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Harry Potter & Hermione Granger - Dark Lord & Dark Lady by fashizzlism

Harry Potter & Hermione Granger - Dark Lord & Dark Lady


Chapter 5 - Hoggy Warty Hogwarts

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potterverse, its all JKR's…

AN: Well here we go, thanks to Turnlach for his beta work once again!


Dumbledore sat behind his large desk, looking down into the depths of his glass of Firewhiskey. He knew where he had gone wrong; after years of planning, he had made one mistake. It was too soon! Dumbledore berated himself. His plan was going perfectly, everything was working out fine. Until now…

When he fist heard the prophecy, he had started his planning. There were currently two couples in the Order that fitted the requirements. After careful plotting and planning, he had made it so that both the Longbottoms and the Potters had escaped Voldemort three times.

It was then time to tell the two couples about the prophecy, and to tell the Order half of it. He had not known what to do next. He had to find a way for Voldemort to mark one of the boys as his equal. It was Lily Potter that had found the answer. The Fidelius Charm, only the Secret Keeper would know where to find them.

With a couple of simple memory charms, he had the Potters and the Longbottoms change their original Secret Keeper to two people that Dumbledore knew were spies for Voldemort; Peter Pettigrew and Samuel Daily.

And it was not long after the charms were cast that the betrayal happened; both of the Secret Keepers had told Voldemort of the hiding places. He had then sent Bellatrix Lestrange and a team of Death Eaters to the Longbottoms, and Voldemort himself had gone to the Potters.

It was then it happened, Voldemort had marked Harry Potter as his equal. While the wizarding world was learning of the murder of the Potters, Dumbledore acted quickly, taking the boy from the destroyed house and taking him to Number 4, Privet Drive. The news of an attack on the Longbottoms then came out, they were tortured to insanity. It was unfortunate, but didn't really matter in the long run.

The news of Sirius Black's betrayal of the Potters and murder of Peter Pettigrew came shortly after. Of course he knew that the man was innocent, but if he was free, then he may be able to claim custody of Harry, and all of Dumbledore's plans would go out the window.

Ten years later Harry Potter arrived at Hogwarts, uncared for and unloved; willing to do just about anything for a compliment. He then continued on with his plan of moulding the boy into the perfect weapon which could be disposed of after it had performed its task.

Over Harry's years at Hogwarts, Dumbledore had arranged a number of tasks for Harry to go through; the Philosopher's Stone, the Chamber of Secrets. In Harry's third year, Sirius Black had come back into the picture; he couldn't really affect Dumbledore's plans until he was found innocent but he knew that he would be eventually and that something had to be done.

Harry's fourth year, the tournament and the only thing that was unexpected was the return of Voldemort. Though it was not really a problem, now Harry could fulfil his destiny. Harry's fifth year was a problem, the boy was angry. Dumbledore knew of Voldemort's link with Harry. So he had arranged Occlumency lessons with Severus, knowing the resentment Snape held for the boy, Dumbledore knew that he would most likely destroy any metal protections the boy currently had. The Department of Mysteries was a let down. Harry had not performed to his expectations at all. The only good thing that happened was the removal of Sirius Black for good. The real problem had come after though, when he told the boy about the prophecy. He had expected Harry to lean more on him, ask for more for advice and guidance, but the boy had thrown a tantrum and trashed his office.

Now Harry was missing, though Dumbledore didn't think that Harry was still angry at him. He knew the anger the boy must had been feeling at the time and knew when the prophecy had finally settled in Harry would come back to him, seeking guidance and help. Which he would gladly provide, and once the boy completed his destiny, he could be easily removed; put down as another one of Voldemort's victims, before Dumbledore himself destroyed the Dark Lord and went down in history as the most powerful wizard in the world. More famous than Merlin himself.

Dumbledore smiled briefly at the thought of people in the future saying comments like "Oh Albus' Beard!" or "Sweet Dumbledore!" instead of "Sweet Merlin" and "Oh Merlin's Beard!"


