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Time, Interrupted by madm_05

Time, Interrupted


Story Title: Time, Interrupted

Chapter Title: Accidents

Author: Madm_05

Rating: Strong PG-13/T

Warnings: Accidents Happen

Chapter Word Count: 6,293

Date: 29 December 2007

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and everyone else from Potterverse belong to JKR.

Chapter Twenty Six: Accidents

"I can't believe all of the homework we got!" Ron moaned two weeks later. "We're too young to have ten whole math problems every single night. And they're really hard, too. And then we have to read like five whole pages sometimes- five! Can you believe that? And my Spanish class, get this, we have to learn about roots! What do I care about plants? And what do plants and roots have to do with Spanish, eh?" Ron shook his head. "This sort of thing just isn't fair."

Hermione sighed. Some things just don't change. She considered telling Ron that he had done his work without any problem before, and that if he really wanted to complain he could try doing her work for a change, but decided to keep her mouth closed. She wouldn't even try to explain that roots were parts of words, and in the context of language, had nothing to do with plants. There's not even that many problems, she thought in amusement. Instead she took her seat in the far corner of one of the unused sitting rooms.

"I don't mind," Harry said as he took his usual seat beside Hermione. "If we have a lot of work, that just means that Draco and Cormac can't cause any trouble for us. It's a good thing."

"I can't believe they let Draco stay here, after all he's done to you," Ron grouched. "I mean, really now, after everything he did on Harry's birthday? And they let him stay. And his punishment! All he has to do is do lots of chores that aren't very hard, and he can't have dessert after dinner."

"There isn't a lot that can be done," Hermione said, looking at the questions she had to answer for her own- much longer- reading assignment. "He's our age. He can't very well be sent to Azkaban, but taking away his toys won't do him much good. If anything, it will make him worse, because then he'll be upset." Giving up on her own task, she picked up the arithmetic assignment the boys had been working on. They had both finished five problems, so she decided to check over their work.

"The least they could do is expel him," Harry said firmly.

"And what would they do with him then?" Hermione asked. "Keep him at the Burrow, isolated from kids his own age who could be good for him? Make him even more upset? It would be a catastrophe!"

"What's a cactus-trophy?" Ron asked, puzzled. Harry laughed good naturedly and Hermione rolled her eyes.

"A catastrophe is a disaster. It's when something really bad happens," Hermione replied.

"Ah," Ron murmured. "So Ginny being born was a catas-trophy." Harry snorted mirthfully as Ron nodded sagely. "Yes, that's the only way to describe it." Hermione decided not to say anything, but didn't bother trying to hide her smile. It was common knowledge to everyone at the school that Ginny was rather forceful.

Perhaps Riddle put an end to that in the first timeline, Hermione thought absently as she checked the boys' homework for them once again. That might be it, well, that and the fact that she fancied Harry. She was so quiet when she first came to Hogwarts, and even after that, she remained distant. It wasn't until my fourth year that she started to act more herself, when she went to the Yule Ball with Neville.

Hermione fixed one of the problems on Harry's paper, carefully showing the proper steps he should have taken. I think I heard Ron say once that Ginny was very talkative. It makes sense that she would be like that now, long before Riddle. She fixed three problems on Ron's parchment, carefully writing out how to properly do the problem, just as she had for Harry. At least I know she'll never have to be possessed by him, since I have the journal. All I have to do is keep it away from her, and since she never goes into my rooms, that's not a problem. The boys were still chattering on about Malfoy.

Hermione handed them back, satisfied. "Harry, yours looks pretty good so far, but Ron, I don't think you're trying very hard. I know you can do this work properly, I've seen you do it. Now, I showed you your mistakes- make sure you don't repeat them. The sooner you finish your work, the better."

Ron sighed. "You always take the fun out of not doing work by making us do it. Hey! I thought I did that one right! What did I do wrong?"

"You forgot to carry the one," Hermione replied after a quick glance. "And there is no fun in not doing work, because then it means that you'll just have to do it later, when there are other things you want to do."

"Then why aren't you doing your work then?" He demanded.

"Because I've already done it," was her calm reply. "I finished it about an hour ago, and I've been using my free time to read and do some of the work that will be due next week" she gave him a look. Ron looked appalled that she was so far ahead. "And I've been using my time to look over your work."

