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Faith - The Revised Edition by RogueBHS

Faith - The Revised Edition



Chapter 3, "Truth Hurts"

By: RogueBHS

Author Notes: I hate The one link I posted last chapter was enough to mess up the entire thing. Argh. So an apology to my readers, as I did try to fix the mistake, and I'm not quite sure it worked. I want to point out that this is about where I left the story off the first time to revise it (deciding to do so before it got horribly unfixable). Nothing is remaining from the original version past this point. Goodie. Finally I get to write a completely fresh chapter! *laugh* Just ignore me…*innocent look*

To Portkey, thanks for reviews, yet again! Gotta love it. Also, draregerreip and Forever Yours (from Portkey) took the time to remind me that in the previous chapter, I had something that appears like a continuity problem - Harry puts on his glasses, when in the previous chapter I said he didn't need them. Whoops! LOL. Truth is he's got contacts to wear instead of glasses most of the time. But I figure first thing in the morning he's gonna grab the glasses. As far as I know, in 1996 vision correction surgery was still very much new, and I doubt wizards have a vision correction spell either. So…hopefully that clears that up some! Sorry about any mix-ups.

Now then…lets get down to the chapter shall we?

Notice: Yahoo's Metric Converter calculated all metric values. Any values that are wrong, I apologize ahead of time for. I will be posting the American equivalent in parenthesis at all times.

Also: If you see a lowercase letter in double parenthesis like this: ((a)), that means there is an Author note about that area of the chapter at the bottom. This is primarily for spells and such. Numbers in a double parenthesis are used to indicate songs when used in a chapter. Look at the end of the chapter for listings of such things.

Main Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Sabine Kington (OC), Minerva McGonagall, Remus Lupin and others…like Voldemort for instance. ;)

Couples: Ron/Hermione, Ginny/Draco, Dumbledore/McGonagall (hinted mostly), Harry/Cho, Harry/Hermione, Lavender/Ron/Luna and others.

Full Plot Summary: Most would think that with the OWLs over and done with, and NEWTS not being taken until the next school year, that Harry Potter would have an easy 6th year. But when you add up the loss of his godfather, the weight of the prophecy, harder classes, girl trouble, and the ever-looming threat of Voldemort and his followers…not to mention a changing group of friends, Harry's 6th year may well be the hardest yet. Oh yes…did I mention being ladies man???? (*giggle*)

Chapter 3, "Truth Hurts"

Hogwart's Quidditch Pitch -

As the sun rose higher over the Quidditch pitch, two young men in nearly identical scarlet robes were seated on their brooms, watching two friends with beater's bats practice their aim, and discussing the new Quidditch season. The one on the left sat on a brand new Firebolt, a gift from the Gryffindor captain, Harry Potter to his entire team as a sort of "moral booster" after the loss of four great players who had either graduated, or up and left (in the case of the Weasley twins). That one was waving his hands to indicate some sort of move he had heard about, blue eyes sparkling with his pure enjoyment of the wizarding sport. The one on the right was listening closely, though his own green eyes were fastened on the two new beaters.

It went without saying that Dean and Seamus would require training to become even half as good as the Weasley twins had been together. But despite that fact, both of them worked extremely well with the team. That might have had something to do with the fact that they had shared a dorm with two of their teammates for the past five school terms, but whatever it was, Harry was grateful for it. Surprisingly, the task of replacing Alicia and Angelina, who had been the chasers since Harry started playing on the team in his first year, had been rather easy.

Ginny Weasley had been an almost automatic "in," due to her obvious experience playing as a chaser with her brothers who favored the other positions the sport offered. The second chaser, however, was a complete surprise, the sixth year girl, Lavender Brown. And it was a well-known fact that Lavender was something of a gossip-queen along with her friend Pavarti, but damn if the girl didn't know how to play Quidditch as well. When Harry had confronted her about it, she had laughed and admitted that she had only gotten into the sport over the past year. The fact that she learned so fast was a definite bonus, for despite her image, she was anything but dumb. And right now, Lavender was flying lazy laps around the pitch, talking with remaining chaser Katie Bell about the sport and position.

For a good ten minutes, Harry managed to keep his mind on what Ron was babbling about, and on watching Dean and Seamus, but that with a certain brunette in the stands, Harry's attention was fast wavering. At first, it was just quick glances at where Mione and Ginny sat in the stands, talking about Merlin knew what. But that wasn't to last. Before long, he was all but staring, his thoughts completely on how close he had come to kissing her more than once this year already. She was off limits, but something kept insisting that she was HIS, not Ron's. She always had been, hadn't she? After all, he was the one she talked to calmly. He was the one who listened to her, even when he didn't really want to. But somehow, he still wasn't the one who was able to call her his girlfriend. That honor fell to the one who raved and ranted at her. That prize was won by the one who didn't believe in her dreams. That priceless gift was stolen from right under his nose…by his own best friend.

Harry supposed that he should be mad at Ron for taking something he had wanted, even though he never acknowledged it. But truth was, how could he? Ron had decided in forth year that he wanted Hermione for his own. It had taken Harry an extra year and a half to realize that same thing. Granted, it was up to Hermione, really. She could have held out for some promise of undying love from Harry. But she obviously realized he couldn't give her that right now. How could he, a boy who had lived in a cupboard for the ten years of his life know what love really was? His memories of his parents were vague, and not much to go on. And Cho…that mess was certainly anything but love-related. Thank Merlin, really. But he was certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she was a lot more than a friend to him…more than a best friend. And that was all he needed to know, really. For the time being, anyway.

