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Harry Potter: Beyond the Looking Glass by madscientist

Harry Potter: Beyond the Looking Glass


A/N: Look, you still can't kill me off, and I'm as delusional as ever. Unfortunately I own only a logical plot, interesting characters that are developed over time and some other stuff. The base universe isn't mine unfortunately. Thanks as usual to Lady Starlight for her work on this chapter, for it makes sense after her passage.

Chapter 29: A Return to the Trenches.
*********************Hogwarts Express, Scottish border***********************

January 2, 2016
2:00 pm

As had become usual for the ride, the compartment was filled to overflowing with students and Familiars. In fact, it was rather good that relationships had been finalized or at least admitted to since that first, disastrous train ride this school year, as it took away the self-inflicted separation that had existed between several of the occupants. Of course the slight expansion spell on the compartment helped, but the lack of space between most of them helped more.

Harriet snored softly, as she slept on Sirius' lap, her head leaning back against his shoulder. He was propped in a corner, against the window holding her tightly in his sleep, so as she could barely move. Not that she wanted to.

Emilia looked down, smiling slightly as she rubbed along Gaheris' back with one bare foot, Harriet's Familiar made a soft contented sound and rolled over on his back, exposing his belly to her attentions. She laughed as Xander laid down on the bench he and Emilia were occupying, dropped his head on her lap and lifted his arms. She pulled up his shirt and rubbed his belly. Xander kissed her leg and closed his eyes, settling down.

"I know that you are a large puppy," Rain said brightly, pausing to sigh appreciatively as Justin ran his fingertips along her side.

Emilia watched, crooking an eyebrow as her best friend's pupils elongated into cat-like slits, before Rain blinked rapidly, returning them to normal.

"But isn't that ridiculous?"

"Going into heat, luv?" Emilia replied for both of them.

Rain purred softly, leaning back into Justin as the younger Black pulled her back into him, his fingers pushing up her uniform shirt where she had yet to tuck it into her waistband. He started to rub her belly and smirked up at Emilia. Rain just grinned at her, and turned on the bench. Her eyes slowly changed, until the slits reappeared. Her skirt pushed up in the back as a black furred tail slipped out from under it, and twitched. The sides of her head, hidden under her raven's-wing locks, seemed to twitch, and a pair of cat's ears worked up from under her hair, her ears moving up until they were in the proper spots high on her head. Justin pulled her to his chest and kissed the top of her head between her ears.

"What if I were?" Rain replied, her voice slightly lower than normal, with a faint growl underlying her words. She stretched, before curling in a ball, mostly on Justin's lap. He summoned a blanket from the rack above Emilia's head, and spread it over Rain. She smiled, showing a trace of fang, and accepted a quick kiss from Justin. "He's mine..." Emilia crooked an eyebrow, and Rain closed her eyes contently, "It's not like I'm a Muggle, Em...hell, not even that long ago among my mother's people, I would have already been married." She slowly opened her eyes, "Just because you folks get your animal forms differently, you get to bury the urges more, I'm not hiding them anymore..."

Emilia let out a faint growl as her eyes changed, her eyes becoming slits, before she blinked them back, "So you are?" she let her eyes become unfocused, and answered her own question, "You are treading a thin line, Sis." Emilia said after a moment.

Rain concentrated for a breath, her features relaxing back into her normal countenance, her cat ears vanishing back under her hair, and the fangs retreating. She relaxed and snuggled her head back into his lap. "We aren't going to cross the line, yet, Em," Rain murmured, "It's not worth it..."

Justin absently brushed her hair back, revealing her once again human left ear, set with a pair of studs on the lobe, one ruby and one turquoise, and a silver ring high on the arch of the ear.

Emilia bit her lip and looked down at Xander, he kept his own council, at least to everyone else, before she looked back up at Rain. "Justin, you are sixteen in what?"

"I will be in a month or so," Justin replied, slightly defensively. "It's not like we are going to change our minds, anyway." He reached down and grabbed her hand, threading their fingers together, before he nodded over at the still sleeping Sirius and Harriet, "And how are we any different from them?" His eyes hardened, "It's not because of my dad, is it...I know that he caused your folks hell, but he's..."

