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A Not So Simple Kind of Life by dragonsangel68

A Not So Simple Kind of Life


Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters you may recognize from the wonderful world of Harry Potter, they all belong to the revered JK Rowling; I just like to play with them a little.



Lucius sat down with a vicious snarl snaking its way up his throat, threatening to burst forth at the dinner table of all places. His son's self-satisfied smirk and buoyant mood was irking him more than his actions had this afternoon. Not to mention that the boy was clinging to his mother's skirts and keeping his wife by his side to hold off the diatribe he so desperately wanted to serve him. He swallowed the snarl for the sake of propriety and to keep in his own wife's good graces. Sooner or later, he would catch Draco alone, and then he would vent his displeasure in a most hostile manner. Of course, until then he would dwell on the cause of his displeasure.

After their delayed meeting this afternoon, Lucius had returned to his own office for a short time, and then had gone to seek Draco's opinion on something trivial only to discover that he had decamped for the day, according to his secretary. Given that Lucius had stewed for a few hours on that morsel, he was further vexed upon arriving home where he was told by the servants that their 'master' was not to be disturbed for any reason whatsoever. Prior to storming up the staircase, Lucius sent the servants scattering into the bowels of the house under the threat of clothes. Determined to speak to his son, he disregarded the message relayed by the house elves and barged into his son's private suite. Half way across their private sitting room, Lucius realized that whatever activity Draco and Ginevra were engaged in, it did not sound like a spectator sport. He retreated hastily, grumbling to himself about how irresponsible his son was acting.

He watched as Draco lifted his wine glass, tilting it ever so slightly in his direction before taking a mouthful. Lucius returned the smug smirk with an icy glare. Draco obviously knew he wanted a word, and how it was bothering him to keep away from the topic while at the table.

Unable to keep his silence any longer, Lucius adopted a nonchalant tone and enquired, "Draco, what do you have planned for after dinner?"

"I promised Drake a game of Wizard Chess and Angel a story before bedtime."

"Perhaps, once the children are in bed, you could spare five minutes?"

Draco's eyes danced with amusement. "Sorry, Father, I promised my wife something as well."

"You've just spent the afternoon-"

"And I intend to spend the evening giving an encore performance," Draco finished for him. "Whatever it is, it can wait until tomorrow."

Lucius snarled and stabbed at his meat viciously. If he pushed the issue Narcissa was sure to voice her disapproval, and he didn't wish to endanger his own enjoyment of the evening by angering his own wife. "I suppose you're still leaving early tomorrow?"

"Yes, and Thursday as well. We've scheduled two interviews each afternoon for the prospective tutors."

Lucius growled something unintelligible.

"Oh, Lucius, calm down. It's important that the right person be selected to tutor our grandchildren," Narcissa chided.

Lucius sent a subtle look of disbelief in his wife's direction. This was not about the selection of a suitable tutor; it was about Draco's lack of discipline at the office. He knew better than to attempt to clarify his thoughts at the dinner table, so he remained silent. Later, when they had some privacy, he would explain his position and perhaps she would then understand.

For the remainder of the meal, Lucius did not participate in the light conversation going on around him, unless he was asked a direct question. He preferred to sulk at the end of the table, not that anyone else was bothered. As soon as everyone had finished dessert, Draco herded his family back to their own wing for a night of simple pleasures in each other's company. Before he left, he did extend an invitation to his parents to join them, but Narcissa declined politely, telling him he needed to spend this time with the children and Ginevra.


There was an extra bounce in Draco's step as he left his daughter's suite and made his way to his own suite. He'd managed to keep all the promises he'd made in relation to games with the children, and he got to tuck them into bed. Now, he was contemplating joining his wife in the bath for a little before bedtime fun.


"Father, what are you doing lurking in the shadows?"

"I was waiting for you."

"If this has anything to do with the office it can wait until tomorrow morning."

"I'm afraid it can't wait."

Draco's demeanor immediately soured.

"Your conduct today was highly unprofessional," Lucius continued.

"Quite frankly, I don't care. After last week, my wife deserves some of my time, and I'm not about to deny her."

"I'm referring to your questionable behavior in the office, and then your unplanned absence this afternoon."

"What I do in my office-"

"Is the latest gossip circulating the secretarial pool," Lucius hissed.

"So?" Draco shrugged nonchalantly. "Everyone knows I love my wife."

"No, they know you bent her over your desk."

Draco snarled audibly. "What I do with my wife is my business."

"I don't dispute that, but when you do it at the office, it fast becomes a topic of discussion among the plebeians."

"You would know," Draco retorted.

Lucius arched an eyebrow at his son. He hadn't heard Draco take that tone with him since he was a teenager with too many hormones running riot through his body. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"It seems Mother helped Ginny in her quest to get my attention in a meaningful manner. She even looked after the twins while Ginny visited the office."

Lucius' nostrils flared with indignation. He certainly hadn't been having sex in his office - well at least not in the last five years or so.

"I wonder where Mother got such an idea from?"

"You would be best to leave that alone," Lucius growled.

"As would you," Draco intoned calmly. "Now, if that was all, I'm going to join my insatiable wife in the bathtub."

Lucius mouth twitched as if he wanted to respond, but he voiced nothing.

Draco smirked at the expression on his father's face and continued down the corridor to his suite. He'd have been lying if he said he wasn't shocked when Ginny had told him it was Narcissa's idea to seduce him at the office, but he was very glad she had thought to inform him. Little morsels of information like that were useful when he was dealing with his father after such a tryst.

Upon closing his suite doors behind him, Draco started removing his clothing. By the time he reached the bathroom doors, there was a trail of shed garments marking out his path. He let himself into the bathroom quietly, so as not to startle Ginny. She was so relaxed she didn't so much as flutter an eyelash when he entered the room.

Draco allowed his eyes to roam over the scene before him. One of her legs was raised on the side of the bath; his eyes followed her creamy flesh all the way into the thick bubbles hiding her nudity. He didn't think he'd ever seen anything more erotic in his life. Just the knowledge that she was completely bare under those bubbles was enough to get his libido pumping.

Her eyes flickered open when his foot entered the water. "Are the twins asleep?"

"Sound asleep," Draco confirmed. "Sit up a bit, so I can get in behind you."

After a few minutes of maneuvering, Ginny settled back into his chest with a contented sigh. Draco placed a long kiss on her exposed neck, and his hands floated down to her abdomen, resting protectively over his unborn child. This was far better than being at the office until all hours. He'd missed his wife's company so much last week that he swore to himself he wouldn't let it happen again-at least not to the extent it had.


Ginny checked, for possibly the tenth time, that the interview file was on Draco's desk and hoped for the millionth time that he'd arrive home, so she could relax. If the interviewee due in less than fifteen minutes was Ginny's choice, Clare Sheehan, then she wouldn't have been bothered, but it was Mr. Amherst, the applicant Draco had insisted on seeing again.

The twins were in their playroom under the surveillance of Millie. Ginny had spoken to them this morning about what was going to happen this afternoon and what was expected of them. She had Ippy on standby to collect the children when the time was right - it was far better than having them sit through the entire interview.

The door to the study burst open suddenly, startling Ginny from her thoughts.

"Ginny, love, I'm so sorry," Draco blurted on his way across the room. "I've just Disapparated mid-conversation with Father."

"You what?"

Draco placed a chaste kiss on her cheek. "You know he wasn't happy with me taking the time out from the office."

"Yes," Ginny replied tentatively.

"Well, he tried his utmost to keep me there, so when he wouldn't shut up gracefully, I simply left in the most absolute way I could." Draco grinned amusedly at his wife. "I should think he's going to be livid."

"He won't disturb the interviews, will he?"

"No, he wouldn't want to damage his reputation by allowing a stranger to witness his venting."

Ginny breathed a sigh of relief. "Good."

"Of course, he'll seek me out eventually," Draco said seriously. "When he does, I want you to remove yourself and the children, if you're anywhere in the vicinity."


"Love, he's going to be more than just a little angry. I don't want you witnessing such behavior." When Ginny's expression still showed she didn't quite understand he continued, "It could get ugly, and I don't think he'll stop to consider who might hear him if it's just family in the house."

"All right, I'll run away when he shows up."

"Good girl," Draco cooed, placing a firm kiss on her mouth. "How long do we have?"

"About five minutes."

"Enough time to snog you senseless," Draco replied cheekily, descending on her mouth with certain intent.

Ginny welcomed her husband's advances warmly. It had been so long since they'd simply flirted with each other and she'd missed it greatly.

"Master, Mr. Amherst is arrived," Ippy announced.

Draco drew away from his wife reluctantly. "Shame we can't reschedule these interviews," he muttered.

"You are in a naughty mood," she chided in good humor, straightening his necktie before he could pull away altogether. "Show Mr. Amherst in, Ippy."

"As Mistress wishes." Ippy bowed low to the floor before vanishing from sight.

Draco strode around his desk, dragging one of the visitors' chairs with him and positioning it at the corner of the vast table, closest to his chair, for Ginny to use while the interviews were in progress. "Come and sit down, Ginny. Is this the file for the first interview?"

"Yes, the rest are in your second drawer."

"Thank you, love." Draco sat down in his leather chair and opened the file, so he could quickly peruse the notes taken at Mr. Amherst's first interview.

Ginny sat in the chair Draco had arranged for her. She was watching her husband closely. It amazed her how quickly he could go from being playful to being the consummate businessman in control of everything. There was something very desirable about him when he was in this mode. A yearning to abandon her own chair and perch herself on his lap was gnawing at her, but she behaved, knowing full well that they had to get through these interviews.

A firm knock at the door echoed through the study, pulling both Draco and Ginny from their respective musings.

"Are you ready?" Draco asked quietly.

"Yes, let's get this started," Ginny replied wistfully. There were now much better things she would rather be doing - like upsetting her husband's perfect appearance and in-control demeanor - but she was compelled to do the responsible thing.

With a last smile at his wife, Draco directed his gaze to the door. "Enter."

Ginny tried to smile pleasantly as the door opened, but it felt stained and false, so she opted for a neutral expression. It was no secret that she didn't particularly care for this wizard and really didn't want to meet with him again.

Draco stood as the wizard came into view. "Mr. Amherst, a pleasure to see you again."

"Mr. Malfoy, Mrs. Malfoy, thank you for the opportunity to meet your children."

Draco shook hands with the man. "Please sit down."

Ginny smiled briefly and nodded at the older wizard. He still wasn't going to be teaching her children if she had any say in the matter. She tried to look interested as Draco launched into the questions he'd devised for the second round of interviews, but her mind kept wandering to more entertaining subjects.

"Ginny?" Draco expressed a little impatiently.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Ginny colored a little. Her thoughts had taken her well away from the discussion, and judging by Draco's tone he'd tried more than once to get her attention.

"Would you like to send for the children?" Draco reiterated.

"Yes, of course," Ginny responded. "Ippy, inform Millie we're ready for the twins to join us."

"As Mistress wishes," Ippy responded before Disapparating.

Ginny turned and sent a slightly guilty smile in Draco's direction. He returned it with a subtle stern look.

"I'm certain the children won't be long," Draco informed Mr. Amherst.

"As I said before, I'm looking forward to meeting them."

The man's tight smile didn't impress Ginny. He still gave her the impression that he really wasn't interested in the children at all. She listened as Draco made small talk with the man, feeling no need to try to join the stilted conversation.

A small knock at the door brought an end to the conversation. Ginny immediately got to her feet and went to greet her children. She'd decided that she wanted to be close to the twins just in case they weren't comfortable at any stage.

"Thank you, Millie," Ginny said upon opening the door. "Come in, you two."

The twins stopped just inside the door. Angel was looking at the strange wizard with open curiosity. Drake, on the other hand, kept his expression guarded.

"Drake, Angel, come forward," Draco instructed.

They shuffled forward slowly, neither in any hurry to meet the man who might become their tutor.

"I promise I won't let him bite you," Ginny whispered from behind them.

Angel giggled and, taking confidence in her mother's light tone, approached her father's desk.

Draco smiled at his daughter; she was always willing to meet new people. "Drake, would you care to join us?"

The little wizard muttered something under his breath that sounded vaguely familiar to a saying his Uncle Ronald was infamous for saying when he didn't want to do something.

Draco made a mental note to have a word to his brother-in-law about watching his mouth when the children were around. "Come on, Drake, step up here next to your sister, so I can introduce you both."

Drake stepped up close to Angel and looked at his father.

"This is Drake and Angelique," Draco said to the other wizard. "Children, this is Mr. Amherst."

"Hello, Mr. Amherst," Angel said cheerfully with a bright smile.

"Hello, Miss Malfoy, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Hello," Drake muttered.

"Master Malfoy, I'm certain you're capable of speaking much clearer than that," Mr. Amherst responded.

Drake looked to his father for assurance, and only spoke again when he received an almost imperceptible nod. "Hello, Mr. Amherst," he said, exaggerating each syllable as if he were speaking to someone who was hard of hearing.

"That's much better," Mr. Amherst praised. "Your father tells me you're quite bright."

Drake tilted his chin slightly. "I can write my name and I can make potions really good."

"Is that a fact?"

"Yep, Uncle Sev even gave me an Outstanding."

The old wizard raised his eyebrows in disbelief and opened his mouth to respond.

"Perhaps, I should explain," Draco offered quickly, silencing the other man. "Professor Severus Snape of Hogwarts is my godfather. The last time we visited him, he allowed Drake to sit in on one of his first year classes, and he appraised Drake's potion at the end of the lesson along with his students' efforts."

