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Sleeping with the Enemy by Green Eggs and Ham

Sleeping with the Enemy

Green Eggs and Ham

Chapter 2: Prank

Lily was pretty sure she was losing her mind. She had just accepted a date with James Potter after six years of hating his guts, and now she was walking away, trying desperately not to think of what she had just done. She had to convince herself that it was necessary to go out with him because it was part of the plan, but it was harder than it sounded. But Lily had to do this. It was the only way to get him back for everything he had done to her.

But it just didn't fit. Marlene had said that James was asking her out in order to prank her, and make her miserable, but when Lily had agreed to go to Hogsmeade with him, he hadn't looked like he had any sort of plan. He had looked… surprised. And she had felt embarrassed. He had a way of making her feel like that.

Lily was dreading this date more than anything, but as long as she remembered that this was all about the prank she would pull on him, it wouldn't feel so ridiculous.


To Lily's horror, the days seemed to go by faster than usual, bringing the dreaded date closer and closer until, before long, it was time for the next Hogsmeade trip, and Lily was walking down the steps of the castle with Marlene, who was happily going over everything she had to remember about the prank.

"Now listen," she said, pulling Lily aside. "You mustn't worry. Everything's going to go according to plan. You have your wand?"

"Of course," Lily said, sighing.

"It's going to be perfect. You're going to pull this prank, and everyone is going to laugh, and he's going to be humiliated." Marlene smiled. "Now go."

She gave Lily a little shove, and she continued down the steps toward James. He saw her, and waved happily, smiling at her. She felt unusually self-conscious, but she just kept going over the prank in her head to take her mind off the situation at hand.


"So… can I ask you a question?" James asked as they walked through the village. "Why did you finally agree to go out with me? I mean, I've been asking you for years now."

Lily panicked for a moment, but didn't show it. Smiling calmly, she said, "I just thought it was time I gave you a chance."

James laughed. "Well, I can deal with that."

They continued walking for a while, and then James said suddenly, "Hey, do you by any chance mind going into Zonko's? It's just that there's something I wanted to buy, and I don't know when I'll next get a chance."

"Actually, I love Zonko's," Lily answered, smiling. "I always go in there."

"Really?" James said, looking at her with wide eyes. Then, laughing, he added, "I knew there was a reason I liked you."

Lily laughed with him, but inside she was becoming deeply puzzled. This didn't seem to fit with anything Marlene had said. James seemed really genuine, and he actually seemed to like her. It just didn't feel like he had asked her out for a prank. Unless this was all part of his plan, and if so, it was a pretty dirty trick.

The two of them entered Zonko's, and Lily immediately saw Marlene standing at the other end of the shop, waving her over. She asked James to excuse her for a moment, and then walked over to her friend.

"I see you haven't quite gotten round to it yet," Marlene whispered sarcastically.

Lily paused for a moment. "Well… I was beginning to have quite a good time with James, and I was actually thinking… well, maybe he isn't so bad after all," she said quietly.

Marlene gaped at her. "You must be joking. First of all, James Potter absolutely is so bad, and second, he's only going to prank you if you don't get him first!"

Lily said nothing, but simply stared at the ground. Marlene looked as if she could hardly believe her friend.

"Lily! By giving up on this plan, you're not only letting yourself down, but me as well! You know how long we've been doing this prank war with those awful boys, and I hate them just as much as you do. Do you realize how selfish you're being?"

Lily simply stared at Marlene, not knowing how to respond to her friend's outburst. She certainly didn't want to let Marlene down, but she had begun to see the real James Potter, and despite herself, she was beginning to like him.

Marlene's face hardened. "Fine. If you won't do it, then I will," she spat, and then turned and left the shop.


Lily was in a panic. She had no idea what Marlene was going to do. Well, she knew the prank in their plan, but she didn't know when or where Marlene was going to do it. Lily and James had left Zonko's, and Lily felt helpless now. She knew she couldn't warn James, because then she would have to tell him about the plan, and that would ruin everything. But this was just as bad. She found herself glancing over her shoulder ever few minutes, looking for Marlene, and it was awful.

Marlene was her friend. Why was she doing this?

"Are you alright?" James asked, smiling gently as they walked through the village. "You seem a bit distracted."

Lily smiled slightly. "Oh, it's nothing. I'm fine."

"You keep looking over your shoulder… like you're worried about something." He looked genuinely concerned.

"No, really, I'm fine."

"Well that's good. I would hate for anything to be wrong."

He was getting closer. She closed her eyes. His lips were touching hers.

But suddenly he pulled away. She opened her eyes and gasped.

"That's a nice look for you, Potter," Marlene said from behind Lily. People were all around, laughing. They were all staring at James, who was now wearing a pink, frilly dress, with a bow in his hair.

All around them were people laughing, but James just stared at Lily. "So that's what this was? Just another opportunity to get me back for some ridiculous joke I played on you when we were eleven?"

"No, you don't understand. I…"

"Just shut up," he snapped, looking more hurt than she had ever seen him. "You tricked me. Maybe all of the other stuff we've done to each other has been funny, but this was just cruel. I never want to see you again, you bitch."

No one was laughing anymore, but they were all watching as James Potter left Lily Evans standing alone in the middle of the village with tears in her eyes.

Thanks for all the reviews-They were great! Hope you all liked this chapter as much as the last one!
