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Something's Gotta Give by MeiQueen

Something's Gotta Give


Something's Gotta Give Mei Queen


Authoress' Note: Sorry it's been awhile since I updated. As many will tell you, I'm finally on an updating streak in my stories. I'm getting to the end of my junior year in college, and I can't wait for classes to be out…because when they FINALLY are, I'll be able to write so much more! Please review!


Chapter 7: Double Booking


Ginny was sitting on a bar stool in her kitchen, twirling the business card and reveling in the feel of cool manila against her fingers. Thinking about the shopping trip with Draco brought a smile to her face. He's actually not as bad as he makes himself out to be. He can be quite considerate, actually. The experience had not been nearly as miserable as she had expected; she turned out to really enjoy his company. It was becoming very apparent why their personalities meshed so well online, once their names were taken out of the equation they actually had quite a bit in common. Her gaze strayed back down to his business card, still clutched firmly in her fist. I should call him. Wait. Maybe that's awkward…but I need to call him anyway to figure out the basics of when and how I'll be paying him back…

She was so lost in her thoughts that she jumped when the phone rang. Reaching over and pulling the receiver out of the cradle, she croaked, "Hello?"

"God, Gin, you sound terrible."

Harry, she thought with recognition. She hadn't talked to him since the awkward drunken night a few days prior; truth be told, Ginny had rather been dodging his calls. "Oh, hi, Harry. How are you?"

"Good, thanks. Yourself?" he asked brightly. "You didn't sound too great when you picked up."

"I'm okay," she muttered. "What can I do for you?"

Harry took a nervous breath. "I was hoping to ask you to dinner."

Ginny rolled her eyes. He never really did have good timing, she mentally quipped. "Look, Harry, I'm kind of…I don't know…seeing someone? It's rather complicated, actually…"

He hastily backtracked, saying, "Oh. That's fine, Gin…we could just go as friends if you like. How's Saturday? Do you have any plans?"

Ginny was dumbfounded. Well, if he knew she was seeing someone, he had to have innocent intentions, right? What would be the harm of having dinner with a friend? Besides, she certainly didn't have any plans. "Um…sure. Yeah, okay, that'd be nice."

"Great. Pick you up at seven?"


"You…what? I'm sorry, I must have just had a bout of momentary insanity," Luna said, shaking her head. She thought she had heard what her friend had said, but it just wasn't possible. Ginny couldn't have done something so stupid as to accept a dinner invitation with her ex-husband on a Saturday night. Right?

"Accepted dinner with Harry on Saturday," Ginny replied, obviously annoyed that she had to repeat herself.

Okay, maybe she did do something that stupid, Luna thought to herself, rolling her eyes. "I can't believe you did that."

"Why? It's just dinner. It's not a date, we're just friends going out to eat," the redhead explained, turning to Hermione for support. Hermione had been strangely silent since Ginny started talking about her plans for Saturday evening. "You agree with me, right, 'Mione?"

Hermione just nodded, making an "mmm" sound. Taking her mobile out of her purse, she started text messaging someone.

Ginny and Luna met eyes curiously. "What's up with her?" Ginny whispered to Luna, out of Hermione's earshot.

"Dunno," Luna replied, matching her quiet tone. "She was fine when we first came over, though."

Hermione looked up from her mobile. "I need to go, Ron just messaged. Something about a match he wants me and Harry to watch."

"Alright, I need to get going too," Luna replied, getting up from her stool in Ginny's kitchen. "See you later, Gin. Good luck Saturday."

"We're just friends, Luna," Ginny replied with a laugh, hopping up from her own stool to usher her mates out. "See ya, Luna! Bye, 'Mione!"

"Bye," Hermione replied absentmindedly, eyes still trained on her phone.

Ginny watched her friends go down the walkway, mind now swirling with questions. Was it okay to accept the dinner with Harry? And what in the world is wrong with Hermione?


Going back into the kitchen, Ginny sat down to boot up her laptop. She hadn't had a chat with SecretDragon in what felt like ages. "C'mon," she muttered, watching Windows take its sweet time to load. "Bloody Microsoft."

Finally, she clicked on Internet Explorer, and went to the chat website. Clicking on WonderfulWitchChat1, she tapped her foot against the tile floor as it loaded.

***RavishingRed has entered WonderfulWitchChat1 at 14:46 hours***

RavishingRed, there are 9 members in this chatroom. Members of this chatroom are currently: DrivemeWild, DyingtoDance, JigsawJunkie, JimlikeshisPimms, SecretDragon, Serendipity, SlavetoStarbucks, SwanseaSweetie, WestHamRocksSocks

SwanseaSweetie: You know, DrivemeWild, the date with Jim wasn't half bad.

DrivemeWild: Who would've thought?

SlavetoStarbucks: I know. Jim, with common decency? What's wrong with this picture?

WestHamRocksSocks: lol at SlavetoStarbucks!!

JimlikeshisPimms: I can actually be a gentleman when I try, SwanseaSweetie, as much as you don't believe me.

SwanseaSweetie: Jim, of course I do. I had a great time, lol. Maybe that's what I was missing with my ex!