"I know Severus," Mr. Amherst began. "I can't see him handing out such a high mark just to put a smile on a child's face."

"He doesn't. Drake genuinely earned the mark he was awarded," Draco said with pride. "He has a natural aptitude for potions."

"Very good," Mr. Amherst mused aloud. "This shows a great potential for problem solving."

"I also fly really, really good," Drake added.

"Fly? It's hardly important to academics," Mr. Amherst responded haughtily.

Drake looked at the man as if he'd taken leave of his senses. In his humble opinion, flying was more important than anything else, especially academics-whatever they were.

"Yes, it's more important to concentrate on your studies at this age, young man."

Much to Draco's horror his son's face contorted into a disgusted expression, and he knew Drake wasn't far away from telling the older wizard just what he thought of his ideology. A change of subject was well and truly due. "Angel is just as bright as Drake."

Amherst fixed his eyes on the little strawberry blonde. "What are you capable of, young lady?"

"I can write my name, and I know the alphabet, and Grandfather says I'm beautiful," Angel answered confidently.

"Beauty does not make up for brains," Mr. Amherst commented seriously. "Your looks will not find you a good job when your education is finished."

"Grandfather says I don't have to worry about that, because he'll look after me until I marry a handsome, rich, pureblood wizard with a castle."

Mr. Amherst appeared to be speechless for a moment or two while he stared in barely concealed horror at the little witch, and then he turned his attention to Draco. "I rather feel that the values your daughter is expressing aren't entirely conducive to a good attitude towards a successful education."

Draco opened his mouth to respond, but Ginny cut him off swiftly.

"They're five-years-old. They don't have values yet, they have dreams and wishes."

"I disagree, Mrs. Malfoy. Children raised with realistic values have more sagacious views on their abilities and goals."

Although Ginny didn't want her children to grow up expecting to live on the family fortune or simply to marry more money, she didn't appreciate this wizard's assessment of their views on life after talking to them for less than five minutes. "Well, my children are normal five-year-olds with dreams about their futures. They may not be realistic at this stage, but they're not supposed to be. Any child who is already planning a career at this age must have very sorry excuse for a childhood," she responded strongly.

"Yes, well I think we'll leave it there," Draco interjected carefully. He didn't want to think about what his wife might do to the man if he was foolish enough to contradict her again. "Thank you so much for coming, Mr. Amherst. We'll be making our final decision in due time and you'll be advised of your success."

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy." Mr. Amherst stood and shook hands with Draco. Then he turned and inclined his head with respect. "Mrs. Malfoy."

"Ippy, show Mr. Amherst out," Draco ordered, before Ginny could respond.

The house elf shuffled out of the shadows. "As Master wishes."

With a final nod of his head, the wizard followed the servant from the study.

"I don't like him," Angel blurted as the door closed.

Ginny pinned Draco with a meaningful look. She knew there was something she didn't like about the man the first time she met him and the last few minutes had confirmed her feelings. There was little doubt in her mind that every student who had the misfortune to come across this educator would turn out like her brother, Percy. It was a frightening prospect.

"Don't say it," Draco warned quietly. He was loath to admit that the man was now out of contention due to his argumentative attitude towards Ginny. It was one thing to employ someone with strong values, but quite another to have him argue them with his employers. The thought of what Ginny might do to the man if Draco wasn't there to referee was bloodcurdling.

"There's no need," Ginny replied smugly. "I can tell by your expression that you now see what I couldn't put my finger on before."

Draco pulled his timepiece from his pocket and checked it intently. He was determined not to get into a discussion with Ginny about Amherst and her being right, at least not in front of the twins. "A cup of tea would be nice. We have about an hour before the next applicant is due."

Ginny smirked. "Nice change of subject."

"What? I'm thirsty."

"Millie, please arrange a tea tray and some pumpkin juice for the children," Ginny instructed.

"Yes, Mistress."

The family moved over to the comfortable chairs around the hearth, where Draco enjoyed the innocent conversation conducted by the twins. It was such a change from the mundane routine of the business world, and a whole lot more entertaining. He was surprised when Millie Apparated into the room and announced that the next applicant was due in five minutes. The hour had passed so quickly, but he consoled himself with the knowledge that he could spend the remainder of the afternoon with them, just as soon as this interview was over.

After admonishing the twins to behave and reassuring them that he would send for them soon, Draco allowed Millie to take them back to the playroom. Ginny had retrieved the file containing Mr. Conway's interview notes and application from his desk drawer. She was just passing the file to him when Ippy announced the wizard's arrival.

"Give us five minutes then show him in," Draco instructed as he moved to his desk.

Ginny watched her husband go through his transformation from relaxed and playful to the serious businessman. Again the desire to mess with his control was making her fingers itch, and again she pushed the urge to the back of her mind as she took her seat beside him. There would be time enough for that after this was over.

Draco closed the file as a knock sounded through the room. He straightened his already straight necktie and took a deep breath.


"Mr. Conway to see you, Master," Ippy announced.

Draco rose from his chair and intoned genuinely, "Mr. Conway, thank you for coming."

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy." The man grasped Draco's outstretched hand firmly. "Mrs. Malfoy, a pleasure to meet with you again."

"Thank you." Ginny smiled. "Please sit down."

"We have a few more questions for you and if you have any of your own, now would be the time to voice them."

"Excellent! Shall we make a start then?"

Draco smiled indulgently at the older wizard. This man was a true teacher-he was in control and determined to command the situation. Rather than being insulted by this attitude, Draco was impressed. Without further delay, he launched into the questions he had for the man and took careful note of his responses. He was happy to see that Ginny was paying attention this time and he hoped she might have some active input with this candidate.

After a good fifteen minutes of continuous conversation and discovery, Draco felt he knew enough about the man to introduce him to the children. If this man interacted well with them, then he had no problem appointing him to the position. Not that he'd let on while Conway was still in the room. It would be a matter for discussion with Ginny afterwards, but he could tell she liked the man as well.

"If you have no further questions, we'll introduce the children," Draco said when he'd exhausted his list of queries and thought the other man had asked all his questions.

"Yes, I'm very much looking forward to meeting them," Mr. Conway agreed heartily.

"Ippy, inform Millie that we're waiting for the children," Draco commanded.

The servant muttered its acknowledgement before Disapparating.

"Your idea of inviting applicants to meet the children in their own surrounds is a grand initiative," Mr. Conway commented.

"Thank you," Ginny responded. "We thought it would be best if the children were in a comfortable setting."

"Yes, their feelings are so volatile at their age. It's very important that they're at ease when meeting new people," Conway added. "I can see that you care for your children a great deal."

Ginny bristled. "Of course, I do."

"Please don't take my comment the wrong way. What I meant was, it's refreshing to see. All too often, in older, wealthy families, children are simply seen as an obligation to the family line and are not truly cherished as they should be."

"Oh... Well, thank you."

Draco observed the conversation with interest. He was on guard, ready to interject the moment things looked as though they were going wrong. If this wizard could continue to get along with Ginny then the decision had all but been made, as far as he was concerned.

"If I am to believe a grain of what certain tabloids have printed, you're very new to this parenting caper, Mr. Malfoy," Conway said cautiously.

"Less than a grain is to be believed. The fact that I have only known my children since February is, indeed, correct," Draco confirmed.

Conway nodded thoughtfully. "It must have been quite a shock to the system to be a father of two so suddenly."

"It took some adjusting," Draco conceded.

"Not to worry, every parent I've ever come across is learning something new every day."

"They don't exactly come with instruction manuals," Draco added tightly.

"It would make life very boring if they did."

A small knock at the door interrupted the conversation.

"That will be the children," Draco announced as Ginny rose and walked to the door.

Draco watched with mixed feelings as Mr. Conway rose from his chair and went to greet the twins.

"Drake Malfoy, I presume?" Conway said extending his hand to the little boy.

"Yes," Drake uttered.

"I'm Mr. Conway."

"Err-hello," Drake replied uncertainly.

"No need to be nervous, young man. I promise I've left my teacher's hat in my trunk at home."

"I'm not nervous," Drake answered as superciliously as he could.

"There's the confidence I knew was lurking behind those eyes," Mr. Conway exclaimed, before turning his gaze to Angel. "And you must be Angelique."

"Yes, I am."

"I'm very pleased to meet you, Miss Malfoy," Mr. Conway said happily as he offered his hand to the little strawberry blonde.

Angel accepted the man's hand with a smile. "I'm pleased to meet you as well, Mr. Conway."

"You have beautiful manners."

"Thank you, Mr. Conway."

The wizard smiled indulgently at the confident little witch. "Why don't we go over here and have a chat? I'd like to get to know both of you a little better, and I'm sure you'd like to know a bit more about me."

Drake looked to his parents for confirmation that this arrangement was all right with them. It wasn't what they'd done before, so he was a little perturbed when the wizard made the suggestion.

"That sounds like a lovely idea," Ginny said quietly.

Draco and Ginny watched as their children wandered over to the comfortable chairs near the unlit hearth. Mr. Conway appeared to wait until they'd both been seated before taking a chair close to them. He started by asking them what they were interested in and seemed to listen closely to their answers, encouraging them consistently to keep talking to him. The moment he won Drake over was all too obvious - he showed an avid interest in Quidditch and flying. Angel was won over easily with compliments that flowed from the wizard's tongue without a hint of perjury. At no time did the older wizard belittle anything the children told him, nor did he scoff when they exclaimed how good they were at certain things. He appeared to connect with the twins - knowing just how to respond to their various comments and observations.

After a half an hour of constant chatter, Draco approached the little gathering on the other side of the room. He was thankful that the other man took the hint without him having to do or say anything.

"Well, children, as much as I would like to stay here all afternoon and chat with you, I'm certain your parents have other plans, so it is time I took my leave," Mr. Conway announced. "It was a true pleasure to meet you both and I sincerely hope we see each other again."

Drake got to his feet and offered his hand to the wizard. "Goodbye, Mr. Conway."

"Goodbye, Master Malfoy. You keep up your flying. Remember practice makes perfect!" Mr. Conway looked to Angel, who had remained seated. "Miss Malfoy, your conversation has been most interesting."

"Thank you, Mr. Conway, it has been a pleasure," Angel said in a perfect imitation of Narcissa.

Mr. Conway smiled indulgently at the little witch and turned to Draco. "Mr. Malfoy, your children are a enchanting. Thank you very much for this opportunity."

"Thank you for attending," Draco intoned, shaking the man's hand. "We'll be making our decision in due time and will advise you of your success."

"I look forward to hearing from you." Mr. Conway dipped his head in Ginny's direction. "Mrs. Malfoy, you should be very proud."

"Thank you, I am proud of them. It was lovely to meet you again," Ginny responded warmly.

"Ippy, if you could show Mr. Conway out and return to your normal duties," Draco instructed.

"Yes, Master. Mister will come with Ippy," the house elf demanded.

Mr. Conway followed the pushy house elf from the study and left the family alone.

"Well?" Draco looked questioningly at his family.

"He was all right," Drake commented casually.

"I liked him," Angel added.

"Ginny?" Draco waited patiently for his wife's analysis of the applicant.

"He was very nice."

They had decided earlier that they wouldn't be discussing their opinions in front of the children, so Draco didn't push her any further. When the twins were otherwise occupied he would talk to her about appointing Mr. Conway. The man appeared to be perfect for the position.

"So what do you have planned for the rest of the day?" Ginny asked cautiously, fully expecting Draco to run back to the office or usher them out of his study so he can work.

"I thought Drake and I might take the brooms out for a bit," Draco answered with a grin.

"Really, Daddy?"

"Yes, mate. If it's all right with Mummy you can go and get changed into your flying gear."

"Go on," Ginny said when Drake looked pleadingly at her.

"Angel, do you want to come?" Draco asked.

The little girl shook her head. "I'm having a tea party with Grandmother."

"All right then," Draco replied. "Does Mother know she's got a visitor coming," he continued softly to Ginny.

"Yes, Narcissa said something this morning before she went out to lunch. Angel wanted to go with her, so she promised she'd could take afternoon tea with her if we had no other plans."

"Well, I have to get changed, so I'll deliver Angel to Mother on my way upstairs, if you like," Draco suggested.

"That's fine," Ginny answered.

"What are you going to do?"

"I've got a few things to take care of, so I'll be in my parlor."

"Okay. I'll let you know when we get back."

"Tell your mother if she tires of Angel she can send her to me," Ginny said.

"I will." Draco gave Ginny a lingering kiss, a kiss that held an obvious promise for later in the evening. "Come on, Angel, let's get you to your grandmother before she starts afternoon tea without you."

"Grandmother would never start before her guests arrive," Angel declared self-importantly.

"Have fun," Ginny called as they left the study. She gathered a few papers and headed off for her private parlor.

They still hadn't had a dinner to thank their attendants from their wedding, and even though she had demanded Draco's help to begin with, she had been slowly planning the evening on her own. When she realized that Draco was far too busy with work to be bothered with planning something that she was essentially responsible for she decided to make the evening her own and if it wasn't what was expected then that was just going to be too bad. It was her dinner party and as long as people had a good time then she would be happy. This afternoon provided the perfect opportunity to get a few more of the arrangements sorted out.


Draco stretched out on the floor in front of Drake's Quidditch stadium, preparing himself to concede defeat. He had only one hope of victory in this game: to catch the Snitch first. Drake had been practicing and it showed greatly. The little boy was developing into quite the tactician and was going to be a dangerous force on the Quidditch pitch when he got older.

