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Harry Potter & Hermione Granger - Dark Lord & Dark Lady by fashizzlism

Harry Potter & Hermione Granger - Dark Lord & Dark Lady


Chapter 8 - The Phoenix Slayers

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… I can dream though…

AN: IM sorry about the wait! I have been away on work and only got back tonight otherwise I would have had this chapter out around Monday! Sorry once again oh and thanks of course to Turnlach for his wonderful BETA work!


Dumbledore apparated into the kitchen of Number 4 Privet Drive, he didn't know why, but only seconds ago the blood wards around the house had suddenly collapsed.

Once he apparated in, he instantly knew the reason… not only could he feel death still lingering in the air but a pool of blood was slowly making its away around the corner into the kitchen. Dumbledore strode into the living room and the sight that greeted him nearly made him lose his stomach.

All the Dursleys were dead, obviously having been tortured in the most painful and brutal way. Taking a couple of deep breaths he turned back to Moody who was waiting by the door. The old man had paled slightly at the sight before him, after all his year chasing dark wizards he had never seen a sight like this… yes he had seen people tortured to death, usually through the Cruciatus and a few other dark arts spells. But this… the fact that it was obviously muggle torture, told him it was not Voldemort… but the traces of magic indicated that it was a wizard.

"Alastor, I need you to call an Order meeting for tonight." Dumbledore said. Moody nodded before Dumbledore apparated away.

Albus Dumbledore was sitting back in his office ten minutes later thinking over the attack. It wasn't Voldemort…too muggle… maybe even too muggle for most of his followers. But since they were Harry's last relatives logic would suggest that it was Voldemort that had been there…


Harry, Hermione and Draco appeared again just outside the wards. They quickly made their way back to the school, stopping just on the edge of the forest.

"I must say, Potty, Mudblood, I'm impressed. Though I don't think you will last long." Draco sneered at them.

"Malfoy, call me that name again and I will make sure that you never need a woman in your life." Hermione said dangerously. Malfoy paled even more, (who thought it was possible) before he tried to regain some dignity. He sneered at them before casting an invisibility charm on himself and heading towards the school. Harry and Hermione followed a second later.


The next day after both Harry and Hermione had finished classes for the day they sat on a couch in the Room of Requirement, just holding each other. They had barely said a word; Hermione was reading some unknown book, while Harry was just happy to have her in his arms.

Harry finally broke the silence though, starting a conversation he had been wanting to have with her all day.

"Hermione… why don't I feel anything?" he asked her, "Shouldn't I at least feel some guilt… remorse?" he asked closing his eyes.

"Harry… I don't know why. I don't feel anything either." she said softly, "But one thing that I do know, is that the Dursleys got what they deserved. After what they have done to you over the years they don't deserve anyone's sorrow."

"But, how do you explain Tonks? I-I killed her without a second thought and I don't feel the least bit guilty about it! I should feel bad, but I don't." he said in frustration.

"Harry, Tonks was in the Order. If she was one of the people that had to guard you I think they would have noticed the way Vernon was treating you." Hermione whispered in his ear, "None of them deserve your guilt or sorrow."

Harry just sighed in response. "This has something to do with the Dark Arts also, doesn't it?" Harry said softly.

"It is said the dark arts corrupt the soul, changing ones morals and such. So yes, it could be the dark arts, but also the built up anger towards the Dursleys, Dumbledore and Voldemort could also be playing a part." She said, looking into his eyes, "Those feelings, together with the Dark Arts, would change your opinion on killing someone. It's one of the main reasons the Dark Arts are… well Dark, they change you over time; change your morals and views on certain things. Why do you think Voldemort is so insane? He feels nothing except hate and anger."

"Oh gods… we're going to be like Voldemort." Harry said as realization dawned on him.

"No… we will never be like Voldemort. We have each other and our bond cannot be corrupted by the Dark Arts. We will always have each other." Hermione said softly, giving Harry a light kiss.

"We are truly dark wizards now though, aren't we?" Harry sighed.

"Yes… but don't you see, we are dark wizards, but doing what we are doing for the right reasons." Hermione said. Harry just gave her a confused look so she continued, "Voldemort, insane dark lord, has to be killed you agree?" Hermione asked, Harry just nodded, "Now take Dumbledore; supposed leader of the light, he kills innocents, controls people. Who knows how many people he has had killed because they have got in the way of his plans. He is as bad as Voldemort, though he works in different ways." she said, Harry nodded again, "The ministry is a joke, corrupt and not doing the world any good. They are all as power hungry as each other, none of them are working for the light, just themselves." she said.