Harry and Hermione were heading to King's Cross Station. Harry was nervous. It had been leaked to the Daily Prophet that Harry had been missing all summer and now anyone that read the paper knew of Harry's disappearance.

"It's going to be fine." Hermione reasoned with him.

"I know… I know… I just hate how everyone looks at me and then starts whispering and pointing…" Harry said, his face turning to one of disgust, "I mean, don't they have anything better to do than meddle in my life…"

"One of the perks of being famous." Daniel said from the driver's seat.

"Aren't perks supposed to be good?" Harry asked.

"Most… it's going to be fine Harry." Jane said from the front.

"Yeah… at least they all don't think that I'm crazy anymore." Harry mumbled, really not looking forward to going back to Hogwarts for the first time in his life.

The ride only took another ten minutes before they arrived at the train station. Hopping out of the car they headed over toward the platform entrance.

"Have a good year you two, we are expecting to see you both at Christmas." Jane said tearfully as she hugged Hermione and then hugged Harry.

"Yes, try having some fun." Daniel said, giving Hermione a kiss on the forehead and shaking Harry's hand. "We expect both of you to come back for Christmas."

"Thank you… for everything." Harry said looking down at his shoes.

"There's nothing to be thankful for, but you're welcome." Jane said. "Now get going before you miss the train!"

They said their goodbyes again before going though the barrier onto platform 9 ¾'s. As Harry and Hermione headed towards the train, people became silent before turning to the people next to them and started whispering.

Harry just growled under their breath as they quickly headed onto the train and found a compartment.

It was about five minutes later that a red head boy, their former best friend Ron Weasley walked into the compartment. He took a double look at Harry and then burst out into a series of questions concerning his summer.

It had taken practically all of Harry and Hermione's restraint to not punch the boy. Though they knew if they acted on their feelings, they would be throwing the ball in too early. Thanks to their Occlumency training over the summer, they were able to mask their anger with a happy mask. After all, they didn't know if Ron was Obliviated after the will reading or not, but what they did know was Ron was in league with Dumbledore. Though they didn't know what he was getting out of it. But if Harry could guess, he would say money, after all Ron had always been jealous of the fact that Harry was rich.

Ron didn't stop with the questions for ten minutes and that was testing both Harry and Hermione's patience. After the ten minutes Ron finally stopped, a little put out with the half answers that he was given. He knew they were hiding something.

The rest of the train ride went in silence; both Harry and Hermione had fallen asleep against each other. This fact had caused Ron to grind his teeth together and scowl at the two of them.


Harry and Hermione were awoken by the train pulling up at Hogsmeade station. Looking over, Ron had also fallen asleep on the other bench. Harry shook him awake and they made their way up to the castle.

Harry didn't pay attention to the sorting; instead he was busy trying to ignore all the looks people were shooting him. He felt like standing up and yelling at them 'to sod off!'

"What did the sorting hat have to say this year?" Harry whispered to Hermione once all the new first years had made their way to their new houses.

"Oh… something about house unity… nothing we haven't heard before…" she said. Harry just snorted.

The hall went quiet as Dumbledore stood up to make his yearly speech.

"Welcome!" he said holding out his hands, "To another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" he said beaming down at the students. "Now I'm sure that you are all very hungry… so with that, tuck in!" Dumbledore said as the tables filled themselves with food. Everybody immediately started filling their plates.

Dinner wasn't anything interesting, they talked to their friends and there were many questions shot at Harry about his summer and where he was which he just shook off or ignored. They had just finished their dessert when Dumbledore once again stood up.

"Now for the announcements! As per usual the Forbidden Forest is just that, forbidden. Mr. Filch would also like me to point out that a number of items have been added to the 'Banned List'. You can see the list posted on Mr. Filch's office… though it might be easier to pick up a Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes Brochure, as all their items are on the banned items list." Dumbledore said smiling largely. Harry could feel his anger towards the old man growing, though he quickly pushed it down. Hermione had taken Harry's hand under the table, she could feel the anger growing though their link which seemed to be getting stronger by the day. At her touch Harry's temper faded away. Ron noticed something going on between his two 'friends' and decided he had to step in fast.