They'd had a wonderful afternoon flying while the witches were otherwise occupied. The dining room had been full of laughter as they ate, and then Draco insisted on bathing the twins before they settled down to play some games. He was thoroughly enjoying the simple pleasures in life - his children's laughter, spending time with his family, and not worrying about the office.

"Well... well... it's all right for some, isn't it?"

The urge to curse out loud was only quashed by the fact that his children were present. Draco was so relaxed that he'd forgotten Lucius would have business to discuss with him this evening. "Father?"

"It might interest you to know-"

"Stop right there," Draco said harshly. "Ginny?"

"On my way," Ginny responded with a deep sigh. "Drake, Angel, we'll give Daddy and Grandfather a little privacy."

"But we're just about-"

"No buts, Drake," Ginny said swiftly.

"We'll finish the game just as soon as I've had a word with your grandfather," Draco promised, waving his wand over the game to pause the action. He watched Ginny herd the children out of the parlor and waited until their footsteps had faded before turning back to his father. "Now I know what I did today was discourteous, but you were deliberately attempting to keep me at the office when you knew I had a scheduled appointment at home."

"For you information, I have only just arrived home. I was unable to leave due to the issue I was trying to discuss with you when you so crudely left."

"When I left there was no problem. If one developed afterwards then it was one of your own making. I will not shoulder the blame for something that has nothing to do with me."

"I did not create a problem. If you had been listening attentively you would have-"

"You don't get it, do you? No matter what happened or was happening, I wasn't in a position to stay in the office and sort it out. The education of my children is far more important."

"You could have returned to the office after the interviews."

"I chose not to."

"And as a result I had to work late."

"You call this late? What about the hours I had to work last week? You're hardly sneaking into your bedchamber in the dead of night to grab a couple of hours sleep before returning to the office, are you?"

"I used to do those hours. Now-"

"Now you think you have me to do those hours, but I've got news for you. I won't be neglecting my family for the office. Last week, my behavior towards my wife was inexcusable and it won't be happening again. Did you know that she thought I was having an affair? So, I don't care who I have to walk out on at the office to make it home at the hour she's expecting me."

"An affair? That preposterous!"

"Tell that to her when I'm working late every night." What Hermione had told him about Ginny's mindset the week before had disturbed him more than he cared to admit. Just the thought of her thinking he'd be unfaithful made his blood run cold.

"It is necessary to put in the extra hours at times, and you are well aware of that fact."

"I am, but it is exceedingly unfair to expect one person to do all the late night work."

"You've never had a problem with it before."

"I've never been married before," Draco growled, his patience all but lost. "I'm going to make this very clear: Nothing, and I repeat nothing, is going to come before my family. I don't care if the company is burning down. If my family need me, then I will be with them."

"If this is supposed to make me feel confident about handing the reigns of the company over to you-"

"It isn't, and it has nothing to do with me being in control of the company. If you don't want to hand the company over then don't do it. Work for the rest of your life. I'm quite happy in my current position."

"You know that is not an option," Lucius hissed.

Draco smirked. "Mother would be upset, wouldn't she?"

"I have made promises that you are well aware of."

"Of course, and she'd have been most upset at the thought of anything coming before her grandchildren's education." Draco paused to gauge his father's reaction. "If I had told her."

"You wouldn't."

"I will if you keep going down the path you seem to be intent on."

Lucius glared at his son with murderous anger.

"That way you'll be so worried about her you'll leave me alone." Draco smirked smugly. He had his father in a corner now, and while he knew it was a dangerous thing to do, he was enjoying every minute of it. It seemed he had a new weapon to use in situations like this: tattling on his father to his mother was nothing new, but with the addition of grandchildren his tales carried a lot more weight, which translated into a new level of pain for his father.

"It would be wise of you to reconsider your intentions."

"I didn't say I intended to tell her. I just said if you kept giving me grief I would tell her, so whether she finds out or not is entirely up to you."

"You are playing a dangerous game, son."

"I play by the rules I was taught," Draco replied evenly. "I will not back down on this, Father. So you're either going to let it go or we're at an impasse, where I'll do everything in my power to divert your attention away from me."

"Very well, but be warned; I will not tolerate the company suffering."

"It won't suffer. I simply won't be forced into working inhumane hours."

"What is to happen when it is necessary for those hours to be applied to secure a contract?"

"Once I'm fully in charge, I'm going to change a few things. The first item on my agenda is a reasonable research and preparation time between applying for a contract and closing the deal. I'm not saying the odd late night is out of the question, but I worked every night last week, plus I had to go to the office on Saturday, and that isn't fair to Ginny or the children."

"I see," Lucius drawled.

"Now if that was all, I have a game of Quidditch to lose."

Lucius' brow furrowed. "Lose?"

"I'm playing with Drake."

"It won't help him to learn the finer points of the game if you don't play to your full ability."

"I am playing properly. He's become very good."

"Well, I'll leave you to it then."

"Just one last thing, Father."


"You were about to begin airing your displeasure in front of my wife and children - I won't tolerate that level of disrespect for their sensibilities."

Lucius took a step towards Draco, his temper flaring dangerously. "Your wife has no sensibilities."

"It's time you returned to your own wing," Draco snarled viciously.

Lucius curled his lip threateningly at his son and took his leave. He knew his daughter-in-law was capable of being a lady, just not in the classical sense. She was probably a lot tougher than most wizards, if he was to be completely honest, and it truly wasn't a fact that bothered him greatly. If anything her demeanor gave him less to worry about. Still it bothered his son to be reminded of such things and that was a valuable instrument in attaining the last word in a dispute.

Draco swung around, growling audibly and allowing his foot to sail into the nearest chair with force. He knew he'd played dirty, but his father had sunk to a new low. To suggest that his diatribe wouldn't have offended Ginny was disrespectful. Draco ran his hands though his hair in frustration and cursed the throbbing pain now coming from several of his toes. He needed to calm himself down before allowing his family to return to the parlor.


Ginny watched the door of the playroom constantly, waiting for any indication that the men had finished their 'discussion'. The occasional inarticulate sound floated up from the parlor, but she couldn't tell what was happening. She heard Lucius approaching before he even passed as he stormed from the southern wing. Whatever had happened in there, he obviously wasn't pleased with the outcome.

"Is Grandfather angry?" Drake asked quietly.

"I don't know, sweetheart," Ginny answered, even though it was obvious the man was not at all happy. "Why don't you two stay here for a few minutes while I talk to Daddy?"

Drake looked as though he was about to protest then changed his mind. "Okay, Mummy."

"I won't be long," Ginny assured him. "Angel, you stay here until I send for you."

"Yes, Mummy," the little girl replied, barely lifting her eyes from her dolls.

Ginny left the playroom quietly and walked to the doorway of their family parlor. She observed Draco before letting her presence be known. He was leaning on the side bar with a large tumbler of Firewhisky before him. As she watched, he downed the fiery liquid in one gulp and slammed the tumbler back onto the side bar with a growl. Their discussion had obviously not ended well.


"Love, I didn't hear you come in." Draco noticed Ginny's eyes were flitting between him and the open bottle of Firewhisky in front of him. "For medicinal purposes... I needed something to dull the pain in my foot."

"Your foot? Did your father step on your toes?"

"No, no, but I rather stepped on his, metaphorically speaking. When he left I foolishly kicked a chair, and now I'm paying for my momentary lapse in sanity."

"So you stepped on his toes and then kicked the chair?"

"That about sums it up," Draco concurred. "Not that I think it's over. Father is less than happy with my refusal to see the error of my ways, so he'll try again."


"No, I shouldn't think so. He'll probably wait until tomorrow. I hope that I made myself clear that company business should be taken care of in company hours, not at home and not in front of you."

"Draco, you know that doesn't bother me."

"I know, but it bothers me. Father is a ferocious businessman, and when he gets started he really doesn't mind who is present, so that's why it's better to keep that sort of discussion at the office," Draco said seriously. "If he's polite enough to mind when my mother is in the room, then he can damn well pay you the same respect."

"Whatever you think is best," Ginny agreed quickly. The last thing she wanted to do tonight was get into an argument about what Lucius could and couldn't say in front of her. It just wasn't worth the stress. If Draco didn't want her to witness these things then she wouldn't question his decision.

"Where are Drake and Angel?" Draco asked.

"They're in their playroom. I told them to stay put when I saw your father storm past the door without so much as saying goodnight to them."

"Well, best we get them back in here, so Drake can whip my backside at Quidditch."

"I'll go tell them," Ginny offered.

"Nonsense, you'll stay here," Draco said firmly. "Millie!"

"Master did summon Millie?"

"Tell the twins to come in here. I believe they're in the playroom."

"At once, Master."

"That is how you do it," Draco claimed.

"You're lazy. It wouldn't have taken me two minutes to fetch them."

"Ah, but that would have been two minutes less for me to enjoy your company." Draco claimed her mouth firmly, expressing the desires that had been building in him since early in the afternoon. No matter what his father said or thought, Draco was going to let nothing ruin his evening with his family.

"Ewww," Drake moaned as he walked into the parlor. "Get a room!"

Draco stepped back from Ginny and looked at his five-year-old son incredulously. "What did you say?"

"Get a room," Drake repeated casually.

"Where did he hear that?" Draco asked Ginny.

"I don't know," Ginny admitted. "Drake, where did you hear that saying?"

"Uncle George told Uncle Ron and Aunt Pansy to get a room when they were snogging in Grandma's kitchen."

"I'm having a word with your brothers about their mouths," Draco growled softly.

"He's probably been saving that one up, just waiting to use it on us," Ginny whispered.

"I'm still having a word with them. It's unseemly to hear things like that coming from the mouth of a child."

"Not to mention embarrassing," Ginny teased.

Draco gave her a half-hearted filthy look before joining his cheeky son in front of the Quidditch stadium. "Don't say anything like that again, Drake."


"It's rude."

"So is-" Drake quickly swallowed the rest of his claim when he saw the look his father was giving him. "Uncle George said-"

"I don't care what you uncles say, you are not to emulate them in any way, shape or form. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"Good. Now are we going to finish this game?"

Drake threw his mind into comprehensively trouncing his father's team and the triumphant roar of victory was his just thirty minutes later.

Draco wasn't at all surprised by his defeat. He'd never seen his son concentrate so hard, except for when he was brewing potions, as what he did when playing his Quidditch game. The little wizard's strategies were well thought out and executed with precision. He could see, if he were ever going to win a game, he would have to put a lot more thought into how he was going to accomplish the task.

Rather than send the twins to bed, which was rather tempting given that Drake was bragging at the top of his lungs about how he attained his win, Draco ordered some hot chocolate for them and settled down with a storybook of Angel's choice. On a large sofa with one child either side of him, Draco opened the book and began to read. He couldn't make up tales like his own father had for him when he was a child, but he could indulge their desire to hear stories by reading.

The combination of a warm comforting drink and the lulling tones of their father's voice was soon making their eyelids droop. Try, as they might, neither could force themselves to stay awake while they were sitting still. Angel dropped off to sleep without much of a fight; she was way too comfortable to consider moving or otherwise doing anything to keep herself alert. Drake wriggled for a little while, but was stilled by his father's large hand resting on his head. It was the beginning of the end for the little boy, and his eyelids drifted closed, against his will, not long after.

"Draco," Ginny whispered. "They've gone to sleep."

Draco sighed softly. "So much for my captive audience."

Ginny smiled softly at him. "You lost Angel ages ago, but Drake fought hard."

"I guess I'll have to carry them upstairs," Draco responded in a whisper.

"I can-"

"No, you can't. They're too heavy for you to be carrying all that way."

"I'll take Drake first then come back for Angel. She's sound asleep, so she shouldn't wake up with all the movement."

"No, she shouldn't," Ginny murmured.

She watched as Draco gently disentangled himself from the twins' arms and legs, and got to his feet. He picked their son up as if the boy weighed no more than a feather and strode from the room. Ginny moved to sit next to Angel, just in case the little girl disturbed. Apart from the disturbance when Lucius arrived home, it had been a perfect evening. She'd not seen Draco so relaxed in a while and it made her feel much better knowing he was still capable of relaxing. Just as she was beginning to wonder if he'd forgotten about Angel, Draco wandered back into the parlor looking a little ruffled.

"What happened?"

"Drake woke up and didn't want to go back to sleep."

"Is he asleep now?"

"I hope so. I'll check him after I've put Angel to bed."

"Shall I go up and see him?"

"No, I think that's what he wants, and I've already told him you wouldn't be coming up."

"All right, but if he gets too obnoxious-"

Draco grinned. "I'll call you before I kill him."

"You do that, because I'd hate to miss out on all the fun," Ginny responded amusedly. She knew just how abominable Drake could get when he was overtired and even the most experienced in dealing with him had trouble at times like that.

"I would never deny you." Draco winked as he scooped up Angel from the sofa. The little girl was sound asleep and in no danger of waking up, no matter what her father did to her. "I'll be back soon, love."

"Would you like a cup of tea? I was going to get the servants to bring a fresh pot."

"Yeah, that would be lovely," Draco responded on his way from the room. A nightcap would have been better, but as Ginny couldn't drink he'd refrain this evening.

After ordering the fresh tea and dismissing the servant who responded, Ginny made herself comfortable on the sofa and waited for Draco to return. She was surprised when only minutes later he walked into the parlor.

"Is everything all right?"

"It's all fine."


"Sound asleep again."

"Good. Did Angel wake up?"

"Nope, didn't even flutter her eyelashes."

