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Harry Potter & Hermione Granger - Dark Lord & Dark Lady by fashizzlism

Harry Potter & Hermione Granger - Dark Lord & Dark Lady


Chapter 7 - Meetings

Disclaimer: Do you really think that JKR would post her books on the net for free? No. therefore obviously I am not JKR and in no way own any of the Potter Universe… though I can dream…

AN: Hope you like it! This chapter is yet to be BETA's when it is I will post the BETA'd version… its just I was already late and though I may as well just post it now


Draco was sitting in the Slytherin common room in deep though… he was confused… it was about the mudblood Grangers parents. It wasn't that he cared that they were dead; in fact he would have most likely helped if he were asked. No, it was the fact that he wasn't told about it.

He was always informed about the attacks on the Hogwarts students families, and this one, since Granger was so close to Potter… he would have defiantly been told. Something was not right about this attack… there would have been a message left for Potter if the dark lord had ordered it, but there was nothing… not even signs of torture…

Draco then decided he should ask his father about, he being one of Voldermort right hand men would know about the attack.


It had been two days since the murder of Hermione's parents. She had isolated herself more, only talking to Harry. Her grades had also dropped, but none of the teachers said anything about it, except for Snape of course, though she just totally ignored him.

Harry and Hermione were sitting in the common room finishing off there potions essay when Ron approached them. He stopped in front of them and didn't say anything.

"Yes Ron?" Harry asked, wondering what the red head had to say now. Looking into his eye's Harry put his Legilimency training to good use, stealthily sifting though his memories, he finally came to the reason he was here. He watched the meeting between Dumbledore, Mad-Eye, Remus, Ron and Ginny. Watched as they discussed the attack on Hermione's parents and admitted to deed, and that it hadn't been the dark lord.

It took every bit of Harry strength not to Avada Kedavra the red head after seeing this. Though his face remained blank, free of emotion looking at him.

"I… I wanted to apologize... especially to you Hermione… I just lost my temper; I didn't mean what I said… and after what happened with your parents… I realized throwing our friendship away over something as stupid as an argument is… well stupid" Ron said softly slumping his shoulders and looking at the ground in defeat.

Harry looked over at Hermione who met his gaze, "You know he is lying right?" Harry said, sending the message though their link.

"Yes… but, playing along with it might keep Dumbledore off our back for a bit" Hermione reasoned.

"Yea… but how much do we tell him? Do we tell him about us being together… I think the rumors have died down now, since we haven't publicly admitted it" Harry said

"We just tell him we went to the states, full muggle holiday… and no we don't say anything about our relationship… its bad enough as it is with people watching us… I don't want to imagine what it would be like if they knew..." Hermione said, and Harry just gave a mental nod.

Hermione then turned back to Ron putting up a 'fake' half smile, "It's ok Ron, I forgive you" she said softly.

Ron put on a big smile, and both Harry and Hermione could see the look of triumph in his eyes. "Cool thanks guys… Now… I have to know! Are you guys dating?" he asked in a friendly voice.

Both Harry and Hermione smiled a little before they both shook their heads 'no' at the same time. Ron seemed to brighten up even more at this. He then turned to Harry and they started to talk about how the Quidditch team was going. Ron made a couple of comments about how much of a shame it was that Dumbledore wouldn't lift his ban.


It had been two weeks since Draco had sent the letter to his father asked about the attack on Grangers parents and still he didn't have a reply. Though it was that morning at breakfast that an unmarked, brown owl swooped into the great hall and landed in front of Draco. Draco quickly took and opened the letter.


I am sorry about taking so long to replay, but we have been investigating the matter ourselves. We have now found out that the dark lord had nothing to do with the attack on the Grangers and it was in fact, Dumbledore's order that was responsible.

We have no idea why, but this is an opportunity that we cannot waste, the Dark Lord suggests that you try and speak with the mudblood, tell her what you have found out. It would be a great advantage to have her as an ally, since she is close to Potter.

If you succeed in doing this, the Dark Lord said that you would be rewarded greatly for your achievement.


Draco quickly set fire to the letter and looked across the hall at Hermione. He watched as she shot a murderous look towards Dumbledore… Maybe she already knows… this might be easier than I thought Draco thought to himself, before he started to plot a way to meet her.


Harry, Hermione and Ron were just leaving Defense against the Dark Arts and were heading to the great all for lunch. Harry was becoming annoyed with Ron's constant questioning.

"So what did you really do over the summer? Why wont you just tell me?" Ron said for the one hundredth time this day.

"GOD! Ron I have already told you a hundred times! We went to America, and seen the sites!" Harry said, his temper coming across in the words.

It was then that Draco walked passed and carefully shouldered Hermione, slipping a note into her pocket. All three of them turned around to face Draco, who sneered at them before continuing down the hall.

"Harry… Draco slipped a note into my pocket…" Hermione said

"Does it have any magical signatures on it?" Harry asked quickly, fearing that it might be a portkey.

