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Time, Interrupted by madm_05

Time, Interrupted


Story Title: Time, Interrupted

Chapter Title: Solutions

Author: Madm_05

Rating: Strong PG-13/T

Warnings: None

Chapter Word Count: 5,454

Date: 22 September 2006

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and everyone else from Potterverse belong to JKR.

Chapter Fourteen: Solutions

It was strange that the walk to Hogwarts castle seemed so short. It had never been this short before- it has always seemed far too long, in fact. Now, however, it seemed that no sooner had she set foot on the oft - travelled path did she take a step onto the cool steps leading to the entrance. Horace, who had whimpered and whined until he was permitted to join them on their trip, trotted happily before them, covered in soot from flooing to Hogsmeade, though his Order of Merlin was still gleaming brightly in the sunlight. Harmony remained at home, under Tonks' watchful eye.

In the days that had passed since she and Harry had been caught, so much and yet so little had happened. School officially started, but she was so far ahead in all the classes, that she felt like her brain was actually shrinking from having to hear the everyone sing the alphabet song over and over. By the end of each day, she had to recite several potions recipes, history of magic facts, and various spells to herself, just to prove that she hadn't become dumber from everything she had endured.

Then there was Malfoy. He was still very angry with her for having landed him with the Weasleys. While Hermione had no doubt that Malfoy was redeemable, and that Molly Weasley would do her best to be his redeemer, she also didn't doubt that it would be a long time before Draco would become a better person. He was still too bitter, as it was made obvious when he was caught dumping green paint in her shoes. Thankfully, Remus had caught and punished him for it before she had put her shoes on.

Harry had been rather depressed. Sirius and Remus had taken to patrolling their hall far more often than the others, so she and Harry never had the chance to visit each other, as was their habit, even when they weren't practicing magic. She had tried to cheer him up through out the day, but Harry had become used to spending more time with her than he was just then, and he didn't like the changes in his life.

On the bright side, Harry turned out to be a promising student, so long as she tutored him. Having spent six years drilling spells and history of magic facts into his head, she knew the best methods for teaching him. Under her guidance, he was quickly becoming a very intelligent boy. It made her glow with pride to watch him succeed. It was in those moments that she wished the Dursleys of her timeline could see Harry- doubtless they were responsible for his belief that he wasn't any good at anything. What she wouldn't give for them to look at him in all of his shining glory, basking in the love of people who cared for him and growing into a wonderful person. Oh, if they could see him now.

The only problem she had was that her time with Harry had caused a rift between herself and the others. Her only friends were Harry and Neville. Neville even had some measure of popularity. Harry had become quite popular, though she had little doubt that it was from his famous scar more than his bashful personality. But while everyone wanted to play with Harry or sit with him and were outraged to find that he was banned from playtime for two weeks, they didn't care about her.

Having been on the receiving end of such remarks before, she was able to hide her pain with ease. Who ever said 'sticks and stones may brake my bones but words will never hurt me' must have lived in a cave all their life. Idiot had no idea what he was talking about. Still, she held her chin high and ignored them as best she could, never showing how their harsh words affected her. Children, she knew, could be very cruel. She only hoped that they would become kinder as they became older.

On top of all that, was what Hermione called The Look. No matter where she went, Sirius, Remus, or one of the Tonks' was always present, giving her The Look. It was a look that said 'I want to know what you're up to' and it was really getting on her nerves. Worse, they were taking great pains to act like she had never been caught flying around her room with Harry, knowing that she was going to have to face the headmaster.

Suddenly Horace began to bark excitedly and ran off towards Hagrid's hut and his dog Fang. Horace ran circles around Fang, who appeared to be cowering and trying to find a way to get away from the young, energetic, dog.

"Ah, Horace," Sirius chuckled. "Never a dull moment when he's around." He turned to his friend. "Does Professor Dumbledore know we're coming, Moony?"

"I owled the headmaster a few days ago, so he knows, though considering this is Professor Dumbledore, he probably already knew," Remus nodded. "He said he'd send someone to greet us, but he couldn't tell me who because things at Hogwarts can be hectic sometimes."

"Indeed," a silken voice said. "I was in the process of brewing potions needed in the infirmary when the Headmaster informed me I was to fetch you. Apparently he doesn't trust you to remember the way to office, though I dare say the both of you spent more time there than half the student body in the history of Hogwarts." Without further ado, Severus Snape stepped from the shadows.