"Excellent," Ginny replied as she poured the tea.

"What did you get up to while I was flying this afternoon?"

"Just some household things... menu planning and the things," Ginny answered easily. It wasn't exactly a lie, she was planning a menu; it just wasn't a normal, everyday menu she'd been working out.

"If that's getting too much for you I'm sure Mother wouldn't mind giving you a hand."

"It's fine. I just thought I'd get a bit done while the twins were otherwise occupied."

"Do they disturb you while you're taking care of the household duties?"

"I try to make sure they've got something to do while I'm working, so they don't," Ginny replied.

"You're sure it's not too much for you?"


"I worry about you. It's a big job looking after the house."

"Draco, I'm more likely to expire from boredom than overwork."

"In that case, you need to get more involved in other work then."

"Like what?"

"Mother would be able to help you there, but there's the charity work she does."

"If you call sitting around, sipping tea, with insidious women for hours charity work."

"Those garden tea parties aren't exactly the social events of the year, but they do raise a lot of money for the needy."

"Draco, I'd end up offending someone for sure."

"You'll have to get used to dealing with those women in time."

"I know. Your mother went through what would be expected of me eventually."

"You've only been given a reprieve because you're expecting."

"So if I stay pregnant I don't have to do any of that bothersome stuff?"

Draco raised an eyebrow at her quizzically.

"How many children did you say you wanted?" Ginny pressed.

"We are not having an entire Quidditch team just so you can avoid going to tea with a group of snooty women."

"You know we've never really talked about it seriously."

"About what, love?" Draco enquired innocently.

"How many kids we're going to have."

"Oh-err- Well, with this one we'll have three."

"Yes, I can count, darling."

"Don't you think that three is more than enough?" Draco felt Ginny stiffen a little next to him. "Of course, if you want more, I'm more than willing to put in the practice," he added hurriedly.

"It's just that there'll be almost six years difference between the baby and the twins."


"I would like to give the baby a companion... someone to play with."

"We could get a puppy or a kitten."

"Draco!" Ginny swatted him with her hand. "This is serious. It's something we should have discussed ages ago."

"Love, I'm perfectly happy with three, but-" Draco paused to phrase his words carefully. Truth be told, he wasn't that interested in having any more children. "If you want more then you can have more. I just don't want you overstretching yourself."

"What on earth do you mean?"

"Well, you're in a position where you can devote a fair amount of time to the twins, at the moment, but when the baby arrives that time is going to be lessened."

"And your point is?"

"The more children you have the less time you can devote to all of them."

"Nonsense! Draco, my mother had seven children, plus our friends that she unofficially adopted and not one of us ever wanted for her attention."

"I think you have to look at why your parents had so many children."

"What do you mean?"

"You have six older brothers and then they stopped when they finally had you. I think it's fairly obvious that they were chasing a girl."

"That isn't what happened, but even if it was, it's got nothing to do with us."

"We've already got one of each, plus we'll have another of one of them when the baby arrives."

"Don't you want any more children?"

Draco cringed mentally. Her tone was beginning to sound accusatory and that alone told him he was entering dangerous territory. "I'm happy to have more children. I just don't want to go overboard."

"What would you deem overboard?"

She'd already indicated that she'd like at least one more after the baby, so Draco very quickly jumped on that piece of knowledge. "Any more than four?"

"Four is fair."

"I'm glad we worked that out," Draco said, hiding the relief he felt flooding through him.

"Of course, I reserve the right to change my mind."

"Change your mind?"

Ginny nodded against his chest.

"Like not have another after this one?"

"Or have more after number four."

"One more?"

"It would have to be two more. Odd numbers are pain."

"What does odd numbers have to do with anything?"

"Draco, I'm the seventh child."

"You're talking in riddles, Ginny."

"Trust me, odd numbers aren't good."

While the inquisitive side of his brain was urging him to pursue the reason as to why odd numbers weren't good, the sensible side of his brain told him firmly to shut up, smile and nod at the appropriate times. With a promise to revisit the subject when she wasn't pregnant and acting so odd, Draco smiled at his wife. "All right, love, I trust you."

"Why are you using that tone with me?"

"What tone?" Draco asked innocently. As far as he was concerned he'd answered cautiously, but with no tone as such.

"That condescending tone."

"I didn't use any tone with you, condescending or not. I trust you and if you don't like odd numbers that's fine with me."

"Well... you should say it like you mean it then."

"I do mean it." Draco blinked a couple of times at the woman resting her head on his chest. He was trying to work out how they'd got to this point and just how much grief this was going to cause him.

"It doesn't sound like it."

"Ginny, love, you're hearing things."

"So now I'm nutters?"

"No, I didn't say that." Draco paused to take a calming breath. "Why don't we head up to our suite? A soak in the bathtub would be nice."

"I don't know if I want a bath."

"A shower then?" Draco suggested hopefully. He'd settle for anything other than continuing the conversation they were having, which he was certain was going to end up causing him insurmountable grief.

"Maybe," Ginny answered evasively.

"We could get ready for bed and just relax for a while," Draco continued, hoping he was now on track to get her moving upstairs and the subject changed for good.

"If that's what you want to do."

"Is there something you want to do?" The words were out before Draco even realized he'd opened his mouth. If she said she wanted to continue talking about having more children, he'd be sorely tempted to Avada Kedavra himself right there and then - it would be less painful than anything she'd end up inflicting on him after he'd tripped over his tongue a few more times.

"Not particularly."

He didn't mean to, but an audible sigh of relief escaped him. Rather than sit there and wait to be murdered, Draco moved quickly in the hope that she hadn't registered what she heard or that a moving target would be too much trouble to track down. "Come on then, let's get upstairs."

"Are you tired?"

"A little," Draco fibbed. It was far better than admitting the truth.

After gently helping Ginny to her feet, they walked upstairs together. Before entering her own suite, Ginny insisted on checking on the twins and making certain they were tucked in properly. Draco refrained from pointing out to her that they were tucked in properly, because he'd made sure they were. Not that it would have made any difference - she still would have checked them before retiring for the evening.

Once in their bedchamber, Draco directed his wife straight to the bathroom. "So what's it going to be? A bath or a shower?"

"I think I'll just have a shower."

"All right then," Draco replied with a sly grin. His hands immediately busied themselves with ridding her of her clothing.

"I can undress myself, Draco."

"I know, but I enjoy undressing you." He kissed the tip of her nose affectionately. "Can't I have a little pleasure?"

Ginny rolled her eyes, but smiled at him. "Okay, you can undress me, but that's all."

"I promise I'll behave," Draco responded as sincerely as he could. For now, he added silently.

Minutes later, Ginny was in the shower and Draco walked out of the bathroom, only to walk back into the room via his own door. He stripped off quickly and entered his own shower stall. Across the room, his stunned wife stared at him and he returned the look with a cheeky grin. Even though both stalls have existed since they moved into the southern wing, they'd not used them together. Draco decided he rather liked the view from his side of the bathroom, when his wife was in her shower. He watched as Ginny finished her shower and stepped from her stall, wrapping a towel around her body. She didn't pause to dry herself before striding from the steamy bathroom. Draco smirked nefariously. He had some work to do to soothe her before he could have some of the fun he'd planned earlier, but he was sure he would be able to convince her to be a little friendlier.

Not silly enough to rush out of the bathroom and possibly into a world of trouble given his wife's precarious mood, Draco finished washing himself slowly. He hoped that giving her a bit of time to calm down would help her mood settle into something companionable.


Ginny's eyes flicked up as Draco emerged from the bathroom. He was whistling happily as he crossed the bedchamber with just a towel slung around his hips. Her eyes followed him across the room. She wanted to be irritated with the sound he was making, but the sight of him strolling across the room with just a towel hiding his bits was distracting, very distracting given she knew what lurked beneath the towel. Her tongue flicked out unconsciously and ran along her lips; she wanted so much to lick up the droplets of water glistening on his bare chest. Perhaps she could forgive him temporarily. After all, there was plenty of time to discuss the number of children they would have.

She waited patiently for him to reemerge from his dressing room. The whole time she could hear the annoying tune he was whistling. After a while she was beginning to wonder if he was still whistling, or if the noise was just playing in her head now. When he walked back into the bedchamber, he was clad in just a pair of black silk boxers. It was a sight that made her stomach flutter with anticipation, and the decision to forgive him temporarily was made in an instant.

Her eyes followed Draco around to his side of their bed, where he fastidiously turned the covers down. She couldn't resist following him around and snaking her arms around him, so her palms were caressing his chest.

"Are you ready to go to bed?" she purred.

"Not quite." Draco carefully removed her hands from his chest and stepped out of her reach. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate the feel of her hands on his body, quite the contrary actually, but he wanted to be certain of her mood before exposing his most delicate parts. "I was just getting the bed ready, but if you want to go to bed, don't let me stop you."

She reached out and trailed a single finger down his chest. "I'm not sleepy."

"Would you like to read for a while? Or we could play a game of Wizard Chess, if you'd like?"

"Umm-" Ginny bit her lip and looked at her husband coquettishly. "No, I don't think so."

Draco swallowed the chuckle wanting to burst forth. If he'd let that out, he had no doubt she'd have reverted into the cranky Hippogriff he'd been dealing with for part of the evening. "No? Well, what are we going to do to tire you out?"

"I have an idea," Ginny purred, stepping forward and tugging playfully at the waistband of his boxers.

He couldn't stop the smirk that tugged at his mouth. It seemed she was going play nicely for the time being. All he had to do was be careful not to upset her in any way, shape or form, because the thought of her turning into a hellcat when he was vulnerable wasn't terribly inviting. "Oh, you do, do you?"

"Yes," Ginny murmured as her lips made tantalizing contact with his chest. "Isn't this likely to be more entertaining than Wizard Chess?"

"I'm sure it will be." Draco shuddered as her hand ran over the satin of his boxers, gently caressing his member. "I think we should move this into the bed, don't you?"

"Not just yet," Ginny responded, sliding down his body to her knees.

Draco's eyes grew as big as saucers when she started slipping his boxers down his legs. Only when the fabric was around his ankles did she begin her ascent. The feel her hot breath dancing around his groin as her head drew level sent shivers up his spine. A small groan escaped from the back of his throat when he saw her pink tongue flick out to tease the head of his cock.

"Gin, you don't have to-" A loud moan of pleasure finished his sentence as her mouth closed around his hardening length. There was nothing quite like the feel of a woman on her knees tending your every need with her soft, hot little tongue.

His hands drifted down to tangle in her hair. In massaging her scalp, he was able to effectively hold her in place and continue to enjoy the incredible bolts of pleasure shooting through his body. When her hand slipped between his legs to palm his balls, he thought that maybe Christmas might have come early. He could have stayed there all night enjoying the mind-numbing pleasure his wife was intent on giving him.

When she moved to get to her feet and cease her focused ministrations, Draco tried not to show his disappointment. After all her mouth hadn't left his body, she was simply traveling north. As she drew to her full height, Draco's hands encompassed her face and drew her into a passionate kiss. The subtle hint of himself on her breath was intoxicating.

With oxygen becoming somewhat short, Ginny gently tilted her chin, so Draco could trail his mouth down her neck. She was already panting lightly and her need was far greater than it should have been at this stage, considering he'd not actually touched her yet. The feel of his hands tugging at her silk nightgown was sending tingles of anticipation through her body. A small gasp escaped her when the fine fabric of her nightgown grazed over her already hardened nipples on its way to the ground. All she wanted was to feel his hands on her, to melt into his touch and never move away from him.

Draco's hands caressed her curves reverently, starting just under her arms and running down her sides to her derriere. He could feel the effect he was having on her as gooseflesh rose in the wake of his touch. His mouth began a slow journey south, savoring every inch of her creamy flesh. It wasn't long before Draco found himself on his knees taking inventory of the light dusting of freckles on his wife's upper thighs.

Ginny's knees were growing weaker every time his tongue flicked out and made contact. She knew in just a few minutes standing would become an issue, but she couldn't bring herself to mention it and interrupt the unadulterated pleasure she was feeling.

His hands ran over the tops of her thighs, gently encouraging her to open her legs a little more. He could feel her clutching at his head, burying her fingers into his hair and holding on tightly. If he wasn't mistaken there was a slight tremor in her body. Draco smirked between her thighs. Even though he had reduced her to a trembling mess more times than he could remember, it still privately thrilled him to know he had this effect on the mother of his children. When she began to list a little, Draco carefully made his way back up her body. One of his hands remained between her legs, busying itself eliciting those throaty moans from her that sent tingles right to his toes.

"I think we'd best get you onto the bed, before you fall over," Draco whispered huskily.

"Mmm..." Ginny knew she had to get off her feet, but if she moved now his hand would be disturbed and the bolts of pleasure she was experiencing would cease.

"Come on."

"Don't stop," Ginny breathed more than articulated.

Draco smirked and withdrew his hand slowly; enjoying her mewls of protest as he did. "If you're a good girl, and lay on the bed, I'll do that and more."

When Ginny didn't begin to move of her own volition, Draco gently guided her to the mattress. Her hands played over his body in an effort to distract him, and as hard as it was, he successfully ignored her efforts. Given that he was determined to get her onto the bed, if not in, Ginny finally seemed to give up and set about situating herself towards the center of the mattress. When she had finished wriggling over the covers, Draco surveyed the scene before him hungrily. She was sprawled so wantonly that he was sure he felt his body temperature jump five degrees while he was standing there. Her hands were playing over her skin, apparently unable to remain still, and the look in her not-so-innocent cinnamon eyes beseeched him to join her.