"No, Justin," Emilia's face was slightly pained as she considered his comment. She looked over at Harriet and Sirius and then back to the other couple. "It's not...I'm just..." she shrugged, "I dunno..." She shook her head, and let a small smile fall onto her face, "Just don't make me an aunt for at least a few years."

"As long as you don't, sis," Rain replied laughing quietly as she met Emilia's eyes for a beat. Emilia gave her a knowing nod, and the tension, what little of it there had actually been vanished utterly. Both of them looked over as Harriet stirred on Sirius' lap, rolling slightly, but not moving away from him any more than was absolutely necessary and settled back down, tucking her head under his, and falling off to sleep again.

Emilia rolled her eyes at Rain, and looked down as she heard Xander start to snore quietly. She looked out the side window, and started to pet Hipper without even looking back as the black Kneazle settled in comfortably on Xander's belly. "They have half of the active forces out there today...just making sure."

"We won't get hit again, Em," Rain countered instantly, even as she unconsciously looked up and back towards her trunk and the hidden compartment that held her own weapons, weapons that had tasted blood years before she had ever thought they would, if even then. "They know better." She shrugged, "And it's not like Aunt Hermione and Uncle Harry don't have agents sweeping every place this train could be stopped."

A faint, tired look darkened Em's face, as she settled down on the seat, positioning Xander's head comfortably. "I know, but...I just want to get there."

*************************The Great Hall, Hogwarts**************************

January 2, 2016
8:10 pm

The Great Hall was filled with the low murmur of hundreds of conversations, of friends reconnecting after holidays, of lovers murmuring reassurances and sweet nothings, and of enemies plotting. The tables rapidly filled with students streaming in from the great main doors, stepping off the train and headed for, desperately in some cases, the sumptuous meal awaiting them.

Emilia smiled as she slipped in on Xander's arm, her head resting on his shoulder. He kissed her as she sat down, before dropping next to her, and taking her hand under the table. She squeezed it, and let her left hand rest on his leg under the table.

It's only eight, Em, Xander whispered, his eyes dancing as he looked over at her. Can't you hold on for a few more hours?

I'm better off than some, she returned, pointing with her thoughts towards Rain as she shared a rather prolonged kiss with Justin before leaving him at the Ravenclaw table and crossing the aisle to Lion country. Rain sat as Emilia looked back up towards the Head Table, I wonder where Harriman is?

Xander shrugged and poured himself a glass of juice, taking a quick sip as Dumbledore stepped to his podium and lifted his hands for silence. Unnoticed to the pair, during their side conversation and incessant flirting, the last of the students had arrived in the Great Hall from the train. A reluctant hush fell over the crowd, the students not wanting to give up their reunions for whatever minutia that Dumbledore felt he should share, it was most likely some complaint from Smythe about magic in the halls.

A rule that was obeyed in the breach more than it was actually followed.

Dumbledore smiled and nodded at the students, waiting as the last of them quieted. "Welcome back to another term at Hogwarts, I am sure that all of you look forward to diving deep into your studies...or at least the Quidditch season." A smattering of laughs. "However, as we are all not clairvoyant, I feel I should share a few reminders. First, due to recent lack of participation, the Gobstones Club will not meet this term until further notice, and due to conflicts with his schedule, Professor Black has advised me that the Potions laboratory will only be available for projects during the day or by appointment."

He looked over to his right, towards an empty seat next to McGonagall, "And finally," he added, looking back to the students, it is with much sadness, that I must announce the retirement of Professor Harriman." A soft, speculative murmur filled the hall, "Over the holidays, Professor Harriman, had a rather unfortunate run in with a rather disagreeable Manticore. Wishes for his speedy recovery can be sent to St. Mungo's care of the Albert Hellingstaff: Annoying Stings Ward."

A few students made notes but most just nodded.

Dumbledore looked towards the great doors, "However," he held one finger up, "I feel that the replacement that I have managed to procure will be acceptable to all, as he has had a great deal of experience with the more...practical aspect of the Defense Against the Dark Arts. Your new professor has been delayed somewhat, however..."