"Snape," Sirius spat. "Dumbledore sent you?"

"Indeed he did, Black. Even with your pea - sized brain, I'm sure you can guess I find no pleasure in this," he said disgustedly. Snape looked over the group. "I see you've had puppies, Lupin. Let us hope they don't bite."

Sirius growled deep in his throat. "Why you-"

"Let's move along, shall we? I have a class in twenty minutes. Unlike some, I am actually qualified to educate others," the potions master sneered.

Sirius opened his mouth to retort but was cut off when Horace sprung forward, standing between Hermione and the potions master. Horace, no longer a puppy but not quite full grown yet, stood protectively in front of Hermione, growling fiercely with his fur bristling, poised to attack if necessary.

"Found yourself someone who will have you, Black? It's not hard to believe that only a dog would take you, though I dare say it says a great deal of your personality." Snape sounded far less sure of himself. "Let's go, then." He turned sharply, his robes swirling and billowing behind him.

After seeing the swirling cape, the urge was too much for Horace. He launched himself forward and latched on to the seat of Snape's trousers, still growling ferociously. Sirius and Remus burst into laughter when Horace ripped part of the potions master's trousers off and was chewing on the fabric like there was no tomorrow. Harry could only watch the scene with sympathy, having once been chased up a tree by Ripper.

The laughter died quickly when Snape drew his wand. His obsidian eyes, so reminiscent of the Dark Harry's, burned with untold rage. Reflexively, Hermione, Sirius and Remus all went for their wands, but it was Harry, who had never needed a wand to do magic, that reacted first.

With an eerie sense of calm, Harry made a vague gesture with his hand, lifting Snape in the air by his ankle, much like the spell the Half - Blood Prince himself created. Harry glared coldly at the potions master as Horace began to bark and prance happily.

"You know what, Snivellus? I think I do remember the way to the headmaster's office, so it looks like we won't be needing your help after all. If you hang around," he smirked, "I will see you on the way out. Come on, then, let's go." Sirius said, ushering them towards the door.

A few steps further, the old Hermione Granger who always rooted for the underdog, turned and raised her arm before her. Concentrating, she turned him in air and lowered him to the ground so that he landed gracefully on his feet. Though she loathed the Half - Blood Prince with all of her being, she also had a healthy respect for his intellect. It helped that Dumbledore was still alive. Judging from the look he was giving her, though, she didn't think he liked her very much.

Hermione shrugged to herself. Helping him was the best thing to do. Part of her felt that, if shown enough mercy, he might redeem himself. After all, he had saved Harry's life while at Hogwarts. Hermione had to believe that no one was beyond redemption, that everyone could be saved- if not, then her quest to keep Harry from becoming a Dark Lord was pointless.

Once his feet were safely on the ground, Hermione continued on, ignoring Sirius' pout, and accepting Remus' approving look with a nod. "Harry," she whispered coming up beside her friend, "I wanted to say thank you, for protecting Horace."

Harry smiled in return and replied, "I wouldn't let anything happen to him. Besides, he was protecting you, wasn't he?"

Hermione smiled at him and tuned in to what Remus and Sirius were saying as they walked.

"-beautiful thing I ever saw. Just like James," Sirius said, wiping a fake tear from his eye. "Makes me want to dance the jig, knowing that Harry is so much like his father. He acts more and more like him each day. Warms the cockles of my heart, that does," he chuckled. Remus only sighed in exasperation, though Hermione could see he was amused. The werewolf turned to Harry and Hermione instead.

"Harry, while it was very good of you to protect Horace, you shouldn't have done that," he chastised gently. "Sirius or I would have protected him. And you certainly didn't need to do that to Professor Snape. He's going to be your teacher one day, and I think you should try to be polite to him. As for you, Hermione, that was a very good thing to do, letting him down."

"Ruined all of my fun though," Sirius half mumbled to himself.

Remus continued on. "Though I have to ask you, when you do wandless magic, do you always use hand gestures?"

Harry looked at Hermione and shrugged, telling her that it was up to her to explain the conclusion they had arrived at some time before. "Yes," she replied. "It makes things easier." Remus nodded while Hermione shared a look with Harry. At least it wasn't a whole lie, she consoled herself.

Hand gestures did make wandless magic easier- it made it easier for people who witnessed it to accept it. Early on, she had realized that it unnerved people when things randomly floated towards her, particularly at school. To make things easier for those around her, and by default for herself, she thought of using hand gestures. Not only would it alert people that she was doing magic, it made her slightly more normal, as though she was just another witch, waving a wand in a particular pattern. It made her more easily accepted.