"Yes… I understand. But what happens when Voldemort starts making us complete missions, killing innocent people?" Harry asked softly, looking at the ground.

"I don't like it but you have to look at the big picture… the death of a few to save the many." she said.

"That sounds like what Dumbledore is doing." Harry said.

"No, it isn't because he is looking at himself in the long run, not everyone else. He will kill a few to get himself in a better position for himself, while we do it to get in a better position for the rest of the world." she explained.

"I guess I understand." Harry said slowly, trying to digest the information. He then dug his head into her neck and started to give her small kisses. This caused Hermione to giggle, before she quickly hopped up.

Harry let out a disappointed groan and gave a small pout, Hermione just smiled at him, "Not now Harry." she said, as she got up and walked to the book shelf with an extra swing to her hips. She then turned around and a twinkle appeared in her eyes, "Later… if you're good," Harry eyes seemed to brighten at this.

"I'll be good! I promise," he said holding his hand over his heart, a huge grin planted on his face. Hermione giggled and she dropped back down on the couch and started to read her book. Harry then also pulled out a large book, titled "History of the Darkness".

"What's that book?" Hermione asked. Harry just looked up at her.

"Oh… well you suggested that we be some new dark force, not a part of the Death Eaters so I'm looking up ancient dark groups. If we use their name then it would give people more understanding and more to fear." Harry said, a little unsure if they were doing the right thing.

"That's a great idea!" she exclaimed, "We will also need different names…" Hermione said before she jumped up and started looking through the bookshelf. About an hour into their research, Harry had a question for Hermione.

"Hermione… do you know how to kill a phoenix?" he asked. She seemed to ponder the question, before shaking her head.

"No, but I'm sure it's possible. Should I look into it?" she asked.

"If you could, it would be great." Harry said before closing the book he was reading.

"Why did you want to know?" she asked, intrigued.

"Well, I found the perfect group. It's an ancient group called 'The Phoenix Slayers'. They apparently ended up killing Merlin before they just vanished… they were recorded to be really brutal and also they were assassins." He said, "It's a rather fitting name considering the Order of the Phoenix and also the fact that the phoenix is the mascot of the light. It should definitely put fear into the Order and the public."

"I agree… we should probably send a message to Voldemort about it also. No doubt he will want to announce it to his followers… and to Snape before they kill him." Hermione said, Harry just nodded and took out a pen and parchment and started to write the note.

When he was finished he handed it over to Hermione who read it and nodded. They both then left to try and find Draco.


Two days after Harry and Hermione had sent the letter off to Voldemort, Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall were in the headmaster's office. They were working out arrangements for a Hogsmeade weekend.

"We will need at least five Order members at the…" Dumbledore stopped speaking as Snape grabbed his arm.

"He is requesting a meeting," Snape hissed. "It's urgent also."

"You better go then. Don't worry, your classes will be attended to," Dumbledore said, looking at the potions master, "Good luck." he said. Snape just nodded and then left the office.

"I don't like him going to these meetings…" McGonagall said, "He's going to be caught some day, I just know it." she said in barely a whisper.

"I hate it too, but he insists on going back and he is really irreplaceable." Dumbledore said sighing.


Voldemort was sitting on his throne while the members of his inner circle bowed to him. His eyes cast over the people before him; Malfoy, Lestrange, Dolohov, Macnair, Nott and Snape, Snape now revealed as a spy. He briefly wondered who else could be spying on him. He couldn't allow them to… but hopefully after he killed the three known spies the others would pull out.

"Rise my Death Eaters." Voldemort hissed. All of the six Death Eaters rose to their knees, "I have good news, very good news." He said giving an evil smile.

"Who here knows of an ancient group call 'The Phoenix Slayers'?" he asked.

Malfoy bowed before looking up at Voldemort, "I have my lord. I have read a book where they were mentioned… if I remember correctly they were from the time of Merlin." he said.

"You are correct Lucius. The Phoenix Slayers were an ancient dark group, they were rumoured to have killed Merlin himself, overwhelming him. But after his death, they disappeared, some say they were trained by Merlin and that they turned on their teacher; no one really knows. They have been written as being the most brutal of killers. They were also highly skilled assassins," Voldemort said, giving a couple more facts about the Phoenix Slayers.

"They were thought to be extinct, until two nights ago. I had a surprise meeting with the two current leaders, who asked if they could join and help with my cause." he hissed, before giving out an evil cackle.