Ron's ears turned red as he sighed dramatically. "I guess I can finish it. I'm almost done anyways."

"Hermione, I need help with this one. I just can't get it. I've tried it three times already, and I've got three different answers." Harry looked up. "Can you help me please?"

Hermione smiled and knelt beside him to show him how to do the problem. It always made her feel warm inside when Harry said 'please' and 'thank you'. It was something that he had never really done in the other timeline, not on a regular basis at least. Helping her boys was just something she had always done- no thanks had been necessary. But it was not unwelcome.

The time passed quickly. Ron complained about his work, but never stopped working. Harry worked diligently, occasionally asking for help. Hermione would check over her boys' shoulders as they worked, helping them when necessary. Each time they would thank her, Ron with a sigh of relief and Harry with a heart - warming smile. She marvelled again at how mature they were becoming. Oh, they were still young boys, and behaved that way, but both were becoming polite young boys.

Harry had always been painstakingly polite, but now he seemed more natural in his courtesy, as out of genuine gratitude, and not out of fear that he would be punished. As for Ron, well, Hermione felt that, with seven children, Molly Weasley may not have been as forceful about being courteous as Hermione's own mother had. At the school, Ron had to use his manners, and it was becoming a habit for him as well as for Harry.

Once the two boys finished their work, they started playing a game of exploding snap, deciding to play there in the sitting room rather than in the game room. Hermione, meanwhile, gathered her supplies as she prepared to go to her room for bed. She was always the first among her friends to go to bed, the last to fall asleep, and always the first to awaken in the early light of dawn. Ron paid little attention, only mumbling a quick "G'night" as she left. Harry, though he remained silent, smiled warmly and nodded to her when she stood to leave.

Putting her books away and changing into her night clothes, she slipped under her blankets and pondered what was to come. Her thoughts drifted to Draco and Cormac. What prank would they pull? Would it be malicious? Would Draco try and hurt her, as he had on Harry's birthday? She didn't think so. Well, she hoped not.

Though there was no real way to keep Draco out of the school, the staff had gone to great lengths to keep him away from her, even putting them in separate classes. Of course, the teachers had claimed that they were dividing up all of the students into smaller groups so that they could give them all more individual attention. Hermione, along with Harry, Ron and the rest of the Weasleys, knew that they were divided up to keep Draco away from her and Harry. As it was, she only saw him during meals and free time.

She was also sure that part of the reason for the division was because of her disorder and jumpiness. So far she had shattered the kitchen window four times because one of the adults or Harmony came up from behind and shocked her. Being around people made her feel jittery, and things tended to explode when she was jittery.

Her thoughts continued to drift. The Ministry was once again being revolutionized, and she was once again in the dark. As an eight year old, she wasn't privy to the goings on in the Ministry, and Sirius and Remus thought her too young, and kept the Daily Prophet from her in addition to telling her nothing. From what she could piece together from the snippets she had managed to overhear, Crouch was going to be removed from office. Much to her dismay, McNair was in the running to be the next Minister of Magic. Apparently, he had not been connected to the illegal investigation of the school.

Hermione rolled over onto her side. Luna had been looking rather glum the last few days, and the teachers were being very gentle with her. Hermione wondered if perhaps Mr. Lovegood had gone off on another expedition and left Luna behind- Hermione knew that Luna loved to go on expeditions and look for all sorts of nonexistent creatures with her father. Perhaps that was why she was so sad? Hermione resolved to talk to her about it later, when she had the time.

She rolled onto her stomach and glanced at the clock. It was a quarter to midnight. Her thoughts turned to the new additions to the school. Cormac had already attached himself to Draco. Would Crabbe and Goyle cause trouble, now that they were following Draco again? And Pansy, she seemed so different in Ginny's company than what Hermione remembered from Hogwarts. She wondered what would become of them. Would they become the same people they had become in the first timeline, or would they change, as Harry, Ron and even Neville had changed? Only time will tell, she thought wryly.

It was nearly two in the morning before she finally drifted off to sleep.


Hermione woke early the following morning, as was her custom. She shook away the remnants of her dream- the Dark Harry had thrown a dinner party for his associates- and went about her daily rituals. After bathing and dressing for the day, she checked over her homework, more out of habit than necessity. She was blissfully unaware of all of the giggling going on around her.