A sudden silence fell as a cloaked figure stepped into the hall, and started up the aisle between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables. Dumbledore smiled, watching as the newcomer moved briskly towards the Head Table, reached the end and climbed the short set of stairs to the raised platform. The wizard stood at the empty place setting as Dumbledore looked back to the students. The wizard reached up and lowered his hood...

"Daddy?" Harriet said quietly, her eyes widening, as she watched Ron slip his cloak from his broad shoulders to drape it over the back of his chair.

Dumbledore ignored the sudden consternation to wave with one hand towards Ron, "Professor Weasley, as many of you know, is rather experienced in this realm of study, and I feel that you all will be quite pleased with your classes."

Ron waved with one hand and nodded to the students, before dropping to his chair next to Minerva.

"Now, that that bit of necessary delay has passed, let us enjoy the feast that the Hogwarts elves have so graciously provided."

He sat and the four house tables erupted, particularly Gryffindor, as a dozen students turned to a slightly flustered Harriet as she leaned against Sirius, who was muttering something in her ear.

"No, I not know," Harriet said to the suddenly attentive table, her voice becoming more airy and relaxed as she went on, "however I am not sure about the rationality of this move...I am sure that Daddy will be excellent, though we are very near the limit of red hair in the school. I should really look into the matter, I think that I have the equation somewhere, I would hate to have to find that the wards had collapsed because of a sudden influx of Phlegons had eaten the foundation stones."

Rain snorted as Harriet nodded again, and looked away as she started to fill her and Sirius' plates, taking a goblet of juice from him without looking. Rolling her eyes, Rain shared a look with Em, who shrugged and returned to her conversation with Anna on plans for the DA. Rain sighed, and dropped her head to her palms, mouthing, "I love you," to Justin as he looked across from the Ravenclaw table.

************************Somewhere above the Artic Circle********************

January 3, 2016

"She has returned to Hogwarts, my Lord," Xavier Hamilton announced as he and the Dark One walked along a set of frozen ramparts, their steps rapping softly off the flagstones. "We will be ready to extract her when the time is right."

"Has your daughter fulfilled her task?"

Xavier watched as the faceless hood turned to him, they stopped and looked out over an expanse of ice, at a Dragon as three Death Eaters inexpertly handled it. Roaring, it snapped forward as one approached too close, and the crunch of bones carried up to the battlements. Xavier turned away, "She works on it, sire...she reports that she has an ally, one that will help keep the status quo."

"Make sure that she does, it would be...unfortunate if we had to proceed with the more unpleasant option. For her as well. Remind her that the rewards for my service are great, as are the consequences for incompetence." Xavier nodded slowly. "Very well then, move forward with the plan to remove the inconvenience, it will be easier if the field is cleared for our return."

Xavier fell silent, not meeting his Lord's eyes, "There is a problem, Sire." A dark, threatening silence. "Kendal is refusing the assignment."

"Did you remind him of the consequences to his actions? That he and his stand to undergo if he does not support us?"

"Yes, Sire, however he feels that the target would prove too...ruinous for his coven. He...respectfully refuses."

"Very well, use the alternate plan...we will deal with his insolence later."

****************************Aberdeen, Scotland****************************

January 4, 2016
11:20 pm

How do you think the kids are dealing with Uncle Ron as a professor? Hermione whispered across the alley, towards a dark patch of night that seemed to drink the light from a nearby streetlamp as if it were water. She slowly walked down the old, tattered cobblestone street, adding a slight saunter to her walk as she pulled the collar of her fake fur coat around her throat, and stopped.

Harry shrugged invisibly, I doubt that it's phasing them one way or another. He snorted silently at something, as he watched Hermione pull at the hem of her white fur coat, that hung at her mid-thigh, somewhere below the skirt that the coat hid from view.