"You will also notice we have a new teacher! Meet Professor Miles Stone. He is a retired American Auror and will be this years Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher." Dumbledore said as the students politely clapped. "Now that's all, I think it is time that you should all be getting back to your dormitories… Good night!"

Heading back to the dorm Ron stopped Hermione, asking if he could have a word alone. Hermione looked at Harry and he silently agreed, but warned her to keep her shields up before heading on into the common room.

Ron practically dragged Hermione into the nearest classroom, the fact greatly annoyed Hermione. Once they were inside Hermione ripped her elbow out of his grip and glared at him.

Ron was oblivious to the look she sent him and seemed to be readying himself up for something.

"Hermione… I've wanted to say this for a while now… but couldn't find the right way to tell you…" he said looking around the room until his eyes fell on Hermione's very confused face. "Ok… look… I know you like me and… I'm willing to give it a go… you know a relationship between us…"

Hermione was stunned… she had not expected that… she had expected Ron would admit his feelings, but… this… saying he would give it a go since SHE liked HIM!

"Umm… Ron… I don't feel that way about you… you're like a brother to me… but nothing more." she said softly. She could see his face turning the colour of his hair.

"You… You… BITCH!" he yelled and Hermione's eyes shot open in surprise, "What do you mean you don't like me! Oh wait I know… how can boring old Ron Weasley stand up against the famous Harry Bloody Potter." He fumed, Hermione was still too stunned to move; she hadn't expected this reaction at all… She knew he had a temper, but…

"That's all you are, a fucking glory seeking bookworm, bucktooth mudblood! You only like Potter since he rich and famous, you probably would hang off Malfoy if he was more famous than Potter, you… you slut! Are you putting out for him yet?" Ron sneered. This last comment broke Hermione from her astonishment as she let loose with a right hook that caught Ron in the jaw knocking him to the ground.

"Don't you ever, EVER speak to me again, you jealous, pathetic little worm. You are the worst friend anyone could have… you don't deserve Harry as a friend!" she hissed at him before storming out of the room, tears in her eyes.

Harry was sitting in the common room waiting for Hermione and Ron to come in. he had a pretty good idea what Ron wanted to talk about and was rather nervous about it. He looked up as Hermione came running into the common room and straight up to her dorm without saying a thing to Harry as she passed. Harry wanted to follow her, but the damn girls' staircase wouldn't allow him. Frowning, Harry tried to talk to her though their link, only to find she was blocking it.

It was then that Ron entered the common room. He seemed to be very, very pissed off and had a large purple bruise forming on his jaw. Harry inwardly winced at the sight of it, thanking god he wasn't on the end of Hermione's punch. Ron threw Harry a rather hateful look before also storming up the stairs into the boys' dorm.

Harry sat in the common room for about half an hour, trying to link with Hermione but she was still blocking him out. He didn't know what had happened, but if his suspicions were right, Ron took Hermione's decline of a relationship badly and she acted on his temper. After about forty minutes of trying to talk to Hermione she finally allowed him to link with her.

Are you ok? He asked, concern easily detectable.

I'm ok… now… she said.

Could you come down into the common room? There is no one here and I want to talk to you… He asked.

Ok… I will be down in a second. she said before closing the connection.

About one minute later Hermione came out of the girls dorms. Her eyes were red and puffy, she had obviously been crying for some time. She sat down next to Harry and looked over at him.

"What happened?" he asked, the worry pouring out through his eyes.

Tears came to Hermione's eyes again and Harry quickly grabbed hold of her and she buried her face in his shoulder.

"H-h-he w-was s-so-o me-an." she sobbed out.

"Did he hurt you!" he said sharply.

"No… he didn't hurt me." she said quickly, hearing the anger in his voice. "He just said some really hurtful things…" she said softly, "He said that I didn't like him, cause I-I loved you… and only because you were rich and famous… he, he called me a mudblood and a slut." she said tears falling from her eyes again.

"I'll kill him!" Harry hissed, his voice icy and deadly serious.