JimlikeshisPimms: That's exactly what you were missing, Becca! You were missing the Jim-meister.

SwanseaSweetie: Don't use my real name on here! That's creepy, Jim! Now everyone in cyberspace knows my name is Becca.

JimlikeshisPimms: So? Everyone knows my name! Besides, it's just your first name. There's got to be hundreds of Beccas in this country.

Serendipity: He's right, SwanseaSweetie. Besides, Becca's a lovely name!


))PM from SecretDragon (15:01 hours)((

SecretDragon: Long time, no talk.

RavishingRed: I know- it's been ages. Missed me?

SecretDragon: As much as I'm loath to admit it, a bit, yes. Missed me?

RavishingRed: Not really, lol

SecretDragon: Oh thanks!

RavishingRed: I'm just joking, of course I've missed you.

SecretDragon: Oh ok. So what have you been up to lately?

RavishingRed: Um…did a little shopping yesterday, that's about it. You?

SecretDragon: Same, actually. Where were you shopping?


Ginny's heartbeat quickened. Would saying Bartleby's give it away? Moreover, did she want to give it away? She felt horribly guilty that she knew his identity and he didn't know hers. It felt somehow…unfair.


RavishingRed: Bartleby's

SecretDragon: No way. I was in there, too! Just think, we could have passed each other and not even known it!

RavishingRed: Amazing. What were you shopping for?

SecretDragon: Well, I was helping someone find a gift for her mum.


Ginny grinned. She was going to enjoy this a little.


RavishingRed: "Her", huh? What's her name?

SecretDragon: Ginevra.

RavishingRed: Do you fancy her?

SecretDragon: What? No…I've only really hung out with her once, actually.

RavishingRed: But you fancy her, definitely.

SecretDragon: Now you're just being silly. Of course I don't.

RavishingRed: Well…what do you think of her?

SecretDragon: What do you mean, what do I think of her? That's such a general question.

RavishingRed: Just your opinion of her as a person.

SecretDragon: She seems nice enough, her family is terrible, her stories are amusing, and she doesn't know when to be quiet.


Ginny winced. I guess that's what I get for prying. Actually, that opinion is somewhat higher than I expected, so that's nice. I really feel like I should tell him who I am…I don't like lying to him. I love him as SecretDragon, and I actually like him as Draco, and I wouldn't want to lie to either one of those.

Turning her gaze sadly to the keyboard, she began to type a sentence that would change her situation forever.


RavishingRed: There's something I need to tell you.

SecretDragon: Okay, shoot.

RavishingRed: Well, not on here.

SecretDragon: How then?

RavishingRed: Meet?

SecretDragon: Will you stand me up this time?

RavishingRed: No, I think things have changed since then.

SecretDragon: How?

RavishingRed: I can't explain on here. But I'll tell you all of it in person, I promise. How's Saturday evening for you?

SecretDragon: Fine. Dinner? Meet you at Chez Maurice at 7:30? I'll have your flower with me so you know.

RavishingRed: Sounds perfect.


Ginny had forgotten entirely about the dinner she had already booked with Harry, so when he called to remind her on Friday, she was, needless to say, very surprised.

"Hi Harry!" she answered brightly, clicking open her mobile. "What's up?"

"Just checking to make sure we were still on for tomorrow, that's all," he replied.

Ginny shook her head. It felt like she was forgetting something. Where was she supposed to be on Saturday? "Um…yeah. Sure. Fine."

"Okay, great. See you at seven!"

She returned the sentiment, clicking her mobile shut in confusion. She really felt like she was forgetting something…if only she could remember what it was.


Saturday evening came much too early for Ginny Weasley's liking. She was in the midst of curling her hair when the doorbell rang. Bloody Harry, she thought irritably to herself. Always prompt. Releasing her strand of hair from the barrel of the curling iron, she sprinted to the door.

Opening it, she smiled when she saw that Harry had put a little effort into his appearance. He looked nice in dark wash jeans and a green polo shirt, and even brought a tiger lily for Ginny.

"How sweet," she said with a smile, accepting the flower and Harry's kiss on her cheek. "I'm just going to unplug the curling iron and get my purse, and then we can go."

He nodded, and she went to get her clutch purse, mind swirling with thoughts. He brought me a flower, and he made an effort. Maybe he doesn't understand that this isn't a date. I just wanted this to be a mates type thing…but he's making it very difficult…

She grudgingly got in his car, trying to think of something to say. "So…where do you want to go?"

"I was thinking that new place, Chez Maurice?" Harry suggested tentatively, turning so his eyes met Ginny's.

Why does Chez Maurice sound so familiar? Ginny wondered idly, twirling a scarlet curl around his finger. Then, suddenly, everything clicked into place. Dinner. SecretDragon. Draco! Telling him everything. Saturday evening. 7:30, Chez Maurice.

Panicking, Ginny looked to the clock on the dash of Harry's car. 7:15.

"I already reserved a table," Harry continued, as he didn't notice Ginny's panic. "Apparently this place is really hard to get into."

"Great," Ginny managed weakly. "When is it for?"