"No… its just a note… no magic what so ever" she said, she then shot a look in Ron's direction, "we'll look at it when Ron goes to Divination" Hermione said, and felt Harry give a mental nod in agreement.

Ron finally headed off for divination, so Harry and Hermione went to the room of requirement. Once they made the room provided a nice, big comfortable couch, Hermione pulled the letter out of her pocket and read it, it wasn't long and was requesting a meeting…

There is more to you parent's death than meets the eye. Be at the courtyard fountain at 11pm tonight. The information I have will greatly interest you.

"Well?" Hermione asked

"I don't see any harm going… It would tell us for sure if ferret boy is a death eater I guess…" Harry said re-reading the letter.

"Ok, so ill go…" Hermione started but was cut off…

"No, we will go, I will make myself invisible just in case" Harry said, and she just nodded.


It was eleven and Hermione was sitting down on a bench near the courtyard fountain waiting for Malfoy to show up. Harry was just over in the corner, leaving only the tiniest bit of his aura unmasked so that she would know where he was.

It was then that Draco came walking down to the fountain, in his usual pureblood prince fashion. "So you came" Draco said, a hint of a sneer in his voice.

"Well? What do you have to say?" Hermione asked impatiently

"I have recently found out that the dark lord and the death eaters had nothing to do with your parents murders… that in fact it was Dumbledore and his little order that staged the whole thing" Draco said, seeming pretty smug with himself. While Hermione just looked un-impressed.

"That's all you have to say? I already knew that it was Dumbledore. I knew since the day it was in the paper" Hermione said.

Draco stuttered a little at this, "N-no I also, im also here to offer an alliance between yourself and the Dark Lord. He is willing to train you over the holidays, and wants you to act as a spy" Draco said regaining himself.

It was then Hermione had a crazy idea, "Harry…" Hermione thought…

"I know Hermione. I was thinking the same thing… but Voldermort?" Harry said…

"Who said we had to be loyal to him? We could just use the training, kill Dumbledore and then turn against Voldermort" Hermione said.

"I guess…" Harry thought, "Well I better make my self known so we can arrange a meeting" Harry finished before removing the invisibility charm.

As Harry became visible, Draco paled and made to draw his wand, only to stop when Harry had his out, facing him.

"Draw it, and no one will find you body" Harry said in a deadly calm voice. "This offer you have for Hermione… there wouldn't be a way I could get in it as well?" Harry continued.

At this Draco's eyes widened... "You... you want to join the dark lord?" Draco asked stunned.

"Really Malfoy think about it." Hermione started, "What's the difference between Dumbledore and Voldermort" Draco flinched at the name. "Yes Voldermort kills openly, while Dumbledore controls others and has others to do his dirty work for him" Harry just nodded at Hermione's explanation.

"So is it possible Draco?" Harry asked looking straight at him,

"Ill arrange it, I will let you know when I have" Draco said evenly, finally regaining from the shock.

"Good" Harry said, before he added, "A few conditions, It has to be at least 11pm, I don't want Snape, Sampson, or Goldsworthy to be anywhere near or to know about the meeting at all." Draco just nodded his head, then Harry and Hermione turned and left leaving a stunned Draco.

I may have just got Potter to join the dark lord… Draco thought as realization dawned on him, oh he would be rewarded greatly for this!

Hermione and Harry went straight to the room of requirement, they both sat down on the couch next to each other when Hermione broke the silence,

"Do you think it's a good idea?" she asked softly, Harry just looked at her for a moment.

"I don't know anymore… I mean, Dumbledore and the order are not much better than Voldermort and the Death eaters… and I bet Voldermort will happily train us and help us in killing Dumbledore… after Dumbledore im his next biggest threat, and if he thinks he has me on his side he will think that's he unstoppable." Harry reasoned, "And it's not like we are joining him… were using and manipulating him actually" Harry said cracking a small smile, "Ironic really" he said, which cause Hermione to chuckle.

She then moved from next to him and settled in his lap, giving him small kisses around his neck. Harry just sighed, "What would I do without you?" he asked no one, though Hermione decided to answer

"Probley be dead by now actually" she said, smiling against his neck.

"True, true" Harry said chuckling a little before leaning into Hermione and kissing her passionately.

"When they broke the kiss Hermione's hands had move inside his shirt and where running up and down his chest, while one of Harry's hands rested on her hip the other was softly caressing one of her breasts. She moaned against his neck pulling Harry into another passionate kiss, before whispering into his ear,

"Harry… I want to be with you tonight…" she moaned, "All of you" she said softly before kissing his ear, her hands slowly roaming over his body. Harry moaned as Hermione did his, though didn't stop working on rubbing her breast, his other hand had now found itself under her skirt and was softly cupping her bum.

