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Eventualities of a less than normal gang by Rosali

Eventualities of a less than normal gang


So, like I said in the story SUMMARY, this was originally created for the "7 `fore 7" challenge, and despite I only got round to writing one and a half of the stories, I'd like to finish this challenge.

There will be seven ficlets, divided into three stories, which are specified below.

Enjoy! And please R&R, I LOVE reviews


Title: I still owe you a love song (Theme: The fluffy first kiss)

Type of fic: One-shot

Summary: Harry makes a promise to Hermione on a silent night at Hogwarts… and he has never broken a promise to his Hermione.


Title: (Intro)mission

Type of fic: Three-shot

1st part - A twist of fate (Theme: Make your favorite PKY ship work in


2nd part - Mission… not accomplished (Theme: A prank)

3rd part - Glitter (Theme: "You cannot expect me to wear that!)

Summary: When Draco decides the Dark Lord's reign has nothing good to offer for the future, he tips the balance to the side of light and allows his last year at school to be the best; especially when Ginny decides she is a better pranker than her brothers and takes up a mission but doesn't measure her victim up. This will end up with a VERY different result than what she originally planned.


Title: Eavesdropped!

Type of fic: Three-shot

1st part - Gold for my ears! (Theme: Write yourself into a fic)

2nd part - What do you mean by that? (Theme: Confusion over a muggle


3rd part - The article and the bug (Theme: Prophet article full of mistakes)

Summary: An intruder outside the trio's house causes mayhem while trying to get her story.