"Seven thirty," Harry replied, smiling.

The redhead sank back into the cushion of the passenger seat. Expelling a sigh, she murmured, "Sounds fabulous."


The place was hopping when Ginny and Harry arrived. A snooty doorman took Ginny's coat, and then took a brief look at the label before turning up his nose.

"This place is pretty nice," she said awkwardly, nodding in thanks to the doorman.

Her gaze traveled over the restaurant, finally landing on a tiger lily and Draco Malfoy. His table was all the way across the restaurant from her and Harry's, much to Ginny's relief.

Harry noticed Ginny's straying line of vision. Following it himself, he snorted with laughter. "Looks like Malfoy got stood up," he noted derisively.

"Yeah," she murmured absentmindedly. "Looks like it. Here, you order for me, I need to use the loo."


But Ginny didn't go to the loo. She walked toward them so Harry wouldn't get suspicious, but then walked around the back tables until she was close to Draco's table. This is it, she thought to herself nervously. Her palms began a steady sweat, her heartbeat escalated. She felt butterflies in her stomach. Taking a deep breath, she walked up to Draco's table, and sat down.

"Hi," she said softly.

He looked startled. "Oh. Hello. Actually, now's not really a good time, Ginny. You can call my office to discuss a payment schedule with my receptionist if you like. I'm sort of expecting someone."

"I know," she said, voice cracking a little with nervousness.

His eyebrow quirked upward with suspicion. "How do you know that? What's wrong, anyway? You look like a deer in bloody headlights."

She began nervously clasping her hands together, trying to ignore the sweat pooling between them. "I… I am who you're waiting for, Draco."

He continued to look at her suspiciously. "How do you know who I'm waiting for?"

Ginny sighed. "I'm RavishingRed. I know your favorite color, the name of your chef, that you run businesses, your favorite Quidditch team, everything."

Draco's jaw dropped. "No…bloody…way."


"What are you doing, Ginny?" a strained male voice asked. She and Draco had been sitting in silence staring at one another for close to a minute, and the voice jogged them out of their stunned reverie.

Looking up, she noticed with annoyance that the interrupter was none other than Harry, her pseudo-date.

"Oh," she said irritably. "Hi."

He looked into her eyes with concern, repeating his question. "What are you doing here?"

Ginny rolled her eyes impatiently. "I saw Draco. Wanted to say hi. What are you doing here?"

"Um…waiting for you to come back to our table, the food's there. I thought you died in the loo or something," he muttered.

Draco finally spoke, breaking the silence he had held for almost five minutes running. "Leave her alone, Potter. She can do as she pleases."

The redhead shot him a grateful look. "Look, I'll be there in a second, Harry, there's something I need to finish up here."

Harry looked back at her with irritation, cheeks reddening. "You know, you're not really supposed to visit other guys on dates, Ginny."

Draco looked at Ginny with shock. "You're on a date with Pothead?"

Ginny fully turned to Harry now, getting up from the booth. She gave him a look of sheer incredulity before she started yelling. "We are not on a date, Harry! I tried to get that across to you. I tried. What I do with other men is none of your bloody business!"

Harry's brow knit in irritation; he was furious. "Fine. Just… bloody…. fine, Ginny. Stay here with Malfoy. And when your feelings get hurt, when he's a cruel-hearted prat to you like he's always been, don't you come crying to me."

Turning quickly on his heel, Harry Potter was gone.


Ginny turned back to Draco, facing him nervously. "Well…that was awkward," she managed quietly.

"Yes," he muttered. "Tell me about it. I can't believe you double-booked yourself."

"And with Harry," she replied with a snort.

"Seriously," he said, a smile breaking out on his face.

"You know," Ginny said softly, "I wasn't disappointed when I found out it was you."

"Really?" Draco asked, slight hope beginning to glint in his cold grey eyes.

"Yeah," the redhead said with a smile. "It seemed…appropriate, really. At first I panicked, but I think inside, I was okay with it."

Draco inclined his head in a slight nod. "I'm glad to hear that."

"You sound so cordial. Impersonal, really," Ginny said with disappointment. "I feel like a failure."

"Why?" the blond man asked curiously. She certainly is an odd one, he mused to himself. When I'm mean to her, she's angry, when I'm "cordial", she feels like a bloody failure. Go figure. Women!

"Because…"she began. Ginny sighed. She just couldn't find the right words. "I suppose what I mean to say is that…I wanted to tell you. I wanted to let you know that I was…well, me. But I couldn't. All of the past, our families, everything…that's all I could see when I found out…and part of me still wonders how much easier I would have made things if I had just sat down that day at Serendipity."

Draco's eyes widened. "So, you knew then? No wonder. I wasn't exactly kind to you, was I? I probably would have left myself."

"It's ok," Ginny shrugged. "I would have done the same to you."

A ghost of a smile tugged on his lips, and a silence fell over the two of them.

Then Draco voiced the words that both were thinking: "What now?"


Authoress' Note: I hope that Ginny and Draco's meeting was up to par for all of you! Sorry about the delay on this chapter, and please don't forget to review!!