Harry was jolted back to the sport of Quidditch when Ron snapped his fingers in front of Harry's face.

"Huh?" Harry's vision swam for a minute, and then refocused as he turned his eyes back to the friend he'd named his second in command of the team. "Oh…sorry, mate." He gave a hint of a smile. "What'd ya say?"

Ron rolled his eyes in mild annoyance then shoved a playbook at Harry. "The play's in there. Its one Charlie used to do when he was on the team. I'm gonna go see what Gin and Hermione are up to, OK?"

Harry nodded. "Sure. Tell Gin I want her back in the air in five. We need to practice as a full team for a bit before we hand the pitch over to Ravenclaw."

"Gotcha, Harry."

Sighing, Harry closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, praying to whomever might be listening that he could manage to get this…feeling he had for Hermione under control. He knew that Ron suspected that Harry's feelings for Hermione were no longer platonic, and that alone had put another strain on their friendship. But loosing a friend was the last thing he needed at this point. Though it did give him something to concentrate on other than the damn prophecy, which he had been doing his best to ignore for the bulk of the summer and school year. Sirius' death was hard enough, so why should he have to deal with that too? Granted the upside was that it meant Dumbledore was being a hell of a lot more open with him about what was going on.

But that meant going back to Occulmency training, this time with Dumbledore himself. Oddly enough, while Dumbledore's techniques were a good deal less aggravating, the old wizard refused to take it easy on his student. He expected nothing less than Harry's best effort every time, saying simply that he knew Harry could perform the magic, it was just a matter of making him believe it himself. And so Harry tried and tried, wearing himself out mentally to the point of exhaustion. But with a little help from Hermione, who was the only one aware that Harry had resumed the lessons, he still managed to keep up in his classes. Thank Merlin for that, really. As it meant time spent, generally, just the two of them.

Argh. And there he went again, thinking about her. How in the hell was a guy supposed to concentrate with her around? Granted telling her to "bugger off" didn't do much good, and never had. So that left flat out ignoring her, which he couldn't bring himself to do. Granted there was always the option of Padma when he needed homework help. She was in Ravenclaw for a reason, and was pretty fun to be around, as he had found out when he helped her and the other girls with their Potions essay. Yes, that would work. So…that just meant asking Padma if she'd mind helping him out occasionally. Easier said than done, come to think of it.

"Oy! You off in your own world again, Harry?"

Ron's voice broke through Harry's daze, and he blinked, only to find the team looking at him a little worried. "Yeah. Thinking about the game against Slytherin," he lied. "Sorry."

Ginny laughed. "With you back as seeker, Harry, they don't stand a chance." At Ron's snort of indignation, she rolled her eyes. "Granted my dork of a brother as keeper only helps things."

Ron started to respond to the praise when the word "dork" sunk in. "Hey! I am not a dork!"

Ginny smirked. "Oh? Prove it."

Ron frowned. "How?"

"Ok, ok. There'll be plenty of time for the brother/sister sparring session later, you two," Harry said with a smile. "Time to really practice…"


Hogwart's Library, next day -

The library was packed yet again, full of fifth and seventh years who were feeling the strain of their homework loads, with a scattering mix of other students from other years who simply wanted to catch up or (in a few cases) get ahead. And in her usual spot, Hermione sat, books piled around her, scribbling away on yet another assignment. Being as this was her one free period each Monday, she was taking advantage of it, finishing up the work that was due on Friday in her Arithmancy class. Suddenly, she set her quill down, and began rubbing at her wrist and flopping it around, trying to get rid of the cramp in it. And it was during this short break that she took a second to look around the library, seeing who was still in there, who had left, and who had come in. Speaking of people who had come in, Hermione realized with a jolt that she had somehow missed seeing Harry enter the library.

But then again, that could have something to do with the fact that instead of coming to her for help, as he usually did; he was seated next to Padma Patil, his dark head bent near hers as she explained something to him. Frowning now, Hermione watched a few seconds longer, wondering what on earth had kept Harry from coming to her for help. He had always sought her out first when he had a problem, whether it was with school stuff or something more personal. So even this minute change was actually rather monumental to her. It had been heaven, really, having someone to share her homework time with so far this year. Especially since Harry had grown to enjoy the studying, and quit complaining about it so much. So it had seemed a perfect match. He kept her company and kept her from working too hard, while she kept him more focused, and helped him learn the concepts he struggled with. But obviously, he had decided to change things up.

Not that it bothered her, of course. Who do you think you're fooling, Granger? She asked herself. You still like him, and studying was a perfect ploy to spend extra time with him. Especially since Ron wouldn't think anything of it. And thus far, he hadn't. As far as he was concerned, his girlfriend was just spending a lot of time in the library, like she always had. The fact that Harry was missing at the same time didn't register, or if it did, Ron obviously felt that nothing amiss would happen under the nose of the librarian, Madam Pince.