"No! Harry its fine…" she mumbled.

"No it's not fine! You are not those things at all! You're beautiful, caring, smart, loyal, and you are certainly not a… you-know-what!" Harry said looking deeply into Hermione's eyes.

"Do... Do you mean that?" She asked softly not looking away.

"Of course I do…" he whispered. He then slowly lowered his face to hers, capturing her lips. Hermione's eyes fluttered closed and she deepened the kiss.

Harry wrapped his arms around her waist and started running his fingers up her spine, which sent shivers though her body. One of her hands ran though his already messy black hair, while the other pulled his shirt, pulling his body flush against hers. They seemed to be made for each other; their bodies fitting perfectly together like two jigsaw pieces.

If anyone else was in the room, they would have commented on little items that started to levitate off the ground. The two of them were lost in their kiss and were oblivious to it.

They didn't speak a word, only sounds, grunts and moans, until two hours later. Hermione was still lying on top of Harry, her face resting on his chest while Harry played with her hair.

"Hermione?" he asked softly.

"Hmm…" she replied sleepily.

"Would… wouldyouliketobemygirlfirend?" he mumbled. Hermione instantly brightened at this.

"What was that Harry?" She said cheekily, looking into his emerald green eyes.

"Would… you like to be my girlfriend?" he asked softly looking away in embarrassment. Hermione grinned, a grin that brightened her eyes.

"I think I would like that." she said before capturing his lips again in a passionate kiss, which Harry happily returned.

Another half an hour later Hermione announced that she was sleepy and that they should probably head off to bed. Harry agreed and they both went to their separate dorm rooms.

That night Harry didn't have one dream about Voldemort, or one nightmare about his past. Instead his dreams were filled with a bushy brown haired girl that had just agreed to go out with him.


The next morning Harry awoke feeling refreshed, his mind replayed last night's events and a grin broke out on his face. Quickly hopping out of bed Harry headed off for a shower and then went down into the common room.

He was surprised to see Hermione there waiting for him, a large smile broke out on her face when see saw him.

"Ready for breakfast?" he asked.

"Yea let's go." She said turning and heading for the portrait.

Harry walked up beside her and held her hand, she beamed up at him and gave him a small kiss on the cheek before they started heading to the great hall.

"Hermione?" Harry asked.

"Hmm?" she said.

"Do you feel any different?" he asked in deep thought.

She looked thought full for a moment before answering, "Sort of, I can't really describe it… it's like something lurking under my skin." she said.

"Like something wanted to be released, but waiting for you to release it from your body?" he asked.

"Yes! Exactly like that…" she said quickly.

"I feel the same…" was all he was able to say before they entered the great hall.

When they entered holding hands, the hall immediately broke out in whispers; Harry even noticed some galleons being passed between the students. Looking around, Harry's eyes fell on Dumbledore whose eyes that were usually twinkling seemed rather blank. He immediately brought up his Occlumency shield and went to sit down and have breakfast.

Harry and Hermione started pilling food onto their plates, still holding hands under the table and begun to eat one handed. Not ten minutes later Ron walked into the hall. He looked at Harry and Hermione and threw them a hatful sneer before sitting down with Dean and Seamus.

Harry just sighed and started eating breakfast again. Owls then started flying into the hall. An owl with the paper in his talons stopped in front of Hermione, who quickly paid the bird and took the paper.

She gasped when she looked at the front page, handing it over to Harry who saw the pictures of the Death Eaters who had been caught at the ministry. The big bold head line above the picture revealed all, "MORE DEATH EATERS ESCAPE!" Harry sighed. He knew it would happen sooner or later but he was hoping it was later. Turning the page, Harry groaned at the picture of himself, the article talking about his disappearance and reappearance.

"How can the ministry be so bloody useless…?" Harry sighed.

It was then that Professor McGonagall walked up behind them. "Mr Potter?" Harry looked up at her.

"Yes, ma'am?" he asked, already knowing what she was about to say.

"The headmaster would like to see you after dinner tonight in his office… the password is toffee."