The way her body ached to be touched was almost painful. From under hooded eyes she watched him crawl onto the bed and up her body without so much as making contact once. Her skin was prickling in anticipation and her breathing had become more than a little erratic. Every time she reached for him he moved just out of reach, further frustrating her and making her want him more.

Draco hovered above her, not quite making contact, but feeling her energy just the same. He knew she wanted him to touch her, her eyes told him that clearly, but this situation was turning him on more than he ever thought it could. Draco slowly lowered his head and brushed his lips over hers. She rose to meet him and sought to deepen the kiss, but he pulled away. Her frustrated growl made him smirk cockily. He lowered his head again, this time placing a light kiss in the hollow of her throat, before raising his head to observe the affect he was having on his wife. The exaggerated rise and fall of her chest mesmerized him for a few moments and she very nearly succeeded in snaking an arm around his neck, intent on pulling him closer.

Draco removed her hand gently and placed it beside her, on the mattress. "Behave yourself, missy."

"I want-"

"Shh... Patience, my love."

"No!" Ginny pouted.

"What if I do this?" Draco lowered his head to the valley between her breasts and left a trail of light kisses. "Will that stop you pouting?"


He obliged her request and resumed his position between her breasts. Her light moans of delight encouraged him to continue his journey down her body. When he reached the slight mound that showed evidence of her pregnancy, Draco covered the area in soft reverent kisses. He was the first to admit that he'd never paid any attention to pregnant women before; they fell well under his line of sight as a bachelor. Now he found the subtle changes in his wife's body, as she grew with his child, very erotic. The smallest change in her turned him on like never before. It hadn't escaped his attention that her breasts were fuller and more sensitive than they rightly should be, along with other areas, but it was something he could, and did, use to his advantage.

The urge to guide his head lower had Ginny's hands clutching at the blankets. She could feel his hair grazing over her ginger curls while he kissed her stomach, like he was teasing her. As he crept lower she began to tremble in anticipation of his touch where she needed it most. Her need had built to a level of depravity she'd not before experienced.

"Please," Ginny pleaded breathily.

Draco allowed his fingers to delve into her softness. "There?"

"Oh, yes!"

He smirked at her and plunged two fingers into her. "You like that?"

"Mmm..." Ginny's hips bucked, eager to meet his hand.

"You are in a wicked mood," Draco commented, pleased with her reaction.

Ginny moaned loudly, her ability to form articulate sentences slipping away from her as her mind was consumed with the rush of pleasure she was experiencing. The only thing she knew for certain is that she wanted more; his fingers weren't quite fulfilling her need. She wanted to reach for him, but her arms simply wouldn't cooperate. They felt like long tubes of jelly, not capable of raising themselves, let alone pulling her husband over the top of her.

Draco began to drift back up his wife's body; stopping only to pay some much needed attention to her breasts. He was so intent on keeping her writhing beneath him that he didn't notice her hand drift towards his groin. As her fingers closed around his shaft, he sucked in a sharp breath and sunk into the warmth of her touch.

Had her breathing not been so irregular already, she'd have breathed a sigh of relief. It felt so good to have something solid in her hand, and it took her mind away from what she was experiencing. Now that she had a little control back, Ginny set to work on attaining what she really wanted at the moment. With care, she slowly began to coax her husband onto his back. Once Draco was where she wanted him, Ginny allowed her hands and mouth to roam freely, enjoying his responses immensely.

If anyone had asked him how he ended up on his back with his wife hovering over him, doing the most wicked things to his body, he wouldn't have been able to give them an explanation. All he knew was that one minute he was in command and the next he was flat on his back running potions ingredients and their uses through head to maintain control. Her hands seemed to be everywhere at once - dancing over his balls then rolling his nipples between her fingers. It was impossible to define where she was at any given time, so he stopped trying to and simply sank back onto the bed to enjoy the ride.

The moans, groans and gasps he was letting out spurred her on. She wanted to reduce him to a quivering mess for a change, and then have her wicked way with him before he could adequately recover. When his breathing morphed into panting and she noticed him attempting to lift his arm without success, Ginny deemed he'd had enough. She kept her hands busy and lifted her head to examine his face.

Draco's features were contorted into a mask of concentration. The urge to fracture that mask had her lowering her head to his groin again. She stopped mere inches away from his most sensitive parts and started to blow gently over them.

Draco emitted a primeval grunt. "Evil-bint-enough," he ground out.

She laughed, happy with the effect her breath had had upon him. His satiny skin was now afflicted with goose flesh and he appeared unable to move. She gasped when his hand closed around her arm and hauled her away from his hips.

Draco gathered her to him, capturing her mouth in a crushing kiss. He could feel Ginny moving over him, but he didn't care to think about what she might be planning next, just as long as she left his dick alone, so he could calm down a little.

Ginny straddled his hips somewhat clumsily and tried to line herself up. She could feel his steely length prodding her, but couldn't quite get her position perfect. After a little more wriggling, Ginny maneuvered herself into the perfect position.

Draco hissed into her mouth as she slid onto him. She felt so hot and wet and wonderful. The gentle rock of her hips was teasing him ruthlessly. He was far too worked up to even contemplate holding back for too long.

"Not going to last," Draco forced out between heavy breaths.

Ginny leaned down to nibble on his ear, and muttered, "Then you'd best fuck me hard."

With her permission now secured, Draco grasped her hips and immediately set a blistering pace.

"Sit up straight," Draco grunted.

He slowed a bit while Ginny sat up. When she was in the best possible position, he resumed the furious pace that accentuated every sensation for both of them. He watched her hands leisurely drift up her body. When she reached her breasts they stopped, massaging the creamy mounds to give herself a little extra pleasure. The view only served to further Draco's excitement. He loved to watch her indulging herself.

"Can't-hold-on," Draco managed to groan.

"Oh God, just a bit longer," Ginny blurted, doubling her own efforts.

"Gin, I-I-can't."

"Plea-" Ginny's words were cut short as he drove into her harder and deeper than before. "Oh-my-"

Draco shuddered violently and moaned loudly as he spilled himself into her. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he registered Ginny's breathless protests. He fought against the urge to sink bonelessly into the bed and continued to drive into her at a blinding pace while he still had something to offer.

Ginny was teetering right on the very edge of euphoria. She felt so close to release, but didn't seem to be able to push herself over the precipice. Just the thought that she could be left a frustrated mess nearly drove her to madness. While she had enjoyed teasing Draco mercilessly, she found herself regretting pushing him that far.

"Please ... oh ... just a ... little more," Ginny pleaded excitedly. "Oh ... Oh God."

The world exploded in a rush of sensations so powerful that Ginny forgot to breathe for a few minutes. Her relief as her orgasm washed over her was so immense that she collapsed onto Draco's chest as it echoed through her body.

Draco stroked his wife's back lovingly while she struggled to calm her breathing down. He had a feeling she wasn't about to move right at this moment, so he grit his teeth and tried to ignore the sticky warm fluids running slowly over his balls.

Ginny lifted her head just far enough to find Draco's lips. He tasted salty and sweet at the same time. "That was amazing," she whispered.

Draco smirked conceitedly. "Thank you."

"If I had the energy to reach for my wand-"

"You'd Rennervate yourself and go another round," Draco finished for her audaciously.

Ginny groaned as she rolled off him. She'd deal with his cheekiness later, like after she'd slept for no less than eight hours.

Draco cringed. "You know it's polite to lift yourself off first."

"No energy," Ginny mumbled into her pillow.

"Under the covers with you. We can't have you getting a chill." He had a feeling it wouldn't be too long before she nodded off. At least he hoped not, because he desperately wanted to go and give his balls a quick wash. The rush of fluid over his balls, when she moved, was enough to make his skin crawl.

Once they were under the covers, Ginny snuggled into his chest and draped one of her legs over him. Without thinking of what he needed to do, Draco allowed his arm to encircle her and draw her in even closer. She was soft and warm, and he couldn't think of a better way to close the day than holding his wife while she went to sleep.

As he suspected, it didn't take long for his wife's breathing to even out and for her to fall into a deep sleep. Draco tried to extract himself without alerting Ginny, but he found himself thoroughly trapped. He debated with himself for several minutes over whether it was worth disturbing her just so he could splash a little water around his parts and decided not to bother. He was exhausted and thoroughly sated, so a case of sticky balls, though off putting, wasn't likely to cause him any loss of sleep. He focused his thoughts on more pleasant things and allowed his eyes to slip closed.


Draco woke up slowly with a body draped across his chest. With a contented smile, he reached down to hold her closer. A deep frown puckered his forehead. Unless Ginny had shrunk sometime during the night, something wasn't quite right. His eyes opened and he glanced down at the person draped across him. It definitely wasn't Ginny. It was Angel. When she'd climbed into bed with them was a complete mystery to him, but she was there now and he was not exactly dressed for company, other than his wife's, in bed.

With a level of care that he'd never exercised before, Draco tried to extract himself from the bed. The last thing he wanted was to wake her up when he was sans clothes. He had just begun to seriously move away when a little head rose from his chest.

"Daddy, where are you going?"

"Shh, princess, I have to go to work," Draco whispered. "Close your eyes and go back to sleep."

"I don't want you to go to work."

"I have to, but I'll be home early," Draco promised, praying to the deities that she'd close her eyes so he could get out of bed. "Close your eyes and cuddle Mummy."

The sleepy little witch allowed her eyes to slip closed and Draco breathed a sigh of relief. He carefully extracted himself from the covers and stood up, looking around for something to hide his state of undress.

"Daddy, why don't you have any pajamas on?"

Draco grasped at the first thing that came to hand: Ginny's nightgown. "Go back to sleep," he hissed.

"But why did you sleep in the rude?"

"Angel, I don't have time for this."

"I was just asking." Angel blinked at him innocently.

"Why aren't you in your own bed?"

Her expression darkened immediately. "I had a bad dream."

Draco sighed and ran his free hand through his hair. "All right, just go back to sleep before you wake Mummy up."

"Does Mummy have pajamas on?"

"If you wake Mummy up, she'll send you back to your own room," Draco threatened. "Go to sleep."

Angel's eyes filled with tears straight away. "I can't go back... it's scary."

"Bloody hell," Draco cursed under his breath. "Don't cry, Angel. I didn't say you had to, but if you wake Mummy up she won't be happy with you."

"I-I can't-it's scary an-and-"

"Angel, don't cry," Draco pleaded. He knelt by the bed and tried to comfort her as best he could. At least in that position his nakedness was hidden from her view. If he thought she'd not wake Ginny up, he'd leave her to get some clothes on, but he had the feeling that her volume would rise the moment he mentioned leaving her sight.

The little girl sobbed into her father's bare shoulder for several minutes while he made the appropriate soothing sounds and intermittently pleaded with her to stop crying.

"I have an idea," Draco started in a whisper. "Why don't you come down and have breakfast with me? Would you like that?"

Angel nodded against his shoulder.

"Okay, you go put your bathrobe and slippers on, and I'll meet you in my sitting room in five minutes."

"Millie can get them."

"All right, but go to my sitting room, or Millie might wake Mummy up and we don't want to do that."

Angel sniffed affectedly. "Okay, Daddy."

Draco breathed a sigh of relief as his little girl scrambled out of bed and headed for the sitting room.

"Are you going to put some clothes on? 'Cause Grandmother would be cross if you went to breakfast in the rude."

"Yes, Angel, I'm going to get dressed."

As soon as she was through the door, Draco rose from his position and all but ran to his dressing room. After dressing quickly, he crossed to the bathroom. On the way, he could hear Angel ordering Millie to return to her suite and bring the bathrobe that matched her pajamas. The fact that the servant had apparently brought the wrong robe gave him a little breathing space. Though he completed his morning routine in record time and forewent a desperately wanted shower, Draco stepped out of the bathroom looking immaculate.

He tiptoed around to Ginny's side of the bed and placed a light kiss on her forehead, as he did every morning before he left. When her mouth twitched, he paused.

"Are you awake?"

"You handled Angel well," Ginny responded amusedly.

"You were awake for that?"

"How could I sleep with you two nattering away in my ear?"

"Thanks for helping me."

"And get accused of sleeping in the rude? Not likely."

"I should send her back in here just to punish you for letting me deal with that."

"Do you really want to do that? She could tell Drake, and then what do you think will happen?"

Draco looked at his wife with disbelief. She may have been a Gryffindor, but she didn't mind playing dirty. "I'm going to have some breakfast and then I'm going to work."

"Have a nice day," Ginny whispered. "I'll see you around dinnertime?"

"Yes, I should be home around then. I'll let you know if I'm going to be later."

"All right."

"Daddy, are you coming?" Angel asked from the doorway.

"Yes, princess. I'm on my way," Draco responded. He looked back at his bed and noticed his wife already appeared to be asleep again. Yes, there were times when he seriously thought the Sorting Hat got it wrong with her - she should have been a Slytherin.

Draco and Angel began their walk to the dining room. Angel was completely happy now that she had her preferred robe. Draco was silently cursing his sly wife. If her moods weren't so volatile at the moment, he'd have considered planning some sort of retribution, but as it was he wasn't foolish enough or courageous enough to tempt the fates.

"Grandfather!" Angel shrieked when she spied Lucius sitting at the head of the table.

Draco sighed heavily. Habit had brought him to this dining room. He and Lucius often had breakfast together, to save eating alone and it also gave them the opportunity to discuss certain things without the worry that the office staff would overhear. After last night, the last thing he wanted to do was start the day with another disagreement.