Why am I always the one freezing her arse off in an entirely too short skirt on a dark street in the middle of winter? She pouted slightly and stomped her foot towards the shadow that he was in, before she started walking again. Hermione turned away slightly as a car slowed down. It sped back up, and she sighed, looking down at her feet as they stepped over something in on the trash-strewn sidewalk.

Bullocks, Harry replied, You have at least half a dozen skirts that short; you share them with your daughter, Hermione. He grinned invisibly, And besides, you have much better legs than mine.

I'm glad you noticed. Hermione paused, as a dark shape stepped out onto the street from a dimly-lit alley and started down the street, headed towards her. She frowned and sighed silently, I got him; she growled and slowly started to saunter towards the newcomer. She looked over as another walker started towards the man, and she suddenly had an urge to be elsewhere.

I'm sorry.

You should'll have to make it up to me.

As long as you wear those boots.

Hermione hid a grin as she looked down, unconsciously, at the form-fitting black leather boots that reached her knees, before she looked up at the stranger reached her, "Lonely tonight, luv?" she asked brightly, letting her coat gap open to show the tight white shirt and skirt that barely reached past her bum in the back, and occasionally showed a flash of white as she moved. "Would you like a bit"

The stranger smiled slowly, letting his eyes pan down her body, and never letting them rise above her throat. "I think that would be brilliant," he replied, "why don't you follow me up to my flat, and we can see if we can keep each other company." He motioned towards a door several trash-strewn steps up from the street.

Hermione smiled and nodded, preceding him towards the door. She did hide a shiver as she felt his eyes on her arse, as she stepped up the slightly uneven stairs.

A shadow detached from the deeper shadows down the street and started towards them, his feet making no noise on the street, and every eye seeming to turn away as he stalked towards the doorway where the stranger unlocked the door with a large, brass key and ushered Hermione inside with a hand on the small of her back.

The shadow's hands clenched at his sides as the door closed behind Hermione, with a faint snap.

A few moments later, Hermione looked back, smiling faintly, as she stood in the living room of a basement apartment. The apartment was in much better repair than the outside might have indicated. A long, soft leather couch filled one wall, sitting in front of a wall-sized plasma screen displaying a random moiré pattern. Thick, soft carpet cushioned her feet as she slowly looked around the room, noting a tall, floor-to-ceiling set of bookshelves, with several quite old volumes filling them, including a, if she was right, a possibly first edition Alice Through the Looking Glass that Hermione rather thought might be worth the building.

"Why don't you make yourself comfortable, luv?" he asked in a soft voice, and she shuddered as a faint tremor of something raced down her spine.

"Alright," Hermione replied with a shiver that was not at all faked, looking across the room.

The tall man from the street, who in the soft light provided by several candles and a single table lamp across the room, looked rather too pale for his hair that was, if possible, even darker than Harry's, smiled at her and slowly crossed the room. Stepping up behind her, he slipped the coat from her shoulders and tossed it onto the couch. He let his hands slip up and down her arms, as he leaned close to her ear, bending down from an advantage of several inches over Hermione's relatively small frame. "Why don't you take off those boots, we wouldn't want them to get in the way..." The voice held a soft command, somehow booking no dispute.

Hermione just smiled, her eyes slightly glazed as she bent at the waist as he stepped back. The rear of her skirt slipped up, exposing the majority of a set of tiny white silk knickers, and she slowly started to unzip the side of her boots, first the left and then the right, stepping out of them to languidly straighten, a good two inches shorter than before. Her feet sunk in the carpet almost to the tops of her feet as she slowly looked back over her shoulder.

She gasped as she found glinting fangs and glowing eyes meeting her gaze. He flitted across the room and slammed her against the wall, holding her back against the wall with seemingly only the pressure of his hand on her throat. "Wha...wha..." Hermione whimpered, "D...don't hurt me..."

"It won't hurt much," he replied as he let his other hand run along her side.

"Not her, anyway," a quiet baritone, replete with dark promise said from somewhere in the room.

The vampire turned, and froze, his hand slowly slipping from Hermione's throat, as he found a pair of round lenses glowing from the light of the twin emerald eyes that they aided, under a shaggy mop of wind-tossed black hair. "Oh. Bloody. Fuck...."