Hermione arrived at breakfast and took her seat next to Harry, while Ron sat on his other side. More giggling. Hermione paid them no mind- it was normal for the girls to giggle. Harry gave her an odd look, but shrugged and began eating- he always waited for her to arrive before tucking in. Ron had already been eating, and didn't notice anything different about the girls around him.

Just as Harry and Hermione finished, Sirius and Remus entered the room, looking solemn. "Harry, Hermione, can we speak with you?"

The others began to giggle and whisper amongst themselves. Ron looked up from his food and gave his friends a questioning look. Harry and Hermione shared a glance before shrugging simultaneously. Neither knew what was going on. Hermione raised her hand in a calming gesture to tell Ron that they would fill him in on what was going on later.

Sirius and Remus lead them out of the room and into Sirius' office. The two were seated as the two older men stepped behind the desk. Remus cleared his throat. "Something rather… interesting has come to our attention," he began. Harry and Hermione exchanged puzzled looks.

"It would seem that, sometime last night, someone wrote a rather interesting message across the walls of the art room," Sirius continued, still watching them carefully. Hermione looked at Harry just as he looked at her. Neither knew what the two men were talking about.

"What was this message, Uncle Sirius?" Hermione asked calmly. What could be written on the walls that would merit being taken to Sirius' office?

"Harry and Hermione, Forever and Always," Remus replied softly. "There was a large heart around the words."

"It was in your handwriting, Hermione," Sirius added.

Hermione started. Her handwriting? How? "I didn't do it! I mean, I was in bed rather early last night, Harry even saw me go to bed." At this, Harry nodded vigorously. "It wasn't me, I would never something so-"

"Calm down, Hermione, we know it wasn't you. You would never do anything like that," Remus soothed. "We just wanted to let you know and ask if you know anything about how it happened, or why."

Hermione glanced at Harry. They knew exactly how it happened, and why. It was Draco and Cormac, and they did it because they were trying to get back at her and Harry. She wasn't sure if their goal was getting the two of them in trouble, or embarrassing them. It was just a relief to know that they weren't going to try and set her bed on fire while she was in it. Not that it would have worked, with all of the charms already on everything in my room.

"It might have been Draco," Harry offered innocently. "He's always trying to get Hermione in trouble for something, or hurt her. It might have been him."

The two older men looked at them shrewdly for a long moment. "We'll look into it, you two," Sirius said. "Until then, we want you two to stick together, and be careful. We don't know for sure who did this, and we don't know why. It could just be a harmless prank, but we want you to be careful nonetheless."

"I think that should cover it," Remus mused. "Why don't you both get to your first class. You have an art lesson to attend." Hermione visibly cringed at the mention of her art class. "I believe Mr. Valentino said you'll be doing water paintings today. Run along now."

Harry and Hermione stood and left the room. "So," Harry began, shutting the door behind him. "Why do you think they did it? I mean, it could have been to try and make us look silly in front of everyone, or it could have been to get us into trouble."

"Or both," Hermione muttered. "I was thinking the same thing myself. Either one is possible." She looked up at the ceiling as they walked. "Personally, I'd like to know how they were able to copy my handwriting. We'll just have to wait, I guess." Harry nodded, but remained silent.

It wasn't long before they reached the art room. When they stepped inside, the girls began giggling, and the boys began sniggering. "Harry and Hermione, sitting in a tree-"

"Attention!" Mr. Valentino cut off the unknown- though Hermione suspected it was Susan Bones- singer. The teacher gave Harry and Hermione a dark look. They assumed it was because of the message that had been written on the walls of his classroom earlier. A quick glance revealed that, thankfully, one of the staff members had vanished it.

"Today, we will begin studying water paintings. First, some history, then basic application." Hermione perked up at the idea of a lecture. Lectures she could handle. It was the painting part that would come later that she was dreading. "Of course, you will not be graded on anything from the lecture because you are all too young, it is all extra." Hermione's shoulders drooped. Her grade was doomed.

"Hey," Ron whispered as Mr. Valentino began to talk about the origins of water painting. "What did your dads want earlier?"

Harry quickly informed Ron of the situation while Hermione half - listened to her boys, half - listened to the lecture. All too soon the paints were brought out. Their task for the day was to try and paint a pretty picture. Hermione opted to try and paint a picture of the sea, blending in with the sky. It would be fairly simple to just put different shades of blue on a piece of paper. Maybe I'll even leave a few white places, and say it's clouds. She knew that she should be trying harder to excel, but she was hopeless at any sort of drawing or painting.

