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A Study of the Mind by Alexandria Malfoy

A Study of the Mind

Alexandria Malfoy

A/N- I know. I know. I was supposed to do the 2-for-1 update thing, but well, as I'm sure you've guessed, ch. 8 is taking considerably longer than I had intended. It's almost half-way done, but I felt compelled to post this. This chapter is rather short, but it gives us some insight to a rather different Ginny. Or at least different from what we've read so far. I hope you all enjoy. Oh, by the way, regarding Prof. Upland's voice: if you have seen Wicked or at least have heard the soundtrack, then you know what Kristin Chenoweth's voice sounds like. Imagine Kristin Chenoweth's voice whenever Prof. Upland speaks.

Chapter 7- Ginevra Weasley, Workaholic Extraordinaire

03 April 2002

Oh, sweet Merlin, kill me now.

Why did I have to take up psychology? These past two years have definitely been harder than I thought. It doesn't help when you have a positively incompetent teacher, too.

I mean, Professor Upland is a great woman and all, but a good teacher she does not make. Plus, the woman is too annoying and obnoxious for her own good! I have never seen a person wear so much pink in all of my life! She's blonde, bubbly and absolutely horrid! How she ever became a teacher is beyond me. Supposedly, she's some sort of transfer teacher. The thing is, where she came from is completely unheard of in the wizarding world, yet she claims to be a full-fledged witch. I am at a complete and utter loss on what to think of her! I was even tempted to do my final study on her just to figure the woman out! How sad is that? Eventually, Luna talked me out of it, thankfully.

Thanks to Alise, my roommate, though, I finally figured out who I should do my final study on. I can't believe I didn't think of it before; I feel like a complete and utter idiot now. Anyways, Alise came up with the fabulous idea of using Ron. I must say, it's a stroke of sheer brilliance on the part of Alise.

Yet, as with most things in my life, I did have reservations.

First off, I did not want to exploit my brother in such a way, even if it is for my education and subsequently, science. Secondly, I felt that I would not progress with him as much as I wanted to. After all, because he is my brother I would know a great deal about his psyche. If I used someone else for my final study, someone that I did not know as well, then it might be easier (in my mind at least) for me in the sense of progress and how much I could learn from the patient.

And because of my rationale, I explained to Alise that the scientific and emotional repercussions would make using Ron trivial compared to the paper I could make on someone else. Alas, Alise, with her common sense, did make a very valid point: use Ron and get an automatic A.

Again, I have to say that I'm shocked that this wasn't part of my well-thought out rationale. Think about it: by using Ron, or at least this is what Alise told me, I will already have some insight into his mind and because he is my brother, it will appeal to my emotional teacher, Professor Upland. And for the final time, I feel like a moron because I did not think of it.

* * * * * * * * *

04 April 2002

Professor Upland approved of Alise's idea!

She even teared up! Now that is a feat in itself.

Ok. So this morning after class I decided to get ahead of my fellow classmates and inform Professor Upland of whom my final study was going to be on; some two days before the due date.

Everything went exactly as I thought it would. The conversation, her reaction, everything! Oh, I just wish that I had a (what did Hermione call it?), oh yes! - a camcorder. How I wish I had that Muggle device so I could've recorded every single perfect moment! I guess I'll just have to settle for this re-count then.

As I was saying before, I approached Professor Upland immediately after class.

"Excuse me, Professor Upland? Would it be too much trouble if I could have a word with you?"

"Oh, no, of course not, Ginny." I don't know why, but Professor Upland insists on calling all of her students by their first names, claiming that she feels a closer connection that way. "Here, follow me into my office," she finished off with that irritating, high-pitched voice of hers.

I trailed her to the back of the classroom, until we stopped at a door with the words Prof. G(a)linda Upland, Professor of Psychology posted on the glass in broad, black letters. She unlocked the door, stepping inside while flicking on a light switch on the wall. Mind you, I had never been inside the woman's office before, so the experience was an interesting one to say the least.