"The ministry will fall before the end of this summer." Voldemort said happily.

Snape's mind was racing, though his mind was blank and his face showing 'fake' glee. He made sure that his Occlumency shields were at full power so that Voldemort couldn't read the concern he was really feeling. He had to tell Dumbledore about this new problem… and soon.

"That is all." Voldemort said waving towards the door signalling for them to leave. All of them left except for Bellatrix.

"When can we kill him my lord?" she asked hopefully.

"Don't worry Bella my dear… his time will come. Right now, he will be spreading fear without even knowing it." Voldemort said giving off an evil laugh, "The old man's little Order will be chasing ghosts, keeping them out of our hair for a bit." he said.


Snape burst into the meeting room at number 12, his Death Eater robes billowing behind him. Everyone had stopped talking when he entered as they all noticed Snape looking a lot paler than usual.

"What has happened Severus?" Dumbledore asked.

"The Dark Lord has got anther group to join him." Snape said quickly. The members of the Order gasped at this announcement. While Dumbledore's face showed no emotion, his eyes had no twinkle in them.

"Who are they?" Dumbledore asked softly.

"They are called 'The Phoenix Slayers'. Apparently they are an ancient dark cult or something." Snape said. He looked up at Dumbledore and noticed he had visibly paled at the information. "You have heard of them before?" Snape asked him.

"Unfortunately, yes I have." Dumbledore said sighing. He looked around at the members of the Order. "The Phoenix Slayers are an ancient dark cult going back to the age of Merlin. They were said to be trained by Merlin himself, before they turned on him and killed him."

As gasps went throughout the Order Dumbledore sighed, "They have removed this from most history texts because of the fact that it was never proven, and having Merlin just vanish was more… peaceful I guess. The group was said to be brutal, using all methods to kill. They were also highly trained assassins, sneaking into a house undetected, then either killing the person outright or torturing them to death. Now that I think about it, I think it may have been this group that was responsible for the Dursleys deaths, if they have indeed joined Voldemort." Dumbledore sighed, "The problem is, they haven't been seen since Merlin vanished and we therefore have no information on them, no spies in their cult. It will be up to our current spies to find out as much as they can through the Death Eater meetings. And you Severus, being in his inner circle, try to discreetly gather information on them."


"I found it!" Hermione yelled to Harry, who was looking for a new book to read.

"Found what?" he asked, confused

"The way to kill a phoenix. I found it in an old Magical Beast Hunting book." she said quickly before she started to read out loud,

A Phoenix is the only creature in existence that is made of pure magic. No one knows where the phoenix came from, though some believe that they were created by a ritual where several wizards had sacrificed their magic.

A phoenix is made of more magic than flesh and bone. The blood of a phoenix is said be worth hundreds of thousands of gallons. Though getting a phoenix to bleed is next to impossible. Since the phoenix is so magical, when a lethal spell hits the bird, the magic simply causes the bird to be reborn.

Hunting this animal was impossible until the early nineteen hundreds when a magic beast hunter named Calvo Mostake, created a spell that would remove the magic from the bird, leaving only the bird mortal with no magic. Since the magic is gone, the bird could be then killed like any other, though the phoenix's blood was worthless since it no longer contained any magic.

Not longer than a year after the creation of this spell, it was classified as one of the dark arts. Since the phoenix was considered the mascot of the light, hunting it was considered dark.

Since this is the only magical being that consists of pure magic, the spell had to be specially crafted for the animal and therefore does not work on any other magical being.

The spell roughly translated goes 'To separate pure magical essence from a body'. The incantation goes as followed…

"Moveo Putmagustia Somes"

Since a phoenix's immortality relies on its magic this spell will cause it to become a normal bird, which can be killed easily. This spell would not work on any other creature or magical being, since there is no other creature or being that consists of pure magic.

They found this out not long after the spells creation, in the early seventeen hundreds. For severe crimes, the removal of ones magic was punishment. The spell for that has since been lost. After this new spell was created, they tried it only to find it unsuccessful; it was soon classified as the Dark Arts.

"Hmmm… the removal of ones magic would be a useful spell to know." Hermione said to herself, "I'll have to try and find it…" she then turned to Harry.

"I take it you want to kill Fawkes with this spell?" she asked, Harry only nodded.

"Yes… I plan on causing the bastard as much pain as possible." Harry said, his eyes seemed to glow softly.

"Well, let's practice it then" Hermione said, jumping to her feet. The room instantly changed to meet what she needed; it was like a shooting range. She then started to try and get the spell down.