Art class quickly became even more dreadful. The girls continued giggling, and boys continued sniggering. Harry was very red in the face, and continued on his work of a stag, a dog, and a werewolf, though really they looked like brown, black and grey blurs with legs. Harry's artistic abilities were very similar to her own, though he actually did try. Hermione's patience was quickly wearing thin as she tried to focus on her attempt at an ocean, though really it was turning out to look more like some sort of abstract work. Ron was oblivious, and working very hard on a surprisingly well done picture of his house.

Art class could not end quickly enough for Hermione, but the rest of the day was no better. All of the other students there teased them mercilessly. Hermione had forgotten how immature kids were, but she was now very aware of how grown - up each and every one of her peers were.

But the time classes for the day had ended, Hermione was at her wits end. She was tired of all of the jokes, of the giggling, of the sniggering, and of the never ending questions. Hermione didn't know if Draco and Cormac had been trying to embarrass them or get them into trouble, but whatever their intent, their prank had worked. Hermione was well on her way to insanity. If she had to hear one more person making kissing noises, she was going to scream. Maybe she would even shatter all of the windows in the school for good measure.

Harry and Hermione both went to bed early that night, ready to have a little peace. Hermione tossed and turned, trying to sleep. Late into the night, Hermione fell into a restless sleep, filled with visions of the Dark Harry.


Draco's revenge had meant little to Hermione. It had nearly driven her insane- no simple feat, considering all she had endured- but that was all. No real damage had been done, after all. She supposed, later, that the apparent success of his prank had lulled her into a false sense of security.

It had happened three days after the original prank. The commotion had died down, as had the teasing. She and Harry were left in peace, for the most part, and life continued on as usual.

They were released from the eternal torture that was art class and were enjoying their free time. The three planned to go outside since the weather was pleasant. While they walked, Harry and Ron were talking about wandless magic.

"Merlin I'd sure like to be able to do magic without a wand. Can you imagine all the things you could do? I mean, Hermione can do all sorts of neat things!" Ron had a glazed look in his eyes as talked.

Harry shrugged. "It's fun. I mean, it's kind of hard, but there are some things that are a lot of fun to do."

Ron perked up, noticing Harry's slip. "You mean you can do magic without a wand too?" He looked a little crestfallen. "Oh. Of course. Why don't, why don't you two go ahead and go outside. I… uh… I have some work to do. I think I'll go to my… uh… to my room. See you guys later." Ron quickly turned and walked away.

"I'm sorry Hermione," Harry said mournfully, realizing his mistake. "I just, it was Ron, and I'm used to telling him stuff."

Hermione nodded in understanding when and idea struck her. "Why don't we teach him?" Hermione offered. "I think it would be great if the three of us could do wandless magic, don't you? And he wouldn't feel left out, and I bet he's feeling very left out right now."

Harry nodded vigorously. "You're right, Hermione, we should go find him right now and tell him." He stood and set off to find Ron, Hermione following.

Hermione herself felt as if what they were doing was right. Harry, Hermione, and Ron. The three of them. A trio. They had fought together in the first timeline, and she would be damned if they would not do the same in this timeline. And if the three of them could do wandless magic? So much the better. It was easier to learn things when one was young, so hopefully Ron would catch on to wandless magic more easily than he normally would have.

They found Ron walking aimlessly down an empty hallway. He turned and looked at them when Harry grabbed his arm. "Oh. Hi."

"Ron," Harry began. "Want to do it with us?"

"What?" Ron asked, his confusion plain.

"What Harry means, Ron, is that we would like to teach you how to do wandless magic, just like us," Hermione clarified.

"You mean, you mean I can learn how to do magic like you two do? Really?" Ron asked hopefully. "Are you sure? I mean, I'm just me. I'm sure Harry can do it, him being the Boy - Who - Lived and all. Are you sure about me? Percy could do it, he's smart, and so are Fred and George, but are you sure I can do it?"

Hermione was privately amazed at how deep his insecurities ran, even when he was this young. It didn't endear Molly Weasley's skills as a mother to her. In fact, it made her rather indignant on behalf of the closest thing to a brother she had ever had. "Ron," she set her hand firmly on his shoulder in a comforting gesture. "I know you can. I'm Hermione Granger - Lupin. I know these sort of things."