"Are you sure…" he whispered, in her ear, she didn't answer just kissed him deeply, passionately, which Harry took as a 'yes'. She then fell backwards on the couch, Harry falling with her. He was now lying on top of her, one hand under her shirt rubbing and playing with her nipple, his other running up and down her side… he then heard Hermione softly whisper a spell before she started to moan again…

The rest of the night, seemed as a happy blur for Harry and Hermione…


Hermione slowly woke up, at first she was shocked that she naked, though as memory's of the night before came flooding back; a large smile grew on her face. She looked over to see Harry sleeping next to her, she then moved closer to him laying her head on his shoulder and putting her arm over his waist and closed her eyes. She sighed softly as Harry's arms unconsciously wraped around her.

She stayed in his arms for another hour, before she decided it was time to get up. She gently kissed Harry on the lips, then on the neck to wake him up. Harry's eyes slowly opened, and when he saw Hermione there he smiled.

"I could get used to waking up like this" he whispered to her, and she kissed him in replay.

"Its time to get up Harry" she said softly, Harry just groaned and pulled her closer to him, "But I don't want to" he said giving a fake pout.

Hermione giggled and pulled her self away from him, "common love, Breakfast awaits!" Hermione said before getting dressed and heading out of the room of requirements towards a shower. Harry for his part just mumbled before also leaving the room.

Since it was a Saturday, not many people were in the great hall for breakfast, most were still asleep in their nice warm beds, from either a late night of homework, or a late night of drinking. Harry and Hermione were two of about ten people at the Gryffindor table, and the only ones from their year.

"Must have been a party in the common room" Harry said as he looked around Gryffindor table.

"Hmm… I guess… are you sorry you missed it?" She asked raising an eyebrow at him. Harry just smiled at her,

"Not in the slightest" Harry said a twinkle in his eyes, which caused Hermione to giggle.

Hermione then turned serious, looking at Harry, "Harry… we need to plan, the mee… well the you know" she said softly, Harry nodded his head,

"Ok… room of requirements after this?" Harry asked signaling down at his plate; Hermione nodded her head in agreement.

An hour later both Harry and Hermione were sitting in the room of requirements, there were a number of things that they need to plan for. For one, they were NOT getting the dark mark, there were a number of reasons for this, it would stick out to much for one, and the link that it would create was not something they wanted. There was also the problem that Voldermort may just kill them outright, that… would be bad. This was the topic they were thinking about…

"I got it! Why not tell him the prophecy!" Hermione said, as she threw her hands into the air.

"Err… Hermione… wouldn't that make him want to kill me more… what better motivation, knowing the only one stopping you from immortality was standing right in front of you" Harry said eyeing her like she was crazy.

Hermione shot him a mock glare, before grinning slightly, "Harry baby… you have to be the most dense person I know at times" she said sweetly, a small smirk grown on her face.

"How dare you Granger!" Harry said, trying to sound offended, but failing miserably. Causing Hermione to have a fit of giggles. "So I guess your thinking about changing it a touch to give us an edge?" Harry asked, and Hermione nodded.

"Yes… I was thinking of our excuses of turning to him at the same time…" she said thinking quickly, "I mean I have my reasons he, he… you know" she said a tear falling down her cheek. Harry brushed it away before pulling her into a hug, which she happily accepted. After a couple of minutes Harry let her go giving her a small kiss on the cheek.

"Well, yea… but you… well there isn't really a reason" seeing Harry was about to argue she quickly added, "I know he was controlling your life, but we need… more… you could break away from Dumbledore and still be hunting Voldermort, understand?" she asked.

"Yea… I guess I see you point, your thinking that Voldermort will think its some kind of setup, since I don't really have a reason" he said.

"Exactly! Though know you do!" she said before pulling out a piece of paper, which she started to write down the prophecy, except… different.

The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches...

Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...

And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal…

And either must die at their own hands, or at the hands of the other, for neither can live why the other does not...

The one with the power to vanquish that Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies....

After reading it for the second time Harry looked at up Hermione, pride in his eyes, which caused Hermione to blush a little, "You're making him think that without out me he will die… and with me, we will both be immortal…" Harry said softly, "Your brilliant you know that right?" Harry said smiling at her.

"But… why all the other changes? Why not just the 'Never can live without the other' part?" he asked, looking intently at her

"Well… I totally removed the part about the power he knows not… since well I don't think we want him knowing it do we… whatever it is" she said, and was satisfied when Harry nodded in understanding. "I also put the part about dieing by your own hands… because well, I thought Voldermort might just kill me, then hold you prisoner, though keeping you alive… so I need a way we could threaten him…" she said softly.

"What would I do without you?" Harry asked

"Well… I think you asked me that once before, and I believe the answer is still the same… you would most likely be dead by now Mr Potter" she said mischievously before hopping into his lap.

'I hope one day I could call you Mrs. Potter' Harry though. Hermione's head spun around to look at him.