After about two hours of practice they were finally getting it right. They slumped back into the couch to rest a little; Hermione was laying down, her head in his lap.

"Harry… what are we going to wear next time we meet him?" She asked, "We have to have some disguise… that's why I'm working on names. And I think I have one… want to hear?" she asked.

"Yeah, shoot love." Harry said softly.

"Lord and Lady Mortiferes." she said, sounding rather proud of herself. Harry just looked at her weirdly, "It's Latin for 'death-bringers'." she explained, "And since a lot of spells are based around Latin I think a lot of people will know the meaning of it."

Harry just smiled at her, "You're a genius love." he whispered.

"I know." she said, a smile gracing her lips. She then kissed him on the cheek before leaning against him.

"So… when are we going to visit Fawkes?" Hermione asked.

"Well according to the map, Dumbledore always seems to leave on Tuesdays after dinner. I guess Order meetings or something." he said, "We could go in then. He is always gone for a while."

"So… we go in a week. I don't want to rush in tomorrow; I want to brush up on my ward detection spells first and how to break them." Hermione said, more to herself than to Harry.

"Err… but… if we just go invisible and completely mask our magic the wards won't be set off." Harry said.

"Yes dear, we could do that. But you do plan on using magic in the room don't you? You can't keep it masked when casting and this spell will take enough to set off his wards." Hermione said softly.

"Yeah I know… I wasn't thinking." Harry admitted.

"No you weren't." Hermione agreed with him.

"HEY!" Harry said in mock anger, "You're supposed to comfort me or something, not agree." Harry said, giving a little pout. Hermione just laughed at him, before lying back down with her head in his lap.

"I love you," she said softly.

"Love you too."


It was time to move on Dumbledore's office, he had left on schedule five minutes ago. Harry and Hermione were now at the stone gargoyle entrance.

"Revelo Proctectorum." Hermione muttered under her breath. A spider's web of orange lines appeared in front of the gargoyle. Hermione went close and started to examine the runes that were connecting it to the wall.

"It's a simple magical presence warning ward." Hermione said. "I'm guessing he would have another near his door and that's how he always knows when people are there."

"Is it a normal one or a more complicated one?" Harry asked. He knew that this ward was usually a very simple one and not hard to remove, but this was Dumbledore they were talking about.

"No it's just the basic ward, no custom stuff in it. I guess he would not bother. After all, how many teachers and students are going to try and break into his office? And I bet he has more complicated runes around his more… expensive possessions." she said.

About a minute later, Hermione announced that she was done. They made their way up to the door where Harry double-checked the map. Dumbledore was still away. Hermione mumbled the Revelo spell again and another magical presence ward appeared.

Another minute later that ward was also disabled and Hermione slowly opened the door. They looked around the room, not entering it yet. They would have to get rid of Fawkes from the doorway, since casting any Revelo spells would most likely alert the phoenix.

They were in luck; Fawkes was sleeping on his perch, his back facing the door. Harry and Hermione looked at each other and nodded; they had planed this. Since Hermione had been the most successful with the magic removable spell, she would be casting it, and Harry would be the one that killed the bird.

"Moveo Putmagustia Somes" Hermione muttered quickly and a jet of rainbow light flew from her wand. Fawkes, who had felt the spell, awoke, but wasn't quick enough as the spell hit him dead in the chest. The bird seemed a little stunned and didn't move - this was when Harry did his part.

"Merhersag!" Harry whispered and a silver blade shot from his wand, faster than the eye could follow. Then with a soft 'Thump' and Fawkes' head and body fell to the ground, gold blood slowly pooling around the two pieces.

"Revelo Proctectorum." Hermione said aloud, swishing her wand over the room. Instantly the room was filled with a web of green, red, blue, orange and white lines. They became thicker around a number of different items.

Harry and Hermione carefully made their way into the office, avoiding the wards. They both stopped to have a look at Fawkes before continuing into the office. They looked around the stuff Dumbledore had, looking for anything that may be useful. Most of the stuff in his office was junk, or things that Harry and Hermione had no idea of what they did.

"Oh my god, look at this!" Hermione said. Harry walked over to her, avoiding a green line that was in front of Dumbledore's desk. He stopped and found Hermione looking at a weird silver and green object that seemed to be half-hidden behind a couple of books. It also had a web of green and blue lines wrapped around it.

"What is it?" Harry asked as he looked at the object. He had no idea what it was.