Harry, however, had never felt the need for hand gestures, though he did use them on occasion. He never practiced his wandless magic in front of other people, as per her request, and magical incidents surrounding him were written of as accidental magic. Sometimes the other kids said it was her doing the magic, though she was sure that they were only trying to get her into trouble. Not that I need any help getting into trouble, these days. I'm getting to be as bad as Harry!

"I don't suppose he told you the password by any chance, did he Moony?" Hermione's head snapped up, and sure enough, she was standing before the gargoyle that protected the entrance to Dumbledore's office.

"No, he didn't," Remus sighed. "Perhaps we should have brought Snape along with us."

Sirius snorted. "Not likely. Come on, if all four of us start shouting things at it, one of us will guess correctly eventually. Let's give it a go."

Hermione listened to the two men say random things, from "cauldron" to "staircase" to "Riddikulus". She barely suppressed a snort. Had they forgotten Dumbledore's sweet fetish?

"Cauldron cakes," she said.

"Spoon," said Sirius.

"Dog," Remus supplied.

"Pumpkin Pasty," Hermione said over Sirius and Remus.

"Got a bit of a sweet tooth, have you Hermione?" Sirius asked with an indulgent smile.

Harry, meanwhile, had cottoned on to Hermione's idea. "Pumpkin pie," he said. Lo and behold, the gargoyle hopped to the side. The two men stood agape as Harry and Hermione shared a look and burst into laughter. Hermione took a moment to reflect on how much she enjoyed being able to have an entire conversation with Harry without even saying a word.

Sirius looked slightly offended. "He's trying to steal my favourite dessert!" He began to grumble to himself. "That's not very fair of him, taking my favourite treat and making it into a password like that."

"Well," Remus said, fighting a smile. "I guess we'd better get to it, then." With that, the group trekked up the staircase and stood behind Remus as he knocked on the door.

"Enter!" Dumbledore called from the other side. Remus opened the door for them to walk into the office. Hermione steeled herself and prayed Harry remembered everything they had gone over in their makeshift Occlumency lessons. She was thankful that there had been a spare moment the day after they had been caught when she was able to warn him that Dumbledore, while well - meaning, would probably try to see his thoughts, and that he should practice.

Hermione only hoped it worked- if Dumbledore learned of everything that she had told Harry, then there would be more trouble than she could handle. Having dealt with everything else thus far, she wasn't sure she could handle too many more complications.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir," Sirius said, shaking the headmaster's hand.

"Please, Sirius, you and Remus are teachers as well now. I think we can dispense with the titles. Call me Albus." He glanced around the room. "I see Severus didn't join you." His words were casual.

"He decided he didn't want to hang around with us any longer, so we made the trip without him. Besides, he was on the receiving end of Horace's bite, so I think it was best, in the end. He's not very fond of our dog at the moment." Sirius said, fighting the grin that threatened to spread over his face.

"I see," Dumbledore said, somewhat blandly. "Well, have a seat so that we can talk." Everyone sat in one of the chair set before the grand desk. "So, Sirius, Remus, to what to I owe the honour of this visit? The power dampener is still working, I trust?"

"Yes, the power dampener is working wonderfully. I don't know how to thank you enough for that." Remus said, but Dumbledore waved it away before he could offer more praise. "As for the visit, it, ah, it seems we've run into a bit of a complication."

"Oh?" Professor Dumbledore said. "And what would that be?"

"It seems that Hermione here has taught Harry how to do wandless magic," Sirius said. "We caught doing quite a bit of wandless magic in Hermione's room the other night. We wanted to come and talk to you about it, but we had a school to run, and this is the only time we had free." He sighed heavily. "We don't know what to do. We have recently found out that Hermione is a Seer, and we believe that she may be training Harry for something, but she won't tell us." He said bluntly.

Dumbledore nodded to himself, then looked over the two children before him. Hermione fought to keep herself from squirming under his intense gaze. She hated how it seemed as though he could look into her soul without even trying. She could tell he was using Legilimency on her when she felt the tickle in her mind before her magic pushed him out. Hang it all, his eyes are just twinkling away! He thinks it's amusing that he can't get into my head! If I doubted his sanity before, now I have evidence that he's lost his marbles. Hermione pushed her thoughts away, feeling an immediate sense of guilt.