"Di…Did you mean that" she whispered. Harry blushed at this and looked away.

"Ah… I didn't actually mean for you to hear that… but yes… I hope to one day make you Mrs. Potter" Harry said softly, still looking away from her. Hermione grabbed his chin, and forced him to look at her, before she attacked his lips with hers.

Five minutes later, they broke the kiss, out of breath… "I would like to be Mrs. Potter" Hermione said softly, leaning against his chest. Harry's smile broadened at this,

"I love you Hermione" Harry said softly, running his hand though her hair

"I love you to" she said, before giving him another kiss, "Harry… there is something that I want to do" she said softly looking at the ground.

"What is it Hermione" Harry asked putting one arm around her…

"Well… in accent times, when a couple got engaged they sometimes did a bonding ritual… it bonds the two together by blood… it is also unbreakable, meaning if you died, I would to and vise versa" she said softly.

"Are you sure Hermione… it's a big risk… I don't know if I will make it out of this war alive as it is…" Harry said softly

"Then I wouldn't want to live either, and would probley follow you into the afterlife anyway… but that's not the main reason…" she said, pausing before continuing, "It would also get me past Voldermort's defenses, like you can, im sure I would be able to help fulfilling your destiny then. And if the prophecy is true and you power is love… then this would probley be it"

Harry looked into her eyes, "Are you one hundred percent sure you want to do this?" he asked her softly,

"Yes, one hundred percent" she said without hesitation

"Ok then, what do we have to do?" he asked.

"Well its not that hard, one of the main reasons its was uncommon was because it requires wandless magic of sorts, you have to slash your right palm, making it to bleed, we then join hands, making the blood to come together. Then we have to chant 'I bind, my mind, body, magic and soul, to yours for eternity' twice, pushing all of the magic we can to our joined hands, when its complete they should turn from glowing silver to glowing gold before fading, and then its done" she said. Harry nodded, then made a two knifes appear in the room. He handed one to Hermione, while he took his, sliced his palm open and stuck out his hand to hers.

Hermione did the same, and when there hands meet and blood bond together it sent little sparks though there body's.

They never stopped looking into each others eyes as they began to chant,

"I bind, my mind, body, magic and soul, to yours for eternity" they said in unison, as they both finished the first half, their hands started to glow silver, their eyes were now also glowing silver

"I bind, my mind, body, magic and soul, to yours for eternity" They chanted again, this time there glowing hands changed from silver to gold, the same thing happened to their eyes. Willing all their magic into there joined hands; Harry felt a familiar feeling, it felt like Hermione entering his body. It was then he realized that their magic was going between the two of them.

A powerful bust of magic sent both of them into unconsciousness.

They woke up at the same time nearly an hour later; they both were still feeling the lovely feeling of having each others magic in their bodies from the souls bonding. Both of their eyes still had a slight gold glow before it slowly faded. They weren't tired, in fact they seemed to have more energy than usual, Hermione decided to take advantage of the fact and rolled on top of him, giving him a soft kiss.

"Now… lets celebrate" she said smiling a twinkle in her eyes. Harry didn't answer, he just kissed her.


The next day Harry and Hermione were eating breakfast together, when a brown owl flew down to Harry and Hermione. Harry quickly grabbed the letter and the owl left, opening the letting; he read it and was a little bit nervous.

Tonight, same place as before, you know the time

Was all the letter said, he handed it to Hermione who quickly destroyed it while no one was watching. She then leant over to Harry,

"Room of requirements again, I want to practice some dueling…" she whispered and Harry only nodded, he two was thinking about getting a little bit of practice in.

For most of the day they worked on their team dueling, and their aim. They hadn't worked much with there muggle/magical pistols, though they still had a really good aim. Soon it was time for dinner and Harry and Hermione headed down to the great hall for what could be, there last meal…


It was ten past eleven and Harry was getting annoyed, Draco wasn't anywhere.

"Where the hell is he?" Harry growled softly

"I don't kn… wait there he comes… bloody ferret" she said and Harry smiled at her use of words.

"Nice of you to make it Malfoy… what the hell took you so long?" Harry growled,

"Shut it Potter, was had to get around Filch" Draco said sneering at the two of them, "Personally I cant believe you two showed up… though I think im going to enjoy watching the dark lord kill you"

"We will see about that Malfoy… now where is the portkey" Hermione said,

"Here" Draco said, pulling a craved piece of wood, that was shaped like a snake out of his robes, "Well grab on already" Draco sneered.

"Please tell me your not that dumb…" Hermione said, then continued seeing that Draco had no idea what she was talking about, "You do know that Dumbledore will know when that portkey has left, and that he will be able to trace it don't you" she said in the matter of factly voice. Draco seemed to pale slightly at this,

"Well how do you expect to get their then? Oh wise and great mudblood!" Draco sneered at her,

"We go a little into the forest, pass the wards, idiot" Harry hissed at him, "And if you call her that again, ill give you another hole to breath from". They all then started to walk to the forest. About ten minutes later they felt the magic go though them as they left the wards. They all grabbed the portkey, and with the familiar tug behind the navel they were gone.