"Angelique, what are you doing up so early?" Lucius asked, exchanging nods with his son as a form of acknowledging each other.

"I had a bad dream and I went to sleep with Daddy, and Daddy woke me up when he was getting out of bed."

Lucius looked at his son quizzically. "Draco, surely you could have slipped out of bed without waking anyone."

"I usually do, but when a certain somebody is sleeping on my chest it's a little difficult."

"I see," Lucius drawled. "Are you feeling better now, Angelique?"

Angel nodded and smiled brightly. "Did you know that Daddy doesn't have any pajamas?"

Lucius frowned, a little confused by his granddaughter's comment. "I'm certain you father owns pajamas."

"He doesn't wear them." Angel shook her head sadly. "He doesn't wear anything."

"Angel, you don't have to share-" Draco started.

"He sleeps in the rude," Angel whispered across the table, ignoring her father.

Lucius couldn't hide the amused smirk creeping on his face. He looked at his son questioningly, enjoying his level of discomfort.

Draco didn't bother to comment. He could see his father didn't require a full explanation.

"Shall we eat breakfast?" Lucius said casually.

"I want-"

"Bacon?" Draco suggested quickly. "You need to eat quickly, because your grandfather and I need to go to work."

"Why?" Angel blinked at her father innocently. "I'm not going to work."

"Angel, I don't want to leave you at the table alone, so you have to eat up."

"You aren't going to wait for Ginevra to rise, are you?"

"No, Father," Draco responded with exaggerated patience. "Once we've eaten, Millie can keep Angel company until Ginny wakes."

"Good," Lucius responded. "How long are you going to be at the office today?"

"The whole day, but I intend on being home in time to have dinner with my family."

"I see," Lucius drawled.

"You obviously don't agree."

"Quite the contrary," Lucius responded. "I think it's wonderful that you are able to spend time with your young family."

Though the conversation seemed perfectly civilized Draco could hear the 'but' lurking behind his father's words. The last thing he wanted was for this tête-à-tête to dissolve into a nasty dispute in front of Angel. "I think it's far better that we continue this conversation at the office."

"Very well." Lucius masked his mild shock appropriately before turning his mercurial gaze on his granddaughter. "Did you like any of the tutors you met yesterday, Angelique?"

"One man was nice," Angel answered vaguely.

"Just one?"

Angel nodded. "The other man was horrible."

"Both candidates were well qualified, but one did present better than the other," Draco added.

"You should be aware that some people don't interview well. The best candidate shouldn't be disregarded simply over a case of nerves."

"The gentleman concerned wasn't nervous. He simple didn't present himself as a human with an understanding of what five-year-olds were about."

"Old educators are often a little harsh," Lucius commented. "Just look at Severus."

Draco snorted. Even as a younger professor, Severus Snape hadn't presented as possessing a compassionate bone in his body. "Ginny isn't comfortable with someone who is less than human."

"What if that person is the best candidate?"

"On the face of his interview, he definitely isn't the right person for the job."

"Rather dangerous ways to choose the person you're entrusting to educate your children."

"I think not," Draco responded evenly.

"Well, it is your decision."

"Yes, it is," Draco confirmed strongly. He hoped it would be the end of the conversation. After last night, his father was obviously in a picky mood and he didn't appreciate the subtle needling he was practicing.

Thankful that Lucius had turned his attention solely to Angel, Draco ate the rest of his breakfast in peace. He would have enough of a hard time dealing with his father at work and didn't really want to get into their issues at home where little ears could overhear. It amazed him at how easily his daughter extracted promises from her grandfather. She certainly had a tight hold on his heart - tighter than even he'd had at that age.

When they'd finished eating, Draco escorted Angel back to the southern wing and left her in Millie's competent hands. The thought of spending the entire day at the office with his father's discontent mood wasn't appealing, but he had no choice. With last hug from his daughter for strength, Draco left for the office.


On Thursday afternoon, Draco Apparated into the foyer of the Manor, relieved to be away from the office for a while. He'd managed to get away an hour earlier than expected, so he hoped to go over the interview notes quite well before the first applicant arrived and relax a little. Yesterday had been hellish at the office and it really shouldn't have been. It was all due to his father's mood and his incontestable desire to take it all out on Draco. Still, he was home now and he didn't have to think about work until tomorrow morning - just applicants for the position of tutor.


Draco looked up to see his son thundering down the staircase towards him. Unable to resist Draco strode to meet him with his arms outstretched, ready to catch Drake when he leapt into the air. The little boy didn't disappoint him. When he reached the fourth step from the bottom, Drake launched himself into the air and directly into his father's arms.

"You're home early! Mummy said you weren't coming yet."

"I snuck out," Draco whispered in fun.

Drake gasped and stared at his father with wide eyes. "Grandfather won't be cross with you again, will he?"

Draco shrugged casually. "I don't care if he is cross with me."

The little boy giggled.

"Where is Mummy?"

"She's upstairs helping Angel get dressed to meet more tutors," Drake responded with a bored tone.

"You're not too impressed with this whole business are you?"

Drake shook his head despondently. "Mummy said I just have to be polite and get through it, so we could choose a tutor."

"That is true," Draco affirmed. "It is boring business, but we want to give you two a say in who gets the position seeing as you'll be spending so much time with them."

"Yeah, but why can't Mummy teach us? Like Aunt Fleur teaches Beau."

Draco sighed. It wasn't bad enough that he'd had to convince Ginny that this was the right thing to do for everyone, but now he was stuck explaining the decision to his son. He placed Drake on his feet and sat down on the staircase. "Listen, mate, Mummy has different things she'll need to be doing. They're things that your Aunt Fleur doesn't need to do."

"What does Mummy have to do?"

"Well, do you know what your grandmother does all day?"

"She goes out and drinks a lot of tea with her friends."

"Yes, she does, but that's not all just socializing. Some of those tea parties are very important meetings that the women use to raise money for people less fortunate than us."

"Why doesn't Aunt Fleur have to do that stuff then?"

"Well... you see we're obligated to do what we can, because we're better off than most."

"Uncle Bill and Aunt Fleur are off pretty well," Drake commented.

"They are, but they don't have the same level of wealth that we do."

Drake frowned deeply. "I don't understand."

"Okay, let's see if I can put this in a way you can understand." Draco thought for a moment. "What sort of broomstick does Beau have?"

"Sometimes Uncle Bill lets him ride one of his old ones when Aunt Fleur isn't looking."

"Right, and what sort of broomstick do you have?"

"A Lightning Bolt 5000," Drake answered with pride.

"Do you know why that is?"

"Because Aunt Fleur won't let Beau have his own broomstick."

"No, it's because I can afford to give you the best."


"That's why Mummy will eventually have to help your grandmother with the charity work she does and she won't have time to teach you. You see the charity work our women do is a bit like a job."

"I get it now!" Drake exclaimed brightly. "Grandmother's job is to drink loads of tea with other old ladies, and Mummy is going to have to do that when she gets old too."


"I would be extremely careful how you answer that."

Draco's head snapped up. The first thought to cross his mind was just how much had she overheard, and the second was how painful she would make his death. Of course, the second depended on the answer to the first. "Mother, I was just trying to explain to Drake why Ginny doesn't have time to teach him."

"I see," Narcissa answered reticently.

"Mummy has to drink tea with you and all the other old ladies." Drake nodded solemnly to confirm his words.

Draco watched as his mother's eyes widened ever so slightly before narrowing on him. "Old?"

"Not my words, Mother," Draco answered quickly. "Drake drew his own conclusions."

"I can see you didn't think to adjust his inference," Narcissa countered haughtily.

"You interrupted before I could correct his perception."

"Oh? And how would you have done that?"

Draco rose gracefully from the step and walked slowly towards his mother. "I would have explained, quite strongly, that the other women are old and cranky, but you could never be described that way, considering your youthful appearance and everlasting beauty."

Narcissa arched one of her perfect eyebrows and regarded her son with an appraising gaze. She had taught him well, and even though he tripped over his tongue occasionally, he always made amends with charm and sincerity. Her hand drifted up to stroke his cheek. "I will consider forgiving you for not making that clear in the first place."

"Mother, what will it take to win back your favor?"

A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. He was playing right into her hand, like he always did. "You could make amends with your father."

Draco stiffened. "It is Father who is in the wrong this time. He can make the effort for a change."

"Darling, he is set in his ways. Go to him and apologize."

"Apologize for what? I've done nothing wrong."

"He doesn't see it that way."

"I am aware of that."

"If you make the effort he will let the issue go, but until you do-"

"I'm sorry, Mother, but I will not be apologizing."

"Is it not worth it for the sake of peace?"

"Father needs to accept when he is in the wrong, and if I apologize he will conclude that he was right all along."

"Then if not for the sake of harmony, do it for me."

"I can't." Draco's stomach lurched uncomfortably when his mother looked crestfallen. "I'm sorry, Mother, I really am, but I won't do it this time."

Narcissa nodded calmly and moved away. Before beginning her ascent of the staircase, she kissed Drake lightly on the cheek.

Draco remained where he was, feeling dreadful for disappointing his mother. He could make amends with his father, but he was right and he wanted his father to acknowledge that fact. Why Lucius couldn't concede that Ginny and the children should come first was beyond Draco. Given time, Draco knew things would simply return to normal without anyone giving in or admitting fault. It wasn't the perfect scenario, but it was the best he'd get from his father.

"Draco, is everything all right?"

"Ginny, love, yes everything is fine."

"Then why did your mother try to hide the tears on her cheeks?"

"She's crying?"


"Bloody buggering hell," Draco cursed aloud and continued muttering a few more expletives under his breath. "I have to go see her... make this right."

"Slow down. What happened?"

"She asked me to make amends with Father and I refused."


"Look I won't be long. I'll just see if she's all right."

"You've got about a half an hour," Ginny reminded him.

"Yeah, it's all right. I'll do what I can and I'll meet you in my study before the first applicant arrives."

"Okay, but please don't be late," Ginny pleaded.

"I promise." Draco kissed her cheek. "Who is our first interview?"

"Mr. Merrythought."

"All right, I'll get this done and be right down."

Ginny watched her husband bound up the stairs. She could tell his mother's upset was causing him grief. All she could do was hope he was able to placate Narcissa and get down to his study in time.

"Come on, Drake, I'll walk you to the playroom."

"Okay, Mummy." Drake took his mother's outstretched hand. "Is Grandmother all right?"

"Yes, darling, she's just a bit upset with Daddy and Grandfather at the moment."

Drake walked silently for a while. "Maybe I should go and have tea with her."

"Why, sweetheart?"

"She's always happy when she's drinking tea."

Ginny smiled at her son's simplistic view of fixing the problem. The truth was that Narcissa would be cheered if he made the effort. "Perhaps you can visit your grandmother after we're finished."

"Why can't I go now?"

"We have to get through these interviews first."

"They're boring."

"Maybe so, but your grandmother would agree with how important they are."

"She'd still rather I was drinking tea with her," Drake mumbled.

Ginny didn't bother to respond. She knew her son well enough to know that he was simply putting up a token protest that would amount to nothing if she let him vent his feelings without comment.

"What are you going to do while you wait?" Ginny asked nonchalantly as they approached the playroom.

"Play," Drake answered evasively.

"I see."

When they entered the playroom, Drake went directly to the bookcase and retrieved his coloring book of magical creatures, along with his box of crayons, and then seated himself at the small table where he and Angel often did quieter activities. Ginny watched him carefully. He obviously wasn't in the mood to chat, so she left him to his own thoughts. She was starting to notice how much he cared for his grandmother more and more. It was just little things, of course, but they were certainly present - like now, when Narcissa was upset and he wanted to have tea with her to cheer her up.

Ginny sat on the sofa and waited patiently for Millie to arrive with Angel. Mere minutes had passed when she heard her daughter coming down the corridor, fussing about something very loudly.

"Mummy, Millie said I have to wear this!" Angel tugged at the pretty blue dress with princess collar she was wearing as she entered the room.

"That is what I set out for you to wear," Ginny replied calmly.

"But I wanted to wear my purple dress with the-"

"Angel, you have to learn how to dress appropriately for the occasion." Ginny paused for a moment, realizing just how much she sounded like her mother-in-law. "Where do you think Grandmother would wear a dress that beautiful?"

Angel sniffed affectedly and lifted her chin haughtily. "To tea."

"No, she'd wear it to dinner when she had guests."

The little girl's expression faltered a little. "I want to wear it today! I am meeting guests."

"Yes, but it's not evening and we're not having dinner with them."

"I don't care."

"Angel, you'll wear what you have on and not give Millie any more grief over it," Ginny instructed sternly, her good humor beginning to run low. "Perhaps you'll have an opportunity to wear the other dress soon."

Angel flopped down onto an overstuffed chair with her arms folded across her chest and a sulky expression on her face.

"You can brood all you like, it won't change things. Both of you behave for Millie and we'll send for you when it's time." Ginny turned to the aging servant standing near the door. "Millie, make sure Drake doesn't leave the room. He wants to visit with his grandmother, so he may try to leave once I'm gone."

"Yes, Mistress."

Ginny made her way quickly to Draco's study, hoping all the way that he'd already be there. When she arrived she was most disappointed to see the room empty. There was still time for him to make it, so she wasn't panicking just yet. Instead she rounded his desk and retrieved the file from his drawer, setting it in the middle of his desk. With nothing left to do but wait, Ginny settled herself in Draco's massive leather chair. She'd always thought his chair was ostentatious, but upon getting herself comfortable she could understand why he liked the chair. It seemed to cradle every inch of her body, like no other chair she'd ever sat on. More for something to do than anything else, Ginny opened the file in front of her and began to read the notes from the expected wizard's first interview. The ticking clock on the mantle reminded her constantly that time was slipping away.