Curious as to what he was getting help on, Hermione let her gaze wonder to the books on the table. The bulk of the library books on the table seemed to be Transfiguration, with one or two Charms books thrown in. But Harry had begun to pick up his grade considerably in Charms, even without Hermione's help. So surely he wasn't getting help there. Transfiguration, however, had always seemed something a weak point for him. And Padma was good at Transfiguration; there was no denying that.

Sighing, Hermione picked up her quill again, trying to focus on the homework in front of her. But it just didn't hold the appeal it did even a moment ago, before she had spotted Harry. The fact that he had chosen to spend what had become "their time" with someone else hurt, even if she couldn't admit it out loud. Ginny had warned Hermione that Harry might go searching for other company, especially now that Ron seemed bound and determined to prove himself as a good boyfriend in order to keep Harry off of his back. And that was just what Harry had done. Naturally. Though Hermione greatly wished he had at least picked to spend time with Ginny instead of someone else. With Ginny, Hermione knew there would be no romance going on. But with a pretty girl like Padma? It was anyone's guess.

And despite knowing that she shouldn't care, Hermione couldn't help it. Harry was, as far as she was concerned, hers, and she had become quite protective of him. The fact that she was someone else's girlfriend was just a fact that could be discarded easily. Oh, she cared for Ron too, don't misunderstand, but she was fast realizing that perhaps her reasons for dating him just weren't what they should be. That was a fact that Ginny had pointed out to her, actually, during the break in the Quidditch practice the day before.

--------------------Flashback, Quidditch Pitch, yesterday--------------------

Ginny's brown eyes focused on the two boys up in the air, simply floating on their broomsticks and talking. Her brother, Ron, was obviously trying to explain something to Harry, but even from her seat a good ways below, she could tell Harry's attention was wavering. Smirking, Ginny glanced at Hermione, who was shielding her eyes from the sun, and definitely staring at Harry.

"He's gotten cuter, hasn't he?" Ginny questioned.

"That's putting it mildly…" Hermione responded before she could stop herself. Blushing lightly, she glanced at Ginny. "If you tell anyone I said that…"

Laughing, Ginny waved it off. "I can keep a secret, Hermione, don't fret over it." She sighed and leaned back a bit. "I have to admit though, I am curious about something, just between us girls and all."


"Why my brother?"

Hermione sighed as well, and mimicked Ginny's relaxed pose, leaning against the row of seats behind them. "Why not?"

Ginny looked at Hermione skeptically. "I'd accept that answer if you were Pavarti or something, but not from you. You think things out. You don't just do things. Its not you."

Closing her eyes, Hermione raised an arm, blocking the sun again. "He asked, I guess. I mean…no one but Krum and your brother has shown even the slightest interest in me, really. Besides…I have to admit I've been curious what it would be like to date him…or Harry. So I figured if Ron could get up the courage to ask me, I might as well give it a try, you know? Besides, if I know your brother, he wouldn't have let up until either I said 'yes,' or another girl caught his eye."

"You could have almost any guy in the school, Hermione!" Ginny said, surprised that Hermione had never realized this. "Well…if not for the threat of Harry. Any guy who's looked at you with interest, Harry's pulled aside and told them that if they treat you with anything less that the respect you deserve, he'll hex them to Hades and back."

"What?!" Hermione sat up, shocked at this news. "He's done what?"

Ginny laughed. "I'm surprised you haven't realized that something was up. I mean, come on…you really think Neville asked you to the Ball in forth year just because you were nice to him?"

Frowning, Hermione shaded her eyes from the sun again, letting her eyes fix on where Harry was. Sure, she had thought it odd, not being asked out, but she had laid the blame at the fact that she wasn't, in her own opinion, the best looking girl. But to find that her best friend had been threatening any guy who took an interest in her, just to ensure they'd treat her well (even though it did have a different effect)? That just didn't compute. Ok, sure Harry was more than a mite protective of his friends, but given everything that happened to him, it was at least a little understandable. But still…

"You're sure he's threatened them?"

Ginny rolled her eyes, then glanced at Hermione. "Why do you think he's suddenly so violent towards my brother?"

Shocked yet again, Hermione found herself remembering different instances where Harry and Ron had gotten into fights that year, no matter how one sided or short lived they might have been. And Ginny was right. Most of the time they occurred, it was because Ron had done something to upset her. Odd how she hadn't noticed that before, really.

"He likes you."


"Harry. He likes you."

"Of course he does, we're friends, aren't we?"

Ginny sighed. "No…he likes you…you know…fancies you."

"Oh please. Why on earth would he fancy me?"

"Ron does, doesn't he?"


"So why is it so hard to consider that maybe Harry does?"

"I don't know…it's just…"

Ginny laughed softly. "Ok, I get the point. I'm throwing too much at you at one time, right? Too much to think through, even for you."

Sighing, Hermione nodded. "I just don't get it, that's all. I mean, Harry, he's…"

"Dreamy? Sexy? Wonderful?" Ginny giggled. "The list can go on, you know."

Laughing now, Hermione shook her head. "No need."

"Ahh…so you have a crush on him don't you?"

Hermione glanced at Ginny. "And if I did?"

"I'd have to order you to break up with my dumb brother, who I don't think deserves you, truth be told, and jump Harry next time you catch him alone."

Both girls shared a look at the idea of Hermione actually jumping Harry, and his likely expression if she did, and immediately burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?"

The laughter died immediately, and two pairs of brown eyes rose, settling upon the mildly amused visage of Ron.