Voldermort was getting angry, no, he was angry, he was starting to get angry fifth teen minutes ago. Potter and his Mudblood had requested a meeting, which he had allowed and now they are late. They better have a bloody good reason, or I will forget listening to them at all and kill them outright! Voldermort thought as his anger grew. He had already taken his anger out on two of the death eaters with him, and was about to take it out again, this time either on Lucius or Bella.

He was broken from these thoughts by the sound of stumbling feet, looking up he saw Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger.


"Potter…" came the hissing voice of Voldermort, "You had better have a good reason for being late, or else it will cost you your life" he threatened

"Oh… you can blame this incompetent idiot, Malfoy here" Harry said, "He's the one that showed up ten minutes late in the first place, then though we should portkey out though the wards… it took us another ten minutes to exit the wards" Harry said, looking at Voldermort, not a trace of fear in his voice.

Voldermort seemed to study them for a little while before nodding, "I understand, though you Malfoy will be punished, Crucio!" Voldermort whispered lovingly. The yellow beam stuck Draco in the chest causing him to scream and roll around on the ground in pain. After about thirty seconds he lifted the curse, leaving Draco panting for air. Voldermort then sat down on a chair and looked at Harry and Hermione, "Tell me why you requested this meeting?" he said calmly.

"Well we need your help actually" Harry said, all the death eaters present laughed at this, though stopped when they noticed that their leader wasn't laughing also.

"At what, pray tell, would Harry Potter and his Mudblood need my help for?" Voldermort said, this voice betraying no emotion, though inside he was rather interested, this meeting was getting better and better by the minute.

"We need your help with Dumbledore" Hermione said speaking up for the first time.

"Oh really… and what help could I possible help in regards to Dumbledore?" he asked, still in the calm emotionless voice.

"All of us want him dead" Harry said, most of the death eaters gasped in surprise at this proclamation.

"And why would Harry Potter want the great Albus Dumbledore dead?" Voldermort asked, not really believing him at the moment.

"I think…" Harry started looking around at the Death Eaters present, "I think, that you would like to hear my reasoning in private, away from listening ears" Harry said calmly.

Voldermort stood and pulled out his wand, this had Hermione and Harry on full alert, ready to start fighting, though they were relieved when, with a simple flick of his wand a soft silver dome of silence covered the three of them. he then turned to Harry.

"Now that we are, away from prying ears, what is your reason" Voldermort asked.

"The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... you know what that is right?" Harry asked Voldermort.

"Yes, I know the beginning of the prophecy" Voldermort said, really interested now, He knows the rest… and he's going to tell it freely! Voldermort though.

"The rest goes as this…" Harry said

"And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal…

And either must die at their own hands or of the other, for neither can live without the other...

The one with the power to vanquish that Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...."

Harry paused, watching Voldermort's face, letting the words sink in, then realization spread across his face Harry continued, "Dumbledore told me that after the ministry incident… he expected… that I kill my self, in order to kill you" Harry inwardly smirked when Voldermort actually became wide eyed, "Yes, that's right, he expected me to kill my self, he practically demanded… I have, no intention of dieing… and over the summer I realized that everything that had happened over my years of Hogwarts, he had set up, hoping that I would either kill you or be killed by you. Then after I refused to be his pawn, refused to end my own life, he killed Hermione's parents to try and get her to leave, abandon me, make me feel like dieing" Harry spat, he didn't have to act very much, the anger he was feeling was real, even if the story was a little bit twisted.

"That's when we decided to come to you, we both wanted Dumbledore dead, though we cant do it by our selves, we need training. Also with you and me being on the same team, we are both unstoppable; all we have to do it not kill each other or commit suicide"

Voldermort was stunned, he had always been trying to gain immortality, but he had already had it! In fact he had been working all these years to kill himself. How did this happen, how does Potter know all of this, "How did this… thing happen and how do you know so much about it" Voldermort said, his voice was calm, though a hint of glee came with his words.

"Like I said, Dumbledore told me most of it after the ministry, he had been studying it ever since it happened, though im sure he didn't tell me all of it" Harry said darkly, "He said it all goes back to the prophecy, you heard the first part and then completed the second bit, marked me as your equal… at the same time making a link between us, it's the only reason you didn't die that night, it started the prophecy, and so for you to die, I would have, had to kill my self" Harry said

"Dumbledore said the link could have been removed, but he didn't realize it existed until after fourth year. The ritual you used, using my blood, combined with out existing link, complicated it a lot… making it next to impossible to remove. Though this also means that no one would be able to kid nap me and remove it, it also means that you wont be able to removed it, though I cant see why you would… if you found away, you would lose your immortality, and then even the ritual used to give you back your body might reverse also."

