Everything alright?"

I nod. "Yeah. Just taking my time, I guess."

He sits down in the chair next to mine, and slides my essay from my hands, his green eyes scanning over it. A hint of a smile curves his lips when he reaches the end, and he looks at me. "Time well spent, I'd say. Looks perfect to me."

Without pause, he starts putting his books and essay into his bag, glancing at me with a grin. "Now come on, dinner started 10 minutes ago, slow poke!"

With a wave of his wand, my things are perfectly packed in my bag, and he has it settled on his shoulder not a second later. He grabs my hand, and gives a tug, pulling me to within a foot of him, much to my surprise and pleasure.

I grin at him. And "Race you to the great hall…" is all the warning I give him before taking off like a shot, running through the open doors of the library and into the hall. I hear him laugh loudly, followed by a stern warning from Madam Pince. And then the sound of heavy footsteps echo after mine. Even with him carrying both of our book bags, it doesn't take him long to catch up, and he scoops me up just shy of the stairs, causing me to cry out and I instinctively throw my arms around his neck.

He laughs, and looks at me. "Caught ya."

I stare at him, realizing how true that statement really is before answering in a near whisper, "Yeah…yeah you did."


A/N: Sorry again about the wait. I wanted to end this somewhere else, but hey. No better ending place than w/ some H/Hr moments eh? And yes…the R/Hr breakup is soon! LOL. If you notice, I just don't like writing scenes of them alone. Ch. 3 will be up sometime in March…hopefully sooner than later if all goes right!


a: Glacius and Incendio - Glacius is taken from the HP POA PS2 game, and is a spell that (as some might have guessed) freezes things. In the game, you use it to turn puddles of water into ice blocks that can be pushed around. LOL. Incendio is from the HP SS PC game, and its basically a fire spell that they have you using on plants to kill them or stun them…go figure. But hey, they're real HP-verse spells, so it works!

Songs: None…maybe next time.