"None of your business, Ronnikins."

Hermione glanced at Ginny. "Be nice." Then, grinning, she looked at her boyfriend. "Though it is none of your business, as she said…"

Rolling his eyes, Ron glanced at his sister. "Harry wants you back out there in a few. He wants us to practice as a team."

"Yeah, yeah." Ginny waved him off. "I'll be out there. Now shoo…I want to get one last piece of information out of your girlfriend."

When Ron was in fact, gone, Ginny looked seriously at Hermione. "I wasn't kidding, you know…"

"I know…"

"I mean about the breaking up with Ron. He really doesn't deserve you. Trust me on that."

And before Hermione could answer, Ginny had already flown off to join Harry and Ron.

-------------------------End Flashback ------------------------------

Library, cont. -

Sighing, Hermione closed up her books, and started sliding them into her book bag, along with the parchment and quill she had been using. She had come in here hoping for some time alone with Harry, but obviously, that just wasn't to be. So, for now, she'd take herself elsewhere. No point in torturing herself by watching Padma fawn over him, after all. And maybe she could catch up with him later, anyway. Surely he wouldn't spend all day in the library…or would he?


Gryffindor Common Room, 9:30 PM that night -

Checking her watch for easily the millionth time since dinner, Hermione let out a growl of frustration. She had been more than wrong in assuming that she'd be able to catch Harry after she left the library, as he hadn't been seen by anyone in hours. And while it was odd, he had skipped dinner as well, leaving her to wonder and worry about him. Well, desperate times call for desperate measures, right? Hermione asked herself. After a quick glance to make sure that no one was paying her any mind, she slipped out of her chair by the fire and up the stairs to the boys' dorms, closing the door silently behind her. It only took her a moment to find the invisibility cloak and Marauders' Map in Harry's trunk, and she was almost surprised that he was out this late without them. But then again, that aided her cause.

"I solemnly swear I'm up to no good," she whispered and tapped her wand to the map, watching with her usual fascination, as the lines of ink appeared on the parchment. Her cinnamon eyes skimmed over it, looking for one name and one name only. And there he was, in the Room of Requirement, with, of all people, Albus Dumbledore for company. Nodding to herself, Hermione wrapped the cloak tight around her, and then slipped back out of the dorms, and out of the portrait hole, with no one the wiser.

The trip from Gryffindor Tower to the Room of Requirement took only ten minutes or so, if one knew the right passages to take, and thankfully, the map allowed her to navigate them in such a way as to successfully avoid Filch as he went racing by, hollering at Peeves the Poltergeist. Finally in front of the area where the door appeared, Hermione paced in front of it three times, focusing on the fact that she needed to find Harry. When the handle appeared, she grasped it immediately, then pulled, making just enough noise to alert Dumbledore and Harry so they could stop their unlikely private conversation before she overheard it. Then again, knowing Dumbledore, he likely had known she was headed that way before she even got two feet out of Gryffindor tower.

As she pulled the door open, both men turned their heads, one smiling, and the other smirking. But until the door was shut behind her, no one spoke a word. Like she had thought, Dumbledore must have known that she was coming, because he rose from the overstuffed red chair he had been sitting in, and turned his twinkling blue eyes back to Harry.

"Well, as Miss Granger is here, I'll leave you in her capable hands, Harry. Just make sure you're back to Gryffindor tower by midnight at least, hmm?" He said with a smile, glancing briefly at Hermione, who couldn't help the slight blush in her cheeks at the slight compliment.

Harry's green eyes never left Hermione as he nodded. "That's fine, sir." He noticed the invisibility cloak in her hands and his smirk widened into a grin. "I don't think we'll have much trouble getting back."

"Goodnight then."

Hermione nodded at the headmaster. "Goodnight, sir."


After a brief nod of acknowledgement, Dumbledore turned, exiting the room with barely a sound made. But Harry and Hermione's attention was now on each other. They stayed where they were, Harry lounging in a chair identical to the one that Dumbledore had vacated, Hermione standing near the door for a good few moments, simply watching the other. Only a few moments past before Hermione moved forward, towards the empty chair, dropping the cloak and map on the floor beside it, before dropping unceremoniously into the chair. She shifted, draping herself over the chair, trying to get comfortable. But her comfort was definitely putting Harry in an uncomfortable position. For every time she moved, her school shirt did too, riding up over her stomach, baring a few inches of skin to his gaze. Yet Hermione seemed unaware of this fact, or the fact that it made Harry so uncomfortable, so it was a surprise to her when he suddenly vacated his own chair, turning his back on her, and staring into the fireplace in the room.

Though curious about what had caused him to move, Hermione took a brief look around the room, taking in the sparseness of furnishings. Other the two chairs and fireplace, there was no other real furniture, or source of lighting even, for the torches on the walls of the room were barely burning. Harry's book bag sat beside his chair, hinting at just how long it had been since he had been back to Gryffindor tower. And in it, Hermione could see a few of the library books he and Padma had been using earlier that day.