She was pulled from her thoughts when she heard Dumbledore chuckling merrily. "Oh my, I certainly wasn't expecting that!" His eyes were twinkling madly as he glance between Harry and Hermione. "I certainly wasn't expecting that at all, though I can't say I'm displeased. This is certainly and… interesting… turn of events."

"What is?" Sirius asked, his eyes shifting between the children and the headmaster.

"It would seem that our dear Hermione is quite the teacher," he chuckled again. "She has taught Harry how to do the basics of Occlumency." Sirius began to sputter while Remus made a strangled noise. Hermione wondered if she could somehow use her wandless magic to make herself invisible. "Yes, it is wonderful, isn't it? His shields are not as strong as hers, but they are actually stronger than most grown witches and wizards can produce. Remarkable," he continued to twinkle as he turned to Hermione.

"And you taught him wandless magic, yes? What sort of things can the two of you do?" He asked, bouncing a little in his seat like a child waiting to open presents at Christmas time.

Hermione herself was taken aback. Shouldn't he hum, and stroke his beard, and mumble about being an old man before offering advice that only a fool would refuse? He looked like he had won a lifetime supply of sherbet lemons. She didn't quite know what to say. "Erm, well, we can do Occlumency," she said, unsure how to continue. "And, um, we can-"

"They can fly without broomsticks," Sirius said tightly, clearly fighting to control his temper. His fear over either of them getting hurt had brought out a stricter side of the normally playful man. Hermione forgave him- he was only trying to do as he promised Lily and James and protect their son.

"Really? I must say, that is quite fascinating. Dare I ask how you ever managed such a remarkable feat?"

Harry glanced at Hermione. Should we tell him? His eyes asked.

Hermione narrowed her eyes. No, that's a bad idea. We can't tell anyone how to do wandless magic. Silently, Hermione revelled in her ability communicate with Harry with a single glance. In the back of her mind, she wondered when their connection had become so strong.

Dumbledore was taking the time to look them over, a strange gleam in his eyes. "I see," he said. He sat quietly in his seat for a moment, simply staring at the two before he turned to Sirius and Remus. "Have you considered having them see a counsellor? I seem to recall that they have had some rather traumatic experiences."

Remus began to shift uncomfortably. "Sirius and I discussed it, but well," Hermione looked up, surprised. She certainly hadn't known they'd been discussing her seeing a counsellor. "The kids don't really seem to need it. Strange, all things considered, but these two have adjusted better to what has happened to them better than most grown witches and wizards. We just…" He trailed off, gesturing vaguely.

"I see," Dumbledore murmured. "There is a difference in being well, and pretending to be well. I would suggest that they see someone who is equipped to help them deal with the things they have been witness to. I have already made a similar suggestion to Molly Weasley in reference to young Draco Malfoy." Hermione couldn't believe what she was hearing. She wrinkled her nose in distaste- she most certainly did not need a counsellor!

"Forgive me, headmaster," Sirius spoke up, "but what does counselling have to do with their practicing wandless magic? We wanted to come to you for advice on what we should do, and brought them along in case you wished to speak with them, and while your advice is sound, what does it have to do with their magic?"

"It has a great deal to do with it, Sirius. First of all, I have thought about young Hermione's wandless magic off and on for some time now, and I recalled that you said her powers were acting up all the time. While I am sure she means no harm, it is quite dangerous to have her in school, near other children because her magic could act up at any moment." Hermione sunk lower in her chair at the headmaster's words. "I feel that a great deal of it is caused by surprise, or perhaps fear, or even a strong sense of anxiety. Counselling, over time, should be able to counteract these effects. As for Harry, I dare say he could use similar treatment, judging from some… previous… conversations we have had, both in person and via owl post. Do you plan to let them continue their practicing of magic?"

"We had planned on it," Remus said slowly, as though he were weighing his options. "But we won't let them if you advise against it."

Dumbledore chuckled. "If there is anything I know of children, telling them they can't do something will only drive their desire to do just what you have told them not to do. I myself was rather rebellious in my youth," he said, a touch of wistfulness in his voice. "I think it best for you to follow through with your original intentions, though I must ask how you did you plan on teaching them? When last I knew, wandless magic of the magnitude these two can perform is incredibly rare."

"Well," Sirius sighed. "For all that she's seven years old, Hermione has the knowledge to teach most adults a thing or two or ten. We were just going to go about letting her teach him, but with at least one or both of us standing by in case they tried to do something dangerous… like flying around a room without an adult to look after them or a broomstick." Harry and Hermione winced.