A deep pop disturbed her from her thoughts and she raised her head expecting to Draco in the room. Disappointment, tinged with a small flutter of panic, filled her when she saw Ippy bowing close to the floor.

"Mr. Merrythought has arrived."

"Right-umm-" Ginny pushed aside her panic and forced herself to think logically. "Show Mr. Merrythought to one of the greeting parlors and tell him we won't be long, then find Draco and tell him that the gentleman has arrived."

"As Mistress wishes," Ippy responded.

"Just hurry." Ginny expelled a lungful of air when the servant disappeared. She did understand why Draco felt he had to go to his mother when she was so upset, but at the moment she was kicking herself for even mentioning that the other woman was upset.

The list of questions they were asking in this second interview were in the front of the file, and she could conduct the interview on her own, but she knew Draco wanted to be here to form his own opinion. All she could do was hope that he hurried up. Seconds began to feel like minutes and the urge to shut the clock on the mantle up was beginning to make her wand hand twitch.

"Ginny, I'm sorry, love," Draco blurted as he Apparated into the room. "Ippy said the candidate has arrived."

"Yes, I had Ippy show him to one of the greeting parlors until you arrived." Ginny regarded her husband quietly for a moment. He looked harassed more than anything at the moment. "Is everything all right with your mother?"

"Probably not, but there's little I can do about it now." Draco looked around the room, seemingly searching for something. "Ippy!"

"Master did summon Ippy?"

"Give us five minutes then show Mr. Merrythought in."

"Yes, Master."

When the servant Disapparated, Draco moved around to his chair, bringing a visitors chair with him. For a moment or two Ginny thought he may allow her to remain where she was, but he waited with barely concealed impatience for her to move into the visitors chair next to his comfortable chair. Without another word he sat down and started scanning the file in front of him, refreshing his memory of this particular candidate.

The five minutes he'd requested from Ippy was gone before he was ready. When a knock sounded at the door, Draco had no choice but to admit entry to the wizard.

Ginny's first impression of the man was that he was somewhat peeved and doing a terrible job of hiding his expression. When Draco spoke she knew he'd noticed, but his tone showed he wasn't concerned with the other man's feelings.

"Mr. Merrythought, my apologies for keeping you waiting," Draco intoned impassively. "Please take a seat."

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy."

"There is something I've been wanting to ask you, if you don't mind."

"Go ahead."

"Your name rang a bell with me and I was wondering if you were related to Professor Merrythought who taught at Hogwarts some years ago."

"Yes, Professor Merrythought is my uncle," the wizard admitted. "He is, of course, retired now."

"Of course." Draco smiled across the desk. "We're going to start with a few more questions, and then the children will join us."

"Very well."

As Draco launched into his questions Ginny watched the other man intently. He hadn't so much as nodded in her direction and that was not helping her opinion of him at all. It didn't matter if he was the most qualified person in the world if he was rude enough to ignore her presence entirely. Even when she moved to open the door for the twins Merrythought didn't give her a second glance.

Ginny's attention didn't wane the entire time her children were in the room. Given their earlier moods were a little unstable she didn't want anything untoward to happen. The wizard seemed to be paying a lot more attention to Drake than what he was to Angel. It was something that didn't go unnoticed by the little witch either. By the time Draco called an end to the interview Ginny was fit to burst with indignation.

The door had hardly closed behind the wizard when Ginny turned her attention to her husband. "What a chauv-"

Draco held his hands up as if in surrender. "You don't need to say it, love. I did notice."

"There's no way-"

"We'll discuss it later," Draco said evenly. There was no way that wizard was going to be appointed the position or even seriously considered, but he wasn't going to expound on his thoughts in front of the children. It didn't matter to Draco that he'd kept the man waiting; it was not an excuse for his attitude towards Ginny and Angel.

"Would you like some tea?"

"I might duck up and check on Mother," Draco responded quietly.

Ginny moaned silently. She wasn't surprised that he wanted to check on Narcissa again, but given the delay last time she didn't feel comfortable with him leaving right now. "We only have about twenty minutes. There's not really enough time to check on her, Draco."

"I can make-" Draco stopped when he saw his wife's expression. It wasn't exactly foreboding, but it had the potential to get there quickly. "I'll check on her after this next interview."

"Thank you."

"A cup of tea would be nice," Draco continued in an effort to get his wife to adopt a friendlier expression.

"Millie, bring a tea tray and some pumpkin juice for the twins."

"Yes, Mistress."

The family had only just settled around the empty hearth when Millie appeared with the tea tray. They drank their tea and pumpkin juice in relative silence, each seemingly lost in their own thoughts. As soon as the twins finished their drinks Ginny sent them back to the playroom with Millie. She knew time was growing short and didn't want to rush them when the time came to return to the playroom.

The moment he had bid goodbye to the children Draco went back to his desk, taking his teacup with him. He retrieved the second file from the drawer and began to peruse the contents straight away. There were more notes in this file than any of the others, given he had met with the applicants current employer to gauge the man's genuine feelings about the woman.

Ginny had the tea tray removed and moved to her chair beside Draco. She'd only just perched herself on the seat when Ippy appeared near the doorway.

"Miss Sheenan is requesting an audience with Master."

"Show the applicant in," Draco responded absently, not bothering to raise his eyes from the file.

"I'm looking forward to meeting with Clare again," Ginny commented eagerly.

"Mmm," Draco grunted.

"I really enjoyed her energy last time we met," Ginny continued, despite her husband's less than human response.


"Why don't you just nod and smile in all the right places?"


"Draco, are you even listening to me?"

"Uh huh."

"I want to paint the outside of the manor flamingo pink. What do you think?"

"Sounds great, love," Draco muttered.

Ginny growled lowly and slapped his arm.

Draco looked at her, clearly affronted. "What?"

"Do you realize you just agreed to let me paint the exterior of the manor bright pink?"

"I did not!"

"Yes you did. You told me that it sounded great."

"Ginny, I'm trying to read."

"I was trying to talk to you about Clare."

"I'm sorry, love, I'm accustomed to having a few minutes before a meeting to prepare on my own," Draco explained. "My staff knows better than to disturb me."

"I'm not your staff," Ginny ground out.

"I didn't mean you were or even had to follow the same form, love. I'm just not accustomed to having meaningful discussions minutes before a meeting and as such I was focused on the file in front of me," Draco clarified in what he hoped would be interpreted as a sincere tone.

"Okay," Ginny responded dully. "Have you finished?"

Draco cringed. "Not quite."

"Fine, read your notes."

"Gin, don't be like that." Draco reached across had grabbed her hand. "It's important that we're as prepared as we can be when meeting with someone."

A strong knock at the door interrupted their conversation.

"Are you ready?" Draco asked, wishing he knew for certain that he'd successfully made amends.

"Yes, are you?"

"I'll manage." He winked cheekily at her and gave her hand a squeeze, before removing his. "Enter."

"Miss Sheehan to see Master and Mistress," Ippy announced.

"Miss Sheehan, come in please," Draco intoned politely.

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy. It's such a pleasure to see you again," Miss Sheehan gushed as she crossed the room. "Mrs. Malfoy, you have a wonderful home! It's so big."

"Thank you." Ginny smiled warmly at the woman. "Please take a seat."

"We have a few questions to get through before the children join us," Draco explained.

"Yes, of course. I'm an open book, Mr. Malfoy."

Draco hid the amused smirk wanting to show itself. He couldn't discredit her enthusiasm. "I met with you current employer last week."

"Yes, Mr. Maddock told me he had lunch with you."

"He spoke very highly of you."

Clare Sheehan blushed lightly at the compliment.

"I think we'll get started," Draco said.

He started moving his way down the list of questions, noting the woman's answers and attitude. She appeared to be a little hesitant in some of her answers, but overall she was bubbly and eager to please. Even though he felt that the decision had already been made, Draco was enjoying this woman's liveliness. She would certainly get along with the children, but he wondered if she had the strength to conduct a disciplined classroom.

"If you're ready we'll send for the children," Draco offered.

"Oh yes, I'm looking forward to meeting them very much."

After sending for the twins Draco allowed the two women to natter for a short while. He took it as an opportunity to observe the woman on a different level. Just one thing bothered him in the time they were interacting: she seemed to treat Ginny like some long lost friend rather than a potential employer.

As soon as Ginny rose to answer the knock on the door announcing the twins' arrival, Miss Sheehan was on her feet as well. She hovered very close to Ginny's shoulder as the children entered and her face lit up brightly when they came into sight.

"Hello there! You must be Drake and Angel," Miss Sheehan said cheerfully. "I'm Clare Sheehan."

"Hello," Angel replied with a smile.

"Hello, Miss-Mrs.-umm-"

"I'm a Miss Sheehan, Drake."

"Oh, hello, Miss Sheehan."

Clare smiled brilliantly. "Would you like to have a chat?"

Angel nodded excitedly.

"Lovely! Why don't we sit down somewhere comfortable and we can get to know each other?"

"We can sit over there," Drake offered, pointing to his father's comfortable chairs near the fire.

"Wonderful! Why don't you lead the way?"

Drake drew himself to full height and led the witches across to the chairs. He waited, like a true gentleman, until both witches were seated then took a seat himself.

Ginny returned to Draco to observe Clare's interaction with the children. She was very encouraging to both of them and before long there was laughter filling the room. Drake and Angel appeared to get along with her extremely well. Both children were completely relaxed and very open with the woman. When Draco decided it was time to bring the interview to an end Ginny noticed that the twins seemed a little crestfallen.

"Thank you so much for allowing me to meet your wonderful children," Clare said sincerely. "They are both so beautiful and so well mannered. You're very lucky."

"Thank you, Miss Sheehan," Ginny responded, accepting the compliments gracefully.

"Thank you for attending. We will be making our decision shortly and will advise you of our decision in due course," Draco advised. "Ippy, you can show Miss Sheehan out."

"Yes, Master," the house elf responded as it started ushering the woman towards the door.

"She was nice!" Drake exclaimed.

"Yes, she was, darling," Ginny agreed, pleased that her little boy had given his opinion so forcefully.

"I might go and check on Mother," Draco whispered to Ginny.

"All right."

"I won't be long. I want to discuss the applicants while everything is still fresh in our minds."

"I'll be here," Ginny responded, not believing he'd be back any time soon.

Draco kissed her cheek and left the room quickly.

"Where's Daddy going?" Drake asked quizzically.

"Just to check on your grandmother," Ginny replied casually.

"Can I go and drink tea with Grandmother?" Drake asked.

"Not just yet, darling. Let Daddy make sure she's all right first, then later you can go and have some tea with her."

"Okay," Drake mumbled, not pleased at his mother's response, but knowing it was pointless to argue.

Angel frowned deeply. "What's wrong with Grandmother?"

"She was crying," Drake informed his sister.


"'Cause Daddy wouldn't do something for her."

The little strawberry blonde gasped loudly. "What a naughty boy!"

Ginny had to smother a snort of laughter. If Angel remembered to chastise her father for his 'disobedience' it was going to be quite amusing; she just hoped she was there to see the expression on his face. "Why don't we have some afternoon tea while we're waiting for Daddy to return?"

Drake looked at his mother with disbelief. "I'm having afternoon tea with Grandmother!"

"Oh- You can have afternoon tea with us as well, honey," Ginny offered quickly. She didn't want to mention that Narcissa may not want afternoon tea or could have quite conceivably already had afternoon tea.

"Can we have Grandmother's little pastry things?" Drake asked, suddenly agreeable.

"I'll see if we've got any." Ginny summoned a servant and ordered afternoon tea be served in the study, making certain she asked about the French pastries Narcissa favored.

Ginny ushered the children over to the armchairs around the hearth. She hoped Draco wouldn't be long, but she knew he'd take as long as he needed to so that his own mind was at ease. Men were decidedly strange creatures when it came to their mothers. Her brothers were really no different. Granted they didn't fuss as much as Draco, but if they thought they'd upset Molly they would try to put things right in their own clumsy way.

Angel nattered about Miss Sheehan all the way through afternoon tea. Ginny answered her questions vaguely, but the little witch didn't seem to notice she wasn't getting the full attention of her mother. Drake was withdrawn, as he often was when something wasn't quite right with his family and he wasn't happy.

About an hour later Draco returned to his family. Given his dark expression, Ginny immediately rose from her chair and met him at his desk, knowing it would be better if the children didn't hear any more than necessary about the problems with their grandparents. At this point she wished he would just do whatever was necessary to put an end to the nonsense, but she did understand why he was so reluctant to apologize to his father when he'd done nothing more than put his family first.


Drake watched his parents talk in hushed tones. His dad didn't look terribly happy, so the little boy decided that Grandmother must have still been crying. Without alerting anyone, he silently wandered over to the door and slipped out of the room.

When he reached the staircase Drake summoned Millie and enquired as to the whereabouts of his grandmother. With that information in hand, the little wizard continued on his way.

Drake slipped into his grandmother's personal parlor silently. He knew he wasn't really allowed in this room, but he was desperate to make her feel better.

Narcissa was sitting on the window seat, gazing out into the gardens.

"Grandmother," Drake whispered.

"Darling, what are you doing here?" Narcissa asked as she turned.

"I came to drink tea with you."

Narcissa's forehead creased a little in confusion. "That's lovely."

