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Unsung Hero by J&M Ink.

Unsung Hero

J&M Ink.

Disclaimer: I take credit for this plot and my own characters, but everything else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Note: Those were four of the most amazing reviews I've ever received for this story. At first, I was disappointed that I hard written that huge, final chapter only to get four replies back, but then I read them, and...well, I wanted to wait a little while before posting this, but you guys deserve it. For those of you who cried, I hope this ending makes you smile.


Ten months later...

Luna leaned her back more comfortably against the windowsill and gazed out at the dusty blue sky. Ever since she had returned to Hogwarts, this had been her favorite spot to come. She knew Ron had been here long ago; she had instantly recognized his magical residue on the spot. It gave her a beautiful view of the grounds and the sky in unison and it gave her an extra bit of connection to him. She smiled as he danced his way into her mind.

Upon Ron's death, she had not told Harry that Damien had been a Horcrux for Voldemort and that, had Ron not killed him, Harry would probably have fallen at the hands of the Dark Lord. The entire world, whether wizard, witch or Muggle, sang Harry's praises and would continue to do so for the rest of eternity. Luna did not begrudge him this right, but she kept it her secret that Ron had been just as much a hero has Harry had. She knew that, were he alive, that was how he would've wanted it. He did not need songs or medals to keep his legacy alive. She smiled lovingly down at the bundle in her arms. This was all the glory he would've wanted anyway.

Their infant daughter slept soundly in Luna's arms, her freckled face smooth and peaceful. Luna had named her Abigail, which translated into "a father's joy" and had taken on Ron's name upon their child's birth. Even now, at only a month old, Luna could see how strongly Abigail resembled her father in both appearance and personality. Perhaps it should've made her sad, but it didn't. Her heart swelled with pride at what their love had created, but Abigail never brought grief upon her, never forced her to remember that Ron was not with her. The wind picked up and Luna raised her face to its warm caress. Why should she despair when he was right there with her?

The zephyr lingered on her face, then traveled down her arms and stirred her daughter's tuft of light orange hair. Luna smiled as the baby stirred and smiled in her sleep, her tiny fists clenching in response to the curious breeze.

"Daddy says he loves you," Luna whispered as the wind left them. She leaned down and pressed her lips to Abigail's warm forehead. The baby crooned.

"I can't believe how much she looks like him," Said a quiet voice from the doorway. Luna looked up and smiled at Hermione. Her stomach was swollen in its seventh month of pregnancy, for real this time. Something told Luna she would bear a son and that destiny had laid a wonderful life out for their children. She smiled silently and looked back out at the stars. Sensing that she wanted to be alone, Hermione left.

For a while she stared at the moon, her thoughts once again reliving the short but wonderful time she had spent with Ron. Abigail's cries jarred her from her reminiscence; she had woken and was hungry. Luna quieted her as she got to her feet and turned to leave the tower, but was stopped by another breeze. It lingered over her again, wrapping itself around her. Luna melted into it, feeling not the air but Ron's arms around her, solid and real. And then, as quickly as it had come, it was gone. Luna looked back to the window and could've sworn she saw his face for a moment on the wind as it departed.

Abigail wailed and Luna smiled. Those cries were Ron's song of recognition for his great deeds. Someday she would explain to Abigail that you don't have to change the world to be a hero, that all you have to do is touch someone's heart, and though the world may not recognize you, someone will always be singing your song.


Note: Now, did you really think I'd leave you all with the death of one of our beloved main characters?? I love you all so very much! Thank you ALL for reading and reviewing, you have made this first experience unforgettable. I hope to hear from you all in the future! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!! I hope you enjoyed Unsung Hero, because I loved writing it for you. Keep reading!