"Trust me," Harry piped up. "You should listen to her. She's never wrong."

Smiling abashedly, Hermione didn't have the heart to tell her dearest friend that she had been wrong many times. Alas, Harry spoke so fervently that she didn't want to shatter his beliefs. Besides, it was pleasant to be complimented, especially by Harry.

Ron beamed at them. "I'd love to learn wandless magic!"

"It's a secret," Harry said. "You can't tell anyone, not even your Mum and Dad. Once you're good enough, you can show Papa Sirius and Uncle Remus. That way you can have lessons with me and Hermione."

"You mean you get to have real lessons?" He asked, wide-eyed.

Harry shrugged. "Sort of. None of the adults can really do it. Really we just practice while they watch, so if something bad happens, they can help us. Hermione is the one who taught me how to do magic. We've never told the adults how to do it."

"Wow," Ron said in awe.

"Alright you two," Hermione interrupted. "You need to talk about something else, or someone will hear." Harry and Ron immediately started talking about Quidditch to her dismay, but she couldn't help but smile as they debated whether it was better to be a seeker (as Harry believed) or a keeper (as Ron believed). Hermione refused to give her opinion on the matter. She even refused to look at either of them, lest she give away her preference, focusing on the ceiling instead.

The three never got around to going outside. They had spent so much time discussing wandless magic and later Quidditch, that they forgot their original plans. It wasn't until Hermione glanced at a clock that Hermione realized the time. She, Harry and Ron were running late on their way down to their next class- Reading, with Remus. In a panic, she rushed the boys down the hall towards the staircase that would lead them to his classroom.

None of them had seen the thin cord tied in front of the stairwell they were about to run down. Suddenly she was falling, and then she wasn't. Her nose was a mere inch from the step, and her hair had fallen around her face, brushing against the stairs. She knew instinctively that Harry had saved her. Her necklace kept her from sensing magic, but she always knew when Harry was using his.

"Hermione!" Harry called, reaching for her and pulling her up just as Remus came bolting up the stairwell.

"Hermione! Harry! Ron! What happened?" The older man demanded.

"Blimey, there's a rope or something here," Ron said, grabbing the cord. He looked up. "Hermione fell over it. It about killed her, it did!"

"Are you alright?" Harry asked softly. His voice was gentle, but Hermione sensed the underlying panic.

"I'm fine," she assured him. "Really. Just a bit of a scare is all."

Harry gave her a dubious look, as though he didn't believe her. Instead he turned away. "Uncle Remus," he said solemnly. "I think Draco Malfoy did it. I think he was trying to hurt Hermione."

"Now Harry," Remus began. "You can't go-"

"He did it," Harry said firmly. "We heard him saying he wanted to get back at Hermione after I got into that fight with Cormac about the gobstones. They said they were going to pull a prank."

Remus reached over and pulled Hermione into his arms. Shaken as she was, she accepted the comfort. "And what happened a few days ago? The writing on the wall? You said that you thought Draco might have done it. Is that why?" He looked at Hermione.

"Yes, Papa Remus. We didn't say anything because, well, it was a prank, just a prank. We thought it didn't mean anything."

"We didn't know he was going to try and kill Hermione," Ron added, scowling.

Remus made a noncommittal noise. "Well, I think Hermione could use a break for the day." His voice was strangely distant. "Why don't you go to your room, Owlet? Take a nap, maybe, or read some of your books." He smiled, but it was strained, forced. "I'll take you there myself, so you can get some rest. You gave us quite a scare when you shattered all of those windows." Hermione looked around for the first time since her fall, and found that every window around her was broken.

"As for you," he was addressing the boys. "Why don't you go ahead and head to class? I'll speak to Sirius about what you've told me. He may want to talk to you both later, to hear what you have to say. Until then, you'd better run along. I'll be there shortly- Dora is there now."

Harry and Ron took off down the stairs again, their heads together. Hermione felt a sense of unease come over her. Her boys were plotting something, she could feel it, and as Papa Remus was currently carrying her to her bedroom, there was no way for her to monitor them.