Reminded of why she had wanted to speak with him in the first place, Hermione turned her gaze back to him, only to receive another small surprise. Now, she had noticed the fact that Harry was no longer the skinny boy she had met on the Hogwart's Express five or six years ago, but that fact was certainly driven home now. For Harry had shed his Hogwart's robes, leaving them draped over his chair, presumably before moving closer to the fire. And despite the fact that it was a school day, Harry wasn't wearing the common shirt from the uniform. Instead, he wore a black muscle shirt that, to Hermione's mind, must have been a little small, as it fit him snuggly. Not that she was complaining, mind you. After all, it gave her an excuse to take in the more defined muscles of his back and arms while he obviously did his best to ignore her.

But something else caught her eye during her perusal of his form. There, on his right bicep was a mark of some kind, apparently circling the entire arm from what she could tell. Curious, she lifted herself back out of the chair, moving closer to him, eyes still on the marking. She got within a foot of him when he turned suddenly, causing her to step back. His green eyes showed his confusion as he looked down at her, only to realize what it was she was staring at so blatantly.

He smiled, then cupped her chin in his hand, eyes now showing his amusement. "Like my tattoo, hmm?"

"Tattoo?" Her voice sounded distant, even to her. The idea of such a thing on her Harry was just…preposterous. But obviously not so much that he didn't go and get one anyway. Knowing now, though she should have before, what it was she was looking at, Hermione pulled her chin from his hand, and let her eyes trace over the tattoo.

It was nothing overly outrageous, really. Just a simple Celtic knot that wrapped around his arm in three strands, each of a different color. One strand was a brilliant red, a Gryffindor red really. While the second was nearly the same green as his eyes, and the third was the same golden color as was in the Phoenix pendant that she realized he was wearing, no longer hidden by his robes. A thrill went through her as she realized he hadn't been kidding when he said he had liked her birthday gift for him, and that he might possibly wear it every day. Smiling, she lifted her eyes back to his, her fingers lightly brushing over the pendant.

"So you weren't kidding when you said you liked it?"

He seemed surprised she'd even ask such a thing. "Of course I like it! You gave it to me, didn't you?"

"Yes…but what does that have to do with anything?"

His smile softened as he looked down at her, eyes full of something she couldn't quite define. "Well…you know me better than anyone, don't you?"

Such a simple statement, but such a true one at that, she realized. And that, perhaps, was all she needed. That simple trust…that faith in her judgment that Harry had even when others might not, even herself. He didn't always agree fully, but he'd at least admit the possibility that she was right. Half testing him, half herself, she moved half a step closer. "Well…if you say I do…" Her tone was soft, and her eyes never left his.

"I do."



Fireworks…crashing waves…flying…comparing them to a kiss is rather cliché, but Hermione fast realized that in all honesty, it can be true. She wasn't sure why Harry kissed her, but Merlin if she was going to stop him…as if she could, of course. And, as always, she had been right…When Ron had (half teasingly) said the year before that perhaps Harry was a bad kisser, she had been completely right in saying he wasn't. If anything, he was fabulous…obviously a natural, just as he was at flying. Then he shifted his lips just a bit, and all thought fled her mind.

And it wasn't until his lips finally left hers that any semblance of thought returned. Slowly, she opened her eyes, looking up at him, amazed. His arms were around her waist too, she realized with a start, but the position was so natural feeling, she gave in to impulse, pressing her lips against his again in the softest of kisses.


His tone was little more than a whisper, but as close as she was standing, it didn't really matter. "Hmm?"

"Thank you…"

It took a second for the words to register, as her mind was still in a sort of fog from the kisses. But when it did, she looked up, eyes alert again, and questioning. "For what?"

His lips curved into a smile. "Just being you, really."

Sighing softly, she slid her arms around his neck. "Mmm. Well…you're welcome…I guess." She smiled. "You know…if all I have to do is be me, you're not a hard person to please then, are you?"

He laughed, and then pressed a kiss to her forehead. "And here I thought you knew me better than anyone."

"Oh, I do. Just like you know me better than anyone."

"I do? Hmm…there's a newsflash that I must have missed before."

Laughing, she pulled back, gently punching his arm. "Is that so, Potter?"

"Hey! Watch it. If what you say is true, and I do know you better than anyone else, that would mean that I would know exactly where you're ticklish…"

"You wouldn't…"

"You daring me, Granger?"

"No…no…" But it was too late, Harry's hands had snaked out quickly, tickling at her sides, causing to her laugh. "Harry…Harry…stop it!"

Amazingly, he did what she asked. But, he also moved away, something she hadn't intended. So she reached out, only to be surprised and hurt when he stepped back again, a look on his face that she recognized immediately…guilt.

"Harry…don't do this." She reached out again, this time grabbing his hand in a firm grip.

"Mione, I…"

"If you say you're sorry, I'm going to have to forget any ideas I had about being ladylike and just hit you."

"No. I wasn't going to." He sighed, and then met her gaze. "Because I'm not sorry. I've wanted to do that almost all of this year…but you're Ron's girlfriend. Not mine. And as much as I hate it, I won't jeopardize my friendship with both of you just because he realized that he liked you before I realized how much I do."

"So Ginny wasn't kidding?"

"What?" His eyes flashed. "Ginny talked to you about me?"

Sighing, she pulled him towards the chairs, only to come up short. Sometime during their moment, the room had reacted to the change in their wants, and changed the two chairs into a couch that looked as plush as the chairs. Shrugging it off, she dropped onto the couch, then pulled him down next to her. The effect was him half sitting, half falling with no grace whatsoever onto the couch, causing a plopping sound that made her giggle.