"I've only read about them… it's a tracking device, it tracks people's magical signatures." Hermione said, "He would have most of the students' magical signatures recorded on this. They're also really, really rare…"

"You're saying he could have been tracking us… he knew we met with Voldemort?" Harry whispered softly, his fear growing.

"I doubt it. He would have had to check for us while we were there and since we left late I don't think he would have. But this could be a problem so we have to destroy it." she said.

"Can you get past his wards?" Harry asked her.

"Yes, these are a lot more complicated than the last but I should be able to. Probably take about fifteen minutes or so, though.

"Ok… you do that; I'll have a look around for anything else." Harry said. Hermione just nodded and started to inspect the tracking object more closely.

Harry started to look further into the back of the office when he noticed a familiar sword. It was encased in a magical presence ward. Harry knew how to disable some of the more basic wards and so began to work on it. And five minutes later, he had it disabled. He was quite proud of himself. Even though Hermione could have done the ward in a minute, she was also a lot, LOT smarter than him.

He pulled the sword from the wall and examined the sheath that it was in. It wasn't there the first time he had used the sword. He looked at it more closely and found it had patterns across it. It seemed to be a forest with lots of animals with a gold griffin standing among them. It was beautiful.

"Got it!" Hermione called out. Harry looked down at his watch; she had done it in about twelve minutes. She had a very happy look on her face and seemed very pleased with herself… 'Understandable…' Harry said to himself.

"What do we do with it?" Harry asked.

"Well, we will have to take it with us. We can't destroy it here since the old bastard might be able to repair it later." she said as she grabbed it. "What do you have there?" She asked when she noticed Harry was holding a sword.

"Oh nothing… just the Gryffindor sword." Harry said, a large smile on his face. "Figured the Sorting Hat wanted me to have it, since he did give it to me in the Chamber second year…" Harry trailed off when realization dawned on his face… "SHIT! The Sorting Hat!" Hermione paled; she didn't think about the Sorting Hat… she didn't even think that it might tell Dumbledore what had happened.

Harry was looking around the office, "FOUND IT" he called out to Hermione, who quickly came to where he was.

"Ah Mr Potter and Miss Granger" he hat said, "I knew the both of you were born for greatness."

Harry and Hermione shared a confused look; the hat was… congratulating them?

"Err... What are you talking about?" Harry asked, clearly confused about what was happening.

"There is no time to explain here. Take me to your Room of Requirement, as you call it, and I will explain." the hat said.

Hermione cast another Revelo spell and was a little surprised to find that there were not any wards around the hat. She then grabbed it, and they both left the office and made their way to the Room of Requirements.

They were quickly and silently making there way to the seventh floor when Harry broke the silence, "I think I have an idea for our new mark." Harry whispered to Hermione.

"Fawkes…" Hermione whispered back, Harry nodded.

"Fits doesn't it, Phoenix slayers, and their mark being a decapitated phoenix." Harry said. Hermione just nodded as they reached the Room of Requirements. They entered and sat down on the couch, putting the hat on the table.

"So now explain," Harry said, "Why would you be helping us?"

"I was made, Mr. Potter, to guide the leaders of the wizarding world. The leader for a long time has been Albus Dumbledore, but I sense that this will change soon." the hat said.

"People believe that I was created by Lord Gryffindor, though that is not true. I came to Lord Gryffindor in his time of need, when the Lord Slytherin was raging war against him. After that, I have been in many people's possession, but for the last three hundred years I have been at Hogwarts, performing the duty of sorting people into the houses. But now a new leader is coming forth, and like I always have, I will come to him." the hat said.

"Us? We're the new leaders?" Hermione asked, not really believing what the hat was saying.

"Yes. You are Miss Granger. I believe I told you in your first year, you were born for greatness… just like I told Mr. Potter." the hat said, nodding a little.

"Wait… you never said I was born for greatness. You said that if I chose Slytherin I would become great." Harry said, trying to point out the hat's errors.

"That is correct, if both of you had chosen Slytherin like I suggested, your road to power would have been smoother, though both of you chose Gryffindor." the hat said. Harry was looking like a fish out of water, while Hermione looked away; she had never told anyone that the hat wanted to put her in Slytherin like it did Harry.

"Hermione… Slytherin… what? She's a muggle-born, why would you want to put her in Slytherin, for Merlin's Sake!?" Harry said.

"Salazar Slytherin may not have liked people not of pure blood. I however do not hold those thoughts. I was told to sort people based on their personalities, not on the purity of their blood." The hat said, still as calm as usual.