"Yes ma'am." Harry said again.

"Have a good day." was all she said before leaving as Harry slumped back in his chair, rubbing his temples.

Hermione squeezed his hand, which caused him to smile and look over at her, "Come on, let's get to class." she said pulling Harry to his feet. They both walked out of the great hall, Ron left soon after, his face blazing red with his temper.

They walked towards potions when Draco Malfoy tried to make some snide remarks about there new relationship. Harry and Hermione ignored him until Draco called her a mudblood. At this Harry spun around and let off a spell before Draco could even flinch.

When Draco opened his eyes he looked around and noticed that he was fine. He tried to laugh, only to find he couldn't open his mouth. He then looked up to see Harry and Hermione smirking…

"Have fun not being able to talk for a couple of hours Malfoy, call her that again and I'll make it a week." he said before doing the spinning, robes flaring, Snape's signature turn, around and walking down into the dungeons for Potions.

Harry was already in a bad mood, but Snape pissed him off even more. He had taken points because according to him, 'He had sat down to loudly'. Harry just glared at the Potions Master who glared back. That was then Harry felt it, it felt like a tiny worm trying to enter through the back of his head.

Harry knew what it was; Snape was trying to use silent Legilimency on him. That was then Harry decided to try something new. He made his mind into a deep hole and felt the 'worm' all of a sudden fall down the new hole. At the same time a crash sounded as Professor Snape lost his footing and fell to the ground.

Snape picked himself up and glared at Harry once more, though his time there was a spark of confusion and surprise. Harry made Snape even madder when Harry seemed to smirk at him. Before he lost his temper again he started his lecture.

"This is NEWT level potions! Meaning that you had to receive no lower than an "O" on your OWL's… how some of you managed that is beyond me." Snape sneered throwing another glare in Harry's direction.

"Since this is a NEWT level class, you must maintain a passing grade. If you fail to do this, no level of fame will keep you in this class, as I will personally throw you out!" he said glaring at Harry again, who only raised an eyebrow at him. It was easy to see the anger growing inside of him and some of the class begun to get a little nervous.

"Today we will be starting to make the Polyjuice Potion, this is a very difficult potion to brew, and I doubt most of you are capable of doing it" he sneered.

"Potter! What is one of the major ingredients to this potion?" Snape demanded.

Harry just smiled sweetly, "A piece of the person you wish to transform into, usually a piece of hair is used." Harry said confidently.

"Correct…" he growled, thinking, "What is one of the major restrictions of this potion?"

Harry just smiled again, he had a vivid image of the cat-Hermione, "You can only transform into another human, not animals and such." Harry said smiling sweetly up at Snape that only made him angrier.

Snape didn't even bother telling him that he was correct, saying that Potter was right twice in one lesson seemed… wrong… to him, so instead he started throwing questions at his other 'favourite students'.

The rest of the lesson went fairly quickly, they had started to make their potions and would continue doing so for the next four weeks. Snape also assigned three foot of parchment on the Polyjuice Potion.


Charms was as normal as usual. Professor Flitwick gave the same NEWT speech that all the teachers seemed to be giving and then went on to explain revealing charms. They then spent the rest of the class trying to achieve the charm. Only Harry, Hermione and Draco Malfoy could successfully perform the charm by the end of the class.

Next was Defense against the Dark Arts, Harry and Hermione had been looking forward to this class, since it seemed that they would have a half decent teacher. After all an ex-auror must be OK at defense…

It seemed that Malfoy hadn't learnt from earlier in the halls, as he approached Harry and Hermione while they were in the empty Defense classroom, his goons, Crabbe, Goyle and Nott following behind him.

"I can't believe you would go so low as to actually date a mudblood scarhead. Being friends with one is bad enough but dating one!" Draco said making a face of disgust.

"I would shut up Malfoy, that is unless 'the amazing bouncing ferret' wishes to make a comeback." Harry said, in a deadly calm voice. Hermione seemed to stifle a giggle. Draco on the other hand, the look on his face changed from disgust to rage.