Noticing that he was looking at her with a mildly amused expression, she flashed him a brief smile, then returned to the topic at hand. "Yes, Ginny talked to me about you. She had been asking me about why I was dating Ron, then changed the topic to you, because she…well…" A light blush infused her cheeks with color, and she ducked her head before continuing. "She realized that I was sort of checking you out."

Surprised, he looked at her. "When was this?"

"Yesterday at Quidditch practice."

"So that's what you two were going on and on about!"

"You were watching us?"

"Off and on…even I can't pay attention to Ron the entire time he's talking. Doesn't matter what the subject is."

"Even Quidditch?"

"Even Quidditch."

"Well there's a surprise." Hermione grinned. "I thought all you two cared about was that game."

"In the past, perhaps," he admitted. "But things change."

She nodded, then slid closer to him. "Yeah, they do."

"Mione…I meant what I said. I won't jeopardize our friendship. Until you're not dating Ron…if you do decide to break up with him or whatever, I can't…"

"You can't what?"

"Do some of the things I'd love to do with and to you. Come on, Hermione. You're a smart girl. I'm a teenage guy, don't make me spell it out…I beg of you."

Sighing again, she moved back, nodding. "Alright. I understand. Its just…you…well…I…"

"I know." He gave her a wry grin. "One taste just isn't enough. But for now, it'll have to be."

Nodding again, she glanced askance at him. "For now."

"We should probably be…Mmph…"

Harry's sentence was cut short by a sudden kiss from Hermione. And despite his earlier comments, there was no way he could resist what he was sure would be his last taste of her for a good while. So rather than push her away, he pulled her closer, causing her body to be stretched out over his own, while his hands moved to fist in her already messed-up hair. Just like his first taste of her, he could feel the effects of this one running through his system from the second their lips touched. And just as before, he wondered how on earth Ron could possibly ignore what he had.

But this time, it was Hermione who shifted, and sent his thoughts scattering. What had been intended as a final kiss turned into more, and more. Nearly half an hour later, he and Hermione were curled up together, still on the couch, finally giving their mouths a break. A soft yawn escaped from Hermione, and almost immediately, the room shifted again. This time, turning the couch into a bed very similar to those in the Gryffindor dorms. Yet there was no marked response from the two laying on it. Harry only pulled Hermione closer, then drifted off into sleep, closely followed into that land of dreams by the girl in his arms.


Next day, Great Hall -

The entire great hall was abuzz with conversations, and the clattering of silverware against plates was a constant back noise to it all. But seated halfway down the Gryffindor table, two students were actually rather quiet, their heads bent over their plates as they paid their food close attention. With Ron seated on the other side of Hermione, Harry's mood was darker than it had been just that morning when he awoke, still in the room of requirement with Hermione. It had been amazingly comfortable, waking up with her there; as if it was the way things were supposed to be. For now, though, Harry had to deal with having Ron leaning towards her constantly, trying to get her to kiss him or show some other sign of affection that she didn't seem too willing to give. Which pleased Harry to no end, of course.

The morning continued to stretch out its time slowly, allowing each minute to feel like ten, much to the annoyance of all. So by the time that the bell rang for lunch, Harry felt tense enough that he was sure that should he spend his lunch hour watching Ron flirt with Hermione, he'd end up in another fist fight with him. As such, he left the great hall after throwing together a sandwich of some meat on one of the rolls, trying hard to ignore the hurt look on Hermione's face.

His feet traced the path to the Room of requirement of their own accord, while his mind focused on the contents of a notebook hidden in his school bag at the moment. In fact, he was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't realize that Ginny Weasley had followed him out of the great hall, wondering where on earth he was headed in such a hurry. She followed him as he walked through the door to the room of requirement, then sat down in one of the chairs there in the room, watching as he automatically took out a muggle spiral notebook and set it on the desk that appeared. He opened it to a page, then flipped forward a few more, smiling slightly as he took a pencil from his bag and hurriedly scratched down the new lyrics that had popped into his head that morning as he watched Hermione.

When he finished, Ginny watched, surprised as he reached back into the bag, then pulled out a miniature acoustic guitar, returning it to its normal size with a tap of his wand. Slowly, he strummed a few chords, as if getting a feel for it, then started to play, adding his voice to the melody coming from the guitar.

"You sit there in my shadows
And you call it your relief
Don't be the one with bad eyes for
The things that I could see
(Don't give me that)

The darkness has no armor
Need protection from the air
High hopes through time passing
When I see I want you there

I can't believe
You're the one for me
If it was this easy to find you
I should be ready for a fall
I should be ready for a fall

Now my wonders rally
Around the person I once was
Like a bird that I've been helping
Hope you're healed and strong
You never know when you might have to fly

Where will you go after me
Where will you go after I set you free
And I don't know you from a page in my book
Though I should
Though I should

I can't believe
You're the one for me
If it was this easy to find you
I should be ready for a fall
I should be ready for a fall

Where will you go after me
Where will you go after I set you free
And I don't know you from a page in my book
Though I should

I can't believe
You're the one for me
If it was this easy to find you
I should be ready for a fall
I should be ready for a fall"

His voice trailed off slowly, his eyes closed as the last refrains of the song faded from his mind and the guitar strings. But when he opened them, those green eyes focused almost immediately on Ginny, and he looked like he was going to snap at her for intruding before he sighed, setting the guitar aside. "I see you found me out, then."

