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Sleeping with the Enemy by Green Eggs and Ham

Sleeping with the Enemy

Green Eggs and Ham

Chapter 1: War

Lily Evans was wandering the hallways. She knew it was late, and that she would be in trouble if she was caught, but she just couldn't sleep. Although she was getting a bit tired now, she couldn't even go back to the Common Room, because he would surely still be up. And running into him was the worst thing she could have done.

You see, the two of them had a kind of war going on. He had started it, of course. He started everything. James Potter was bad news, and Lily knew it.

She was really beginning to get tired now, and she really wanted to go back to the Common Room, not that she'd ever admit it, even to herself. She was like that-just a bit stubborn. Well, more than a bit. That was probably why she and James had never gotten along. They were both quite stubborn. But he, of course, had started it.

It had been so long ago. He had told her that she was pretty, and she had smiled, but then she had tried to move, and her feet had stuck to the ground, and she had fallen, and they had laughed. Those awful boys had laughed.

All four of them were terrible, but not to the extent that James Potter was terrible, because he had humiliated her. And because of that, she would never lat him win.

Now, more than six years after the incident, the war was still going strong. Neither of them could ever let go. And that was why, although Lily was not afraid of James Potter, she was not looking forward to going back to the Common Room, where she knew he would be waiting.

She was getting closer to the portrait of the Fat Lady, dragging her feet, but she knew that walking once more around the castle wasn't really an option this late at night, so she gave the password, and slowly climbed in.

Just as she had expected, Potter and Black were still up, sitting in chairs that they had so cleverly moved to block the girls' staircase. They sat there almost regally, smiling ever so slightly at her.

"Lily, darling, we wondered when you would return," James laughed.

Lily ignored this statement, and walked resolutely toward them. "Just get out of the way so that I can go to bed."

"Alright," Sirius said slowly, "if you say please."

James laughed at this and nodded vigorously. "Yea. Go on, say please."

"Oh, grow up!" Lily said, frustrated.

James frowned slightly. "Now, Lily dear, we don't have all night. We've been waiting for ages! The least you could do is be polite."

"Yea," Sirius added, smiling. "Go on, show us your nice manners. We deserve it for waiting so long."

"Deserve it?" Lily spat. "The most you two deserve is a slap in the face." She pushed past the boys, and walked up the stairs.

"Evans, wait!" James called after her, and she turned slowly. "You know this little war we have could stop at anytime if you would only go out with me. There's a Hogsmeade trip this weekend… How `bout it?"

She turned away without answering, and walked into her room, slamming the door behind her.

"What-who's there?" Marlene McKinnon said groggily, sitting up. Marlene was Lily's best friend, and the only one who never got tired of Lily complaining about James. Most of the other girls just got giggly when anyone brought him up.

"Sorry," Lily said, walking over to her bed. "Just had another little spat with you-know-who."

"Ah, I see," she said, waking up slightly. "And what did his royal highness say this time?"

"Well, he asked me out again," she said, disgusted. "It's getting ridiculous. It's like every time I see him!"

"You know what I think?" Marlene asked after thinking for a moment. "I bet he's got some really big prank planned out if you say yes…"

"Like I ever would," Lily laughed.

"Although…" Marlene said thoughtfully.

"Although what?" Lily gasped. "You're not suggesting that I… that's awful… I couldn't possibly…"

"You don't even know what I was going to say!"

Lily lowered her voice, and leaned over toward her. "You were going to say that I should go out with him, which is an awful, horrible, fouls idea, and I don't know why you would suggest it."

"But you don't understand," Marlene whispered back. "I have a plan. He wants to pull a prank on you, but he won't be able to if you get him first."

Lily looked at her friend suspiciously.

"You have to go on this date."

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it!