"If you think about yourselves, and think about the traits that Salazar recommended for people of his house, you will find yourselves as model Slytherin students. Both of you are smart, ambitious, and have a thirst to prove yourself." the hat stated calmly.

Harry seemed to think about it for a moment and nodded his head in understanding… they were Slytherins at heart.

"That is right Mr. Potter. You may be a Gryffindor by blood, but you are a Slytherin at heart." the hat said, seeming to read his mind. Harry's head snapped up at this.

"Gryffindor by blood?" he asked in confusion.

"Only the heir of Godric Gryffindor could wield his sword in battle." the hat said.

Harry just took this new information in his stride. After everything he had been through this stuff didn't really come as much of a shock anymore. "So… you're going to help two murderers gain power and control?" Harry asked, not really believing it.

"Mr. Potter, I am a hat with information stored in me, I do not have human feelings. Do you think that Dumbledore has not killed anyone? Did you think that Merlin had not killed? Godric? Every leader that comes to power has to go through obstacles, and it is usually other people they must conquer. I wasn't made to help the good or the bad, I was made to help and guide the future leaders, whether they be light or dark."

"So, how can you help us?" Hermione asked.

"I cannot grant you all the information I have and cannot grant you wonderful skills. I can though help you in your research, suggest solutions to problems, and also point out useful areas of magic you should learn. But the most help I believe I will be is spying on Albus Dumbledore for you." the Hat said.

"But how can you do that? If you went to Dumbledore, then he would know why you are missing…" Hermione said.

"Who said he is going to know I am missing?" the hat asked.

"What… you expect us to continually break in to the headmaster's office to talk to you?" Harry asked, thinking the hat was stupid.

"Mr. Potter… how do you think I appear to the new leaders? Do you think that they all stole me from the previous owner?" the hat asked, clearly amused, "No… I have my own way to travel." and with that the Hat faded away.

"Well, that was interesting." was all Hermione said.

"Yeah…" Harry said still looking at the spot the Hat had just disappeared from. Hermione snapped out of her daze first,

"Oh my god… Harry, think about it! The knowledge the hat would hold! He said he helped Merlin! That's over a thousand years of information!" she said, getting more excited by the second. "He could tell us about types of magic that have been forgotten…" she said excitedly, her mind ablaze with the possibilities.

Harry just chuckled at her antics. "So Hermione, what do you want to do at Hogsmeade?" he asked breaking her from her thoughts.

"Hmm… well, I need some more quills, ink and parchment; we also need to get a couple of cloaks for our disguise. Oh and I need to stock up on my sweets, I am running a little low." she said.

Harry raised an eyebrow at her. "I never knew you kept a stock of lollies… why didn't you ever tell me." Harry said, faking a hurt look.

"Well…" she said getting a sly grin. "I didn't want you telling Ron…he'd eat them all… the pig." she said.

"You're right there, love." Harry said. Hermione just grinned and gave him a hug.

"There is one other thing I need to get, though." Harry said, looking down at her.

"What's that?" she asked, rather interested in the look he was giving her.

"Well… that ceremony we performed usually has me putting a ring on your finger doesn't it? I plan on getting that ring." he said, giving her a warm smile. Hermione broke out in a broad grin.

"Are you serious?" she whispered.

"Of course I am… I couldn't image living without you in my life, Hermione." Harry said sincerely.

"Oh Harry…" she said wrapping her arms around him, tears of happiness forming in her eyes.

"I love you." she said, giving him a soft kiss.

"I love you too."


Well, that's it for this chapter! Did you like? I re-wrote the hat part like six times… and I'm still not completely happy with the wording… or the way it went, im not even sure if it makes sense lol! I was trying to get what I wanted across, by it kept turning out to be dribble… but oh well…

Oh and I know the fluff at the end… even though this is a Dark!HHr story, that does not mean HHr turn into unloving people… well, people that love no one else but each other and their future children that is :D

Ok… at the start with Harry and Hermione's, 'For the good of the world' stuff… remember, Dumbledore manipulates since he wants to be famous and thinks he will be a better ruler for the world, Voldemort kills all that cross him, trying to rule since he thinks he knows what the wizarding world need… No Mudbloods, etc. Now HHr think they have the right idea… they are in no way turning back into light wizards/witches for all those who thought that's what they were doing.

Oh well, next chapter… a trip to Hogsmeade, a ring, and maybe a meeting with Voldemort and out favourite potions master if I can fit it in :P

Until next time then!