Voldermort nodded at this, then turned towards Hermione, "And what about the Mudblood, so she wants Dumbledore dead, you have just told me I could do this myself, why do I need her" Voldermort sneer at her.

"Well you see, she happens to be bonded to me, though an unbreakable bonding ceremony, so therefore, she has all the benefits that we do, and becomes able to complete the prophecy as well" Harry said giving Hermione a small smile.

Voldermort seemed to like this, two immortals, both on my side, both bonded to me by blood… we will be unstoppable… the power… these were just some of the thoughts running though Voldermort's head. Voldermort flicked his wand again, removing the silencing dome, "I agree, though you will need to be tested first… any suggestions Potter?" Voldermort asked.

A glean went across Harry's eyes… oh he had an idea all right, looking over at Hermione he noticed the same look in her eyes, yes she had the same thoughts as he did.

"Number 4, Privet Drive, my Uncle, Aunt and Cousin" Harry said, the tinniest of grins on his face, revenge would be sweet.


They portkey'ed a street away from Privet Drive, the same area where Harry had run into the Death Eaters at the start of the year. Once they were all here, Harry looked around the group. There were six death eaters and Voldermort, the only death eaters that Harry knew were Draco, Lucius and Bellatrix. Seeing her, he felt the anger grown inside him, he quickly pushed it away, this is not the time nor place to avenge Sirius death! He told himself, though it will be soon… he said to himself as an after thought.

"There will most likely been a order member guarding the house" Harry said quietly, and Hermione nodded to back up his statement.

"Invisibility spells… Potter, your first test will be to kill the guard" Voldermort hissed, as all of them cast their invisibility charms. They made there way to the Dursleys house, just on the front lawn, Harry expanded his sensors, using the Aura magic, he had learnt to try and find the guard.

He or she wasn't hard to find, they were sitting on what seemed like an invisible seat, under an invisibility cloak, bring up his invisible arm that was holding his second wand, he aimed it at the person.

This is it… Harry though as he brought up memories of the Dursleys and Dumbledore, "Avada Kedavra" Harry whispered, throwing all the hate he felt into the spell.

A blast of green left his invisible wand and hit the person in the back, the only sound that came was the soft thud of the person falling to the ground. They slowly walked up the body where Harry leaned over and removed the cloak. They were greeted with bright pink hair, Tonks. Tonks had been Harry's first victim.

Harry didn't know what to feel, he didn't really know her, so he didn't feel loss, he felt a little guilty, but that was squashed by the reminder that she was in the order, the order that had betrayed him and murdered Hermione's parents. So with that he was left feeling… nothing… absolutely nothing.

Feeling a soft hand on his shoulder he looked over into emptiness, though he knew who it was, even when she was masking her aura, he could still feel her magic though there new link.

The group walked silently towards the door, and with a whispered 'Alohomora' it opened squeaking softly. Once they were all inside, they closed the door and removed the invisibility charms.

"Well Potter, Granger… it's your test… lead the way." Voldermort hissed, Harry and Hermione both nodded,

"Everyone waits here, we will bring them all down here" Harry said before he and Hermione headed up the stairs. Harry paused at the door to his old room, but quickly squashed those memories, before heading into Dudley's room. He casted a silencing charm on the door, knowing how loud it squeaked when someone tried to open it, Dudley had done his to give him time to hide is cigarettes and what ever drugs he took before the person could see them. Harry then walked into the room and stunned Dudley in his sleep, before levitating him down into the living room.

Harry and Hermione did the same to his aunt and uncle; bring them both into the living room. He bound all three of them before, enervating them.

"Hello, Dudley, Vernon and Petunia" Harry said in a deadly calm voice. Vernon finally knew who had put them like this started to shout.

"BLOODY FREAKS! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING IN MY HOUSE" he yelled, his face turning puce, "TAKE THIS SHIT OFF US NOW BOY! OR ELSE I WILL KILL YOU THIS TIME" Vernon yelled, Harry only smiled down at him. Then quickly before anyone had time to bat an eye Harry's heal smashed into his uncle's face, breaking his nose and sending blood pouring down his face.

"If I were you Vernon, I would shut up…" Harry said, but was cut of by his uncle,


Hermione clicked her tongue and giggled, "Wow… he really is no smarter than dragon dung…" she said before turning to Vernon, "Have you not figured it out yet?" she said smiling evilly at him, "You not going to make it though the night".

At this Vernon's mouth open and closed many times, Petunia started to sob, while Dudley seemed to grow some balls.

"Come off it Potter, what's a little bitch like you going to do" Dudley sneered.

"Diffindo!" Hermione said, then watched in satisfaction as two of Dudleys fingers fell to the ground, cut straight of by the silver light. It took a couple of seconds for Dudley to get over the shock before he started to scream, and cry in pain.

"Better watch you mouth Dudley" Harry sneered.