Any further exposition was lost as he flew backwards through the air, smashing into the plasma screen in a shower of sparks. He looked across, and finally recognized Hermione, as she smiled and padded over to him on bare feet as he bounded back to his.

A fist flashed towards her face, and passed it as she leaned slightly to the side, and reached up, pivoting on her heel and flinging him to the side, sending him tumbling back through the air to crash upside down onto the couch.

"Honestly, Erig..." she said as he flipped backwards off the couch.

He darted to the door, his body leaving a faint after image only to crash backwards again.

Harry stood in the door, his arms crossed as Erig Secundus forced his way to his feet and hissed at Harry like a cat.

The vampire went utterly silent as an icy whisper of silver pricked his throat, and a trail of cool blood slid down his neck. "Done?" Hermione whispered as her hand darted up
and tangled in his hair, jerking him down to his knees, with her dagger still at his throat. "Because, we are about to stop playing."

He nodded and Hermione stepped away, wiping the tip of her blade on his clothes as she passed to stand next to Harry. She spun on her heel and resheathed her dagger behind her back in a briefly-visible sheath.

"What do you want?" Erig snapped.

"Acting affronted is rather presumptuous, don't you think," Hermione growled, "after all, if I had been the Muggle bird you thought I was..." She rolled her eyes as he slowly sidled towards a still-intact end table with a closed, small drawer.

Suddenly, he dove towards the table suddenly only to have a ball of blue fire snap past his shoulder, vaporizing the table and whatever weapon he had in there, in a white flash, and he looked back towards the Potters to find Hermione casually bouncing a glowing blue ball of plasma in her hand.


He sighed heavily and nodded.

"Excellent," Hermione closed her hand around the energy ball, reabsorbing it. "Tell us about who orchestrated the attack on the train..."

"What?" he sputtered, as his already pale face went whiter, and he seemed to try to gather himself for another charge. "That was..."

"We know that someone is in country, someone powerful," Hermione said very quietly as she stalked over to stand to one side, and let her hand fall to a wand that appeared on her thigh. She slowly pushed up the hem of her skirt to rest her hand on the carved, vine grip of her old friend, and held his eyes until he looked away to just not meet Harry's gaze.

"Ask Deirdre," he replied instantly, "I don't know anything."

"That's interesting," Harry spoke up, "because we were told to speak to you."

"We know that you-arrange-things for the community," Hermione added as she walked over to where her boots sat abandoned on the floor, picked them up, and continued onto the couch. She dropped onto the couch and started to pull them back on, "We know that you supply blood, weapons, drugs, alcohol...pets, to some of the, shall we say, more eccentric members. If you don't know, then you know who does."

He frowned, and glanced between them quickly. A calculating look filled his eyes, "What is there in it for me...if I knew something, that is?"

Hermione looked up and back at Harry, sharing a quick eye roll. "My husband won't decapitate you, that's basically what's in it for you."

Harry let his right hand dangle down next to his leg, and a silver bar of steel seemed to grow from nowhere.

"Now who is the new player in town, all of you are too reticent to talk for it to be a minor, nobody."

"If I tell you, then you will let me go?"

Neither of the Potters said a word.

He sighed, "There is a...major Vampire in country, an elder that is in conflict with many of the others."

"We know all that," Hermione said impatiently. "Now tell us what we don't know."

"He is in direct conflict with the council, rumors say that they tried to keep the children of several of his coven along with the cubs of his beholden...Rumor says he decapitated one of the elders and ran, though I don't quite believe that myself. He's supposed to have cut a deal with a few of the Eater remnants. "


"Not sure, I've never been outside of England, and despite what you might think, we don't all know each other." He looked away, considering something, "I did arrange something for a group that might have been with him last fall..." Hermione crooked an eyebrow. "Not that, you think I'm daft, No one, in handled that train attack, in fact I know a few out of Bristol that were approached to do some prep work for it, that told them to go to hell, rather took stones considering it was that Bella bitch."

"Did you at least meet this vampire?" Harry growled.

