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Spicing It Up by Gaya Hriive

Spicing It Up

Gaya Hriive

AN: Thanks so much for the awesome response to this! It really is just a random idea that I had while I was watching TV the other night. Well, here is Chapter Two, enjoy and I'd love more reviews!!

Chapter Two: Week One, In Which The Term Sexual Frustration Gets A New Meaning

It had been three days since Harry and Hermione had agreed to forgo sex in order to spice up their love life. Easier said than done. Day one had come and gone relatively easy, without much difference in their daily routine. Harry had taken Hermione to dinner and a muggle movie and then they had simply gone home. Days two and three had been a little harder but neither of them had yet given in.

It wasn't even the no sex rule that was getting to Harry but simply the fact that he could not kiss Hermione whenever he wanted to. He was so used to showing his affection for her in short simple kisses, or long drawn out ones that usually led to the bedroom. But he could no nothing. No pecks, no nothing. The hardest part was by far the fact that they had both opted to sleep in separate bedrooms. Harry had grown so used to waking up with Hermione in his arms that his empty bed somewhat depressed him. He missed how she nuzzled up next to him and how their bodies intertwined during the night. He always felt so warm and safe when she was lying beside him and the last few nights had been lonely and cold.

It was early on the fourth morning and Harry decided to take his routine coffee on the balcony. It had such a beautiful view of a wide sweeping orchard and Harry found relaxation and a sort of cleansing by just sitting outside and taking in the lovely weather. He finished his coffee and went back inside, deciding to take a shower Harry went to his room, changed into a towel and headed for the bathroom. Just as he reached out to turn the knob, Hermione opened it from the other side.

There they were, face to face, neither in anything more than a small towel. Harry stood transfixed as he gazed longingly at Hermione's lean, wet figure. He unconsciously wet his lips and met Hermione's eyes with what was definitely a look of unabashed lust. Hermione inched up to him very slowly until he could feel her breath, hot and slow, on his ear. She licked her lips and lowered her voice to a light whisper.

"Eleven days." She nipped gently at his ear and went into her room so quickly that Harry hardly had time to process what had just transpired.

Eleven days. Eleven days. I can't do it. I don't know what the hell I was thinking. I am sure that I will have died by time this is all over.

Just as Harry stepped into the bathroom, he called out loudly to Hermione.

"I hope you know it's a COLD SHOWER I'll be taking!"


Days five and six passed slowly in Hermione's opinion. It seems that when one thinks about sex as much as she, one finds it immensely difficult to restrain from physical sexual contact. But it wasn't just the sex Hermione missed. She missed Harry, not that they didn't see each other every day, because they did. It was just that she missed being in his arms and she missed his gentle kisses on her brow. She was simply absolutely and hopelessly in love with him and it was hard, especially since they were married now, to not touch and caress one another.

On the sixth night Harry cooked dinner at home and the couple shared a nice quiet evening alone with only some candles and a Beethoven score in the background. They talked about work and other things but they did not talk about sex; at least, not until Hermione had one too many glasses of wine and went into her "I'm drunk and am going to be perfectly and honestly blunt" mode.

They were enjoying a lovely desert of banana pudding when all of a sudden Hermione stopped eating and looked at Harry with, what he thought, was one of the sexiest looks ever seen. Hermione put her fork down onto her plate and leaned slightly across the table. Harry gulped and brushed his hair back with an unsteady hand.

"Harry, I'm insane. I don't know what the hell got into me to suggest such a ridiculous thing, but I can't make it. I'm so horny I can't stand it and I need you."

Harry swallowed loudly again and cleared his throat. As much as he wanted desperately to end the two-week stint of celibacy, he just couldn't. There had been a streak of genius in Hermione's crazy plan, and Harry knew that if they could stick it out then they would both be better for it.

"Hermione, I know the feeling, trust me. But I think we need to try to stay with this. We only have what, eight days left. We can do this. And just think, when it's over, I guarantee you that we will have the best, best, sex anyone has ever had."

Hermione looked somewhat crestfallen but remained leaning across the table propped on her elbows.

"I know you're right, but I just can't take it. I'm so…horny…all the time. I feel like a hormonal teenage boy! It's ridiculous. I mean, when we were still sleeping together, sure I was horny enough, but not like this. This is just torturous. I can't believe that I said we should do this. Can't we just, you know, take it back? Can we rewind and pretend I never suggested such a ludicrous thing?"

Harry laughed. He knew how active Hermione's sex drive was, and although he was having a hard time, he knew she must be just as miserable. Harry and Hermione went from having sex two or three times a day, to not having it at all for fourteen days. It was no wonder they were both going crazy. Just then Hermione leaned even further over the table and Harry bent forwards slightly to meet her.

"Ok, then, if we are going to stick with it, then I have to get this off of my chest. It really is working you know. I have thought of SO many things that I want you to do to me. Like this…"

She leaned into his ear and Harry's face immediately reddened. He dropped his fork and a look of complete shock came over him and he sat stock still, staring straight ahead. Then he turned his head quickly and looked apprehensively at Hermione.

"You want me to do WHAT?" he asked indignantly.

Hermione only grinned and rose from the table. She walked to stand behind Harry and laid her hands gently on his shoulders.

"Looks like I'm the one taking a cold shower now."

And she went into the bathroom, leaving a very shocked and slightly amused Harry behind.