"You always smile when you drink tea, so that's why I came," Drake explained in a small voice.

"Oh, darling, how very sweet of you." Narcissa's blue eyes welled with tears. "Come here, sweetheart."

Drake wandered over to the window seat. His eyes were trying to take in everything in the room at once.

Narcissa gathered the little boy in her arms and held him tight. Tears were gliding unchecked down her face while she muttered into his blond hair about Drake being the sweetest little boy ever.

Upon hearing a distinctly wet sniff from the top of his head Drake drew away just a little. "You weren't supposed to cry," he whispered nervously.

"I'm all right, darling. I'm only crying because you've made me so happy."

Drake frowned deeply. "You don't cry when you're happy."

"Well sometimes you do if you're very, very happy."

"That's silly," Drake mumbled.

"Yes, darling, it is silly." Narcissa laughed delicately. "Now, shall we order some tea?"

Drake nodded emphatically. "And some treats. They make me smile, so they'll make you smile."

"Of course, we'll order treats."

After placing their order with a servant, Narcissa and Drake moved over to the wingback chairs surrounding the fireplace. Drake's manners had never been so perfect; he was putting into practice everything Narcissa had ever taught him about propriety.

"Mother!" Draco burst through the door glaring harshly at his son. "I am sorry for the intrusion. Drake, you should have waited until-"

"The only intrusion in this room was caused by you, Draco," Narcissa cut him off haughtily. "Now if you don't mind, I am having tea with my grandson."

Draco surveyed the scene cautiously before retreating from the room with a mumbled apology.

"Now, would you care for a pastry," Narcissa offered her grandson.


Ginny looked up as Draco entered his study. Again he didn't look happy. "What happened? Where's Drake?"

"Your son is having tea with my mother," Draco responded tetchily.

"My son?" Ginny arched her eyebrows at him questioningly. "It sounds more like something his father would do."

Draco muttered something unintelligible.

"Are we going to discuss the applicants?"

"We have Angelique," Draco pointed out.

"I'm sure Angel would be happy to go to the playroom," Ginny countered.

"No, it's all right, we'll talk later," Draco huffed.

"Fine," Ginny answered in a clipped tone.

He ignored his wife's tone and turned to his daughter. "Angel, would you like to go riding?"

"Oh yes!"

"Go change your clothes and we'll take the horses out."

The squeal the little girl let loose as she ran from the room was almost deafening in its pitch.

Ginny waited until Angel was out of earshot before turning to Draco. "When are we going to discuss the applicants?"

"After dinner. I just need to-"

"What happened?"

"I was thoroughly dismissed." Draco released a long breath.

"Draco, what did you expect? You go there, refusing to do what she's asked, and Drake's there trying to cheer her up the only way he knows how."

"What is this drinking tea with her?"

Ginny sighed quietly. "He has concluded that your mother is always happy when she's drinking tea with people, so he decided to cheer her up by drinking tea with her."

Draco scoffed.

"Whether drinking tea cheers her or not, the thought and his explanation will put a smile on her face."

"Whatever," Draco muttered.

"Oh, and I'd brace yourself for another telling off too."


"Angel isn't very happy with you, so she's likely to tell you at some point."

Draco smirked confidently. "She'll forget about it once we're riding."

"Don't be so sure," Ginny warned. "You haven't seen her take with one hand only to slap you with the other yet."

"Gin, you worry too much. My daughter loves me."

"Yes, she does, but that doesn't mean she won't air her displeasure if she's upset at something you've done."

"Never," Draco responded arrogantly.

"Fine, go. Just don't say I didn't warn you."

Draco kissed his wife on the cheek. "I'll see you at dinner."

"You're staying out that long?"

"The horses need a good workout, and I need to clear my head."

"All right," Ginny agreed quietly. It was better to let him go and sort through his feelings than force him to stay or even come back before he was ready. As he left, she noticed that his shoulders were slumped, and his head was low. All she could do was hope that he came back in a better frame of mind.


Draco and Angel returned from their ride absolutely famished and just in time for dinner. They were full of chatter about where they'd been and what they'd seen. Angel did take the time, in between mouthfuls and other talk, to inform the table that she had thoroughly admonished her father for being a naughty boy to Grandmother. The little girl sounded so much like Molly Weasley that Ginny couldn't help but feel sorry for her husband, who was cringing at the head of the table.

Drake hardly picked at his meal, having spent the rest of the afternoon with Narcissa eating French pastries and making her laugh. The little boy cast the odd resentful glance towards the head of the table, but didn't say anything that would get him into trouble.

Ginny had spent more time on planning her dinner party. She felt it was really starting to come together now and she found herself looking forward to putting the finishing touches on the plans, so the invitations could be sent.

After everyone had finished eating the twins were sent for baths under the watchful eyes of Millie. When they were ready Ginny told them they could play for a little while in the playroom, while she and Draco returned to the study to discuss the appointment of a tutor.


"We agreed to discuss each applicant and make our decision on their professional ability along with the children's reaction to them," Draco stated firmly. He knew Ginny didn't have any experience making such decisions and was likely to allow her heart to decide who was best for the children.

"I know, Draco. We've been over this how many times now?"

"I just want you to understand how I will come to my conclusions. I try not to allow my personal feelings invade my professional opinion."

"You explained this to me before," Ginny said patiently. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the man sitting on the opposite side of the desk. They needed to get through this without any animosity.

"I know, but I'm not making my decision on whether or not I like a person. I'll be looking at their credentials and their attitude."

"Yes, darling."

Draco looked at his wife with an amused expression on his face. The notion that he'd just wasted his breath ran through his mind. He knew, no matter what, Ginny would make her decision with her heart not her head. "Okay, we'll go through them one at a time starting with Amherst."

"No, absolutely not."

"I have to agree. He reminded me far too much of your brother, Percy."

Ginny laughed. "It's frightening to think there's another one just like him out there."

"Shall we move on?"

Ginny nodded, sobering immediately.

"What about Merrythought?"

The amused expression melted from Ginny's face immediately. "I found him rude, not only to me, but to Angel as well."

"Fine, he's out. I'd hate to think how I'd find the man if I left him alone in the house with you anyway."

"I don't think I like what you're implying."

"I'm implying nothing, my love, simply stating a fact."

"A fact?"

"Perhaps I can rephrase it." Draco appeared to think deeply for a moment or two. "Let's just say, the idea of disposing of a body after a hard day at the office isn't appealing."

"I would never."

"Now you're telling fibs." Draco smirked at her indignant expression. "Shall we move on to the next?"

"Yes, before I feel the need to make a liar out of myself and teach you a thing or two."

Draco chuckled. "Conway?"

"I liked him a lot."

"Why can I feel a 'but' in there?"

"He was great. I really can't think of any reason to not appoint him, but I think Clare is the person I want teaching the children."

Draco framed his words very carefully. He knew who he wanted for the position, and now it was just a matter of convincing Ginny to change her mind. "Conway was perfect. He showed terrific balance between being approachable and an authority figure. It's something that I don't feel Miss Sheehan displayed."

"The kids loved her. Did you see their expressions when she left? They didn't want her to go, because they were having fun."

"Ginny, there's a difference between a playmate and a tutor."

"Yes, but if their tutor is someone they really like then they're more likely to want to please that person."

"And what happens when discipline is required?" Draco paused for a moment to consider his thoughts. "I have no problem with Miss Sheehan; I just have some reservations about whether she'd be able to discipline the twins effectively when needed. Whereas Mr. Conway appears to be the full package - he's friendly, the twins like him, and he's strong enough to be a disciplinarian if required."

"I'm certain she's a lot stronger than she looks. The Maddocks were happy with her. Did Mr. Maddock indicate he'd ever had a problem with discipline?"

"No, he didn't, but she did have only one student with the Maddocks."

"Draco, I really think that at their age the twins need someone who's a bit softer... a woman who can hold them if they fall over and skin their knees, someone they can go to when they're frightened. Maybe when they're older we can opt for someone a little harsher, but for now I would feel a lot more comfortable if they had someone who was loving."

"There was nothing to indicate that Mr. Conway isn't capable of all that."

"Nothing, except for the fact that he's a man and men don't generally comfort distressed children in the same manner as women."

Draco sighed heavily and ran his hands through his hair. The fact was both candidates were brilliant and Ginny's arguments for Miss Sheehan were fair. Of course, they had to make a decision somehow. He still felt that Mr. Conway was the better choice of the two in the long term.

"Why don't we ask the twins who they preferred?" Ginny suggested.

"Let them make the decision?"

"No, but it would be interesting to know who they preferred and they might be able to supply us with good reasons why they preferred one over the other."

"All right, we'll ask them," Draco agreed.

"Why don't we go to them, rather than get them to come here? Then we can put them to bed while we're there, because it's getting a bit late."

"Okay, let's go," Draco agreed getting to his feet. He was tired and really just wanted to come to a decision, so he could relax for the rest of the night. "What did you do this afternoon?" he asked as they strolled out of the study.

"I did a little more work on the household books and then I curled up with a book for a while."

"More work?"

"I'm trying to get well ahead," Ginny responded casually. "That way I'll only have to make a few changes to accommodate social events."

"Good idea."

"Yes, I thought so."

They paused in the doorway of the playroom to observe the twins for a few minutes. Angel was playing quietly with her dolls, and Drake was working furiously at their small table with his crayons.

Draco stepped into the room, bringing Ginny with him. "It's nearly bedtime."

Drake's head snapped up immediately. "I have to finish this."

"What is it that you're doing?" Draco asked.

"A picture for Grandmother," Drake admitted distractedly as he continued to color.

"Drake, can you put it aside until tomorrow?" Ginny asked gently. "We'd really like to speak to both of you before you go to bed."

"I wanted to give it to Grandmother tonight."

"I think your grandmother has already retired for the evening, Drake," Draco informed him.

"Oh-well, I guess I could give it to her tomorrow."

"You can finish it after breakfast and then, if she's not busy, you can go and visit her."

"Okay," the little wizard concurred tiredly, putting aside his bright blue crayon.

"Come and sit down over here both of you," Draco said, directing the children towards the sofas. "We have something to ask you."

"What, Daddy?" Drake asked curiously, making his way to the sofa.

Draco waited until everyone was seated before asking his question. "We want to know who you liked the best out of the people you've met over the last two days."

"I liked the lady best," Angel said firmly.

"Me too," Drake agreed.

"You didn't like any of the gentlemen?" Draco prodded.

"Umm-the one who liked Quidditch was nice," Drake offered, while Angel nodded her agreement. "But I liked the lady better."

"Is there any reason you liked her better?" Ginny asked. She hoped there was a reason the twins could voice to convince Draco that Clare was the right person for the job.

"She was funny," Drake said.

"Is that all?" Draco enquired.

Angel's brow furrowed in thought and she shrugged. "She was nice."

"Why?" Drake asked.

"We just wanted to know what you thought," Ginny explained simply.

"Is she going to be our tutor?" Angel enquired.

"We haven't made our final decision yet," Draco informed them seriously.

Drake looked pensive for a moment. "What if we don't like who you choose?"

"We'll be selecting the best person for the job, whether you like that person or not is beside the point," Draco said firmly. "A tutor is someone who will prepare you for Hogwarts, not a friend or playmate."

The little wizard muttered something under his breath.

Draco thought it better to ignore whatever problem Drake was having at the moment, considering he'd expressed a liking for the two most likely candidates. "All right, upstairs and into bed with both of you."

"Can we have a story first, Daddy?" Angel gave her father the most pleading of looks.

"Mummy and I still have a great deal to discuss," Draco started. He made the fatal mistake of looking at his daughter while he was trying to refuse her. "Perhaps just a short one."

"I think that story can happen when they're upstairs, don't you, Draco?" Ginny suggested more than asked.

"Yes, good idea. We'll get you tucked in first."

It took several minutes to get the twins upstairs and ready for bed. When they were both snuggled in Angel's bed Draco opened one of their favorite storybooks. The more he read the further away his problems with his parents drifted. He was always surprised at how relaxing this task was. The simplicity of reading to the twins made it so enjoyable.


When Draco and Ginny returned to Draco's study they went through the notes from the interviews and the resumes of both candidates again, trying to find just one thing that would put one applicant ahead of the other. Apart from more experience on Mr. Conway's side there was nothing to separate the two.

"Well, who are we going to appoint?" Ginny asked.

Draco expelled a large breath of air. "I'd still feel more comfortable with Conway."

"The children and I prefer Clare."

"All right, Miss Sheehan it is then. I'll arrange the owls to advise everyone tomorrow."

"Thank you, sweetheart."

"When she falls to pieces or the kids are running feral don't blame me."

"I'm certain she'll do wonderfully. The twins are going to be so excited."

"You can tell them when she's accepted the position. There's no point telling them until we've confirmed her appointment."

"Okay, I'll keep my mouth closed."

"Good, because I'd hate for her to have changed her mind and the children to be disappointed."

"You have a point," Ginny admitted.

"Now, I think I'm ready for bed."

"You do look tired."

"That ride wore me out more than I thought," Draco confessed. "May I escort you upstairs, Mrs. Malfoy?"

"I'd like that very much, Mr. Malfoy," Ginny responded, trying her best not to giggle as Draco moved around the desk and assisted her to her feet. Now that the decision had been made she realized she was feeling a little weary herself, and the thought of falling asleep in her husband's arms was most welcoming.



Thank you to everyone who reviewed the previous chapter. Huge thanks to Rainpuddle13 for her wonderful beta skills!