His tone was level, betraying nothing, so she wasn't quite sure how to respond. "I noticed you leaving the great hall," she answered truthfully. "I just wanted to make sure you were ok. I know that you hate watching them together. And he's been so…affectionate…or whatever, today, that I just wanted to check." She braved smiling at him. "I mean, what kind of sister would I be if I didn't, right?"

Harry smiled slightly, and rose, walking to her. "I guess you're right. And since its you, I don't mind so much. I've been wanting to share my music with someone, anyway."

Ginny stood, and closed the distance between them, before hugging him around the neck briefly. "Well, you certainly do a good job, that's for sure."

Harry blushed lightly. "Na. I could be loads better."

Ginny did a double take. "Harry, come on. Your voice…I mean…wow. I know loads of girls like hearing you talk and all, because of your speaking voice, but your singing voice is just beyond…anything really." She poked him teasingly in the arm. "And of course your guitar playing is good."

He sighed, shaking his head. "No its not. Its just the little bit I remember from when Dudley took lessons years ago. His teacher caught me looking at the guitar once and gave me a few lessons myself, but the Dursleys found out. So that was the end of that. I still have the chord sheets and stuff she gave me though, so I manage alright."

"Oh shush. Harry, I just heard music worthy of being played in a concert or something. I mean, you could join up with the Weird Sisters or something! And I'm not kidding, so quit being so damn modest."

"Really?" He seemed so honestly surprised, that Ginny had to wonder if he even listened to himself when he sang or played.

"Yes, really." She thought of something, then glanced at his notebook, still sitting open on the desk. "Did you write that song?"

His blush grew, and he nodded sheepishly. "I know its kind of a weird song, but…"

"Are you kidding?" Ginny started pacing. "Merlin, Harry." She turned her brown eyes to him. "I think you just found something you can do after Hogwarts if you don't want to be an Auror, Harry." She looked at him seriously. "Would you play another?"

Frowning, he nodded slowly. "Alright." He winked at her then, and flashed a brief smile. "Just for you."

His hands picked up the guitar again, then he flipped to another page in the notebook, and studied it for a second before playing.

"You give your hand to me
And then you say hello
And I can hardly speak
My heart is beating so
And anyone can tell
You think you know me well
But you don't know me

No you don't know the one
Who dreams of you at night
And longs to kiss your lips
Longs to hold you tight
Oh I am just a friend
That's all I've ever been
Cause you don't know me

I never knew the art of making love
No my heart aches with love for you
Afraid and shy I let my chance go by
The chance that you might love me too

You give your hand to me
And then you say goodbye
I watch you walk away beside the lucky guy
Oh you will never know
The one who loves you so
Well you don't know me

You give your hand to me
And then you say goodbye
I watch you walk away beside the lucky guy
Oh you will never know
The one who loves you so
Cause you don't know me
Oh no you don't know me don't know me"

Smiling, Ginny clapped her hands together in applause, bringing a blush to Harry's cheeks again. When she stopped clapping, she raised an eyebrow at him. "Let me guess who that one's about…"

"You know perfectly well who its about, Gin. So don't bother pretending otherwise." He smirked, then shrank the guitar back down to miniature size, sliding it into a pocket on his bag.

Curious, Ginny laid a hand on the notebook, then glanced at him. "Do you mind if I look at this?"

Going with instinct, he shook his head, leaning back in the chair as he watched her. She flipped back to the first page, and skimmed over it, then page after page, never lingering for long on any of them, just long enough to get the gist of what the song's message was. They ranged in types from rock to pop to border-line country, and any tempo possible, obviously going by his mood at the time and the topic of discussion. But each had obviously been written with care, matching the music to the lyrics perfectly. When she was young, she had enjoyed reading sheet music, and playing it on an old muggle piano her dad had found, and thus she recognized the general flow of Harry's songs. She flipped to one he had written during a depression, and the way it was worded had her eyes lifting to his in mute understanding. Setting the notebook aside, she kneeled down in front of the boy she called her brother, pulling him into a hug so much those her mother gave.

No one saw either of them for the rest of the lunch hour, as they sat in the Room of requirement, talking and going over his music. And no one seemed to notice that time had sped back up, allowing the rest of the day to speed by.


On his way back from his first Arithmancy class that afternoon, Harry heard a familiar voice coming from the hall to his right. Curious as to what business Ron would have up in the Arithmancy wing of the school, Harry peeked down the hall, only to bite back the urge to growl in anger. There, not 15 feet from him, was Hermione's boyfriend, more than obviously flirting with a Hufflepuff girl whom Harry didn't know, but he was rather sure that she was a fifth year or so. As Ron leaned down to whisper in the girls ear, making her giggle, Harry jumped as he felt a hand rest on his back. Turning around quickly, Harry was surprised to find Hermione there.

"Umm…Mione…Hi." He gulped, then moved to block Ron from her sight, only to be stopped by her hand.

"I already know, Harry."

There was something about the defeated tone she used that had him simultaneously wanting to hold her and punch Ron at the same time, so since the latter wasn't a good idea, he instead pulled Hermione closer to his side. "You ok?" he questioned softly, sliding his arm around her protectively.