"No, only met someone working for him, some huge bloke named Lucian, could smell the were on him a mile off. He arranged for blood and meat, that's it, odd it was, they insisted that all the blood and meat be cow or pig, or from a blood bank. Even when I told them we could get...volunteers." He looked between them again. "So can I go?"

"To the Ministry," Harry replied flatly, "we never promised otherwise."

Erig roared and sprung at Hermione, only to catch the back of her heel and be driven half through the drywall across the room. Her eyes glowed brightly as she took several deep breaths and wobbled slightly on her feet.

Harry looked up at her, from where he crouched next to the fallen vampire, and finished restraining his hands and feet with silver shackles. You alright, Mione? he whispered tenderly.

She shook her head as she wrapped her arms around herself, I think I'm starting to channel Luna...this place...this...thing, I think I'm going to be sick, Harry.

Go home, Mione, I'll be along in a bit.

She nodded and walked over to him, gathering her coat on the way. She leaned up and kissed him quickly, leaning into him for a long moment before she vanished silently.

Harry sighed, and closed his eyes for a moment, before reaching into a pocket of his long coat and pulling his mirror. He flipped it open, "I need a trash pickup." Two minutes later, as he watched the vampire start to stir, and he fingered his sword, a quiet ripping sound filled his head as a Ministry Ward Breaker crushed the substandard wards surrounding the building, and four Wizards appeared out of nothing in the trashed room.

Wendel looked over at Harry, as he waved the tech he had brought with him, to start searching. "I got this, Harry."

"Alright," Harry replied, he looked down, "send this piece of shit to the lockup, I doubt anyone will try to break his arse out. I'm going home, don't call us until next Saturday." Wendel nodded as Harry shook his head on final time and vanished.

*************************Godric's Hollow*********************************

January 5, 2016
12:25 pm

Hermione shook slightly as she reappeared in the cozy bedroom at the Hollow, and wrapped her arms around herself. She looked over at a soft sound to find Winky looking back at her, as the elf set a pile of folded laundry on a chair for Harry or Hermione to finish putting away.

"Would Mi...Hermione like a nightcap?" Winky asked softly, as she looked up at Hermione from the floor. She frowned faintly and looked around the room, looking for something, possibly some toy Panka had abandoned, and then back up at Hermione.

"No, Winky, I'm ok, I'll see you tomorrow."

Winky nodded and vanished with a faint POP.

Hermione took a breath and bent down, undoing her boots and tossing them at her closet, upsetting the clothes that Winky had just set next to there, but not caring really as she walked to her dresser and set her wand and sheathed daggers on top. With another shake of her head she reached down and back, unhooking her skirt and letting it fall to the floor, before skinning out of her knickers as well.

She dropped her shirt to the floor as she walked back to the bed and crawled in it, sitting with her back up against the headboard and drawing her knees up to her chest. A blanket floated up from the foot of the bed to wrap around her shoulders.

Brown eyes looked up from behind a loose curtain of curls as Harry returned with a whisper of displaced air. She blinked slowly as he toed off his boots and sat on the bed next to her. Hermione crawled into his lap without a word, wrapping both of her arms around him as she hid her face in his throat.

Harry reached around and pulled the blanket back around his wife.

I don't want Em to have to do this, Harry...Come home and feel like burning her clothes cause some piece of dragon dung soiled them...

He'll not do anything, Mione...

You locked him should have immolated him. She snuggled closer, as if she was trying to burrow under his skin, I just want to go to sleep, Harry.

He kissed the top of her head, Whatever you want, Love. Harry gently picked her up, and set her down on the bed, and drew the covers over her. He slid out of bed, as Hermione rolled over on her side, watching him as he undressed and headed to the bathroom. She stared at the doorway as the sound of running water reached her ears and then cut off.

The almost habitual heated look that filled her eyes as she watched him stalk back to her, softened slightly as she took in, once again, the faint scars that crossed his body, light lines against the slightly darker skin. She held the covers up for him to slide in, and then moved over as he laid on his back next to her, draping her body half over his, as she rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

Better, Mione?