"Indeed," Dumbledore murmured in amusement. "And when did you plan to hold these little magic learning sessions? Will others be included?"

"I don't think we'll be including very many people," Remus said thoughtfully. "Hermione seems rather set on keeping the knowledge of controlling wandless magic secret. We had thought about letting them work on it on Sundays, when the school would be empty."

Dumbledore hummed. "I see. Tell me, my dear. Why do you keep wandless magic a secret? Many people could benefit from learning it." His eyes had a strange, serious look in them.

Hermione sat silently for a moment, wondering what he was getting at. He's testing me, she realized. Think fast, Granger! "I…" she hesitated. "I think that there are a lot of bad people," she thought of Lucius Malfoy. "And I think there are a lot of people who mean well, but don't always do things the way they should," she thought of Hagrid. "I don't want the bad people to know how to do magic the way I do, because that makes them even more dangerous, and I don't want other people to know, because they might tell one of the bad people." Could I sound any more infantile?

The headmaster smiled slightly and nodded. Hermione decided to take a risk and push her mind towards his, seeking his emotions with her weak at best Legilimency. There she found a sense of satisfaction mixed with relief and… amusement? He's looking at me! He knows what I'm going! Panicked, she lowered her eyes, staring intently at the floor and heard him laugh softly.

"Well, I dare say that is an excellent answer. I agree completely." He looked back to Sirius and Remus. "As for their training in the use of magic, I would suggest that you keep a close watch on what they do and try to help them along in any way you can." Dumbledore said, turning to the two older men. "It would be in your best interest to find a room and place several wards on it to aid in protecting the children."

"Are you sure it's wise to let them learn this sort of thing?" Sirius asked. "I mean, they are only children."

"For being 'only children', Sirius, I would have to say that they have done more than most adults. If, as you believe, Hermione is a Seer and that she is training Harry for some purpose unknown to us, then I think it best that we not stand in her way." His eyes took on a distant look, and Hermione realized he was thinking about the prophecy. Sirius and Remus wouldn't know it, but Dumbledore certainly did. To his way of thinking, Hermione was probably lightening his burden by training Harry so young.

"True," Sirius reluctantly agreed. He sighed heavily, clearly not wanting them to practice their wandless magic. "But it seems to me that, being kids, it isn't really fair to them, that they spend so much time practicing magic instead of being, well, kids."

"I like it," Harry said quietly, speaking for the first time. "I want to practice, because sometimes my magic acts up, and I don't want to hurt anyone on accident. And Hermione and I have a lot of fun doing magic, like the game we were playing before, when we were learning how to make ourselves move faster."

Dumbledore perked up a bit. "Really? Would the two of you be willing to demonstrate flying for me? I think that between myself and your guardians-"

"Fathers," Remus interjected. Dumbledore raised his eyebrows. "Sirius adopted Harry and I adopted the girls." He explained.

"Ah! So you would be Harry Black and Hermione Lupin, then?" Dumbledore asked cheerfully.

"Actually," Sirius said, "Harry is still Harry Potter. We didn't want to change his name all things considered, and the girls are Granger - Lupin's now. But now no one can take them from us at the drop of a hat."

"Wonderful!" The headmaster grinned. "Now, about that demonstration?" He looked at Harry and Hermione while Sirius and Remus shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

Deciding that it was pointless not to, and that considering the way the conversation had been going, she thought they might as well. At the very least, it would be a little bit of practice. Giving Harry a look, they shrugged and stood before lifting themselves into the air with their magic.

"Remarkable!" Dumbledore breathed. "Amazing how they do it so effortlessly." He looked at them in awe. "Here," he grabbed a small sack filled with sherbet lemons and handing it to Hermione. "Perhaps you would toss this around?"

Not really sure what the point was, Hermione tossed the bag to Harry who pitched it back. They continued on until Harry accidentally threw the bag too far to the left. Hermione quickly snagged it, nearly loosing her balance in the process. Hearing Harry snicker, she decided it was time for a bit of payback and tossed the bag to his right, making him dive for it. After that, it was all out war.

They threw the sack behind the adults, threw it high into the air, threw it close to the ground, faked throwing it right then tossed it left. It was a never ending cycle of trying to trick the other. Much as they had the last time they were playing, they got lost in their game. They never bothered to look at the adults, who were marvelling that the two were more graceful in the air than they were on the ground. Even Hermione, who no one could get on a broom.