The walls were, surprisingly, white, as well as the wood panelled furniture, but she used pink accents to make up for the lack of her favourite colour. Pink roses, pink cushions for the chairs, pink area rugs; just some of the little pink details scattered about the room.

Professor Upland proceeded to walk around to her desk, but I was too preoccupied with the photos and other such things hanging on her walls.

One was clearly a degree of some sort from a "Shiz University." I made a mental note to research Shiz. Another one was a picture of Professor Upland at about nineteen or so with another girl around the same age. They looked to be friends by the warm smiles on their faces, but there was something strange about the other girl in the picture. She was beautiful beyond belief with jet black hair, clear emerald, almond shaped eyes and a chiselled, but unusually soft face. Yet, there was still something rather off key about her.

Soon enough I was caught off guard when I realized Professor Upland was standing right next to me.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" she asked in that impossible voice of hers, only this time with a hint of sorrow.


"Elphie. I mean, Elphaba," Professor Upland stated, pointing to the girl I was currently staring at.

"Professor, I know this may seem rather odd to be asking, but is Elphaba's skin green or is it just a lighting trick?"

"Oh, no; Elphie's skin was green alright. No one really knew how or why it happened; I mean, no one else in her family had green skin. Unfortunately, myself, along with her boyfriend, Fiyero, as well as our old professor, Doctor Dillamond, were the only ones that really appreciated her brilliance."

"Do you still talk to her?"

"No. She and Fiyero died in our third year of college," Professor Upland spoke with a sniffle.

"Oh, my. I am so sorry for bringing it up."

"Don't feel bad, my dear. Now, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" she asked, motioning for me to sit as she walked behind her desk.

"Well, Professor Upland, I wanted to inform you of who I am to do my final study on."

"But, Ginny, you still have two more days before you are required to tell me."

"I understand that, Professor, but I already thought it through and feel its best that I tell you now so I can get a head start; even if it is just two days."

"If you insist, Ginny. But after you tell me, you cannot change your mind. Are we clear on that?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Ok, then. Now, who is it?"

"My brother, Ron."

"Isn't he the one who was given the Cruciatus Curse to the point of insanity?" she asked apprehensively.

I simply nodded my head.

Within the span of about five seconds, I found myself wrapped into a hug, after Professor Upland had practically leaped out of her chair and rushed over to embrace me. She then began raining on my jumper. Darn that woman.

I patted her on the back, not exactly sure what the right thing to do in that situation was.

She pulled back, grabbed a tissue from a box on her desk and blew her nose.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry for the waterworks, Ginny. I must say, though, it is awfully brave of you to use your brother, especially with the relationship you had with him. Are you sure you're willing to put yourself through that type of emotional trauma?"

"Yes, Professor. In fact, I believe whatever 'emotional trauma' I go through will only enhance my paper."

"Ginny, you are one of my best and favourite (well, the latter was a bit of a shocker) students. I would hate to see you fall apart during the course of this project. I can't say that I know what you're getting yourself into -because I don't- but do be careful, Ginny. You may not like what you discover. And good luck, dearie," Professor Upland finished with a small smile.

"So does this mean that you'll allow me to use Ron?" I asked eagerly.

She gave me a fervent nod coupled with a toothy grin.

I squealed in girlish delight. This time I caught Professor Upland off guard by engaging her in a hug (which I quickly broke off, mind you). "Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!"

"Anytime, Ginny," she said as I ran, well more like fast-walked, out of her office.

And there you have it! Oh, this is just so exciting! I'm getting started tomorrow, in fact. I have exactly two months to compose my paper and I have already scheduled visits with Ron. All, well I shouldn't really say all, more like most, ok. Most of my planning was made during lunch and before I started writing this entry.

You know, as I look back on this particular entry, the last few things that Professor Upland said to me struck me as rather odd. Specifically the part where she says that I don't know what I'm getting myself into and that I might not like what I discover. All of that seemed very queer to me. Was she trying to warn me? After all, it's just Ron. He's my brother; we know more about each other than humanly possible. Like Alise said, using him will be extremely easy. I have absolutely nothing to either fear and/or worry about.