"I'm warning you Potter, when my father hears…" Draco started but was cut off by Harry.

"Oh, yes… that coward of a father of yours that recently escaped… well next time I see him, instead of just capturing him, I guess I had better kill him outright." Harry said, his voice still calm, and his face blank, giving the impression that he wasn't lying.

"You'll pay for getting my father locked up Potter!" Draco sneered before making to grab his wand.

He wasn't fast enough though as Harry's wand appeared in his hand, faster than you could blink, "Prumica!" Harry muttered and a brownish beam left his wand and connected Draco right in the face. Harry watched in satisfaction as boils appeared on his face, then Draco seemed unable to stop himself and started to itch his face, rupturing the boils. By this time, Malfoy's goons had made to draw their wands but stopped as a voice boomed out.

"STOP THIS AT ONCE!" the voice said, as Professor Stone walked out of the shadows. He took one look at Malfoy and told Crabbe and Goyle to take him to the hospital wing. He then turned his attention to Harry.

"That wasn't exactly a Light Arts spell Mr Potter." he stated looking deeply at Harry. Harry didn't even hesitate with his answer.

"It wasn't exactly the Dark Arts either Professor, plus I was defending myself, he made to pull his wand first." Harry defended himself.

"True." Professor Stone said after a little while, "Find your seat Miss Granger and Mr Potter." he said before making his way towards the front of the classroom.

The class went normally after that, except for the fact that the professor seemed to be staring at Harry quite a lot. The fact made Harry's anger boil and Hermione didn't seem too impressed either. The teacher seemed to have a fairly good idea on what he was teaching, but since all the incompetent teachers they had had things were going to be very slow.

After class Harry and Hermione made their way towards the great hall for lunch. Since they were in their 6th year, they now had study periods and they both had the rest of the day free.

After a quick meal Hermione lent over to Harry and whispered to him, "Harry, meet me in the Room of Requirement in ten minutes. Oh and bring your cloak and book on wandless magic."

Harry agreed straight away and they both stood and left the hall. Hermione went and got the room ready while Harry headed up to his dorm and got his book, which he then wrapped in his cloak making both items become invisible.

Ten minutes later Harry stood outside the Room of Requirement. Opening the door Harry peered in to see a fairly large room, with a nice comfortable looking couch in the middle. The thing that surprised Harry was the tons of pillows scattered on the floor.

Harry walked through the maze of pillows and sat down next to Hermione, giving her a small kiss on the cheek before handing her his book.

"So we're going to start wandless magic now?" Harry asked this stupid question.

"May as well." was all Hermione said before opening up the book.

Wandless Magic

Wandless magic is a very old form of magic, before the age of Merlin most wizards were able to perform most simple spells without the use of a wand. Though the more advanced spells still required a wand or staff to perform. There were exceptions though, some of the more powerful wizards could still perform these wandlessly.

In the newer ages, there are few wizards that can perform any kind of wandless magic and the ones that can, are only able to perform very simply spells such as levitation. There are incidents when a wizard or witch loses control of their emotions and unconsciously uses wandless magic, but few where the wizard uses it consciously.

"Aunt Marge." was all Harry said and Hermione let out a little giggle of the memory of Harry's story of him inflating his 'beloved' aunt.

A wand or staff contains a magical core that helps focus the magic in the soul. This allows the person to grasp and control the magic easily. The body of a wizard can also be used to focus the magic, though it takes longer to learn, and more power to be able to control it.

Occlumency is recommended so that you have a greater control of your mind. This makes it easier to concentrate on your magic within and bend it to your will.

"Looks like Occlumency has more advantages than we thought." Hermione said looking over to Harry.

"Yeah… glad we decided to learn it first before this." Harry said before Hermione began to read more.

When beginning to learn wandless magic, placing a dampening spell on yourself allows you to feel the magic easily. Without the distraction of sight, sound and smell you will be able to feel the magic coming from inside you and travelling throughout your body. After you have placed the dampening charm you should then start by casting a simple 'levitation' charm. You should now be able to fell the magic turning within your body and leaving through your fingers and out of your wand.