It wasn't until Harry tossed the bag behind him that the game ended. Harry had been hovering just behind the chair Sirius was sitting in while Hermione was floating behind Professor Dumbledore, so when he threw the bag behind him, Hermione had to swerve around everyone and fly right at the door to catch it. Just as Minerva McGonagall stepped into the room.

"What in the name of- that's not- I don't…" She trailed off, staring at Hermione as she hovered in midair. "I need a drink." Hermione could understand her former mentor's trouble- it was unheard of to see children flying under their own willpower and without a broom.

"Minerva, I would like you to meet Harry Potter and Hermione Granger - Lupin. It would seem they can do wandless magic," he said jovially. "Isn't this wonderful?"

"Albus," she said faintly, her eyes shifting to Harry, who also hung in the air. "Poppy needs to see you about the potions stores. I guess Severus is snarling and snapping and not brewing."

"What's new?" Sirius deadpanned.

"There are children floating in your office, Albus, don't you think you should do something about that?" Minerva said instead.

The wizened wizard chuckled delightedly. "Is that all you have to say, Minerva? These two will be your students in a few years. Do you not agree that they have achieved a remarkable feat?"

"Oh, it's remarkable alright. You had better pray that no one from the Daily Prophet finds out about it." She looked sick. "Or they will never have any peace. Honestly, having children fly around like this, and without broomsticks!" She seemed to have snapped out of her shocked state and transformed in the mother lioness Hermione recognized from her time at Hogwarts.

"Honestly Albus, they could have gotten hurt, flying around like that. And you!" She turned on Sirius and Remus, who cowered before her. "You let them fly around like that, knowing full well that they could have lost control, or could have flown too fast, and could have flown right into one of the many sharp items within the room!"

Harry and Hermione discretely lowered themselves to the ground, hoping they wouldn't be seen.

"What am I to do with you?" McGonagall clucked. The men looked properly chastised. Dumbledore looked like she had taken away his favourite toy. "And worse, now you're going to have to find a way to train the two of them in their magic, lest they go off and blow someone up!"

Harry and Hermione quietly slipped into their seats as McGonagall continued her tirade.

"Well?" She demanded.

Sirius swallowed thickly. "Well, what?"

"Well," she growled through her Scottish brogue. "How do you plan to go about teaching these children to control their remarkable powers? It's too dangerous to let them run about unchecked!"

Sirius, Remus and the headmaster shared a sheepish look before Dumbledore spoke. "We thought we would let them teach themselves?" He offered.

"Men!" She made a strangled noise. "We'll see about that!" She huffed. "Merlin's beard, Albus, what were you thinking? Letting them teach themselves! Ha!" Hermione fought to keep herself from chuckling, relieved that she wasn't on the receiving end of Professor McGonagall's wrath.

Dumbledore flushed an amusing shade of red. "Well, we had thought that they were doing a wonderful job on their own…" he defended. "And we thought that we really should leave it up to young Miss Granger - Lupin, seeing as she is the only one who can really control wandless magic." They were silent before he sighed. "As you wish. I was caught up in the moment of seeing children flying under their own power, and I wanted to know how much they could learn on their own." He admitted bashfully.

"You wanted to use our kids as test subjects?" Remus said, shocked.

"Test subject isn't quite the term I would use, my good Remus. It would have been more of a child study." Dumbledore said earnestly.

McGonagall snorted. "Firstly, you will need to test the two of them to figure out just what they are capable of. After that, you need to discern their strengths and their weaknesses and find a way to build up their weak areas without neglecting their strong points. Once that has been decided, you'll need to decide what would benefit them most to learn. I would recommend…"

And so it went. The deputy headmistress set about deciding what Sirius and Remus needed to do to help Harry and Hermione learn to control their wandless magic, even going so far as to write out a lesson plan.

Hermione sighed. So much for secret lessons.


A/N: I'm back! I would like to offer my sincerest thanks to everyone who wished my mother well. She is doing much better now, so I should be able to update more regularly. Because of my schedule though, I will likely only be able to update about once a week.

I have had a few people ask me about when they will be older. Well, I can't really say. I will say that this story will take place mostly when they are young, but the sequel-yes, there's going to be a sequel, and the companion piece-will not.

Regardless, I would like to thank everyone who read last time, with special thanks to those who reviewed. As always, please read and review.