* * * * * * * * *

04 May 2002

It's been exactly one month since I told Professor Upland about my subject and when I started my final study.

I've had fifteen visits with Ron so far and about ten more to go, making for a total of twenty-five.

Today happens to be one of my visits.

So far, Professor Upland was wrong about whatever "emotional trauma" I should encounter while studying Ron.

I must say that my brother's psyche goes deeper than I had originally thought. Then again, most people's psyches tend to do that.
Even though I haven't gotten much out of Ron, I do have one consolation: at least Luna can visit him. Luna has helped me more so than I thought she would or could. It didn't occur to me until after she asked, but Luna loves Ron. My best friend in love with my brother! And I had no idea! Anyways, Luna usually tags along whenever I visit Ron. She plays games with him, reads to him or just listens while I talk to him. The most heart-wrenching part about this, though, is that he has no clue who she is. He remembers me, but he doesn't remember Luna. I think that affected me the most out of everything. It's hard watching Luna pour her heart out almost every time we go back to my dorm room. I try to comfort her, but it's so hard to do. I've never been all that excellent at comforting others. I don't know why, but I'm just not good at it.


I just came back from my visit with Ron.

Luna decided not to come with me this time. It's a shame, too; Ron asked where "the pretty blonde girl" was. I need to remember to tell Luna that; it would cheer her up.

I guess the fact that Ron's asking about Luna means that I'm making progress with him, which is a good thing.

Other than Ron asking about Luna, I didn't get much out of this visit. We talked mostly about how I was doing and we played a couple games of wizards' chess. What amazes me is that even though Ron will never be the same again, he can still manage to gather what shards of his sanity he has left in order to beat me at wizards' chess. Darn him, but in a loving and somewhat sisterly way.

Here's a small sample of what our session was like:

"Ginny, why do the chess pieces destroy each other like that?"

"I don't know, Ron. Maybe it's magic," I answer, wiggling my fingers.

Ron laughed at this. "Pfft. Magic. Ha. That's funny, Ginny. Everyone knows magic is just a bunch of silly parlour tricks. Smoke and mirrors, that's all that is. But really, what is making the chess pieces move the way they do?"

"I don't know. Why don't you tell me, Ron?" I asked like an adult would do to a rather precocious child.

"Well, everyone knows that the reason why the chess pieces move the way they do is because they are voice-activated, battery-powered, magnetized, special mini-robots. Gosh, Ginny, I thought that every human being on the face of the earth knew that. I guess you're not as smart as I thought you were."

"I resent that, Ron."

Ron stuck his tongue out in response.

Ok, so Ron thinks he's a Muggle. That's fine. Where he received so much information about Muggles and their technology is a little beyond my comprehension. Maybe it's a combination of dad, Harry, Hermione and Muggle Studies. I think I should look into that.

* * * * * * * * *

04 June 2002

I just handed in my final study to Professor Upland. I even added in a copy of Ron's profile for a bit of something extra that will ensure an excellent grade.

It was rather odd because Professor Upland winked and smiled at me as I gave her my paper. I was a little creeped out by it. Alise saw it and interpreted it as something good, but still, I was thoroughly creeped out by it. Maybe I'm just odd in that respect.

* * * * * * * * *

12 June 2002

Finally! Graduation Day came and went. I thought the day would never come when I didn't have to show up for another psychology class.

I must say that my valedictorian speech went quite well, thank you very much. I even received a standing ovation and Mum said it was brilliant! I am just too amazing for my own good.


This is just too delicious to not put in here. Here's the clipping, straight from the Daily Prophet. You know, for once I'm actually proud of Rita Skeeter:

Reported and Written by R. Skeeter

Draco Malfoy, 22, known Death Eater and son of fellow deceased Death Eater, Lucius Malfoy, has been transferred from Azkaban to St. Mungo's on plea of insanity. Earlier this week, Malfoy's mother, Narcissa Black, filed an appeal for her son's transfer with the Minister of Magic himself.