She nodded without lifting her head, Yeah, I'm good right here. After another moment of silence, she wiggled in place, and kissed his neck, I'm tired of reacting, Harry, I want to go after them, it's just so frustrating. And it's bloody Tonks' turn in the barrel next time.

I know, and we'll take pictures...lots of pictures next time Tonks is on the street.

Hermione smiled, Cool, she needs to freeze her arse off for a change...It sucks that we didn't really learn anything.

We got a name.

Yeah, I suppose, though honestly, I'm not sure how much that name will actually help, I know of at least three weres on the watch list with that first name, and there are probably a few more. A silent yawn, Night, Harry, love you.

Night, Love, Harry replied, even though she was already asleep. The ceiling did not answer any of his silent inquiries as he stared up at it past the occasional random chestnut curl. It'll be alright, Mione, I promise.


7:55 am

A vague, happy smile filled Harriet's face as she watched Sirius walk away with Justin, Virginia and Kris, the four fifth years headed for Transfiguration. He turned at the corner and waved back at her, and caught the kiss she blew him, before he continued on at Virginia's urgent pull on his sleeve.

"You've got it bad," Rain told her smugly and pulled on the sleeve of her robe, to pull the redhead in the opposite direction, towards an appointment with Charms, and its diminutive professor.

Harriet looked over at her, "Yes, I suppose so...though he does snog superbly. He should be rather good in the sack in," he eyes lost focus, as she counted the days in her head, "in ninety-four days, that is."

"You have it counted to the day?" Rain snorted. Harriet just continued to look at her, and Rain giggled quietly, "Yeah, only twenty-seven for me."

"I hate Em," both girls muttered feelingly and laughed at each other. The hall gradually became crowded as more and more students headed to classes, ready, or at least resigned to starting the day. Harriet paused as she dug into her bag, looking for an errant tube of gloss.

"Congratulations," a female voice said lowly and Harriet looked up to find Naomi leaning against the wall ahead of her and Rain, directly in their path to the Charms classroom. "I know when I am beaten," she added with a small, idle smile, "I'm sure that you two will be happy."

Rain bristled for Harriet as Harriet returned the smile, "Thank you, Naomi," Harriet said, and started forward. "We will be." Naomi nodded and took a step towards them, headed back towards the Great Hall, when her loose uniform shoe caught on something and she stumbled forward, catching herself on Harriet.

A sudden, sharp sting came from the back of Harriet's head as Naomi staggered in passing and a ring on her hand caught in Harriet's hair. "Oh, I am soo sorry." Naomi looked up as a distant chime came through the castle, a warning chime to get to class. "I need to get to Herbology." She half ran around the corner, vanishing from sight, and Rain looked to Harriet with a shrug.

"What the hell was that all about?" Rain asked rhetorically, and Harriet shrugged as she grabbed Rain's hand to pull her into motion, and the pair sprinted towards Charms, just as Flitwick appeared at the door with a faint frown on his face and a pocket watch in his hand.

"Sorry, Professor," they chorused, and slipped past him into the Charms classroom, moving to the front where they dropped into seats on Emilia's left side, Xander was already writing down something from the board on her right.

"What the hell took you two so long, get lost?" Emilia whispered, as Flitwick walked towards the front of the classroom, the click of his cane carrying throughout the large classroom.

"We had a run in with Naomi," Rain explained. She shrugged as Emilia turned to them, "I have no idea, she was congratulating Harriet."

"That's just..."

"I would like to start class now, Miss Potter," Flitwick said from near the table as he passed, and Emilia instantly looked forward sheepishly, nodding to him. He shook his head and walked towards the head of the class, even as Emilia was busy writing a note that read, "We will talk about this later."

A/N: There you go, we're back post the Book of Pandering, and to misquote Trelawney, "Stronger and more Powerful than Ever. Before anyone asks, I have yet to read the book, I know what supposedly passes for a plot, so I'm not in a great hurry to get to it. I have better things to do with 4-5 hours of my time. Next chapter, a plot to crush a heart, a mysterious affair and possibly sexually suggestive actions.

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