Not long after, Hermione found herself sitting on her bed, watching the animals on her walls. Remus had left her with a small kiss on the head and the promise that he would take care of everything. Hermione shook her head. He was a brave man, trusting her to simply stay in her room, and foolish to let the boys go off on their own. If she thought she could get away with it, she would sneak out and speak with Harry and Ron herself.

As it was, she was stuck in her room. It didn't matter that she wanted to leave, go class, pretend nothing had happened. She'd rather not think of Malfoy at all. Hermione lay back on her bed. She hadn't slept well in a long time, so she figured she might as well rest her eyes. It wasn't long before she fell into a restless sleep.


The Dark Harry was standing in a room she had seen many times before. It was a frightening place- his trophy room. Voldemort, Bellatrix, Wormtail, Snape and McNair were positioned in each of the corners of the room, with McNair in the centre. Voldemort was a lump of robes and bone, and lay prone on a small pedestal. Bellatrix was forever frozen in a kneeling position, her expression horrified. Wormtail was also kneeling, his face pleading. Snape's flayed body was strung up like a marionette. In the centre of the room, suspended in midair was McNair, her killer, hanging from a cross. Hermione shivered. He'd been crucified.

"Will you put them here?" A voice asked. Hermione turned and saw Neville standing in the doorway. He looked much as he had the last time she had seen him. "Are they to be trophies as well?"

"I have not decided," the Dark Harry replied. "They have certainly caused more than their fair share of troubles for me, but they can hardly be considered trophies. In this room I have the greatest traitors, and Darkest witches and wizards of all time. Draco and Ginny are mere annoyances in comparison."

Neville nodded. "Does Hermione know anything?"

"No," Harry replied, shaking his head. "I have a tight hold on what the Prophet prints nowadays, and Hermione spends all of her time in the library doing research, and preparing the baby's room."

"Did she finally decide on a theme for the room, or is she still debating?"

"She decided on a fish theme," Harry said with a sardonic smile. "She wants the fish to swim around on the walls, and have coral and all sorts of things. She said she dreamed it." His smile faded a little as he spoke.

"Sounds good. Well," Neville looked at his watch. "Ginny and Draco should be here within the hour. Think we can have them dealt with in time for you to slip back into bed before Hermione wakes? She'll be worried if she wakes and you're not there."

Harry nodded. "It shouldn't be a problem. Fair warning-Hermione plans to ask you to be the Godfather sometime soon."

Neville bowed his head. "I'm honoured, of course."

"Ron would have been the Godfather before, but now…"

Neville looked up, a knowing look in his eye. "It's alright. Accidents happen."

The Dark Harry smiled. "Indeed they do."


Hermione sat up in her bed, her chest heaving. A shiver ran down her spine. Accidents indeed. She shuddered and lay back in her bed. A quick glance at the clock revealed that it wasn't even time for the last class of the day. She rubbed her head, feeling the beginnings of a headache. She hated sleeping.

A sudden commotion outside her door drew her attention. Frowning, Hermione slipped out of her bed, smoothed the wrinkles from her clothes, and peeked out of her room. Tonks' mother, Andromeda, was cradling Draco Malfoy in her arms near the foot of the stairs, calling for help. Other teachers came eventually, and Draco was taken away on a conjured stretcher, likely to be healed. Hermione understood immediately what had happened, even if the adults didn't.


She set off to look for him, only to be ushered into the kitchen, where other teachers were taking the other students. Harry and Ron slipped in a moment later, unaccompanied by a teacher. They immediately moved to her, their expressions grim.

"Did you get any sleep?" Harry asked softly. "You don't look so good, Hermione."

"What did you do?" She demanded softly, looking around to be sure they were not heard. "I think they had to take Draco away to be healed, and I know you two had a hand in it!"

Harry and Ron shared an uneasy look. Ron's face turned red as he toed the ground ashamedly. It was Harry who answered. "He tried to kill you," he said harshly, his eyes hard. "We made him stop. Don't worry, Hermione, no one will know it was us."

"You pushed him down the stairs!" She hissed. "I know you did!"

Harry lifted his chin defiantly. "I'm not going to let anyone hurt you," he said firmly.

"And I'm not either," Ron added. "You're alright for a girl, Hermione, and you're my friend. Harry and I don't let people say bad things about, and we're not going to let them do bad things to you either!"