Although neither Ms. Black nor the Minister could be reached for comment, speculation has surfaced, revealing that Malfoy may not be criminally insane at all. With this crucial information at hand, this reporter personally believes that Ms. Black did it to keep her son away from the dementors of Azkaban.

Word has spread quickly in not only the wizarding aristocracy grapevine, but among the more common of wizarding kind, regarding Draco Malfoy's new residence as well as rumours as to who his psychologist will be. Apparently, Narcissa Black wants to hire a psychologist for her son in order to "cure whatever psychological malady is plaguing young Draco," states a source that shall remain unnamed. Continued on page 8.

Ha. I feel bad for the poor sap that gets stuck with Malfoy.

A/N- Thanks to Angel, my beta. Well, that's chapter 7 for you. I told you it was shorter in comparision to ch. 5 & 6, but we learn some things about Ginny. By the way, is it just me (and my beta, Angel) or is the very last line of this chapter just great. I find it rather funny, but that's just me. Anyways, in regards to Ginny's "Graduation Day," I'm pretty sure that they don't do that in Britain, that it's more of an American thing, but well me being the American that I am decided to put it in there. Call it artistic licence. Also, because we don't know when Glinda becomes Lady Chuffery in terms of Wicked (and now, Son of a Witch), I'll say that she's rather young here and that she marries Sir Chuffery later on in life. They never really made it clear when she married. Again, artistic licence. One last thing: I think everyone who has read ch. 5 & 6 love Saphira Zabini. I swear on all that is good and holy in this world that she did not turn out the way she did originally, but in my state of almost insomnia, she came out that way. After I typed up the chapter, I was going to go back and rewrite a lot of her scenes, but then I thought better of it. Good thing, too, since all of you seem to like her. I also saw the Batman episode that inspired this fic yesterday! And no, I will not tell you what the name of it is or else my plot would be ruined.

Now! I got quite a few reviews for ch. 6, so if you asked a question (it's ok to ask me questions, folks) or something of that nature, more than likely you did not read the responce that I had for your review (which I do respond to, by the way), I shall put it here. But just this once.

cherrrystarz- Yeah. Ginny's just a bit odd. I'm not exactly sure why, but I thought that Ginny would refer to Antonio as a "bloke".
Tasha x- Like you said, Ginny and Draco will get together at the end, but it WILL cause some controversy. I plan on booking a trip to a nice place where I won't be hunted down by angry fans.
Anonymous- Yes, Ginny and Draco will be in a romantic relationship.
CelestialDragonX- In truth, I've seen a ton of stories using the nicknames that I used for Draco and Blaise. I just thought that I'd keep up with the little tradition of using them.
Andrea- (Warning: Monster response for her monster review) There was lots to reply to, but in a good way! Anywho, Andrea: where have you've been? I've missed your encouraging reviews! Ok. Now that that's over...all is forgiven. I notice that some people kind of go back to this story after awhile, so you're not the only one. Yeah, the next time we see Ginny with Draco is chapter 8, but don't worry, you won't have to wait too long for it. Nope, everything you're reading into is pretty accurate. Don't fret; Ginny WILL see Antonio a couple more times (she kinda has to...and yeah. Anything else will give away the plot ; D) I think the general concensus of those who have read ch. 5 & 6 is that Blaise's mom it too cool. Everyone loves her. At first, I was a little weary with her, but she grew on me. Yes, yes. Draco CAN recieve visitors. Remember ch. 2?...-takes Andrea to Dept. of Backstory- Draco mentions that Narcissa visited him over Christmas hols. And no, his friends have not given up on him. You'll see that as we near the end. -smirks evilly- Aww...but your nagging is all in good fun and filled with words of encouragement! -pouts-

Additional thanks to: kissedinfairytales, Anonymous, REW. Thank you to everyone who reviewed. You guys are amazing!

Next Chapter: The day after Narcissa's party. Ginny visits Draco and learns some rather interesting things.