She nodded, then glanced up, noticing the dangerous glint to his emerald eyes. "I'm fine, Harry." She glanced in Ron's direction, frowning. "He's not worth any tears I might shed, anyway."

Sighing, Harry started to guide her in the direction of Gryffindor tower, vowing to himself that Ron would definitely be receiving some punishment later.


Harry glanced up from his homework later that night, only to find Hermione coming down the stairs from the girls' dorms, and heading with a purpose towards her boyfriend. Curious, he watched as she tried to get Ron's attention, finally having to resort to saying his name loudly before he even looked in her direction.

Ron…" Hermione's tone became stern, and her eyes flashed briefly. "We need to talk."

Ron seemed confused, then slowly smiled, reaching for her hand, trying to pull her down into his lap, only to be surprised when she jerked her hand away.

"Ron, I'm not kidding. We need to talk, and I really don't think you want to have this conversation in the middle of the common room."

Sighing, Ron stood. "Alright, alright." Realizing the mood she was in, he didn't bother reaching towards her again. Instead, he followed her silently out of the common room, unsure of what she could possibly want to talk about that required so much privacy.


The sound of the portrait hole bursting open not fifteen minutes after Hermione and Ron had left had every head in the room turning in their direction as both of them stomped in. Hermione was glaring at Ron in such a way that some marveled that he didn't have two holes burned straight through him yet. But Ron wasn't exactly all smiles himself. He kept casting angry glances at Hermione, only to look away again when he saw her glare. Behind them, as the portrait hole closed, Harry spotted Professor Snape watching Ron and Hermione with the closest thing to a grin on his face that Harry had ever seen. And while the common room watched, still curious, Hermione rounded on Ron the second she heard the portrait close completely.

"I can't believe you!" Her cinnamon and honey eyes flashed in anger. "You tell me to be quiet, because you think you hear something, then you keep on talking yourself! What kind of idiot are you?!"

Ron's eyes cut to her, and his hands fisted at his sides. "Well you're the one who just had to have a bloody effing talk at ten at night, when we're supposed to stay in the tower!"

"Ohhhh…" Hermione nearly ground her teeth, trying to keep from flat out cursing him to Hades and back again. "Don't you go blaming this on me, Ronald Weasley. Its thanks to you and no one else that we both have detention with Snape for a full bloody week!"

Ron seemed slightly impressed with Hermione's mild cussing, but that didn't stop him from yelling right back. "Me? You're the one who said we had to talk…IN PRIVATE! What the hell could be so important that you'd risk getting in trouble? I mean, other than Harry of course." The last bit was said with more than a trace of the old venom from forth year, and had Harry wondering if Ron's jealously would ever completely die out.

Hermione turned away from him and started pacing for a minute, then suddenly, she whirled towards him, advancing slowly, her wand pointed at him. "You stupid, conceited, jealous little prat!" She stopped only a foot or so away, her wand now pointed directly at his throat. "I actually tried being considerate about this whole mess that we call a relationship…but I'm sick and fucking tired of it. All you want is to fool around with me, despite the fact that, surprise, surprise, there ARE other things to do when dating. Not that you care, of course. Single-minded prick that you are, and all."

Hermione's eyes were blazing in their intensity as she continued, ignoring the way the common room was deathly quiet and hanging on her every word. "Which, of course, is only one of the reasons I decided to break up with you. Not that I started dating you for a good reason to begin with, I'll admit. I mean, after all…you're not the only guy who's wanted to ask me out, now are you?" Hermione's eyebrows raised in question as she continued to look at Ron. "But then again, with you and Harry around, who'd actually get up the nerve if not one of you two, right? I'll admit, it would likely be intimidating to a guy to have to face you two…Harry in particular with his reputation for a volatile temper." She smirked, then shook her head. "But anyway, I'm getting off track here. To put it simply Ron, I am no longer your trophy of a girlfriend. Nor would I call myself your friend. You've lost a hell of a lot more than just my trust in the past few days, and its not something you can regain easily."

She slowly lowered her wand, the anger in her eyes fading as she quirked a single brown eyebrow at him this time. "Any questions?"

Ron smirked and folded his arms over his chest. "Just one."

She motioned for him to go ahead, wand still in hand.

"How long have you been fucking Harry?"

"You leave him…."


Hermione looked from Harry to Ron and back again before frowning at Harry. "Was that really necessary?"

Harry smirked as he looked down at Ron, who was holding his hands over what was likely a broken nose as he lay on the floor. "He insinuated you were a eh…well…" Harry shrugged, then looked at Hermione. "You know…" When Hermione only raised her eyebrow again, he sighed. "He insinuated you cheated on him, that's reason enough to me," Harry said, his eyes daring her to question that simple logic. He conveniently left out the fact that she had cheated on Ron, with himself, deciding that Ron had likely cheated on Hermione more than once. So it all evened out somehow.

Hermione shook her head, then looked down at Ron with more than a hint of disdain. "You might want to go see Madam Pomfrey. I think that's broken."


A/N: I think I'll end that there. Any complaints? Sorry it took so long, btw. All fault lies with Maxis for creating the fabulous game "The Sims 2" and its Expansion Pack, "Sims 2 University." That game's too bloody addicting…


(1) - "Ready For a Fall" - P.J. Olsson

(2) - "You Don't Know Me" - Jann Arden