"Hermione… what do you think suitable punishment for these two… things… would be?" Harry's asked conversationally,

Hermione seemed to think for a while before an evil smile crossed her lips, "Well Harry, for starters I think that they should have to watch their whale of a son be killed… slowly and painfully" Petunia started to scream then,

"NO! PLEASE! NOT MY DUDDERS PLEASE NOT MY DUDDERS! ILL DO ANYTHING, GIVE YOU ANYTH…" she was cut off as Harry silenced her with a Silencio. Now here mouth opened and closed, tears poured down her cheeks as she tried to speak.

"You know…" Harry said… "Since they hate magic so much… I think its only fair we kill ickle Dudley the muggle way" Harry said to Hermione.

"Hmm… yes I suppose your right" she said, she then waved her wand, conjuring to daggers out of thin air… "Some magical enhancements won't matter though… like making them extra sharp."

Harry then waved his wand, causing the ropes to disappear; as soon as they did Dudley tried to get away.

"Oh no Dudley im not done yet, Petrificus!" Harry said, and Dudley stopped dead in his tracks, half frozen, small whimpers could be heard coming from him. Hermione then walked slowly up to him, causing his whimpers to increase. She then softly ran the dagger across his cheek, which thanks to the magical enhancements, cut deeply into this cheek. He cried out in pain and tried to move away, though he found himself still unable to move. She finished leaving a deep gash from his ear to his lip, she then lent over and whispered in his ear,

"Oh don't worry… its going to be much, much worse…" she said, she then lowered the knife to his hand, cutting around one of his fingers, cutting it to the bone the whole way around before bringing the blade though the join removing his finger completely. Dudley had passed out as soon as she had completely removed it so Harry flicked his wand and woke him up.

Harry then grabbed his dagger and jammed it into Dudley's foot, the blade cracking the tile floors. Dudley once again let out a high pitched scream, then passes out as Harry instead off pulling the dagger out, ripped it to the side, half cutting off his foot.

Petunia was silently screaming, tears streaming down her eyes, while Vernon seemed to be stunned, he opened and closed his mouth, no words came out, and tears were falling down his cheeks.

Harry then brought the dagger up and down so fast that it was a blur, cutting Dudleys ear clean off, by this time Dudley was in a state of server shock and was dieing from blood loss Hermione stabbed her dagger once more into his leg, before removing the petrifaction charm, and watched as Dudley convulsed a couple of times before going limp.

This brought Vernon out of his shock, everything caught up to him, His son was dead… killed by the boy and his little whore!


"You ever call her that again, I will make your fate a thousand times worse than that whale of a son of yours" Harry hissed, "Silencio" he finished. He then turned to Hermione, "You can do Petunia… I want Vernon myself" he said, she just nodded and walked over to his aunt.

She threw the knife on the ground, then removed the bonds on Petunia, once she was able to move she went straight for the knife but was no where near fast enough,

"Imperio!" Hermione yelled, Petunia stopped in her tracks, and her eyes seemed to glaze over. "Pick up the knife and slowly cut of your fingers, one by one" Hermione whispered softly in the lady's ear.

Petunia slowly picked up the knife, she then started one by one to remove her fingers on her left hand, she was screaming her throat horse, but kept on going. Vernon seemed to somehow break Harry's silencing spell and started to yell at his wife.

"NO! PETUNIA STOP, WHAT ARE YOU DOING STOP!" he screamed but was soon stopped as Harry put another silencing spell on him.

Once petunia had cut off all her finger on her right hand she was still screaming, as she tried and failed to do the same with her right. With on fingers she couldn't grip the knife. Hermione then decided it was time to end it and leveled her wand at the ugly lady,

"Stella Clavis!" Hermione yelled, as what looked like a bolt of lightning shot from her wand and hit Petunia in the chest. She fell to the ground thrashing around, froth forming on the edges of her mouth. When Hermione lifted he curse, smoke started to come off Petunia, her body fired by hundreds upon hundreds of volts of electricity.

Harry turned to Vernon, who now was deathly silent, he was just staring at the place where is son, and now wife lay lifeless. He knew he was next, and was terrified of what they would do to him before he passed.

"Now it's your turn uncle" Harry spat, causing Vernon to cringe. "Sectumsempra!" Harry yelled, slashing his wand downwards, pointing at his left arm, a sickening scream came out of Vernon's mouth as his arm fell to the floor. "Lacrima Acidus!" Harry hissed, when the spell hit, Vernon's tears turned to acid, burning his skin, and burning the nerves in his eyes, causing him to become blind. Harry then released the Petrifaction charm and watched as Vernon gouged his eyes out in an attempt to stop the intense burning pain of the acid behind his eyes. "Eviscero!" Harry whispered he last spell, that disemboweled Vernon, he numbly tried to gather up the intestines and other organs that had fallen from his stomach, but dropped dead a threw seconds later.