Hermione frowned and looked at them. Ron looked defiant, but Harry only grimaced. "Don't let people say…" Understanding dawned. "You two have been fighting with the kids who make fun of me." Ron and Harry nodded, Ron proudly, Harry abashedly. Part of her was touched that they would defend her so vehemently, another part was horrified that they had been up to such things and she hadn't known.

"Listen to me, I appreciate that you want to protect me, I really do, but just can't-"

"Okay, can I have your attention please?" Remus called. Everyone looked to him and stopped talking. "Very good, now, I have some things to discuss with you. A little bit ago one of the students fell down the stairs. Now, we don't know why he fell, but the Headmaster and I want to tell you all that you need to be careful near the staircases. This is to be absolutely no roughhousing or there are not be any pranks!

"If I hear that anyone, and I do mean anyone, has been toying with the staircases in any way, that student will be expelled. It is very dangerous, and we don't want anyone to get hurt. Have I made myself clear?" Remus scanned the room while heads bobbed in understanding. "Very well. Teachers, if you would please, excuse the students for their final class. There is to be a staff meeting. The Tonks' have agreed to watch the children."

The three Tonks' ushered everyone out of the room while the other teachers went to the staff room. The children began to talk amongst themselves as they left the room in small groups to fetch their school supplied before wandering off, some heading to the game room, others to one of the various family rooms or their dormitories.

Hermione silently led her boys to her bedroom, fully intending to give them the lecture of their lives. She was furious with herself. It was almost as if Harry, despite her intervention, despite being taken away from the Dursleys and being given a loving home, was still turning into his darker counterpart. A distant voice whispered that she should have expected it- Harry was Harry. It was in his nature to be protective of those he cared for. Ron was still loyal to a fault, so of course he would follow Harry.

Worse, she wouldn't be able to speak with Sirius or Remus and have them deal with it appropriately. If she told them that Harry and Ron had pushed Draco, they would see it as a betrayal, and there was no telling what they would do if they felt she betrayed them. Regardless, she was still going to give them the lecture of their lives.

After leading them into her room, she waited for Harry to shut the door. Hermione whirled around and faced them. "Do you two want to tell me what you were thinking?" She demanded.

It was Ron who answered. "We already told you. We won't let anyone make fun of you or hurt you." Harry nodded his agreement.

"Oh? So you've become nothing more than bullies?" She asked coldly. "I'd thought better of you." Both boys flinched. "Ron, your brother pick on you and Harry, Dudley bothered you every chance he got. Now you're just like them. I hope you're happy with yourselves."

"It's not like that," Harry said in frustration.

"Isn't it?" Came the icy rely.

"No, it's not. Dudley hurts people because he can."

"And so do you, apparently," Hermione snapped.

Harry flinched again, but carried on. "I'm not like Dudley, Hermione, I'm not." It pained her to hear the plea in his voice, as though he were begging her to believe him. "I just wanted to protect you." Hermione looked into his eyes, using what little Legilimency skill she possessed. She could not detect a lie in his eyes.

"Yeah," Ron added. "We just wanted to protect you. We did the same to him as he was going to do to you. Better him than you, you know?"

"Were you even thinking?" She demanded softly, her eyes watering. "You could have killed him, do you realize that? Do you know what's going to happen when he wakes up and tells everyone that you pushed him down the stairs? Do you know what will happen to you? I'll tell you what will happen, you'll-"

"We won't get caught," Harry interrupted. "He didn't see us. Besides, we made it look like an accident. If anything, he'll get in trouble for not being in class."

Hermione felt her blood run cold. "What do you mean you made it look like an accident?"

Harry shrugged. "Ron and I were down the hall, hiding around the cornier. I used my magic to push him. That way it would look like he fell. No one will figure it out. I mean, accidents happen."


A/N: *Groans* I'm so sorry. I was doing really good with this, honest, but then there was a ton of family drama. First my sister had her baby, but the baby had jaundice, and the doctors wouldn't let them leave. When they finally got to go home, there was something wrong with their well, so they didn't have water, thus they had to move in with me for the time being. Things have only just gotten straightened out. Anyways, I finally got this finished, so here it is. School is starting again next week, so again, I'm not sure when I'll be able to update. Hopefully sometime soon I'll be able to work out something that closely resembles a schedule.

I would like to thank everyone who reviewed the last few chapters, and thank you all again for waiting so long. Thank you for reading.