What you must try now is to cast the same spell without your wand. You need to focus on your magic you need to pull the magic from around you body and concentrate it, building up and making it leave through you fingertips. You must think on what you want to achieve, the incantation is not needed, since the magic will bend to your will. This allows wizards a large range of spells, they are also much harder to block. You emotions will help a lot in this aspect as well, your desire to cast the spell will greatly increase you chances.

A wand provides a focus for your magic, when starting in wandless magic you must focus on using you hand to focus the magic. Picture the magic building up in your hand, concentrate on combining the magic into one ball and then release it from your body. At first this will be hard and also rather tiring, but with practice casting wandlessly will be as easy as casting with a wand. Once your magic and body adapts to this it will also become less tiring, this is the same with all magic. It's the same reason that you do not learn a stunner as your first spell, you start simple and become more and more advanced. Though most people don't have the magical ability to concentrate that much magic to cast some of the more advanced spells…

"That's interesting; I think I have a pretty good idea what to do…" Hermione said, quickly re-reading some of the more important parts, "Yes… could you cast a dampening spell Harry?" she asked

"Ok… ready?" Harry asked and receives a nod from Hermione "Consto Stimulus!"

Hermione's vision went black, she could no longer hear anything or smell anything, and it was a rather weird sensation.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Hermione said, though she heard nothing. She gasped when she felt the magic travelling though her body and towards her wand.

Her senses then came back as she felt Harry lift the charm. "Well?" he asked.

"Wow…" was all she said, "It's the most amazing feeling! I don't know how I have never felt it before." she said.

"Well could I have a go?" Harry asked.

"What? Oh yes, sorry." Hermione said snapping out of her daze.

Harry then went through the same process as Hermione. Once the spell was taken off Harry had a face of deep thought. He then put down his wand and looked at the pillow. Concentrating on the feeling that was still tingling over his body, he felt it grow and become more concentrated. Once he had made it into decent size, he pushed it through his body and out of his palm, willing the pillow with all his might to levitate.

What happened next surprised both Harry and Hermione; the pillow made a 'pop' sound and disappeared. Wide eyed Harry and Hermione looked around only to see hundreds of feathers to come floating down from the ceiling.

"Ah… oops." was all that Harry said, while Hermione stared at him with wide eyes.

"How…?" she asked.

"Well… I sorta concentrated on the feeling I had before, and tried to pull it together into a ball… I felt it growing, and once it got big enough I willed it though my body and out my hand, while wishing it to levitate the pillow… I guess… I tried a little too hard?" he said while Hermione just nodded and started to have a go.

She was only concentrating for an eighth of the time Harry was before she shot her hand out. One of the pillows immediately shot into the air and hovered there six feet off the ground.

"You just built up too much magic I guess…" she said. "But I expected this to be harder; I don't see why others can't do this."

"Well, considering you are the smartest witch in over a century, and well me… what's normal with me… maybe this isn't as easy as it feels for us… know what I mean?" Harry said

"Yea… we find this easily though it's very difficult… I guess it could be true…" she said before trying again.

They spent the rest of the day practicing their wandless magic, finding it easier and easier each time. It also seemed to take less time to build up more magic the more they practiced.


"You'll be fine… just remember to keep you shield up at all times." Hermione said to Harry.

"I guess… I will see you soon then… are you going to wait up?" Harry asked.

"Of course I am!" she said, before smiling at him and kissing him chastely on the lips. "For luck." she said.

"See you soon." Harry said before making his way to the headmaster's office. Reaching the stone gargoyle Harry quickly re-enforced his Occlumency shields before speaking the password, and riding the stairs up to the door. With a knock the headmaster's voice came from inside.


A/N: The idea of Dumbledore wanting to become more famous than Merlin was from Bob and Alyx's, Sunrise over Britain… I was looking for a reason for Dumbledore's manipulative ways, and this was perfect.

I decided to leave it there… Next chapter, some talks with the old man, training and what ever else I fit in :)

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