Not a second after Vernon died, a large white flash, followed by a crashing sound boomed out, Harry had a pretty good idea what it was, the then turned to Voldermort.

"The wards have fallen, we have to leave, Dumbledore will be hear along with a ton of Auror's any second" Harry said quickly, Voldermort for his part just nodded; pulled out a portkey, and a second later they were off. Just as they disappeared several pop's announced the arrival of Dumbledore and the order.


The group arrived back at there original meeting place, most were shocked about what had just happened, Draco was the most shocked, in fact he was paler than usual. The fact that The-Boy-Who-Lived and the Bookworm Mudblood could torture someone to death like that scared the shit out of him. He was briefly wondering how close he had come to being one of their victims over the years.

Voldermort for his part had a large evil smile on his face, oh he was in heaven, not only was he immortal, he now had two spy's, that were brutal, and bonded to him until the end of their life, which would be for eternity…

He turned to face the two, "I am impressed… very, very impressed, in fact you surpassed my expectations" he started, "I agree to have you trained, in fact I will also train you personally a bit" he stopped as if thinking. "I understand that the dark mark would be impossible given your position, though it would not be need for loyalty anyways… we will need to find away to send you messages for meeting and summoning… in the mean time, Draco will be your informant"

"The next time we meet, we will have the Death Eater garb for you" he said, Hermione then thought to add something, "Mi Lord, I have a suggestion" she said, Voldermort nodded for her to continue, "Well, I was thinking that Harry and I should get our own uniform and make our own mark. Then on missions we would release both the Dark Mark and our own, if people see it as two different dark groups joining forces, it would spread more fear and also more confusion" Hermione said.

Voldermort smile and nodded, "Yes! An excellent idea, you two are already proven very useful" Voldermort said in a pleased voice.

"I have something to ask you Sir" Harry said, "Did you know that professor Snape is in the order?" Harry asked. From Voldermort's reaction he knew that he didn't.

"What?" Voldermort growled…

"Snape, he's Dumbledore's spy, also Sampson and Goldsworthy are spies for Dumbledore" Harry said

"This is news…" Voldermort said the rage he was feeling quite visible, "Again you two have proven your usefulness… and I think we will be seeing each other earlier than I had intended… after all I want Snape to see you two with me before he dies" Harry and Hermione nodded.

"You should be getting back before the old man come back to school looking for you" Voldermort said, Harry and Hermione nodded again, before taking a portkey back with Draco.

Lucius moved to Voldermort's side, "Why did you let them live?... especially the Mudblood" Lucius said.

"Crucio!" Voldermort hissed and grinned as Lucius thrashed on the ground, "You are not one to question my decisions! Remember that" Voldermort said before lifting the spell.

"Yes Mi Lord, sorry my lord" Lucius panted.

Bellatrix then moved up to Voldermort, "When do we get to kill them my lordship" she said softly.

"We don't kill them… they are my most loyal for reasons none of you will know" Voldermort said. "And trust me when I say, harming them will cost you your life! If word gets out about this meeting the person who leeks it will be killed" Voldermort hissed, "After all we don't want to ruin our biggest advantage"

"What do you want us to do with Snape" Bellatrix asked.

Voldermort smiled at this, "Granger is very smart indeed, after I let slip to him about a new dark force joining me, he will tell Dumbledore… then after he tells him we will kill the spy, well Harry will kill him. The others will die the same night that Snape does. This will cause fear and confusing among Dumbledore little 'order', but if we kill them first they might catch on and pull Snape out, understood?" Voldermort said. The Death Eaters nodded,


AN: WOW… my longest chapter so far, over 8000 words! Anyways I hoped that you liked it. And I hope you think that the Dursleys got what was coming… if you thinking Harry and Hermione were, WAY OCC then… well for starters they are, turning dark and all and that's OCC by itself, but there thoughts on the night, reasons behind their emotions I will try to explain a bit in the next chapter. Anyways…

Some one asked me why Harry and Hermione are still at school when Dumbledore is there, well, the school provided a good cover for their future dark deeds :P also if they left it would be rather suspicious, and they don't want Dumbledore to know about there alliance with old Voldie. Also according to the challenge they don't leave yet :D

Now onto explaining Dumbledore, as you have found out, Harry and Hermione seem to find most topics that study easy to learn, and in some they do the impossible, aura magic… so naturally when they were learning Occlumency, they became very good at it! Dumbledore had a look of victory on his face most people wouldn't have been able to see it. It was hidden behind his Occlumency shields, but HHr Legilimency skills could easily detect it. Of course, HHr couldn't be as good as HIM! ALBUS Dumbledore, most powerful wizard since Merlin! So he thinks that HHr think Voldermort did it, he will most likely try to make amends, "Oh im sorry, I didn't see the big picture… blah blah blah.

Anyways that's it for the Author's Notes… hope you like the chapter!
